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Jenna Bolognini

Art Director

Erin Ensley


Mary Hampton Farr


Simone Rego

Account Executive


Maria Bouloukos

Assistant Acount Executive


Table of Conten t s Section 1: Research

Brand Introduction...5SWOT Analysis...6

Target Audience Summary...7Creative Brief...8

Overall Summary...9

Section 2: Planning and Strategy The Problem...11

Communication Goals...12Campaign Direction...13


Section 3: ImplementationCreative Executions...16

Measurements of Success...21Future Recommendations...24



Brand Introduc t ion


ARTini’s Open Art Studio is Kate Cook’s own way of honoring in her words, the reverence of human form. ARTini’s is an art bar that provides step-by-step instruction for imaginative and unique paintings. The detail to instruction offers an experience that is irreplaceable. Wine, beer, sodas, and bottled water are available for purchase to enhance the painting experience. The canvas, apron, and brushes are all provided to make this experience as relaxed as possible for new and returning customers. ARTini’s is also a gallery that hosts

openings for local artists. The art is rotated monthly and receptions for the artists are common. Kate values loyality among customers and enjoys when people come back and bring friends. Her goal is to give back and create an opportunity for people of all ability to truly be able to appreciate art.

SWOT Analysis


• Close to downtown and UGA’s campus• Competitive pricing• Good customer service – personal relationships with regular customers• Discounts offered through online newsletter signups and group parties • Creates paintings of local Athens landmarks, objects, symbols in addition to customized paintings for customers, per request• Don’t have to be an artist to create a painting- “anyone can do it”• Involved in social media via Facebook• Partnerships with local philanthropies

• No defined target market• Brand awareness – not many people know about ARTini’s• Several alternatives to painting that customers may seek out for entertainment (secondary competitors such as bars, restaurants, movies, a pottery studio, etc.)• Lack of social media presence other than Facebook• Peak season is solely January - April

• Kid’s parties, Greek Life, bachelorette parties, baby showers, student organizations, facility rental for events• Increase awareness through other forms of social media (Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest) • Major potential for cross-promotions with local businesses in the art, entertainment, and leisure industries• Implement a way to manage Return On Investment (customers fill out short questionnaires at store on when booking online)

• Primary Competitors: Uptown Art, Good Dirt; Secondary Competitors: other options for entertainment (bars, restaurants, music venues, etc.)• Current state of the economy forces consumers to reduce spending habits in leisure and entertainment activities• Timing (Football Season, Class Schedules, other events)• High cost of placing advertisements, not currently utilizing any advertising mediums• No collection of consumer bookkeeping or collection of consumer data base on target customers

Strengths Weaknesses

Opportunities Threats

Targe t Audience


With the current resurgence in Do-It-Yourself art and at-home “crafting” that Pinterest has helped bring about, women in Athens are trying to keep up with the latest artistic trends. ARTini’s embodies the DIY spirit while helping women and men alike build confidence

in their own painting abilities. Because of their likelihood to participate in such activities, mothers and college females ages 18-25 comprise the main target audiences for ARTini’s.

Mothers, particularly young to middle aged mothers, are constantly looking for out of home activities to do when they can squeeze in the time. Between work, children, and household duties, the mothers of Athens are incredibly busy but seek activities that aren’t too far from home yet allow them to get out with their girlfriends. They wish to engage in something that while social, is also relaxing and allows them to accomplish a piece of artwork that they could not normally do at home. Mothers also tend to have a bit of disposable income that they are willing to on worthwhile experiences that also create something tangible.

Younger women of the college age range also seek activities that allow them to unwind with their groups of friends. Even more specific within college age girls are sorority women.These ladies are heavily influenced by social media and love to keep up with their “craft” boards on Pinterest. Sorority women fill the walls of their rooms in the sorority house with art and also have to create work for their little sisters in the sorority. They communicate well with their sisters as well as the members of the other organizations they are a part of. Their social circles are large and information passes easily along them.


Key Fact: ARTini’s is an open art studio and lounge. The owner, Kate Cook, teaches step-by-step painting classes, and prides herself on the slogan “anyone can do it.” She sells beer and wine to those artists who are 21 years of age.

