Page No- 1 Executive Summary We gladly present you our report titled “Financial Ratio Analysis”. Our report also refers as an analytical report of accounting. We have made the report on the two listed company annual report analysis as you had given us to analyse by help of your suggestions. This report implies the companies’ activity, liquidity, solvency, profitability, valuation financial ratios that helps to get a proper picture of the companies. We have selected the company named- RAK Ceramics BD LTD & Berger Paints Bangladesh Limited. We have discussed all of the ration in the analysis & findings content. We have described the recommendation as much as possible. We believe that the knowledge and experience we gathered during the report will extremely helpful in our future professional and academic life. We will be grateful to you if you accept the assignment.

Assignment on financial statement ratio analysis

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Page No- 1

Executive Summary

We gladly present you our report titled “Financial Ratio Analysis”. Our report also

refers as an analytical report of accounting. We have made the report on the two listed

company annual report analysis as you had given us to analyse by help of your

suggestions. This report implies the companies’ activity, liquidity, solvency,

profitability, valuation financial ratios that helps to get a proper picture of the

companies. We have selected the company named- RAK Ceramics BD LTD & Berger

Paints Bangladesh Limited. We have discussed all of the ration in the analysis &

findings content. We have described the recommendation as much as possible.

We believe that the knowledge and experience we gathered during the report will

extremely helpful in our future professional and academic life. We will be grateful to

you if you accept the assignment.

Page No- 2

Table of Contents

No. Contents Page No.

1. Introduction

(i) Background of the Report

(ii) Objectives of the Report

(iii) Limitations of the Report

(iv) Methodology





2. Organisational Profile



(ii) Berger Paints Bangladesh




3. Findings and Analysis 9

4. Recommendation 25

5. Conclusion 26

7. References 27

Page No- 3

Background of the Report

We assign the report to know and analyze the current (2015 & 2015) financial situation

of two companies and discuss how to turn their financial condition into satisfactions.

This report helps us to get new experience for preparing a report. We can get a result

so that we can analyze and solve many problems.

We have used 5 categories financial ratios so that we can easily analyze the whole

financial statement of the previous years annual report of two listed companies. These

categories are-

(1) Activity Ratio- measure how efficiency a company performs day-to-day


(2) Liquidity Ratio- measure the company’s ability to meet its short term


(3) Solvency Ratio- measure a company’s ability to meet long term obligations.

(4) Profitability Ratio- measure the company’s ability to generate profitable

sales from its resources.

(5) Valuation Ratio- measure the quantity of an asset or flow.

We have assigned a recommendation part for this report so that we can discuss

financial positive and negative impact of a company. We also have tried to focus

proper comment/note for each ratio.

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Objectives of the Study

It is very important to set an objective for preparing our report. The main objective of

the report is to analyse the annual reports of two listed company- RAK Ceramics &

Berger Paints BD LTD.

So at first we have to collect the previous annual reports of two companies. We have

tried to solve accurate ratio analyse so that we can achieve our objective. The study

finds out the way haw we can analyze a report and find out the strong & weak sides of

financial situation of a company. So we have analyzed 5 categories ratio analysis

(which includes current ratio, quick ratio, cash ratio, inventory turnover ratio, payable

turnover ratio, fixed asset turnover ratio, debt-to-asset ratio, debt-to-capital ratio P/E,

P/CF etc)

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Limitations of the Study

Time Limitation: Our report submission date was 21 August 2016. We got the

presentation topic two/three weeks back. Unfortunately that was not enough time to

complete this presentation on a high note. If there was more time, we could have done

it much better.

Student Cooperation: Some Students of our class did not cooperate with us at all.

They were afraid that it is very much hard to analyze annual report. So we tried to

solve the ratios without proper helping hand.

Knowledge Gap: We did this kind of report for the very first time and it was obvious

that there will be some knowledge gap.

