EFFECTIVELY MANAGE YOUR SUPPLY CHAIN TO DRIVE QUALITY, SAVE COSTS AND MITIGATE RISK THROUGHOUT YOUR PROJECT 3RD ANNUAL NUCLEAR SUPPLY CHAIN CONFERENCE USA Look Inside NOW for your full agenda and speaker line-up! Researched & Organized by: • Listen to exclusive utility case studies including uprates, decommissioning, and new build projects to develop a cost effective supply chain strategy ensuring project success • Learn how to streamline your NQA1 list and build sustainable relationships with international suppliers to mitigate counterfeiting and guarantee product quality every time • Establish pro-active relationships with your suppliers to ensure on-time delivery, successful sub-contracting and effective equipment obsolescence management during your project • Develop the best supply chain model for your project and understand the importance of establishing business continuity plans with your suppliers to mitigate your project risks • Understand how to fully comply to Part 21 and Commercial Dedication regulations to ensure you hire the best suppliers with the highest quality products and services April 18-19, 2012, Hilton Executive Park Hotel, Charlotte, NC SAVE $400 register before February 17 UNMISSABLE FEATURES INCLUDE Hear about the recent improvements to the U.S. NRC’s Vendor Inspection Program to understand how you can assure the integrity of your supply chain Listen to the successful procurement strategies integrated during projects including the MOX facility, URENCO USA facility, Hanford Central Plateau and VC Summer to develop a bullet proof strategy of your own Receive the latest supply chain tips from leading experts from EPRI, TVA, Curtiss – Wright and many more to learn how to drive costs down during the operational stage of your plant The only supply chain focused conference of 2012 bringing together key experts from across the nuclear life cycle to tell you how you can tap into this $100 billion market! UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES FROM : EPC CONTRACTOR SPEAKERS FROM: EXPERT SPEAKERS FROM: GLOBAL GOLD SPONSOR : REGULATOR : US NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION

3rd Annual Nuclear Supply Chain USA

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Look Inside NOW for your full agenda and speaker line-up!

Researched & Organized by:

• Listen to exclusive utility case studies including uprates, decommissioning, and new build projects to develop a cost effective supply chain strategy ensuring project success

• Learn howtostreamlineyourNQA1listandbuildsustainablerelationships with international suppliers to mitigate counterfeiting and guarantee product quality every time

• Establish pro-active relationships with your suppliers to ensure on-time delivery, successful sub-contracting and effective equipment obsolescence management during your project

• Develop the best supply chain model for your project and understand the importance of establishing business continuity plans with your suppliers to mitigate your project risks

• Understand howtofullycomplytoPart21andCommercialDedicationregulationstoensureyouhirethebestsupplierswith the highest quality products and services

April 18-19, 2012, Hilton Executive Park Hotel, Charlotte, NC

SAvE $400

register before February 17


Hear about the recent improvements to the U.S. NRC’s Vendor Inspection Programtounderstandhowyoucanassuretheintegrityofyour supply chain

Listen to the successful procurement strategies integrated during projectsincludingtheMOXfacility,URENCOUSAfacility,HanfordCentralPlateauandVCSummertodevelopabulletproofstrategyofyour own

Receive the latest supply chain tips from leading expertsfromEPRI,TVA, Curtiss – Wright and many more to learn how to drive costs down during the operational stage of your plant

The only supply chain focused conference of 2012 bringing together key experts from across the nuclear life cycle to tell you how you can tap into this

$100 billion market!

utility representatives from :

epC ContraCtor speakers from:

expert speakers from:

Global Gold sponsor :

reGulator :


Page 2: 3rd Annual Nuclear Supply Chain USA

Register today - visit www.nuclearenergyinsider.com/asia or phone 1 800 814 3459

Welcome to the 3rd Annual Nuclear Supply Chain ConferenceApril 18-19, Hilton Executive Park Hotel, Charlotte, NC

Register today at www.nuclearenergyinsider.com/supplychain or phone 1800 814 3459 ext 7575

Organized by:

Dear Colleague,

In the U.S. alone there are 104 nuclear reactors in operation and 4-6 scheduled to come on line by 2020. With VC Summer and Vogtle well in progress and a number of uprates and decommissioning projects underway, there are $billions worth of contracts available to suppliers who are at the top of their game.

