A quarterly monitor of the most effective ads in a product category JuxtConsult AdConnect Study

Advertisement connectivity with Audience

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A quarterly monitor of the most effective ads in a product category

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Page 1: Advertisement connectivity with Audience

A quarterly monitor of the most effective ads in a product category

JuxtConsult AdConnect Study

Page 2: Advertisement connectivity with Audience

The study tells you if your ad is generating sufficient ‘consumer mass’ for the brand in the category

‘Live-test’ based ratings of ads by category audience using 12 distinct parameters that determine ‘effectiveness’ of an ad

Measuring ‘Ad Effectiveness’ comprehensivelyNoticeability and memorability (recall)

Appeal and likeability

Relevance and persuasiveness

Brand differentiation and brand preference building

Eventually measures the ‘consumer mass’ that the ad is generating is favor of the brand in the category (category mindshare)

Study Overview

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Methodology• ‘Live’ ratings of ads by category users and intended users in next 6 months

• Sample of 120-150 category respondents for each surveyed ad in the category

• Online survey conducted using a leading portal in India as well as Google search ads. Data made representative of the urban Indian population by using appropriate ‘demographic multipliers’

• Multipliers derived using authentic Govt. of India population data

• Findings and demographic profile of respondents are highly representative of current and intended urban users of the product category covering almost all SEC, age, income and town classes

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All recall based answers collected ‘unprompted’ in blank text boxes

All category level ratings collected using a ‘5 point qualitative scale’dropdown options

E.g. How much do you ‘identify’ with the ad?

Its just made for me

I somewhat relate to what is said in the ad

I can’t make out if the ad is meant for me or not

I don’t really relate to what is said in the ad

It is definitely not for me

Only the most recently run ads in the category are shown, and only to the category users/ intending users

Study Methodology

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The Ad Connect Measurement Model

Was the ad noticed?

Was the ad understood?

Did the ad appeal?

Was the message relevant?

Did it help build brand preference?

The Measures


Message comprehension

Message believability




Message relevance

Brand Differentiation

Brand Inclination

Brand Empathy

Impact on Brand Image

Brand Consideration

The Ad – Consumer Interaction Points

The Ad Effectiveness Criteria





Brand preference


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Page 6: Advertisement connectivity with Audience

Measuring & Rating SchemaLikeabilityOriginality

Audience Identification

Ad Appeal

Ad noticed and appeals

Ad Appeal Index

Message Connect

Ad is understood, relatable and convinces


Persuasiveness / Believability

Ad Persuasion Index

Brand Impact

Ad creates brand preference

Brand DifferentiationBrand Inclination

Image ImpactBrand Empathy

Brand Preference

Brand Impact Index


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Ad MomentuxTotal ‘audience mass’ generated by the ad for the brand

TOM Ad Recall

Ad ConnectAd Connect Quotient (adCQ)

Qualitative impact created by the ad on the audience

Qualitative impactof the ad

Quantitative impactof the ad

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The Derived Measures

Message Connect

Brand Impact

Ad Appeal How much is the ad noticed and appeals

How much is the ad understood, related to and convinces

How much is the ad contributing in creating brand preference

Ad Appeal Index

Ad Persuasion Index

Brand Impact Index

Ad ConnectTM Total impact created by the ad among the consumers (ad effectiveness)

Ad Connect Quotient

Ad MomentuxTM Ad Momentum Index Consumer mass generated by the ad for the brand (audience mindshare)

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Category Level Example

Candy Mouth Fresheners

September - October 2007

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Ads Tested

Chlormint Mentos Center Fresh Wrigley’s Orbit

Happydent WhiteHappydent Protex Chill Pillz Polo

Parle XhaleMinto Blue Center Shook

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Top of Mind Ad Recall

Brand Ad Top of Mind Ad Recall

Chlormint 25%

Orbit 18%

Minto Fresh 16%

Mentos 11%

Center Fresh 9%

Happydent White 9%

Pass Pass 7%

Polo 4%

Halls 1%

How much is the ad recalled top of mind for the category

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The Relative Effectiveness of the Ads

Brand Ad Ad Connect Quotient (adCQ)