Absence of Necessary Documents: As it was our first time doing this kind of report

and also we do not know anyone who have done this sort of report before. Therefore

we did not have the proper documents that was needed (except annual report of 2014-


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Sources of Data: We collected data to prepare our repot from 2 types of data:-

(1) Primary Data: Primary data are measurement observed and recorded as part

of an original study. There are two basic methods of obtaining primary data-

Questioning and Observation. We have collected primary data from the

companies (RAK Ceramics BD LTD & Berger Paints Bangladesh Limited)

own websites. The companied have published their 2014 & 2015 annual

repoerts who are thought to have the desired information. So we have get

proper and efficient information from its websites.

(2) Secondary Data: Secondary data is data collected by someone other than

the user. We have collected as a secondary data from lecturer sheet and useful

webinks like Wikipedia, Slideshare (Linkedin) etc.

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Organizational Profile

RAK Ceramics BD LTD

RAK Ceramics (Bangladesh) Limited is the country’s largest and most respected tiles

and sanitary ware brand. The Company was incorporated in Bangladesh on 26

November, 1998 as a private limited company under the Companies Act, 1994 as a

UAE-Bangladesh joint venture project. It has started its commercial production on 12

November 2000. It has converted into public limited company on 10 June 2008 and

listed in the stock exchanges of Bangladesh on 13th June 2010. The Company has

anchored this position on the basis of its market-leading capacities, world-class

manufacturing technologies, high production utilization, optimized cost structures,

vibrant sales and distribution network and robust customer engagement programs.

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Products- Ceramic tiles, sanitary ware, taps and kitchen fittings, tableware, tile

adhesives, interior ancillary products.

Berger Paints Bangladesh LTD

Berger Paints Ltd is the second largest Paint Company in India and a market leader

in Industrial Paint for the past 45 years with a consistent track record of being one of

the fastest growing paint companies, quarter on quarter, for the past few years.

Headquartered at Kolkata it has 10 manufacturing units and over 110 stock points. The

company also has an international presence in 4 countries – Russia, Poland, Nepal and

Bangladesh. With employee strength of over 2,800 and a countrywide distribution

network of 25,000+ dealers, Berger is established in the sector with a varied portfolio

of paints and tailor-made customer services.

Products- Paints, Coatings, Wallpaper, Construction Chemicals and allied products.

Page No- 9

Findings and Analysis

Ratio Analysis- RAK Ceramics

Inventory Turnover Ratio = Cost of Goods Sold

Average Inventory

2015 2014


2239844230 =



=1.293 =1.773

* The inventory turnover ratio rate of 2014 is greater than 2015.

Receivable Turnover = Revenue

Average Receivables

2015 2014


580719781 =



=9.916 =9.486

* Receivable turnover ratio of two years is almost average and well. The receivable

turnover ratio of 2015 has been improved before the year of 2014.

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Payables Turnover = Purchases

Average Trade Payables

2015 2014


44500470 =



=65.098 =1121.78

*The payables turnover ratio was well times in 2014.

Working Capital Turnover = Revenue

Average Working Capital

2015 2014


289116566 =



=4.096 =19.053

*Indicates the number of times the working capital is turned over. The rate of the

ration of 2014 is well.

Fixed Asset Turnover = Revenue

Average Net Fixed Asset

2015 2014


2013734249 =



=2.739 =2.735

*the ratio establishes between fixed asset and sales. The ideal rate for the ratio is 5.

So fixed asset turnover ability is not so high.

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Total Asset Turnover = Revenue

Average Total Asset

2015 2014


9476977741 =



=0.59 =0.58

*indicates the ability of a company to use its asset. So the ratio rate of the 2 years is

not so high.

Current Ratio = Current Asset

Current Liabilities

2015 2014


3538079861 =



=1.599:1 =2.013:1

*Ideal ratio is 2:1. So the current ratio of 2014 is greater than the year of 2015.

Quick Ratio = Cash Short-Term Marketable Investments Receivables

Current Liabilities

2015 2014


4218330929 =



=0.261 =0.417

*Ideal ratio is 1:1. So the quick ratio rate of two years is not so well.

Cash Ratio = Cash Short-Term Marketable Investments

Current Liabilities

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2015 2014


4218330929 =



=0.048 =0.011

* Ideal ratio is 1:1. So the quick ratio rate of two years is not so well.

