Course Outline for 1-Day Workshop on Leadership That Gets Results Page 1 MASTERCLASS ON “INSPIRATIONAL & TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP” Best Practices on Leading and Engaging Your Workforce OVERVIEW OF 1-DAY MASTERCLASS The biggest challenge facing leaders today is the changing world that wants a new paradigm of leadership. The new reality involves the shift from stability to change and crisis management, from control to empowerment, from working in silos to collaboration, from uniformity to diversity, and from a self-centered focus to a higher ethical purpose. In addition, the concept of leader as hero is giving way to that of the humble leader who develops others and shares credit for accomplishments. These dramatic changes suggest that a philosophy based on control and personal ambition will probably fail in the new era. The challenge for leaders is to evolve to a new mindset that relies on human skills, integrity, and teamwork – the hallmarks of Inspirational & Transformational Leaders. Inspirational & Transformational Leaders use intellectual as well as emotional capabilities to guide organisations through turbulent business environments and help employees feel energized, motivated, and cared for in the face of rapid change, uncertainty, and job insecurity. Leaders can expand the capacities of their minds and hearts through conscious development and practice. Inspirational Leaders understand the importance of emotional intelligence. Emotionally intelligent leaders can have a positive impact on organisations by helping employees grow, learn, and develop; creating a sense of purpose and meaning; instilling unity and team spirit; and basing relationships on trust and respect, which allows employees to take risks and fully contribute to the organisation. Leaders develop a team’s emotional intelligence by creating norms that foster a strong group identity, build trust among members, and instil a belief among members that they can be effective and succeed as a team. The Transformational Leader thus takes every opportunity and will use whatever works to convince others to climb on board the bandwagon. In order to create followers, the Transformational Leader has to be very careful in creating trust, and their personal integrity and humility is a critical part of the package that they are projecting themselves as a Leader. Many managers mistakenly assume that leadership style is a function of personality rather than strategic choice. Instead of choosing the one style that suits their temperament, they should ask which style best addresses the demands of a particular situation. Research has shown that the most successful leaders have strengths in the following emotional intelligence competencies: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skill. There are six basic styles of leadership; each makes use of the key components of emotional intelligence in different combinations. The best leaders don’t know just one style of leadership—they’re skilled at several, and have the flexibility to switch between styles as the circumstances dictate.

CEE Synopsis for 1-Day Masterclass on Inspirational Leadership 20 Dec 2015

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Page 1: CEE Synopsis for 1-Day Masterclass on Inspirational Leadership 20 Dec 2015

Course Outline for 1-Day Workshop on Leadership That Gets Results Page 1


Best Practices on Leading and Engaging Your Workforce

OVERVIEW OF 1-DAY MASTERCLASS The biggest challenge facing leaders today is the changing world that wants a new paradigm of leadership. The new reality involves the shift from stability to change and crisis management, from control to empowerment, from working in silos to collaboration, from uniformity to diversity, and from a self-centered focus to a higher ethical purpose. In addition, the concept of leader as hero is giving way to that of the humble leader who develops others and shares credit for accomplishments. These dramatic changes suggest that a philosophy based on control and personal ambition will probably fail in the new era. The challenge for leaders is to evolve to a new mindset that relies on human skills, integrity, and teamwork – the hallmarks of Inspirational & Transformational Leaders. Inspirational & Transformational Leaders use intellectual as well as emotional capabilities to guide organisations through turbulent business environments and help employees feel energized, motivated, and cared for in the face of rapid change, uncertainty, and job insecurity. Leaders can expand the capacities of their minds and hearts through conscious development and practice. Inspirational Leaders understand the importance of emotional intelligence. Emotionally intelligent leaders can have a positive impact on organisations by helping employees grow, learn, and develop; creating a sense of purpose and meaning; instilling unity and team spirit; and basing relationships on trust and respect, which allows employees to take risks and fully contribute to the organisation. Leaders develop a team’s emotional intelligence by creating norms that foster a strong group identity, build trust among members, and instil a belief among members that they can be effective and succeed as a team. The Transformational Leader thus takes every opportunity and will use whatever works to convince others to climb on board the bandwagon. In order to create followers, the Transformational Leader has to be very careful in creating trust, and their personal integrity and humility is a critical part of the package that they are projecting themselves as a Leader. Many managers mistakenly assume that leadership style is a function of personality rather than strategic choice. Instead of choosing the one style that suits their temperament, they should ask which style best addresses the demands of a particular situation. Research has shown that the most successful leaders have strengths in the following emotional intelligence competencies: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skill. There are six basic styles of leadership; each makes use of the key components of emotional intelligence in different combinations. The best leaders don’t know just one style of leadership—they’re skilled at several, and have the flexibility to switch between styles as the circumstances dictate.