Relative Index

Center Fresh 3.85 100

Chlormint 3.82 99

Minto Fresh 3.70 96

Mentos 3.22 84

Orbit 3.13 81

Happydent White 1.55 40

Polo 0.94 24

Minto Blue 0.03 1

Happydent Protex 0.02 1

Total effectiveness of the ads in connecting with the category consumers

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Current ‘Ad Momentum’ of the AdsTotal Audience ‘mindshare’ generated by the ad for the brand in the category

Brand Ad Ad Momentum(Audience Mindshare)

Ad Momentum (Relative Index)

Chlormint 33% 100

Minto Fresh 21% 64

Orbit 15% 47

Mentos 13% 39

Center Fresh 13% 38

Happydent White 4% 13

Polo 1% 4

Happydent Protex 0% 0

Minto Blue 0% 0

Page 13: Advertisement connectivity with Audience

Brand Ad Top of Mind Ad Recall

Ad Connect (adCQ) Relative Index

Ad Momentum(Audience Mindshare)

Chlormint 25% 99 33%

Orbit 18% 81 15%

Minto Fresh 16% 96 21%

Mentos 11% 84 13%

Center Fresh 9% 100 13%

Happydent White 9% 40 4%

Pass Pass 7% - -

Polo 4% 24 1%

Halls 0.8% - -

Minto Blue 0.1% 1 0%

Happydent Protex 0.1% 1 0%

Ad Momentum Summary

* Lotte Chill Pillz and Parle Xhale got zero top of mind brand recall, so could not be included in ad momentum calculations

Current Audience Mindshare

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Ad Effectiveness Perceptual Map













Brand Impact Ad Appeal

Polo Mint

Happydent White



Minto Fresh


Minto BlueHappydent Protex

Center Fresh

Message Connect

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September - October 2007

Demographic Attributes Ad Momentux Study Respondent Profile

(Sample – 948)

Census 2001 Projected Actual Urban


Gender Male 65% 52%

Female 35% 48%

Age Distribution Below 13 years Not included in study NA

13-18 years 13% 16%

19-24 years 27% 17%

25-35 years 38% 27%

36-45 years 16% 18%

46-55 years 4% 11%

Above 55 years 2% 11%

City Type Up to 1 Lakh 27% 31%

(Population Size) 1-5 Lakhs 15% 27%

5-30 Lakhs 23% 25%

Above 30 Lakhs 35% 17%

Region-wise Distribution North 30% 24%

East 8% 15%

South 29% 29%

West 33% 32%

Respondent Profile – Candy Mouth Fresheners

* Representative of 22 million urban current and intended users of candy mouth fresheners

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Respondent Profile – Candy Mouth FreshenersSeptember - October 2007

Demographic Attributes Ad Momentux Study Respondent Profile

(Sample – 948)

Census 2001 Projected Actual Urban


Socio-economic Classification SEC - A 16% 9%

SEC - B 23% 18%

SEC - C 44% 25%

SEC - D 8% 26%

SEC - E 9% 22%

Economic Status in the Family Chief wage earner 28%

Not the chief wage earner 72%

Monthly Household Income Up to Rs. 10,000 54%

Rs. 10,000 – Rs. 30,000 38%

Rs. 30,000 – Rs. 50,000 3%

Above Rs. 50,000 5%

Most Expensive Vehicle in the HH 4-wheeler 13%

2-wheeler 42%

Bi-cycle / others 15%

Don't own any vehicle 30%

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Ad Effectiveness Perceptual Map













Brand Impact Ad Appeal

Polo Mint

Happydent White



Minto Fresh


Minto BlueHappydent Protex

Center Fresh

Message Connect

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A quarterly monitor of the most effective ads in a product category


September - October 2007

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Ads Tested

Axe Rexona Fa Exotic

Set Wet Zatak Spinz SalsaNivea Aqua

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Top of Mind Ad Recall

Brand AdTop of Mind Ad


Rexona 36%

Axe 30%

Fa 11%

Set Wet Zatak 9%

Park Avenue 4%

Denim 3%

Nivea Aqua 2%

Adidas 1%

Spinz Salsa 1%

Others 3%

How much is the ad recalled top of mind for the category

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The Relative Effectiveness of the Ads

