Branding A City

Branding A City

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What are great cities made of and how can we create a brand new city and build it like a brand.

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Branding A City

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“Nations are like human beings, the most respected

ones are those that have a great soul..

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“a lifetime of passion and persistence is what creates an enlightened soul

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When it comes to cities there are cases of meticulously planned cities becoming

dream destinations while at the same time there are cities that went through

natural evolution with society and became iconic.

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The city of the world- New York

What makes NY the symbol of vibrant life

A case of Natural Urban Evolution

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• History- – the city of the immigrants

• Demographics– Diverse age and ethnic mix

• Advantages– Thriving diversity of Culture

• Little Italy in NY• The china town

– Freedom to practice – culture, religion, art– Thriving economy – port city, businesses

• Branding– Mayors initiative – city budget for marketing

• Iconic cultural branding• I love NY

• Projected City Brand – The big apple

Key Facts

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One of the Best Destinations to Live, Visit and Work

A case of Planned Social Harmony

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History • A case of good governance – best public policy and urban planning

example in the world

Demographics – Multi ethnic and Multi religion

Results 8% economic growth Lowest infant mortality rate in the world 95% literacy, highest performing in math and language test avg

in the world. No homeless or no slum areas Highest avg. life expectancy 79 years No political instability or war conflict Environment management- 85 % clean air, 100% clean water Culture- performing arts, theater, museums ,

Key Facts

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• Branding Initiatives– Iconic cultural branding

• Singapore Airlines• Tourism Singapore

• Projected City Brand – East meets west –harmony of culture and

religion, first world country in one generation

– City of water – from water dependant to self sufficient to intellectual capital of water management

– City of Gardens – greater bio diversity than USA- 00.8% of its size

Key Facts

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Key Learning from the Two cities

The Body




The Spirit




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The Branding Pyramid

The Soul

The Emotional IntangiblesCulture



The Functional Rationales Livability

Legality and Policies




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Branding Values Matrix for a City Brand

Emotional intangibles

Functional rationales

The heart

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“The real essence of a city comes from its inhabitants

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Defining the Creative Class

Creative Class or Idea Workers , by Richard FloridaCarnegie Mellon University Economist

A social segment identified as a an important population group which is The foundation of modern socio economic theories.

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The difference between the Creative Class and the other classes, referred to as the Working Class or Service Class, is that the latter are paid to execute

according to plan, while the Creative Class are primarily paid to create, to ‘think’ for a living, and have more flexibility than the other classes do.Idea


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The core of the Creative Class is a broader group of creative professionals in business, finance, law, health care, and related fields.

This group engages in complex problem solving that involves a great deal of independent judgment and requires high levels of education and human capital.

Idea worker

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The world economy is moving from

industrialization to service sector

20 % of the workforce creative 80%

of the economic value

Attract the talent, the corporations

will follow them there Why are the important?

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So what will take it the creative class to embrace a new city?

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The functional rationales will be generic and will become tangible as development progresses so let us focus on the emotional intangibles

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For example

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