UtilitiesandEPCContractorsneedtoensuremorethaneverthatthey have:

a) A well-designed economic plant

b) A stable regulatory regime

c) Risk sharing amongst all project stakeholders

d) Strong project management

This cannot be done without the co-operation of the supply chain who can work with owners to establish efficient processes in the planning, workforce development, supply chain management, procurement engineering, and operations stages of their project.

The 3rd Annual Nuclear Supply Chain Conference is the only supplychainfocusedmeetingof2012whichwillbringtogether:

• 10+ top Utility representatives providing you with the latest project updates and addressing the critical elements they need from suppliers over the forthcoming years

• 25+ EPC Contractors providing you with one off supply chain case studies which will help you manage your project more efficiently

• 200+ Senior Level Executives coming together to discuss best practice processes which will ensure you effectively managing your supply chain in order to drive quality, save costs and mitigate project risk

This is great opportunity for owners learn lessons in order to exceed expectations on their current projects and for suppliers to get themselves at the forefront of this $multi-billion industry – you simply cannot afford to miss it!

I look forward to meeting you in April.

Kind Regards

GoGlobal!Register for a diamond pass today and receive andexclusiveMENAreportwhichwillensureyou:

• Identify key MENA regions and understand their growth plans over the next 5 years to identify lucrative commercial opportunities for your company

• Understand which reactor vendors and EPC contractors are winning contracts to prioritize your business development efforts

• Discover NQA requirementsinkeyMENAmarketsinorder to win and execute work compliantly

• Gain exclusive access to key decision maker’s opinions on nuclear development in the region including Shaw, Westinghouse, Fluor, Parsons, Toshiba, CH2M Hill, Worley Parsons and many others…

• Understand the specific construction challenges of the MENAregionanddevelopyourstrategyaccordinglytoensure successful, profitable projects

EmmaBanymandhub Senior Industry Analyst, Nuclear Energy Insider

+44(0)2073757565 [email protected]

OwnersAs a project manager, it is critical for you to effectively plan your project, ensure full regulatory compliance, recruit the best and most qualified suppliers and continuously develop your procurement strategy to ensure that your project is completed on time and on budget

Join us in Charlotte and you will:

• Hear the recent improvements to the U.S. NRC’s Vendor Inspection Program, specifically details on their vendor inspection program first hand – understand how they can help you assure the integrity of your supply chain

• Understand the latest procurement strategies which have successfully been deployed across the nuclear cycle including the MOXfacility,LES,HanfordCentralPlateauandVCSummertohelpyou review and develop a bullet proof strategy to ensure project success

• Receive the latest supply chain tips from leading experts from EPRI,TVA,EdgenMurrayCorporationandCurtissWrightonhowtodrive costs down during the operational stages of your project

Youwillnotleavedisappointed–withalltheaboveandmorethismustattend conference will ensure that you leave with solid action points to guarantee project success.

Contractors/VendorsThe U.S. nuclear supply chain is currently worth in excess of $100billion.Nowisthetimeforyourcompanytosecurelucrativecontractsfor2012andbeyond!

Join 200+ senior industry experts at the 3rd Annual Nuclear Supply Chain Conference and:

• Hear exclusive project updates from top buyers including URENCO,TVA,SavannahRiver,CENGandProgressEnergywhichwill help you identify gaps in the supply chain where your business can excel

• Receive exclusive updates and advice from the EPC’s who hold the contracts includingURS,CH2MHillPlateauRemediation,Westinghouse, AREVA and, Energy Solutions – understand the minimum standard your company needs to meet in order to establish long-term business relationships with these major players

• Attend our exclusive NQA-1 program workshop run by industry experts Longenecker and Associates which will guarantee that you leave with bullet proof action points to ensure you become market leaders

If you are serious about getting your business at the forefront of this booming industry then you simply cannot afford to miss this – where elsewillyoumeet200+seniorleveldecisionmakersunderoneroof!

