The Next Generation of Online Casting Casting to the People

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The Next Generation of Online Casting

Casting to the People

Actors told us what they want, to have their audition actually seen. Casting directors told us they want, to be able to put roles online without having to look

through thousands of bad submissions. We solved both problems.

Casting to the People Mission

Our Mission: Ensure that the best talent has a chance to be seen for any role.

Current online casting tools are poorly designed and hard to use. They also don’t offer any filtration which means casting director get thousands of inappropriate submissions and great submissions get lost in the noise.

Casting to the People Problem


We are expertly designed to be easy and even fun to use. Talent auditions directly from their mobile device, pays per audition, and then has a chance to

earn free Casting Coins (audition credits) by voting up top submissions.

Casting to the People Solution

Casting to the People is the only casting tool that measures talent’s online following across multiple social media platforms and displays their aggregated reach in a simple to understand

score -Social Circle- which makes finding and casting online influencers easy and intuitive.

Casting to the People Online Influencers

Benchmarked the API at 20,000 transactions/second @5% of CPU

Casting to the People Tech Stack

Our patent protects both of these revolutionary features

Casting to the People Secret Sauce

Our process of “crowd-curation” where those who are applying also vote on other’s auditions will help weed out the bottom 80% of submissions !

We are the only casting app that factors in Online Influencers by having talent login in through Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

According to PwC study the entertainment industry is a $2 trillion a year industry !

*Bureau of Labor Statistics **Casting Society of America (CSA) and Casting Director Poll Data

Casting to the People US Only Market Size

85,000 Jobs in 2014* !

Casting Directors average 2,000-7,000 actor submissions for every role they cast.** !

Avg. # of submissions per year = 382,500,000

(87,000 applied to be an extra on Game of Thrones alone)

Talent pays $3 for each audition they submit to any role !

Casting to the People Revenue Model

Listing just 5% of roles (4,250) at the average submission rate (4,500)


19,125,000 Submissions !

$3 $57,375,000 Annual Revenue !

Because we have patent pending technology that allows studios to cast from a much larger pool and even identify online influencers, we are a natural

acquisition fit for any company investing large sums into online content

Casting to the People Exit Strategies

Google Acquires Admeld for $400M Admeld optimized online advertising by leveraging online influencers, our tool does the same. !

Amazon Acquires ILoveFilms for $317M ILoveFilms was an innovator in the entertainment space that Amazon wanted as it pushes forward on its goals of becoming a major content creator. Our ability to help them cast online influencers makes a lot of sense for them. !

Yahoo Acquires Right Media for $850M In acquiring Right Media, Yahoo hoped to find new solutions in maximizing online distribution and online ad revenue. Casting online influencers achieves both these.

Leveraging the existing institutions will help Casting to the People reach the maximum number of existing talent.


Casting to the People Market Adoption

Aiden is a member of the largest acting union, SAG-AFTRA which has 160,000 members !

We have partnered with the largest casting agency in both NY and LA, Central Casting !

We have a meeting scheduled with the largest casting director union, Casting Society of America

In our first couple weeks we have seen dramatic growth in users with our “Give a Coin Get a Coin” feature. Each user has had on average an exponential growth of X3.6 users.

Meaning we have managed to grow to over 5,000 users within the first few weeks and continues to grow….

Casting to the People User Acquisition

We expect market adoption to increase as we begin actual PR efforts and word of mouth builds more trust in this new-comer brand.

Casting to the People Current Traction


Week 1 Week 2 Week 3Current User Growth

Observed Submission Ratio !

5,535 users X 1 role X .67 conversion= 3,708 submissions/month

Year 1 Projections !

250,000 users X 100 roles X .25 conversion= 6.25 million submissions/month

Revenue Projections !

250,000 users X 100 roles X .25 conversion= 6.25 million submissions X 12 months X $3 =

$225 Million


Month 2 Month 3 Month 4Projected User Growth

Casting to the People What Got Us Here

Built Full Team

1 year of On-Set

rapid prototyping Beta Tested

April 2013 June 2014 Sept 2014

Fully Functional App built

Events series launched

Grew Social Media to


Grew to Over 5K


Signed on Several

Major Casting Directors

Oct 2014 Jan 2015 Present

Established Advisory


What sets Casting to the People apart from so many apps is that the CEO spent a whole year on sets in NY and LA interviewing actors to better understand the

problem and to test market possible solutions. This is not version 2.0 it’s version 32.0

Casting to the People What’s Next

Expand operations to LA

Implement Observed Upgrades

to Tech Begin PR Efforts

April 2015 June 2015 July 2015

Begin Strategic Partnership

with SAG

Research the Problem

Test Market Solution

with Actors

Test Market Solution

with Casting Directors

Build Group of Early


Build Fully Functional


Launch App and

Grow Users

Scale like Crazy

Begin Strategic Partnership

with Central Casting

Begin Marketing Efforts

Onboard All Major

Casting Directors

Aug 2015 Sept 2015

Major Publicity Push with Success


Casting to the People Funding

Raising a $500,000 initial round of fundraising Current Round Use of Proceeds $100,000 committed $400,000 remaining

-Launch LA Office -Incorporate Vine and Instagram API’s -Implement Casting Director notes to their Interface -Develop Android -Add pre- IOS8 compatibility -Marketing/PR !!

Casting to the People Team

Casting to the People Advisors