Year 01 – Semester 01 - 2016 Lecture 01 IM100 Business Information Systems Introduction to Business Information Systems

Business Information Systems

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Year 01 – Semester 01 - 2016

Lecture 01

IM100Business Information Systems

Introduction to Business Information Systems

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Ground Rules

• Attendance for lectures and tutorials sessions are compulsory

• Active participation and involvement are encouraged

• Your discipline during the sessions is highly expected

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Contact Person

• Module Leader: – Ms. Chathurangika Kahandawaarachchi Lecturer Department of Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Computing

• Contact: – [email protected]

• Contact hours (preferred time):– Weekdays: Announced during the lecture – Weekends: Saturday

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Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcome


LO1 Have an end-user perspective of commercial computing systems and their impact on the organization’s decision making and problem solving in a competitive environment

LO2 Use computer systems terminology fluently, including its application in describing and analyzing business situations

LO3 Describe business information systems and basic system definition, including differentiating between the system and its environment

LO4 Discuss the selection of appropriate hardware and software for use in specific applications

LO5 Differentiate between data and information and be able to apply information systems concepts to organize data in a database

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Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcome


LO6 Describe telecommnication systems and their application to business setting, including the practical use of email and Internet

LO7 Describe and differentiate between various business information systems, including transaction processing systems, management information systems, decision support systems and artificial intelligence systems

LO8 Gain a clear nderstanding of the systems developemt process; recognise the relavent martics of the various build and buy options, inclding traditional systems developemt, prototyping, end user developmet and application package acqction

LO9 Understand the impact of modern information systems on business and society, including the security and ethical problems they pose

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Lectures and Tutorials

• Course Duration– 14 weeks (12 Lectures + 1 Revision)

• Lectures– 1 × 2 hour lecture per week

• Tutorials– 1 × 1 hour tutorial per week

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SLIIT Learning Management System

• All relevant materials (module outline, lectures, tutorials, assignments, notes, announcements, etc.) are published on courseweb. – http://courseweb.sliit.lk

• Enrollment Key: IM100

• You should check the BIS page frequently

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Assessment Criteria

Assessment components Contribution to the final grade

Learning outcomes covered

Continuous assessments

•Mid-term Examination (Individual) 30% LO1-LO5

•Assignment (Group) 20% LO1-LO9

Final Examinations

•Final Examination (individual) 50% LO1-LO9

Total 100%

In order to pass the module a student should obtain an cumulative “C grading” for both continuous assessments and final examinations.

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Continuous Assessments

• Mid Term Examination– 1 hour exam – Mark contribution is 30%– MCQs and structured questions

• Study based on an information system in business– Find an IS in business– Deadline: 11th Week– Mark contribution is 20%

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Final Examinations

• Final Examination– 3 hour exam– Mark contribution is 50%

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Recommended books

• Stair, R. and Reynolds, G., (2011) Principles of Information Systems, Cengage Learning

• Piccoli,G., (2012) Information Systems for Managers: Text and Cases, Wiley

• Laudon, K.C., and Laudon, J.P., (2012) Management Information Systems, New Jersey, Prentice Hall

• O’Brien, J.A., Introduction to Information Systems, Irwin/McGraw-Hill

• Robert, C. and Nickerson., (2005) Business and Information Systems, Prentice-Hall of India

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Learning Outcomes

1. Have an end-user perspective of commercial computing systems and their impact on the organization's decision making and problem solving in a competitive environment.

2. Use computer systems terminology fluently, including its application in describing and analyzing business situations.

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Business Today

• Also known as an enterprise or a firm, is an organization involved in the trade of goods, services, or both to consumers/customers.– Invest in producing goods /providing services at a cost– Gain revenue from selling goods/services to

customers/consumers for a price

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Business Today (Cont…)

• Every business requires some form of investment and a sufficient number of customers to whom its output can be sold at profit on a consistent basis.

• Businesses may have following goals:– Profit (Bottom-line)– Growth– Market Leadership– Customer satisfaction– Employee satisfaction– Quality Products & Services– Service to Society

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Business Today (Cont…)• Businesses are challenged with: – External environment affecting its internal business


External environment

Internal environment

Cash, Borrowings and Resource Management


Increased selection and competition

Marketing and customer loyalty


Problem solving and risk management

Finding the right staff

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Business Today (Cont…)

• Further; these challenges and opportunities are also visible: – Worker Productivity– Quality Emphasis– Responsiveness to the Marketplace– Globalization– Outsourcing– Communication Fluidity and Ubiquity– Offshoring– Partnering– Social and Environmental Responsibility

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Business Functions

• Your turn… – Think of a product/service business– Identify its business functions– Identify their players– Identify the links to each other

• What businesses do?– DELL’s business functions

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Business Functions

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Impact of IT in Business

• Competitive advantage– Communicate easily regardless of distance (worldwide)– Communicate easily regardless of the time (24x7)– Discover new markets

• Reduce costs– Paperless working environment– Easy and speed data access– Reduce operation cost

• Increase reliability and accessibility– Store large volume of data– Easy and speed data access– Eliminate human errors– Easy data access by customers

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Information Systems

• A combination of hardware, software, databases, infrastructure, telecommunications, procedures and trained personnel organized to facilitate planning, control, coordination, and decision making in an organization.

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Trained Personal












Business Professionals

Information Systems

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Computer-Based Information Systems



NetworkDatabase Procedure


The above components working together to collect, process, store, analyse data to produce and disseminate information for a specific purpose

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Your turn…

• Write ten names of information system you know of…

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Learning Outcomes

1. Have an end-user perspective of commercial computing systems and their impact on the organization's decision making and problem solving in a competitive environment.

2. Use computer systems terminology fluently, including its application in describing and analyzing business situations.