For the best

value, register

NoW For your

DiamonD Pass

Did you know that the MENA nuclear market is currently worth $200bn?

Page 3: 3rd Annual Nuclear Supply Chain USA

Past Attendees of Nuclear Energy Insider eventsFind out how you can get exposure for your products and services before these companies. Take a look at some of the leading stakeholders who have attended out conferences in the last year.

TAILOR MADE SPONSORSHIP OPTIONSThe 3rd Annual Nuclear Supply Chain Conference is the only meeting place that offers premium exposure to the top nuclear decision makers in the U.S.

Nuclear Energy Insider offers an excellent range of sponsorship and exhibition opportunities to cover every need and budget. We literally tailor make a sponsorship package to your needs and requirements, giving you the opportunity to....

• Speakattheevent

• Buildyourbrand

• Demonstrateyourproducts and services

Do not miss out on this unrivalled opportunity to do business and secure sales from this booming industry.

SUPPLIERS ZONE Get your products and services

seen by the right people!



Our exhibition space regularly sells out weeks in advance of the conference. So call today to make sure you secure your spot before you miss the chance.

CALL NOW Jay Whitmore Business Development Manager +44 (0) 207 375 7177 or email [email protected]









2. ALLOCATE A BUDGETSpeak with your marketing team and decide on your annual conference investment - make sure you assign the right budget to the right show!

No matter what your budget total, we will work with you to build a package that achieves your aims and exceeds expectations.

"Great speakers – thought provoking topics and discussions."

Tom Stanton, Manager – Supply Chain Services, Dominion

Unlike many other industry trade shows, exhibitions and conferences, our packages are not standard “one-size-fits-all”. You tell us what you want and we build it for you… simple! Take 3 simple steps to design your very own package today and we will build it whatever your budget!

AlstomPowerAMECOAmericanElectricPowerAREVA Enrichment ServicesAREVANPArizonaPublicServiceCommission B&WNuclearOperationsGroupB&WY-12Babcock&WilcoxBechtelBentleySystemsBlack&VeatchBooz&CompanyCarolina Nuclear Cluster CH2MHillChina National Nuclear CorporationCoreworx, IncCurtiss-Wright Flow Control

DarchemEngineeringDOEOfficeofNuclearEnergyDominionResourcesDOOSANHeavyIndustriesDTEEnergyDukeEnergyEDFNorthAmericaElectricPowerResearchInstituteEnergy Solutions EntergyEXCEL Services CorporationExelon NuclearExport-ImportBankofUSAFloridaPower&LightCompanyFloridaPublicServiceCommissionFluorNuclearPowerGDFSUEZEnergyNorthAmerica

GEHitachiGeneralDynamicsElectricBoatHitachiPowerSystemsAmericaHoneywellIberdrola Ingenieria y ConstruccionInternational Atomic Energy AgencyJacobsKEPCOLouisiana Energy ServicesLuminant ConstructionMitsubishiNuclearEnergySystems Nuclear Regulatory Commission Southern California EdisonSouthern Nuclear Operating CompanyU.S.DepartmentofEnergyURS CorporationWestinghouse Electric Company



Register today at www.nuclearenergyinsider.com/supplychain or phone 1800 814 3459 ext 7575

Page 4: 3rd Annual Nuclear Supply Chain USA

Check Out Our Expert Speaker Line Up

Larry Weckbaugh, Executive Director of Supply Chain, CENG

Larry Weckbaugh graduated from the Naval Academy in1975,andthenspent5yearsintheNuclearsurfaceNavybeforejoiningCalvertCliffsNuclearPowerPlant,asubsidiaryofConstellationEnergy,in1980.LarryassumedtheroleofExecutiveDirector,CENG,LLCSupplyChaininNovember2009wherehe is now responsible for the needs of the generating fleet owned by CENG(CCNPPUnits1&2,Ginna,NMPUnits1&2). Larry has held a Hot Reactor Operator’s License and is a graduate of the InstituteofNuclearPowerOperationsSeniorNuclearPlantManagerscourse.Duringthe2007INPOcorporateevaluation,ConstellationEnergy’s Supply Chain was recognized for two good practices and the firstoverallSupplyChainSTRENGTHeverawardedbyINPO.