Brand AdAd Connect

Quotient (adCQ)Relative


Rexona 3.57 100

Axe 3.53 99

Fa 1.40 39

Set Wet Zatak 1.05 29

Nivea Aqua 0.18 5

Spinz Salsa 0.13 4

Total effectiveness of the ads in connecting with the category consumers

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Current ‘Ad Momentum’ of the AdsTotal Audience ‘mindshare’ generated by the ad for the brand in the category

Brand AdAd Momentum

(Audience Mindshare)Ad Momentum

(Relative Index)

Rexona 49% 100

Axe 41% 84

Fa 6% 12

Set Wet Zatak 4% 7

Nivea Aqua 0% 0

Spinz Salsa 0% 0

Page 23: Advertisement connectivity with Audience

Brand AdTop of Mind Ad

RecallAd Connect (adCQ)

Relative IndexAd Momentum

(Audience Mindshare)

Rexona 36% 100 49%

Axe 30% 99 41%

Fa 11% 39 6%

Set Wet Zatak 9% 29 4%

Park Avenue 4% - -

Denim 3% - -

Nivea Aqua 2% 5 0%

Adidas 1% - -

Spinz Salsa 1% 4 0%

Others 3% - -

Ad Momentum SummaryCurrent Audience Mindshare

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Ad Effectiveness Perceptual Map











Brand Impact

Message Connect Ad Appeal

Spinz SalsaNivea Aqua




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Respondent Profile – DeodorantsSeptember - October 2007

Demographic Attributes Ad Momentux Study Respondent Profile

(Sample – 957)

Census 2001 Projected Actual Urban


Gender Male 50% 52%

Female 50% 48%

Age Distribution Below 13 years Not included in study NA

13-18 years 13% 16%

19-24 years 29% 17%

25-35 years 38% 27%

36-45 years 11% 18%

46-55 years 5% 11%

Above 55 years 4% 11%

City Type Up to 1 Lakh 30% 31%

(Population Size) 1-5 Lakhs 16% 27%

5-30 Lakhs 28% 25%

Above 30 Lakhs 26% 17%

Region-wise Distribution North 19% 24%

East 16% 15%

South 23% 29%

West 42% 32%

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Respondent Profile – DeodorantsSeptember - October 2007

Demographic Attributes Ad Momentux Study Respondent Profile

(Sample – 957)

Census 2001 Projected Actual Urban


Socio-economic Classification SEC - A 19% 9%

SEC - B 28% 18%

SEC - C 32% 25%

SEC - D 10% 26%

SEC - E 12% 22%

Economic Status in the Family Chief wage earner 36%

Not the chief wage earner 64%

Monthly Household Income Up to Rs. 10,000 49%

Rs. 10,000 – Rs. 30,000 36%

Rs. 30,000 – Rs. 50,000 7%

Above Rs. 50,000 8%

Most Expensive Vehicle in the HH 4-wheeler 17%

2-wheeler 42%

Bi-cycle / others 3%

Don't own any vehicle 38%

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A quarterly monitor of the most effective ads in a product category

Soft Drinks

October - November 2007

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Ads Tested

Coca Cola Corporate Coke

Thums Up Mirinda 1



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Ads Tested

Mirinda 2 Limca Mountain Dew

Sprite Slice7 Up

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Top of Mind Ad Recall

Brand Ad Top of Mind Ad Recall

Pepsi 33%

Coca Cola 19%

Thums up 16%

Sprite 15%

Mirinda 5%

Fanta 5%

7up 5%

Mountain Dew 2%

Limca 1%

Slice 0.4%

How much is the ad recalled top of mind for the category

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The Relative Effectiveness of the Ads

Brand Ad Ad Connect Quotient (adCQ)

Relative Index

Pepsi 12.20 100

Thums up 12.24 99

Fanta 10.04 82

Mirinda 9.06 74

Slice 8.03 66

Coca Cola 7.90 65

Limca 7.86 64

Mountain Dew 7.30 60

Sprite 6.84 56

7up 6.43 53

Total effectiveness of the ads in connecting with the category consumers

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Current ‘Ad Momentum’ of the AdsTotal Audience ‘mindshare’ generated by the ad for the brand in the category

Brand Ad Ad Momentum(Audience Mindshare)

Ad Momentum (Relative Index)