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Managers often fail to appreciate how profoundly the organizational climate can influence financial results. It can account for nearly a third of financial performance. Organizational climate, in turn, is influenced by leadership style—by the way that managers motivate direct reports, gather and use information, make decisions, manage change initiatives, and handle crises (See Figure 1 below). There are six basic leadership styles. Each derives from different emotional intelligence competencies, works best in particular situations, and affects the organizational climate in different ways. Each style has a distinct effect on the working atmosphere of a company, division, or team, and, in turn, on its financial performance. The styles, by name and brief description alone, will resonate with anyone who leads, is led, or, as is the case with most of us, does both. Commanding leaders demand immediate compliance. Visionary leaders mobilize people toward a vision. Participative leaders create emotional bonds and harmony. Democratic leaders build consensus through participation. Pacesetting leaders expect excellence and self-direction. And coaching leaders develop people for the future.

Figure 1 Results-Based Leadership Framework

Organisations need leaders to visualise the future, motivate and inspire employees, and adapt to changing needs. Our research indicates that, with the right leadership development support including executive coaching, those with leadership potential can be developed into outstanding leaders. Emotional Intelligence competencies are perhaps the most challenging for leaders to develop effectively and yet it is the one that often has the most impact. As leaders rise through the ranks of an organisation, their profile becomes more visible to employees and their increased power can have subtle and direct ramifications. Since leaders lead people, the style with which you do it is important. It must truly represent you, fit with the situation, the results you wish to achieve and the people you hope will follow your lead. In truth, having a particular style is not as essential to being a leader as having a vision of what could exist, being committed to the vision, bringing great energy to realising that vision and having people to support you.1

1 Sattar Bawany, “Leadership That Gets Results” Human Capital Vol. 10 Issue 4, published by Singapore Human Resources Institute, July 2012. http://www.cee-global.com/6/publication

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Putting Employees Always Leadership is all about the ability to have impact and influence on your followers so as to engage them towards achieving results of your organisation through both Ontological Humility and Servant Leadership & Level 5 Leadership Styles blended with elements of Socialised Power/Social Intelligence Competencies2.

Putting the customer first has been the mantra of many companies for a long time. But however correct the mantra may be, perhaps it’s time to question the wisdom of it. Some companies already have, that is, put the customer second, after employees. The results are surprising and enlightening – engaged and contented employees and companies cited for their best practices. Moreover, customers are satisfied. This Workshop presents an operating model and proven approach for putting employees first.

Steady, long-term competitiveness requires an organization to be committed to putting employees first and developing quality training programs that are linked to its strategic objectives. Without a true commitment to the employees at all levels throughout an organization, the journey to enhance organizational performance will be an elusive adventure. Quality employees equate to organizational success. Unqualified and poorly trained employees equate to organizational failure.

An organization’s employees have always made the difference between a truly successful organization and a mediocre entity, but it’s amazing how often managers overlook or discount this fundamental recipe for economic survival. Organizations with cultures that focus on their people and that invest in their future will in the long-run, be more competitive than cultures that view employees as mere costs to be reduced in times of trouble. Extensive published research including from CEE own consulting engagement, have resulted in the understanding the organization that plans every action around its employees will thrive in the marketplace.

How to improve employee loyalty is one of today’s most difficult problems that troubles business leaders. Research has consistently shows that by putting employees first you can actually deliver your promise of customers first. If you do not put the employee first – if the business of management and managers is not to put employee first – there is no way you can get the customer first.

