Branding in the nth Dimension (Systems Theory in Branded Markets)

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The purpose of this presentation was to introduce market researchers to nonlinear systems theory in the context of branded markets by helping them to visualise the systems they work in every day. NOTE: Read the notes along with each slide to get the maximum out of this deck. NOTE: SlideShare screwed up some of the formatting on certain slides (word bubbles, font size, squashed images, etc.). Bad SlideShare :(

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Page 1: Branding in the nth Dimension (Systems Theory in Branded Markets)


Page 2: Branding in the nth Dimension (Systems Theory in Branded Markets)


Page 3: Branding in the nth Dimension (Systems Theory in Branded Markets)


Sources: Feldwick, P. 1996. “What is brand equity anyway, and how do you measure it?” International Journal of Market Research, Vol.38, No.2, 1996 | Aaker, DA. 1996. “Measuring Brand Equity Across Products and Markets”. California Management Review, Vol.38, No.3, Spring 1996, pp.102-120

Page 4: Branding in the nth Dimension (Systems Theory in Branded Markets)

4Source: Axelrod, J. 1992. “The use of experimental design in monitoring brand equity”. Proceedings of the ESOMAR Seminar, “The challenge of branding today and in the future”. Brussels, October 1992, pp.13-26

Page 5: Branding in the nth Dimension (Systems Theory in Branded Markets)


Page 6: Branding in the nth Dimension (Systems Theory in Branded Markets)

6Source: Dimensions, Chapter 2; URL: http://www.dimensions-math.org/Dim_CH2_E.htm

Page 7: Branding in the nth Dimension (Systems Theory in Branded Markets)


Brand Equity

Page 8: Branding in the nth Dimension (Systems Theory in Branded Markets)



Perceived value Brand personality Organisational associationsDifferentiation

Page 9: Branding in the nth Dimension (Systems Theory in Branded Markets)


Page 10: Branding in the nth Dimension (Systems Theory in Branded Markets)

10Source: Gribbin, J. 2004. “Deep Simplicity: Chaos, Complexity and the Emergence of Life”. Penguin Books.

"Left to their own devices, systems (even one as simple as a marble in a mixing bowl) tend to sink to a state of minimum energy and maximum entropy - provided there is no input of energy from outside." [Gribbin, 2004] A low energy state equates to a stable state, of the kind described by Ehrenberg for brands

Page 11: Branding in the nth Dimension (Systems Theory in Branded Markets)


"The state that systems settle into is called an attractor. In the example shown, the attractor is a single point at the bottom of the bowl. But an attractor can also be a spread-out region, as in this illustration. The marble on the hill is bound to roll off into the valley, but everywhere in the valley bottom is equally attractive." [Gribbin, 2004] Different brands come to rest in different basins, or stable states. These basins collectively represent the landscape of the market, where the depth of each brand’s basin represents the size of its market share.

Source: Gribbin, J. 2004. “Deep Simplicity: Chaos, Complexity and the Emergence of Life”. Penguin Books.

Page 12: Branding in the nth Dimension (Systems Theory in Branded Markets)


Brands can be thought of as operating in a multi-dimensional space (i.e. a ‘market’). Thus, in order to derive an accurate measure of brand equity, we need to measure as many of these dimensions as possible [Image source: Wikipedia]

Source: Space-time, Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space-time )

Page 13: Branding in the nth Dimension (Systems Theory in Branded Markets)


A Lyapunov map gives us a 2-d idea of the various areas of relative stability (i.e. maxima and minima) in a system

Page 14: Branding in the nth Dimension (Systems Theory in Branded Markets)

14Image Source: http://cdn.webecoist.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/tree-leaf-fractals.jpg

Page 15: Branding in the nth Dimension (Systems Theory in Branded Markets)


is also a 2-d representation of a multi-dimensional shape…


Page 16: Branding in the nth Dimension (Systems Theory in Branded Markets)


Markets are not static. They are dynamic systems that ebb and flow in bursts and crawls between basins of stability

Page 17: Branding in the nth Dimension (Systems Theory in Branded Markets)


Non-linear sciences allow us to visualise branded entities in multiple dimensions, in a way similar to our understanding of how bodies orbit around each other in our solar system (a 3-dimensional scenario) [Image source: Wikipedia]

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Brand Equity

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Page 20: Branding in the nth Dimension (Systems Theory in Branded Markets)


Page 21: Branding in the nth Dimension (Systems Theory in Branded Markets)



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Page 22: Branding in the nth Dimension (Systems Theory in Branded Markets)















Page 23: Branding in the nth Dimension (Systems Theory in Branded Markets)



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Page 25: Branding in the nth Dimension (Systems Theory in Branded Markets)



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Page 27: Branding in the nth Dimension (Systems Theory in Branded Markets)



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Page 29: Branding in the nth Dimension (Systems Theory in Branded Markets)


Page 30: Branding in the nth Dimension (Systems Theory in Branded Markets)

30Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4XXItJYFKA

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Page 32: Branding in the nth Dimension (Systems Theory in Branded Markets)

32Source: Feldwick, P. 1996. “What is brand equity anyway, and how do you measure it?” International Journal of Market Research, Vol.38, No.2, 1996.

“When we look for an operational definition of brand equity,

we are asking the wrong question.

Brand equity is

necessarily a vague concept, like ‘personal health and fitness’, or ‘a sound economy’.”

“These concepts imply general questions: how well are we doing now? How well can we expect to do in the future?

Such questions

are not answered fully by any one measure.”

“At certain points in time, one or more measures may be of crucial importance – such as cholesterol level or inflation. But there is also a danger

that continuing to concentrate on one measure to the exclusion of others creates its own problems (low inflation leads to unemployment; low cholesterol diets cause depression).”

“Brand equity needs to be approached in the same spirit.”

~ Paul Feldwick

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