Problem: ARTini’s suffers from lack of brand awareness and trouble bringing in new customers. Since ARTini’s has only been established for 3 years, many people are not aware of her presence in the local Athens community. She also has a competitor right down the road,Uptown Art.

Target Market: Women ages 18-25. Young mothers and college students. Greek Life is a big target market that ARTini’s would like to tap into. Insight: I am a 22 year old college senior at UGA. I am in a sorority, and love being crafty in my spare time. I have a reasonable amount of disposable income to spend, and enjoy anything artistic and fun. I am looking for new outlets of fun- I’m so sick of the usual downtown scene and would love to find new ways to have fun with my friends. Promise: ARTini’s promises to deliver a fun and carefree painting atmosphere. Step by step instructions are given, and anyone can do it! Whether you are a beginner or expert painter, ARTini’s will deliver an unforgettable experience. Support: Selection of beer and wine available, knowledgable artists to teach calsses, step-by-step instructions, sophostocated and creative atmosphere.

Creat i ve Brief

Objective: Increase brand awareness of ARTini’s in Athens and among the selected target markets, as well as boost socal media presence online.

Overal l Summary


ARTini’s is a trendy studio gallery where customers can create their own masterpiece while enjoying beer, wine, music, and good company. While working with Kate Cook, the fabulous owner of ARTini’s Art Lounge, we focused on developing a specific target audience and increasing her social media presence. Along with this, we developed a platform that measured where ARTini’s clients were hearing about the art hub, and conducted research on females 18-25, our desired target audience. We began with the goal to increase Kate’s social media presence by first creating ARTini’s an Instagram account, which now has 162 followers. In addition to this, our team crafted a Facebook contest, featuring a picture of every sorority house at The University of Georgia. Alpha Gamma Delta won, with their sorority house picture receiving the most likes within one week! In return, the sorority received a free session to paint their personal house, tapping into our desired target audience of females 18-25. We advertised the Facebook contest by speaking at sorority chapters and promoting it through social media outlets.

Since working with Kate, she has gained research that validates not only why she should target females 18-25, but also which platform is best to reach this specific target audience. Not to mention, our team developed new strategies, graphics, and copywriting to help with ARTini’s brand recall. As a result of this, ARTini’s social media presence skyrocketed, and the company received brand awareness among their desired target audience.



The ProblemARTini’s owner Kate Cook believes that customer loyalty is a huge part of her business. She has attempted to advertise to the entire market of Athens, GA without focusing in on a promising target market. The first problem is that ARTini’s is not marketing to a group that is going to be responsive. We have to narrow in on the market that we feel is going to be affected the most, and gear our campaign towards them.

The second problem is that Kate is hesitant about advertising in general. She has used local newspapers and magazines in the past but has no way of seeing the return she is getting from these ads. Our job will be to determine where her customers are hearing about her business, and how we can most successfully determine the demographics we need to target to increase business.


Communicat ion GoalsWe determined that our target market would be young women and professionals in the Athens, GA area. Within this group we are aiming for females who more than likely participate in some type of Greek life or student organization on campus. We plan to increase familiarity with the

brand through social media, specifically Facebook contests and promotions, fliers around campus, and by creating relationships within the Greek community as well as creating a partnership with

another local business. We have a few specific areas we really want to focus on:

Increasing ARTini’s presence on social media (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) by 15%

Gaining a base of knowledge of where our customers are coming from and target more heavily to them

Reaching out to sororities on campus and create a contest for Facebook

Creating seasonal campaigns that keep promotions fresh and encourage repeat customers to come back for a new and exciting painting


Campaign Direc t ion

We are not aiming to rebrand ARTini’s. We would like to simply give them a fresh look and a new tagline in an attempt to bring in new target markets and boost overall awareness of the art studio as a local Athens business who is fun and energetic.

We are centering our campaign around the new tagline “Where Art Flows.” We would like to have our campaign stem from the creative environment that ARTini’s embodies, as this is the part of her business that Kate Cook, the owner, is most proud of. In addition to the new tagline, we would like to focus on social media advertising, since this is an effective and low-cost way to get the word out around the Athens community.

