Is BANT Still Relevant? BANT: Is it Still a Useful Tool for B2B Lead Qualification? Christopher Ryan [email protected]

BANT - Is it Still Relevant?

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This presentation discusses whether or not BANT is still a useful tool for B2B lead qualification as well as provides six tips for transitioning from BANT.

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Is BANT Still Relevant?

BANT: Is it Still a Useful Tool for B2B Lead Qualification?

Christopher [email protected]

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To refresh your memory, BANT stands for:

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To refresh your memory, BANT stands for:

B - Budget

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To refresh your memory, BANT stands for:

B - Budget

A - Authority

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To refresh your memory, BANT stands for:

B - Budget

A - Authority

N - Need

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To refresh your memory, BANT stands for:

B - Budget

A - Authority

N - Need

T - Timing

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For some time these factors were considered the four criteria that best demonstrated whether an individual or company was a qualified lead and not just a raw

inquirer or possible future prospect.


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In a push marketing environment, BANT is a very useful tool for ensuring that sales reps are working with qualified leads.

Push Marketing

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Drip Marketing

Inquirers who are currently unqualified can be put back into the drip marketing pool.

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Measuring Success

BANT gives the marketing and sales departments a good way to measure their B2B lead generation success.

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Measuring Success

BANT gives the marketing and sales departments a good way to measure their B2B lead generation success.

Since sales departments shouldn’t be dealing with, or even seeing raw inquiries, the amount and cost of qualified leads is typically a more important lead metric.

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Why Drop BANT?

One of the many reasons to drop BANT is because it assumes that you have a telephone conversation with the prospect.

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Why Drop BANT?

One of the many reasons to drop BANT is because it assumes that you have a telephone conversation with the prospect.

In the age of online marketing, this is not always a valid assumption.

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Why Drop BANT?

For Example:

You may collect many of your lead responses on a form that contains only the name and company email.

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Why Drop BANT?

For Example:

You may collect many of your lead responses on a form that contains only the name and company email.

You don’t collect the phone number and qualification data because you know that every additional piece of data you

require will depress response.

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Transition from BANT

So how do you handle lead qualification in a world where BANT no longer fits?

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Transition from BANT

So how do you handle lead qualification in a world where BANT no longer fits?

For some companies, this can be a fairly minor change – others may require a complete


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6 Tips to Transition from BANT

The following are six tips to help you transition from the BANT


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6 Tips to Transition from BANT

1. Adopt a pull marketing mentality –

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6 Tips to Transition from BANT

1. Adopt a pull marketing mentality –

• Switch your focus from outbound to inbound, offer lots of good content, and let your prospects self-qualify.

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6 Tips to Transition from BANT

1. Adopt a pull marketing mentality –

• Switch your focus from outbound to inbound, offer lots of good content, and let your prospects self-qualify.

• This will require a much higher quantity of inquiries at the top, but will make the rest of the qualification process more efficient.

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6 Tips to Transition from BANT

1. Adopt a pull marketing mentality –

• Switch your focus from outbound to inbound, offer lots of good content, and let your prospects self-qualify.

• This will require a much higher quantity of inquiries at the top, but will make the rest of the qualification process more efficient.

• Use pull marketing to dramatically reduce your cost per lead.

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6 Tips to Transition from BANT

2. Let your prospects percolate –

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6 Tips to Transition from BANT

2. Let your prospects percolate –

• Don’t try to “push them” into buying something as soon as they respond.

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6 Tips to Transition from BANT

2. Let your prospects percolate –

• Don’t try to “push them” into buying something as soon as they respond.

• But rather let them come along at their own pace.

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6 Tips to Transition from BANT

3. Promote higher-level offers

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6 Tips to Transition from BANT

3. Promote higher-level offers

• A higher-level (demo, free-trial, gift) offer is something that will entice a prospect to provide his or her phone number.

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6 Tips to Transition from BANT

3. Promote higher-level offers

• A higher-level (demo, free-trial, gift) offer is something that will entice a prospect to provide his or her phone number.

– A phone number which you can use to fully qualify the lead.

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6 Tips to Transition from BANT

4. Always provide options –

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6 Tips to Transition from BANT

4. Always provide options –

• You can’t predict where a prospect is on the on the buying cycle.

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6 Tips to Transition from BANT

4. Always provide options –

• You can’t predict where a prospect is on the on the buying cycle.

• So provide multiple options, including lower-level offers requiring only an email address.

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6 Tips to Transition from BANT

4. Always provide options –

• You can’t predict where a prospect is on the on the buying cycle.

• So provide multiple options, including lower-level offers requiring only an email address.

• And higher-level offers requiring a phone number and possible qualification questions.

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6 Tips to Transition from BANT

5. Make it easy to get in touch with you –

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6 Tips to Transition from BANT

5. Make it easy to get in touch with you –

• In the pull marketing model, you have no idea when each prospect will be ready to engage with you.

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6 Tips to Transition from BANT

5. Make it easy to get in touch with you –

• In the pull marketing model, you have no idea when each prospect will be ready to engage with you.

• But when they are, make sure there is a convenient and easy way to facilitate the process.

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6 Tips to Transition from BANT

6. Conduct some research –

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6 Tips to Transition from BANT

6. Conduct some research –

• If you are selling a high-ticket item, you can increase your lead qualification and close rates by:

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6 Tips to Transition from BANT

6. Conduct some research –

• If you are selling a high-ticket item, you can increase your lead qualification and close rates by:

o Learning about their company (via their website).

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6 Tips to Transition from BANT

6. Conduct some research –

• If you are selling a high-ticket item, you can increase your lead qualification and close rates by:

o Learning about their company (via their website).

o And the individual (via LinkedIn) before contacting a prospect.

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BANT: Drop or Keep

These B2B lead qualification principles are valid whether or not you choose to switch from

the BANT model.

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About Fusion Marketing Partners

Christopher Ryan, CEO

We Do This:

Brand building/messagingWebsite optimizationContent creationLead generation

You Get This:Much greater levels of awarenessHigher quantities of qualified leadsAbility to generate faster revenue

Lots more information at:


http://Greatb2BMarketing.com (blog)

[email protected]