Essential Question Essential Question : –What were the significant motivations for & results of America’s “new” foreign policy from 1890 to 1914? Reading Quiz Ch 29 Reading Quiz Ch 29

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■Essential QuestionEssential Question:

–What were the significant motivations for & results of America’s “new” foreign policy from 1890 to 1914?

■Reading Quiz Ch 29Reading Quiz Ch 29

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America Looks Outward

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Reasons for US Expansion■Prior to 1890, US expansion was

focused on settling the western frontier via Manifest Destiny

■Expansion by 1890s was different–The growth of the telegraph,

telephone, & cables led to a sense of internationalism

–Americans looked to gain more naval bases & markets in major trade routes

New territories were viewed as colonies, not as future-states

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Reasons for Expansion■Why the new focus? New marketsNew markets

–End of the frontier led to fears about economic opportunities

–American industrialism made the US a major exporter

–Businessmen feared nothing would be left when European imperialists finished annexing

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World Colonial Empires, 1900

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US Foreign Investments: 1869-1908

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Reasons for Expansion■Why the new focus? DarwinismDarwinism

–Social Darwinism promoted white superiority

–“White Man’s Burden” promoted the “western duty to civilize” the world through trade, democracy, & Christianity

■By the 1890s, the US was ready for its first real foreign “policypolicy”

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American Social Darwinism







Which nations is England “hauling up the hill”? What about the US?

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The US as a World PowerThe US promoted trade with but avoided diplomatic conflicts with Europe The US used the Monroe Doctrine in Latin

America but viewed the Caribbean as an “American Lake” & Latin America as a vast

potential market for US goods

The US coveted Hawaii & control of the sea lanes to China

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The US as a World Power: AlaskaAlaska

Secretary of State William Seward, under Lincoln & Johnson, hoped to see the US annex Canada & Mexico

“Give me…fifty, forty, thirty more years of life and I will give you

possession of the American continent & control of the world”

In 1867, Seward negotiated the purchase of Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million

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Seward’s Seward’s IceboxIcebox:

King Andy & Seward

lug in a big block of

Russian ice to cool down


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The US as a World Power: Latin AmericaLatin AmericaSec of State William Blaine, under Garfield & Harrison, emphasized a “Good Neighbor Policy” & created bilateral treaties to secure US trade

US businesses flooded Latin America with goods, bought raw materials, &

undercut local businesses

This policy depended on peace & order in Latin America; when a revolt

erupted in Venezuela, the US successfully invoked the Monroe Doctrine to keep Europeans away

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The US as a World Power: HawaiiHawaiiUS missionaries & prospectors 1st arrived in Hawaii in the 1820s; By the 1870s, Hawaii was dominated by sugar & fruit plantation

owners who called for US annexation

In 1888, US planters led an overthrow of King Kalakuau, new Queen Liliuokalani

was disposed in 1891, & Hawaii became a republic in 1894 under Sanford Dole

“The Hawaiian pear is now fully ripe, and this is the golden hour for the

United States to pluck it.”—John Foster, Sec of State under Harrison

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Hawaii was annexed in 1898 under President McKinley

Do you see any short- & long-term Do you see any short- & long-term significance?significance?

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The US as a World Power: ChinaChinaThe US was eager to trade with

China; but China was divided into European spheres of influence

Sec of State Hay, under McKinley,

suggested an "Open Door" in 1900: no nation would have an exclusive sphere of influence in China &

the US would gain access to Chinese trade

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Open Door Policy




with C


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The US as a World Power: JapanJapanThe US navy led by Commodore Matthew Perry “opened” Japan to

US trade in 1854 & ended 200 years of Japanese isolationism

But US-Japanese relations were rocky in the early 20th Century

Japan gained power in Asia after Russo-Japanese War in 1904 &

gained control of Korea

The Root-Takahira Agreement in 1908 agreed to protect Asian status quo, uphold the Open

Door policy, & respect Chinese independence

The US & Japan signed a “Gentlemen’s Agreement” in 1907: US rescinded segregation against Japanese living in CA & Japan limited emigration to the US