ARTini’s: Where Art Flows

Tac t ics


Prior to our involvement with the company, Artini’s was only active on Facebook and Twitter. We convinced Kate Cook, the owner of ARTini’s, to create an Instagram page for the brand where she could post pictures of the artwork amongst other things.

By linking her Instagram account with ARTIni’s Twitter and Facebook, Kate was able to quickly gain followers, increasing her brand presence. In order to promote the brand via social media, we created promotional Instagram photos advertising specials that were shared amongst her loyal fan base. In addition, we helped Artini’s launch a social media campaign targeted towards Athens-area females involved in Greek Life.

Our main tactic was a facebook contest where different sororities could compete against each other for “likes” on a picture of each of their houses. The house whose picture had the most likes won a discounted private party, free Artini’s swag, and a free portrait of their home created by Kate. We hoped this friendly competition would result in more brand awareness amongst a highly sought after target market


Creat i ve Execut ions


Facebook & Instagram Ads

Creat i ve Execut ionsFacebook “Picture Perfect”Greek Life Competition



Creat i ve Execut ionsStickers


Creat i ve Execut ionsNew Logo Design

We proposed this new logo design to Kate, the owner of ARTini’s. We decided to change her logo because her old logo featured a martini. We thought that her old logo was very misleading, because ARTini’s does not actually serve liquor, as her logo implies. ARTini’s serves beer and wine, and with this new logo design, wine is featured, which is more representative of the experience offered at this art bar and lounge. We feel that this logo is also more sophistocated and clean cut.

New Proposed LogoCurrent Logo


Creat i ve Execut ionsPrint Ad

Where art flows.Artini’s Art Lounge296 West Broad St., Athens706. 353. 8530


Measurement s of Succe ss

Facebook LikesOctober 2013: 2,742April 2014: 3,670

Twitter FollowersOctober 2013: 3,221April 2014: 3,423

Instagram FollowersOctober 2013: 0April 2014: 162

Social Media


SororityAlpha Chi Omega

Alpha Delta Pi*Alpha Gamma Delta

Alpha Omicron Pi Chi Omega

Delta Delta DeltaDelta Gamma

Delta ZetaGamma Phi Beta

Kappa Alpha ThetaKappa Delta

Kappa Kappa GammaPhi Mu

Pi Beta PhiSigma Delta Tau

Sigma KappaZeta Tau Alpha

Number of Likes on Facebook Contest3



170 6762

98 1



Total Likes: 1,162

Measurement s of Succe ss“Picture Perfect” Greek Life Facebook Competition

* winner

Measurement s of Succe ssResearch Survey Findings

81 Responses (via Google Analytics)• 32% of those surveyed say that they spend their disposable income on food, followed

by shopping (26%) and alcohol (22%). Painting and crafts supplied for 0%. • 54% of participants surveyed said that although they had not visited Artini’s, but are

interested.• After reading an explanation of the type of entertainment that Artini’s provides, 62%

of participants said that they would like to try Artini’s but only if it was affordable.• 100% of participants said that a student discount would prompt them to visit Artini’s

more often.• 78% of participants said that they would be more willing to go to Artini’s if a picture

that they took was chosen to be painted during that session.• 72% of participants would be more willing to pay for a session if there were more

paintings done of Athens landmarks.

When asked what art was meaningful for them to paint, the participants filled in these answers:• “Things I could easily use as decoration.” • “Athens related things.” • “Tasteful art... not goofy looking and not too girly.”• “Architecture rather than landscape.” • “Athens; places I’ve been; UGA; sorority stuff.” • “Inspiration; fun; florals.”



We recommend that Kate continue to remain active on all her social media sites by posting content, advertising promotions, and expanding her following. This will allow her to remain relevant and above the competition.

In addition, we also recommend that Kate consider changing her slogan from “Need to Relax? Come Paint Yourself an Artini” to “Where Art Flows.” Her current slogan is misleading, because it suggests that liquor is served, when it is not.

We also believe that partnering with local Athens restaurants and other businesses (Terrapin, music venues, etc.) could be beneficial. We hope she continues to support local non-profits (Project Safe, Athens Area Humane Society, etc.) along with other artistic event (Museum Mix).

Future Recommendat ionsKeeping ARTini’s Successful