We have found that the Employees First approach produces far more passion than any motivational or recognition program. Why? Because it proves that management understands the importance of the work being done by the employees in the first place. It demonstrates that we are actively helping them in ways that make it easier for them to do their jobs. It shows that we trust them to do what needs to be done in the way they believe it should be done. And it shows that we respect them for the value they bring to the company. We give them understanding, help, trust and respect–which are the drivers of employee engagement.

2 Sattar Bawany, “Building High Performance Organisations with Results-based Leadership Framework” in Leadership Excellence Essentials, Issue 11.2014 (November 2014). E-copy available as a download at: www.cee-global.com/6/publication

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LEARNING OUTCOMES This intensive managerial leadership training program combines proven-in-action techniques with peer interaction help the participants to:

Gain a clear understanding about the context for leadership today’s in inspiring the workforce in a changing world

Understand the Emotional Intelligence (EI) competency framework Make the link between Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Effectiveness Understand the repertoire of leadership styles that can impact employee engagement Understand the best practices to impact and influence employees to achieve

performance goals and enhance organisational climate Appreciate how effective leadership can influence behaviour, goals, decision–making Develop a SMART Leadership Development Plan

MODES OF TEACHING AND LEARNING This workshop will employ a combination of teaching methods to foster both critical thinking and cooperative and active learning. The workshop will incorporate both traditional and interactive methods of teaching, including the use of video materials, published literature and articles, case studies, etc. Participants will be required to apply the course materials to current issues within their organizations. Participants will be expected to participate actively in a series of in classroom activities, such as seminars, case-study analyses, role-playing exercises and debates. As part of the Pre-Workshop Preparation, participants will be required to review set of Readings related to the theme on Leadership Effectiveness and Emotional Intelligence.

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1-DAY COURSE OUTLINE Session Outline/Activities

1. Introduction & Objectives

Introduction & Checking-In Review Workshop Objectives Setting for Collaborative Session: S.C.O.P.E Approach Group Discussion: Learnt on Executive Derailment

2. What’s the Role of Inspirational Leaders?

CEE Results-Based Leadership (RBL) Framework Too Many Bosses/Managers, Too Few Leaders Syndrome Group Exercise: Energizing Self, Energizing Co-Leaders and

Energizing the Whole Organization

3. Developing Your Emotional Intelligence

Harvard Video: Daniel Goleman on Social & Emotional Intelligence Individual Assessment: ‘How Emotionally Intelligent Are You?’ Goleman’s & BarOn’s Framework of E.I Competencies Individual Exercise: ‘Amygdala Hijack

4. Leveraging Your Leadership Styles

Situational Leadership Approach Review of HBR Article: ‘Leadership That Gets Results’

Goleman’s Six Leadership Styles Video Case Study ‘Crimson Tide’ provides participants with real-

life scenarios where a leader adapts his leadership style as the situation calls to suit the needs of his team.

5. Coaching Your Team to Success

Importance of the Coaching Style of Leadership Development of Managerial Coaching as a Leadership Competency The GROW Model of Performance Coaching Group Exercise: Managerial Coaching in Practice

6. Summary and Personal Leadership Development Plan

Review of the Key Concepts and Models Individual Exercise: Crafting a SMART Leadership Development

Plan for the next 90 days Recommended Post Workshop Readings

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Appendix I: Master Facilitator’s Bio – Professor Sattar Bawany Professor Sattar Bawany is Chief Executive Officer of the Centre for Executive Education (CEE Global). He is also the Managing Director as well as Master Executive Coach & Facilitator with Executive Development Associates (EDA) Asia Pacific. CEE is the exclusive Strategic Partner of EDA in Asia Pacific. Prof Bawany is also concurrently the Strategic Advisor & Member of International Professional Managers Association (IPMA) Board of Trustees and Governing Council. He has over 25 years’ international business management experience, including 15 years in executive coaching, group facilitation, and leadership development and training with global management consulting

firms. In addition to his business and consulting career, Prof Bawany has over 10 years of concurrent academic experience as an Adjunct Professor teaching senior executives international business strategies and human resource courses at various leading universities. He is currently the Adjunct Professor of Strategy with the Paris Graduate School of Management (PGSM) and Adjunct Professor, Curtin Graduate School of Management of Curtin Business School.