Pepsi 41% 100

Thums up 20% 48

Coca Cola 15% 38

Sprite 10% 25

Fanta 5% 12

Mirinda 4% 11

7up 3% 7

Mountain Dew 2% 4

Limca 0.4% 1

Slice 0.4% 1

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Ad Effectiveness Perceptual Map













Brand Impact

Message Connect

Ad Appeal

Thums up



Mountain Dew




Coca Cola


Page 34: Advertisement connectivity with Audience

Respondent Profile – Soft DrinksOctober - November 2007

Demographic Attributes Ad Momentux Study Respondent Profile

(Sample – 1,256)

Census 2001 Projected Actual Urban


Gender Male 69% 52%

Female 31% 48%

Age Distribution Below 13 years Not included in study NA

13-18 years 9% 16%

19-24 years 30% 17%

25-35 years 38% 27%

36-45 years 15% 18%

46-55 years 6% 11%

Above 55 years 2% 11%

City Type Up to 1 Lakh 33% 31%

(Population Size) 1-5 Lakhs 20% 27%

5-30 Lakhs 24% 25%

Above 30 Lakhs 23% 17%

Region-wise Distribution North 22% 24%

East 8% 15%

South 30% 29%

West 41% 32%

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Respondent Profile – Soft Drinks

Demographic Attributes Ad Momentux Study Respondent Profile

(Sample – 1,256)

Census 2001 Projected Actual Urban


Socio-economic Classification SEC - A 20% 9%

SEC - B 28% 18%

SEC - C 28% 25%

SEC - D 15% 26%

SEC - E 9% 22%

Economic Status in the Family Chief wage earner 43%

Not the chief wage earner 57%

Monthly Household Income Up to Rs. 10,000 56%

Rs. 10,000 – Rs. 30,000 29%

Rs. 30,000 – Rs. 50,000 6%

Above Rs. 50,000 9%

Most Expensive Vehicle in the HH 4-wheeler 18%

2-wheeler 32%

Bi-cycle / others 13%

Don't own any vehicle 36%

October - November 2007

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1. Effectiveness ratings# of the mainline brand ads in the category by current / intended users (minimum 150 live test responses per brand reported)

2. ‘Ad momentum’ with which the ads are building ‘consumer mass’ for their respective brands in the category

3. Most recalled ads for the category (top of mind and spontaneous)

4. Sources media of TOM recalls (for each brand reported)

5. Level of ‘identification’ of ad with the brand (for each brand reported)

6. Level of ‘identification’ of ad slogan with the brand (for each brand reported)

7. Rating of each ad on ‘likeability’, with identification of the ad ‘elements’ leading to the likeness

8. Rating of each ad on key ad measurement attributes:

• Ad Appeal

• Message Connect

• Brand Impact

9. Rating of each reported ad in the category on the balance 10 individual parameters (originality, audience identification, message comprehension, message relevance, persuasiveness, brand differentiation, brand impression, brand image, brand empathy and brand preference)

10. Rating of ad’s effectiveness in using the celebrity/brand ambassador if used

11. Media preferences of the category users/intended users (TV channels, Newspapers, Magazines, Radio channels, Generic websites, Emailing websites, News websites)

12. All ratings and preferences reported by key demographic segments wherever possible* (gender, age, SEC, occupation, marital status, town class, region, income class, vehicle ownership)

# all category level ratings are provided by respondents on a 5 point qualitative scale, * depending on the sufficiency of sample size of relevant respondents

Ad MomentuxTM Report Content

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JuxtConsult Ad Momentux Study Pricing of Reports

* 12.36% service tax extra

Report One Time Report* Annual Subscription*

Nos. Amount (Rs.) Nos. Amount (Rs.)

Ad MomentuxTM Category Level Report 1 150,000 4 360,000

• Payment Terms : 50% advance

50% before the delivery of third quarterly report

• Delivery Timeline : Quarterly Reports – By 15th of the relevant month after the quarter

• Report Delivery Format : PDF

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Contact Details

• Address : 7, Kehar Singh Estate, 1st Floor, Westend

Marg, Lane 2, Said-ul-Ajaib, New Delhi – 110030

• Telephone : +91-11-29535098, +91-9811256502

• Contact Person : Sanjay Tiwari

• Email : [email protected]

• Website : www.juxtconsult.com

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