Debt-to-Assets Ratio = Total Debt

Total Assets

2015 2014


10753365565 =



=0.039 =0.044

*indicates how many assets of a company are financed by debt. So, the ratio rate of

2014 is good.

Debt-to-Capital Ratio = Total Debt

Total Debt+Total Shareholdrs' Equity

2015 2014


3789130912 =



=0.111 =0.111

*Ideal Ratio: Higher the ratio, higher the risk of default. So the ratio of 2015 & 2014

is same and well for the company.

Debt-to-Equity Ratio = Total Debt

Total Shareholdrs' Equity

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2015 2014


3368506110 =



=0.124 =0.124

*indicates the extent to which a company relies on external debt. The ratio rate of 2

years is same.

Financial Leverage Ratio = Total Asset

Total Equity

2015 2014


6038597111 =



=1.780 =1.600

*measure of financial leverage(capital structure) The ratio rate of 2 years is almost


Gross Profit Margin = Gross Profit


2015 2014


5508640000 =



=0.341 =0.358

*A profitability ratio. The ratio rate of 2 years is not so high. So it reflects fewer

efficiency in converting raw materials to income.

Operating Profit Margin = Operating Income


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2015 2014


6329964274 =



=0.169 =0.181

*Measures profitability without concern for taxes and interest. The ratio rate of two

years is average.

Net Profit Margin = Net Income


2015 2014


6329964274 =



=0.717 =0.719

* Measures the percentage of each sales. The ratio rate of two years is average.

Operating ROA = Operating Income

Average Total Asset

2015 2014


10753365565 =



=0.084 =0.111

*indicate the levels of operating profits relative to the firm’s total asset. The ration

rate of two years is almost same.

ROA = Net Income

Average Total Asset

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2015 2014


10753365565 =



=0.422 =0.418

*Indicates ability of a company to earn profit from its asset. The ratio rate of ROA is


ROE = Net Income

Average Total Equity

2015 2014


6038598640 =



=0.752 =0.669

*indicates the return to the owner on the amount invested in the business. The ROA

rate of two years is good for the company.

P/E = Price Per Share

Earnings Per Share

2015 2014


48.65 =



=13.153 =15.796

*The P/E rate of two years of the company is good.

P/CF = Price Per Share

Cash Flow Per Share

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2015 2014


45.98 =



=13.917 =17.244

P/S = Price Per Share

Sales Per Share

2015 2014


688.56 =



=0.929 =0.940

P/S = Price Per Share

Book Value Per Share

2015 2014


124.06 =



=5.158 =5.314

Page No- 17

Ratio Analysis- Berger Paints Bangladesh Limited

Inventory Turnover Ratio = Cost of Goods Sold

Average Inventory

2015 2014


1513733000 =



=9.802 =7.92

* The inventory turnover ratio rate of 2015 is greater than 2014.

Receivable Turnover = Revenue

Average Receivables

2015 2014


939573000 =



=13.056 =7.92

* Receivable turnover ratio of two years is almost average and well. The receivable

turnover ratio of 2015 has been improved before the year of 2014.

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Average Trade Payables Payables Turnover =

2015 2014


1779661000 =



=3.265 =4.065

* The payables turnover ratio was well times in 2014.

Working Capital Turnover = Revenue

Average Working Capital

2015 2014


390590000 =



=31.40 =63.40

* Indicates the number of times the working capital is turned over. The rate of the

ration of 2014 is well.

Fixed Asset Turnover = Revenue

Average Net Fixed Asset

2015 2014


1843340000 =



=6.655 =6.892

* the ratio establishes between fixed asset and sales. The ideal rate for the ratio is 5.

So fixed asset turnover ratio rate ability is well.

Total Asset Turnover = Revenue

Average Total Asset

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2015 2014


6683525000 =



=1.83 =1.93

* indicates the ability of a company to use its asset. So the ratio rate of the 2 years is

not so high.

Current Ratio = Current Asset

Current Liabilities

2015 2014


2132948000 =



=1.852:1 =1.912:1

* Ideal ratio is 2:1. So the current ratio of 2014 is greater than the year of 2015.

