Assignment moezza

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CULTURE AND SUB CULTURE OF PAKISTANCulture consists of language, values, characteristics, beliefs, customs, institutions, tools, arts, religion, law, ceremonies and festivals. Pakistan has a very rich cultural and traditional background. A Pakistani culture is influenced by number of culture. Pakistan has many subcultures. It has four provinces, Punjab, Sindh, NWFP and Baluchistan. The residents of each province have distinct cultures which makes them different from other. English is the official language in Pakistan, but the national language is Urdu, which is widely spoken and understood throughout the country. Punjabi, Pashto, Sindhi, Balochi and Kashmiri and various others are the regional languages; Potohari, Sheena, Gilgiti, seriaki and etc. These Pakistani cultures have been greatly influenced by many of the surrounding countries’ cultures, such as those of Turkish, Persian, Afghan, and Indians of South Asia, Central Asia and the Middle East.

Pakistani Societies are rich with multi-ethnic and multilingual, multi-ethnic and multicultural. Though cultures within the country differ to some extent, more similarities than differences can be found as most Pakistanis are of mainly ‘Aryan’ heritage and/or have lived side by side along the Indus River for the past several thousand years and coexisted. However, over 60 years of integration, a distinctive “Pakistani” culture has sprung up especially in the urban areas where many of the diverse ethnic groups have coexisted and in many cases, intermarried. Education is highly regarded by members of every socio-economic stratum with the country now having a literacy rate of 55%, up from 3% at the time of independence.

Increasing globalization has increased the influence of Western culture in Pakistan, especially among the affluent, which have easy access to Western products, television, media, and food. Many Western food chains have established themselves in Pakistan, and are found in the major cities. At the same time, there is also a reactionary movement within Pakistan that wants to turn away from Western influences, and this has manifested itself in a return to more traditional roots, often conflated with Islam.

SUB CLASSES OF PAKISTAN A social class is a homogeneous group of people in a society formed on the combined basis of

1. Education

2. Occupation

3. Income

4. Place of residence

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And have who have similar social values similar interest in life and they behave alike have approximately equal position of respect or status in a society.

The social classes of Pakistan

1. Upper social class

2. Middle social class

3. Working social class

1.Upper social class:

The upper social class which generally have high level of income and belong to be most high paying profession and they live in most cleanest place of the country and money will be no problem for them and their size is 2% of the total society and approximately 3.7 million they have 60% to 65% of money of the country.

They are actually

1. High status leadership

2. Big business man

3. Top management of the company

2. Middle Social Class:

The USC and MSC education are met different like USC study in foreign country like oxford university and MSC are study in local university of their country but income size will found more different their houses are different their house are not huge and not think for a huge house of defense and think a house of Gulshan-e-iqbal their population is 28% out of the total population their population is 53 to 54 million of the total population

They are actually

1. They are small to medium size business man.

2. Middle management

3. Low ranking govt. officer

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And the big difference in USC and MSC is house concentration they focus more to their house but USC not so much home focus they are less and MSC lot home focus.

4. Working Social Class:

The WSC are not much more educated they are not in very accurative profession their income is low and they build one two room poorly houses, electricity not available water etc. Their size is 70% out total population of Pakistan.

They are actually

1. They are very small size shop owner. Skill, semi skill & unskilled

2. Low grade govt. staff (peons, driver)

3. Poor former

4. Political worker