Prof Bawany is an Adjunct Faculty of Harvard Business School Publishing Corporate Learning who partners with clients to create world-class leadership development solutions for managers at all levels in global organisations and governments. He is a member of the Duke Corporate Education (CE) Global Learning Resource Network (GLRN).

Prof Bawany has assumed various senior management roles including Managing Director/Country Head and Talent Development/Coaching Practice Leader for DBM Asia Pacific as well as Business Leader, Organisational Effectiveness/Leadership Development Consultant and Executive Coach with Mercer HR Consulting, The Hay Group, The Forum Corporation and Mercuri International. Prof Bawany is an astute advisor to executives who need to know how they are perceived and want to focus on what is most important in their professional and personal lives. He has coached a range of leaders, from CEOs, to senior vice presidents, and high potential managers. His current work in organisations focuses on encouraging individual initiative and leadership from a systemic perspective in order to achieve clearly defined business results. His specialty is effectively linking people processes to business outcomes. His approach to executive coaching encourages new insights into the key capabilities and unique strengths needed to sustain practical behavioural change over time, resulting in the executive’s enhanced self-awareness, better decision making, and continuous performance improvement. He is a Graduate of Corporate Coach U and a Licensed Coaching Clinic Facilitator. He is certified in the administration and application of various psychometric instruments. He holds an Executive MBA and a Bachelor in Business Administration (Marketing). His Doctoral Research is on ‘The Impact of Executive Coaching on the Personal & Professional Development of Leaders”. Prof Bawany is a Fellow of International Professional Managers Association (IPMA) and The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM). He is a Professional Member of the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) and the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). He is also a Practicing Member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and International Association of Coaching (IAC).

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Appendix II: Corporate Profile of CEE Global About Centre for Executive Education (CEE) The Centre of Executive Education (CEE) is a premier network for established human resource development and consulting firms around the globe which partners with our client to design solutions for leaders at all levels who will navigate the firm through tomorrow's business challenges. CEE has established strategic partnerships with International Professional Managers Association (IPMA) and Executive Development Associates (EDA) as well as a network of Affiliate Partners across the globe. CEE faculty, consultants and executive coaches headed by our founder & CEO, Prof Sattar Bawany, are highly credentialed with extensive experience to help managers and executives who are being positioned for future career growth. They are authors, leaders, and each possesses an enormous passion for the success and growth that executive development and coaching can bring to our participants. CEE suite of executive development programs includes talent management & succession planning, management & leadership development, executive coaching, CEO and board mentoring and advisory services. CEE together with our Strategic and Affiliate Partners helps corporate leaders and small business owners optimize their performance and accomplish their business and professional objectives. To maintain competitive advantage and sustain success in a fast-changing business environment, we believe organizations must identify, nurture, and prepare the next generation of high-performance leaders for excellence. About Executive Development Associates (EDA) CEE is a Strategic Partner of Executive Development Associates (EDA) which is established in 1982. EDA is a leader in creating custom-designed executive development strategies, systems and programs that help organizations build the capabilities needed to achieve their strategic objectives. Executive Coaching is one of CEE and EDA’s Best-Practice Solutions that delivers a one-on-one growth and development opportunity and produces real business results in a short period of time. EDA customizes coaching to meet the individual’s specific needs and matches the leader with the most appropriate coach. EDA also strategically links the coaching goals to the organization's business strategies. Executive Coaching facilitates individual learning and development for leaders in order to increase the velocity at which business results are achieved. In all of our executive coaching engagements, a collaborative partnership is created between the executive (coachee), the organization, and the executive coach. Executive Coaching Services

Coaches for C-Suite Executives: CEOs and direct reports

Coaches for Executives and Leaders all the way down the leadership pipeline.

Embedded coaches in internal action learning, high-potential or executive development programs to gain real-time exposure of executives.

Coach-the-Coach Internal certifications for internal or external coaches for a specific organization. This ensures that coaching across the organization is aligned with the businesses strategic objectives and the coaches all follow a similar process.

Design and coordination of organization-wide executive coaching programs to ensure an effective use of the company’s resources. Coaching levels are assigned with pre-set investment amounts. Coaches are chosen and trained and processes are set for decision-making, tracking and reporting of development metrics.