Quick Ratio = Cash Short-Term Marketable Investments Receivables

Current Liabilities

2015 2014


2132948000 =



=0.155:1 =0.159:1

* Ideal ratio is 1:1. So the quick ratio rate of two years is not so well.

Cash Ratio = Cash Short-Term Marketable Investments

Current Liabilities

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2015 2014


2132948000 =



=0.375:1 =0.216:1

* Ideal ratio is 1:1. So the quick ratio rate of two years is not so well.

Debt-to-Assets Ratio = Total Debt

Total Assets

2015 2014


1851418000 =



=0.819 =0.770

* indicates how many assets of a company are financed by debt. So, the ratio rate of

2015 is good.

Debt-to-Capital Ratio = Total Debt

Total Debt+Total Shareholdrs' Equity

2015 2014


1658354000 =



=0.882 =0.860

* Ideal Ratio: Higher the ratio, higher the risk of default. So the ratio of 2015 & 2014

is same and well for the company.

Debt-to-Equity Ratio = Total Debt

Total Shareholdrs' Equity

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2015 2014


1758354000 =



=0.939 =0.8112

* indicates the extent to which a company relies on external debt. The ratio rate of 2

years is same.

Financial Leverage Ratio = Total Asset

Total Equity

2015 2014


3354605000 =



=1.570 =1.594

* measure of financial leverage(capital structure) The ratio rate of 2 years is almost


Gross Profit Margin = Gross Profit


2015 2014


12267996000 =



=0.428 =0.395

* A profitability ratio. The ratio rate of 2 years is not so high. So it reflects fewer

efficiency in converting raw materials to income.

Operating Profit Margin = Operating Income


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2015 2014


10881046000 =



=0.162 =0.140

* Measures profitability without concern for taxes and interest. The ratio rate of two

years is average.

Net Profit Margin = Net Income


2015 2014


12267996000 =



=0.116 =0.100

* Measures the percentage of each sales. The ratio rate of two years is average.

Operating ROA = Operating Income

Average Total Asset

2015 2014


5346874000 =



=0.314 =0.284

* indicate the levels of operating profits relative to the firm’s total asset. The ration

rate of two years is almost same.

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ROA = Net Income

Average Total Asset

2015 2014


6339060000 =



=0.224 =0.205

* Indicates ability of a company to earn profit from its asset. The ratio rate of ROA is


ROE = Net Income

Average Total Equity

2015 2014


4038513000 =



=0.353 =0.327

* indicates the return to the owner on the amount invested in the business. The ROA

rate of two years is good for the company.

P/E = Price Per Share

Earnings Per Share

2015 2014


47.33 =



=30.958 =30.107

* The P/E rate of two years of the company is good.

P/CF = Price Per Share

Cash Flow Per Share

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2015 2014


49.69 =



=20.670 =28.678

P/S = Price Per Share

Sales Per Share

2015 2014


1472.33 =



=0.983 =0.968

P/S = Price Per Share

Book Value Per Share

2015 2014


144.66 =



=10.930 =9.850

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The next step is to find out how to turn them into batter Financial Position. In our

opinion we are recommending these:-

RAK Ceramics:

(1) Inventory turnover & receivable turnover ability should be improved further.

(2) Fixed asset turnover should be developed.

(3) Should try to increase current asset & cash.

(4) Should try to increase revenue as much as possible further.

Berger Paints:

(1) Total asset turnover & receivable turnover ability should be improved further.

(2) Fixed asset turnover should be developed.

(3) Should try to increase current asset, cash & cash investments receivables.

(4) Should try to increase revenue & operating income as much as possible further.

Page No- 26

Conclusion We have already solved the report on the financial analysis regarding analysis and total

description in the two company. As we are in ongoing process to be a business graduate

we will have to face some difficulties regarding this report in our professional life. So

we must have to know the knowledge of management in business to regard running a

business and also many aspects of business. This report will help us to meet up the

problems that we may face in future.

Page No- 27


(1) http://rakcerambd.com/

(2) http://rakcerambd.com/investor-annual-reports.php

(3) http://www.bergerbd.com/



(5) https://www.wikipedia.org/

