A Strategy for Organizational Growth

7 steps to sustainable business growth

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A Strategy for Organizational Growth

Maybe it’s your message!

If it isn’t clear and compelling it gets lost in the noise!

Do you keep hitting walls in your business growth efforts?

There is a process for sustainable growth!

• 7 Steps to sustainable Growth• Vision

• Value Proposition

• Strategy

• Corporate

• Operational

• Marketing

• Sales

It starts with your vision

What business are you in?Why are you in that business?Where do you want to be in five years?


Without a clear vision, you’re depending on luck!

What can keep you from achieving your vision?

• S.W.O.T.• Internal

• Strengths – what can you build on?

• Weaknesses – what do you need to improve?

• External

• Opportunities – where are your best opportunities?

• New products or services in existing market?

• New markets?

• What is the best fit for your strengths?

• Threats – Who is your competition?

• What do they do better than you?

• Where are their weaknesses?

Why should anyone buy from you?

• What is your Value Proposition?• With all the goods and services available to your customers in

your market, why should they buy from you?

• If you can’t answer this question in a compelling manner, your customer will!

• They’ll decide you’re the same as everyone else.

• If you’re the same as everyone else, why pay more? They’ll decide on price.

• What can you do better than anyone else? (See strengths in the S.W.O.T analysis).

• What innovation can you bring to your market that no one else has thought of? (See opportunities)

What steps will you take to achieve your vision?


Operations strategy

• Address your S.W.O.T. weaknesses

• Build on your strengths

• Document priorities and investments• Financial

• People

• Technology

• Be able to execute your value proposition 100% of the time


Business Development Strategy

• What markets are we in, Or just importantly, not in!

• What are we selling

• Who is our ideal buyer?

• What specific problem or need can we fill?

• Resources needed?

• Sales forecast, you need a visual goal for all to see.

• Define your message!


Marketing Strategy

• Who is your ideal buyer?

• How do you communicate your compelling message to reach him / her?

• Resources needed?

• How can you get heard above all the noise?

• Two clear choices.


Traditional marketing

Interruption driven

Cold calls

Email blasts

Trade shows

Brochures and direct mail

Inbound marketing

Permission based


Social Media

White Papers


Website SEO

Marketing Strategy is all about lead generation!

Marketing Needs to Adapt

Outbound Marketing• Low response rate (1-5%)• Expensive / Wasteful• Becoming more difficult• “Interruption” based

Inbound Marketing• High response rate (20-50%)• Low cost / High ROI• Wide open playing field• “Permission” based

Sales becomes more productive

• Follows up on qualified leads

• Less time cold calling and more time meeting with qualified prospects

• Sales tools – demo’s

• Consistent message to the prospect

• Sell value not price!

Sales Strategy


business growth.



SalesCorporate strategy and vision

Drives operations marketing and in turn sales!

With the right message and delivery

your prospect finds you!

Growth process

Measurable Results LLC


[email protected]

787 Indian Oaks Drive

Saltillo, MS 38866


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