theGeniusWorks.com Brands that Do More Peter Fisk

Brands that Do More

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Peter Fisk's keynote from the 2010 Marketing Forum on how brands need to do much more for people ... and business

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Brands that

Do More

Peter Fisk

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to the new business world

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Slowly emerging ...

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... from the wreckage of

economic crisis

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Welcome to a different world

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Where There is no going back

to “normal”

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Where people’s attitudes

and priorities

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... Have changed

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A world that is Emerging

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With uncertainty and fear

... but also with hope

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With new challenges

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With new challenges

And opportunities

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Where power has shifted

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From Business to Consumer

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From Business to Consumer

From big to small

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Where Expectations are high

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Trust is low

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And Loyalty is rare

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And business needs to learn

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And business needs to learn

To work in new ways

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And for brands?

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The challenge is even greater

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But so are the opportunities

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If you think differently

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What do consumers want

From brands today?

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How can do brands

do more for them?

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Two turbulent years ...uncertainty


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hope theGeniusWorks.com

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3.1% Growth

But where?



in 2009



in 2009



in 2010



in 2010


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E7 Nations Women






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Old consumers

$1.2 trillion in

5 years

Youth consumers

$1.6 trillion in

5 years

Female consumers

$2.2 trillion in

5 years


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Ageing (big business) ... Artvertising (ads need to do more for you) ... Brand alliances

Bioplastics ... eBooks (eventually come of age) ... Business models (in every sector)

CHIME nations ... Creative charities ... Crowdsourcing (research, design, communicate)

Debt ... Device convergence ... Digital nomads (wandering in a virtual world)

Energy (where the brains are focused) ... Social Entrepreneurs ... Extreme weather

Fairtrade ... Fractional ownership ... Fuel cells (where the venture capital is focused)

Genetic-based services ... GPS devices (the power of mobility) ... Graffiti fashion

Happiness (yes, it really is the new priority) ... Healthcare revolution ... Reid Hoffman

Identity protection (you, your brand, your reputation) ... Inflation ... Islamic finance

Fashion jewellery ... Multi jobbing ... Jumpsuits (yes, they're back with Stella McCartney)

Knowledge clouds ... Korean brands (the new innovation leaders) ... Kazikstan

Licensing ... Life caching ... Location-based marketing (when and where are customers)

Managing complexity ... Meaning (making sense, adding purpose) ... Micropayments

Nanotechnology (from cleaning to clothes) ... Neural networks ... N11 nations

Obesity (whilst half the world still starves) ... Oil prices ... Cautious optimism

Personalisation ... Pop-up retailing (no longer a fad, serious business) ... Privacy

InQBox (fantastic Japanese retail concept) ... Quantum computing ... Quebec online

Realness ... Rental culture ... Responsible business (more than the environment)

Self publishing ... Simplicity (the biggest trend of all) ... Space tourism (Virgin Galactic)

Tablet computers (just wait for MacWorld 2010) ... Tweeting ... Two-speed economy

Unemployment ... Urbanisation ... User generated (from Current TV to Threadless)

Viral rage (customer complaints just went global) ... Virtual Hybrids ... Volatility

Water scarcity ... Wild weather ... Women consumers (growing faster than China)

Generation X ... X-Prizes (space travel to electric cars) ... XL accessories

Yang Du (Shanghai cool) ... YouTubevertising (one that works) ... Mohammad Yunus

Zespri Gold (amazing kiwis) ... Zipcars ... Zopa (business model for future banking)

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Brands need todo more

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Considered Meaningful














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Brands need to

do more for people

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Seeing brandsDifferently1

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1Seeing brands


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Brands areAbout people2

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Brands areAbout people2

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3Enabling people

To do more

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Enabling peopleTo do more3

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Tapping intoAspirations4

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Tapping intoAspirations4

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Engaging peopleMore deeply5

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Engaging peopleMore deeply5

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RedefiningYour context6

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RedefiningYour context6

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Enabling youTo do more too7

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Enabling youTo do more too7

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“Few businessesunlock the power

of their brands”

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From brand as






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to brand as






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“Brands put

in the universe”a ding

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How can you do more

with Brands

That do more?

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The new spaces for

future growth

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The new ways to



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The new platforms

For design and


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Did the world change?

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Or was it just a crisis?

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Will consumers go back

to normal?

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or is there a “neW normal”?

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As power shifts

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As power shifts

from west to east

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As power shifts

from west to east

big to small

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As power shifts

from west to east

big to small

business to consumer

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Who will people trust?

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not brands ...

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Who will they be loyal to?

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Each other

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Connected and Intelligent

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But what else

has changed?

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from conspicuous to cautious

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from conspicuous to cautious

from thoughtless to thoughtful

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from conspicuous to cautious

from thoughtless to thoughtful

From extrovert to introvert

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So where are the white spaces?

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People are more considered

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They think about the consequences,

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They think about the consequences,

they think about alternatives,

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They think about the consequences,

they think about alternatives,

they give a shit

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People are more resourceful

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They want to do more themselves,

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They want to do more themselves,

to do more with less,

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They want to do more themselves,

to do more with less,

to be enabled

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People are more human

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They are more individual,

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They are more individual,

they care about themselves,

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They are more individual,

they care about themselves,

and want to be happy

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They are more individual,

they care about themselves,

and want to be happy

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People are more participative

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They want to be part of it,

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They want to be part of it,

to give more and shape more,

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to do more together

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People are more escapist

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They want to escape from it all

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They want to escape from it all

to express their personality

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in little ways

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The new whitespaces

For brands

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Emerging and evolving

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The new opportunities

to do more

for people

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By thinking about brands


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Creating brands about people

Not about ourselves

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Enabling them to do what they

Never thought possible

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Creating a better world

And a better business

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As Pablo Picasso said

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Times of turbulence are

the most exciting times ...

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... Because everything

gets shaken up

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noW’s the time to Rethink

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To create a brand

That does more

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Be bold

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Be bold

Be brave

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Be bold

Be brave

Be brilliant

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November 2010