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C2d,E Metal Props, Extraction And Scrapping

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Page 1: C2d,E Metal Props, Extraction And Scrapping

C2d Extracting Pure Copper

• Pure copper is very useful. It is used to make ________ for

conducting electricity and __________ for plumbing.

• Copper is extracted from an ore called ___________________.

• An ore is a rock that contains a ______________________.

• The copper compound in malachite is _______________________, CuCO3.

There are 2 reactions taking place here:

1. The malachite reacts with the heat:

copper carbonate copper oxide + carbon dioxide

2. The copper is not yet pure and the ________________ needs to be removed.

Carbon is more ___________________ than copper and takes the oxygen

away. This is a ___________________________ reaction.

Copper oxide + carbon copper + carbon dioxide

The copper that is produced is _________________, it contains traces of carbon

and other precious metals that were also in the malachite. To purify the copper it

undergoes ___________________________.

Page 2: C2d,E Metal Props, Extraction And Scrapping

The Purification of Copper by Electrolysis

• Electrolysis is the decomposition of a compound using electricity.

Reaction at the cathode:

Cu2+(aq) + 2e- Cu(s)

Reaction at the anode:

Cu(s) Cu2+(aq) + 2e-

• Mining the malachite and then processing it to produce pure copper requires a lot

of _____________________ and costs a lot of money.

• It can be cheaper to recycle copper because it only uses 15% of the amount of

energy. This also means that less __________________________ is used up

which conserves resources and it reduces ______________________ emissions

which lead to global warming. It also conserves supplies of _________________.

• However, there are disadvantages to recycling copper.

e.g. Local councils do not collect copper for recycling.

Anode (+) : impure copper

Cathode (-) : pure copper

Copper sulphate : electrolyte

(aq) = aqueous

(s) = solid

Page 3: C2d,E Metal Props, Extraction And Scrapping


• An alloy is a mixture of a ______________ with other elements.

e.g. brass, bronze, solder, steel and amalgam

name of alloy main metals in the alloy Use of alloyamalgam




• The properties of an alloy are _________________ to the properties of the

metal from which it is made. These properties make the alloy more useful than

the pure metal.

e.g. Brass is _____________ than copper or zinc. Brass is used for

door handles but copper and zinc would not be strong enough.

Smart Alloys

• Some alloys are ___________________ because they have a ____________

memory. This has increased the number of uses for alloys.

e.g. ______________ - alloys made from nickel and titanium

• A straight piece of nitinol wire can be bent into the shape of a paperclip.

When it is placed in hot water or an electric current is passed through it, it

goes back to being a straight wire.

• A use for this is the frames for glasses.

Page 4: C2d,E Metal Props, Extraction And Scrapping

C2e Cars

To include:1. The materials used to build them2. Recycling materials from cars3. The advantages and disadvantages of iron over aluminium


1. Carry out Experiment C2e.1 to investigate the conditions needed for rusting to take place.

2. Carry out the experiment and write it up

3. Answer the questions on the sheet

4. To check that you understand what is happening in each test tube answer the questions below:

1. Explain why test tube B contains boiled water covered in oil. Give as much detail as you can.

2. Explain why test tube C contains calcium chloride. Give as much detail as you can.

anhydrous calcium chloride

salt solutionwater boiled

wateracid water acid



Page 5: C2d,E Metal Props, Extraction And Scrapping

The Chemistry Behind Rusting

• ______________ is the only metal that rusts.

• For iron to rust, it must be in contact with _____________ and __________.


• Iron is being ____________________ in the reaction above so rusting is an

example of an ___________________ reaction.

• ___________________ and ______________ accelerate rusting.

• Cars in the UK corrode ___________________ than those in Mediterranean

countries because the Mediterranean climate is much ___________ where as

the UK has more __________________ in the air (rain).

• Aluminium does not corrode in moist conditions because it has a protective

layer of ______________________ which does not flake off the surface.

Comparing the properties of aluminium and iron (steel):

Property How does Aluminium compare to Iron (and steel)Density

Magnetic property

Electrical conductivity




Corrosion in moist air

* Steel is much harder and stronger than pure iron which is why it is used to make cars

Page 6: C2d,E Metal Props, Extraction And Scrapping

A table to show some advantages and disadvantages of using steel and aluminium

Advantages Disadvantages



So, a car built from aluminium instead of steel will be:




What materials are used to build cars?

Metals include: Non-metals include:

For each of these materials you need to be able to say where it is used in a car and

why. Fill in the table on the next sheet to show that you can do this.

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What are different materials used for in cars and why?

3 spaces have been left so that if you think of any other materials that are used, you

should make a note of them.

Material What does it make in a


Why is this material used for this








Discuss the problems of disposing of cars.

When we have finished with a car it is difficult

to dispose of it. There are two ways to dispose of a car:

Page 8: C2d,E Metal Props, Extraction And Scrapping

1. Landfil

Cars can be crushed and thrown into landfill sites

Disadvantages: 1.


2. Recycling

Disadvantage: The problem with recycling is that cars are made from a number

of different materials (see previous page) and they need to be ____________

before recycling can take place. In particular, it is time consuming to separate

all of the different ________________.

Advantages: 1.


Note that at the moment a lot of metals are melted down and recycled but most of the other materials go to landfill



The European Union has passed a law saying that a minimum of _____ of the

materials in a car must be recyclable. This will rise to ______ by 2015.


The European Union has passed a law saying that a minimum of 85% of the materials in a car must be recyclable. This will rise to 95% by 2015