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r*prasaranaPrasarana Malaysia Berhad (467220 -U)

(Formerly known as Syarikat Prasarana Negara Berhad)B-20-1, Level 20, Menara UOA Bangsar, No.5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1, 59000 Kuala Lumpur.

Tel : 03-2299 1999 / 2287 5959 Fax : 03-2299 1919 Website : www.myrapid.com.my

Our Ref : PRASARANA/GMD/013-2014

26 August 2014

Prof Sattar BawanyChief Executive Officer, CEE GlobalC-Suite Master Executive Coach, EDA Asia PacificCENTRE FOR EXECUTIVE EDUCATION (CEE)259 Tam pines CentralSingapore 915209

Dear Prof Bawany,


We would like thank you for the excellent partnership over the past year in deliveringthe executive coaching support for our Senior Leadership Team (SLT).

The "Managerial Coaching Skills" Workshop which you had successfully facilitatedhas allowed the SLT members to leverage on a fully developed coaching modelwhich enable them to immediately implement in the workplace resulted in thedevelopment of a coaching culture within Prasarana.

The Group Executive Coaching sessions as well as Individualised ExecutiveCoaching for selected members of the SLT members have raised their standards forconstructive, collaborative conversations with their respective teams, and they havedeveloped practical, business-based skills and competencies. This has not onlyshaped the individual leader's performance but also, increasingly build broaderorganizational capacity.

I highly recommend you as an Executive Coach to any organisation that requireseffective executive development support for their senior leadership team.

Thank you.


DATO' SRI SHAHRIL MOKHTARGroup Managing Director

tprasarana Group I ri prime pride r'rapidbus rapidrail

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75 Farrer Drive, 02-01 Sommerville Park, Singapore 259281

21 October 2014

Professor Sattar Bawany CEO, Centre for Executive Education Singapore Dear Professor Bawany, KEY NOTE ON “TRANSFORMING THE NEXT GENERATION OF LEADERS” On behalf of the London Business School Singapore Alumni Club, I just wanted to say thank you for being a part of our event on Tuesday, 7 October 2014 at the British High Commissioner’s residence. The London Business School Worldwide Alumni Celebration is an annual event that stretches across the globe in about 100 countries. Here in Singapore we try every year to make the evening bigger and better. And with your help we did! Thanks so much for delivering a really interesting and thought-provoking presentation on the above topic to our Alumni. It was certainly one of the highlights of the evening and we really appreciate you taking the time to share your expertise and perspective with us. I just wish we had had more time for the Q&A segment as the guests were clearly interested in and engaging with you on the contemporary topic which are relevant to the Alumni members most if not all of whom are senior business leaders from various industries across the region. Wishing you even more success in the future and hope to hear you speak again soon. Sincerely,

Vivian Pei President (volunteer) Singapore Alumni Club Mob: +65.9758.7480 [email protected] London Business School www.london.edu

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1 December 2011

Prof Sattar BawanyStrategic AdvisorIPMA ASIA PACIFIC259 Tampines CentralSingapore 915209

Dear Prof Bawany


From the beginning, the fellow participants and I expected to gain from the experience, but never didwe anticipate the tremendous amount of insight, knowledge, and practical tools that my seniorleadership team and I learned.

There is no doubt in my mind that this leadership development program would not have been assuccessful without the benefit of your excellent facilitation and delivery skills. our leadership team werea bit hesitant at the initial mention of "consultants," but they soon discovered that you did not tell uswhat to do; rather they led our senior leadership team and me through a process of learning andanalysis, helping us to develop a sense of self-awareness in each of us.

Most importantly, as a results of the impactful program content (and the accompanying knowledge andskills) on Emotional Intelligence, Effective communication styles and the GRow Managerial coachingModel, we have learned how to effectively lead, develop, and coach our people and ensure that ourworkforce is aligned with the company,s core value.

I would whole-heartedly recommend IPMA and yourself to any company who is serious aboutstrengthening their leadership bench strength and is willing to be introspective, honest, and open-minded about i t in the process.

Warmest regards

Desmond ChanManaging DirectorMenlo Worldwide Logistics, South Asia

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