1 Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks @RichardMBrooks [email protected] +44 1908 557 900 www.k-international.com TITLE Sub title Avoid Getting lost in Translation

Avoid Getting Lost in Translation

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  1. 1. 1Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks @RichardMBrooks [email protected] +44 1908 557 900 www.k-international.com TITLE Sub title
  2. 2. 2Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks HELLORichard Brooks. CEO K International @RichardMBrooks +44 1908557 900 [email protected] www.k-international.com
  3. 3. 3Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks oh what languages do you speak
  4. 4. 4Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks I leave the translation to the clever people.
  5. 5. 5Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks so you use robots to do the translation?
  6. 6. 6Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks I am fluent in over six million forms of communication Im being sarcastic
  7. 7. 7Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks so why cant you just google translate it?
  8. 8. 8Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks http://www.k-international.com/blog/google-translate/
  9. 9. 9Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks
  10. 10. 10Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks From Bric to Mint
  11. 11. 11Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks Notice the time it took to shift to the west and time it will take to shift back to the east (actually at a speed of 140 kilometres a year, the fastest in history).
  12. 12. 12Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks To download click here
  13. 13. 13Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks
  14. 14. 14Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks PAGE 72
  15. 15. 15Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks
  16. 16. 16Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks
  17. 17. 17Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks Each colour represents a billion people.
  18. 18. 18Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks More people live inside the circle than outside of it
  19. 19. 19Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks High growth economies in the digital age imply they wont go through the same growth curve as we did itll be faster. Technology, even innovation can be replicated. Population size will become more important. Developing economies will demand services faster than products. Services such as; healthcare, financial, leisure, education will be imported in. Talent will be drawn to the new economies. Governance needs to improve quickly in the developing economies. What will these economies need?
  20. 20. 20Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks Fastest growing economy in the developed world. The world wants to trade with us. The world wants our products. Outstanding talent pool. Low unemployment, low inflation. Low interest rates. Low tax. Open for business. Brand Britain is very strong. Diverse. Close ties to Europe. We have our own currency. Why is the UK so Awesome?
  21. 21. 21Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks If Im selling to you, I speak your language. If Im buying, dann mssen Sie Deutsch sprechen! Willy Brandt Former Chancellor of Germany
  22. 22. 22Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks
  23. 23. 23Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks Get it right and youll be a national hero get it wrong and at best youll be a laughing stock.
  24. 24. 24Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks
  25. 25. 25Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks
  26. 26. 26Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks
  27. 27. 27Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks
  28. 28. 28Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks
  29. 29. 29Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks
  30. 30. 30Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks
  31. 31. 31Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks Pick one which fits for you Some spend time investing in in-country resources, some use the cheapest they can find There are single and multiple language vendors, there 1st and 2nd tier vendors Some use tools, some dont. Most tools can be purchased Invest in building a partnership with your company of choice A good one will be able to help you to test your products in new markets before the big day Integrate them into the content creation process Use an agile approach to management >>> Top tips for picking a language partner
  32. 32. 32Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks COST OF MAKING CHANGES Make them early to reduce costs Stolen from Peter Reynolds (@peterrey). Although specifically about the investment in terminology can/is used to demonstrate benefits of localizing fast moving products using the Agile Method.
  33. 33. 33Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks Case Study Localization of 8000 food products 36 regions.Translation, Legal Review & Artwork.
  34. 34. 34Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks
  35. 35. 35Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks
  36. 36. 36Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks
  37. 37. 37Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks
  38. 38. 38Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks
  39. 39. 39Avoid getting lost in translation. #T10Expo @RichardMBrooks