Duane Olcsvary Supply Chain Manager Tennessee Valley Authority

DuaneOlcsvarycurrentlyservesasDirectorofSupplyChain,MajorProjects,fortheTennesseeValleyAuthority.Morethanhalfofhistwenty-sevenyears of commercial electric utility experience have been in senior supply chain roles, but he has also served as advisor to Chief Nuclear, ChiefOperating,andChiefExecutiveOfficers.Hisoverseasexperienceincludes participation in the development of the commercial nuclear power program and vendor selection for the United Arab Emirates, the HorizonnuclearprogramintheUK,andPGE’snuclearpowerprograminPoland.Heiscurrentlyresponsibleforsupplychainactivitiesassociatedwithnuclearandfossilprojectsvaluedatnearly$10billion,includingthecompletionofTVA’sWattsBarUnit2,andBellefonteUnit1nuclearplants.

for the latest speaker update visit www.nuClearenerGyinsider.Com/supplyChain


Laura Dudes, Division of Construction Inspection and Operational Programs, U.S Nuclear Regulatory Commission


Eric Chassard, Deputy Project Manager for Shaw AREVA, MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility MOX Services

Sam Glenn, Deputy Federal Project Director - MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility, U.S. Department of Energy

Larry Davenport, Supply Chain Manager for Watts Bar, TVA

Joseph Donaghy, Director for Strategic Sourcing, Exelon

Ronald Rosenberry, Director of Procurement at LES, Urenco

Sherrie Duncan, Supplier Diversity Manager, Progress Energy

Marc Tannenbaum, Project Manager for Plant Engineering, EPRI

Eli Smith, President and Chief Operating Officer, Shaw Power Group

Bill Fox, Project Director for VC Summer, Shaw Power Group

Matt Dryden, Vice President for Business Development, AREVA

Katrina Shuman, Head of Procurement, URS

Tom Sliva, Vice President and Consortium Director, Westinghouse

David Boone, Director of International Operations for Nuclear, Fluor

James Miller, Director of Commercial Services and Shipyard Operations, Energy Solutions

Vicki Bogenberger, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, CH2M HILL Plateau Remediation

Chuck Lepisto, Vice President for Nuclear, Day & Zimmermann

Gary L Wolski, Vice President – Nuclear Group, Curtis – Wright Flow Control Company

Bristol Hartlage, Senior Mechanical Engineer, General Atomics

Deborah Borland, VP for Business Development, Global Quality Assurance Inc

Robert Shepard, Senior Project Manager for Commercial Nuclear Projects, Longenecker & Associates

Gary Gilmartin, Vice President, Longenecker & Associates

Tim Cutshaw, Executive Vice President, Mesa Associates Inc.

Jeffrey L. Neubert, P.E., MBA, President, Supply Management Group Inc

Register today at www.nuclearenergyinsider.com/supplychain or phone 1800 814 3459 ext 7575

Page 5: 3rd Annual Nuclear Supply Chain USA

Register today at www.nuclearenergyinsider.com/supplychain or phone 1800 814 3459 ext 7575

Your blue print to project success


U.S Nuclear Market Overview• Compareandcontrastanuclearsupplychain

primarily focused on maintenance/upgrades to the procurement requirements for two large nuclear construction programs

• Potentialimpactstothenuclearsupplychainasthefirsttwonuclearprojectsin30yearsrampupconstruction work

• Criticalstepstoensuringthatthesupplychaincansupport timely and on-budget project completion

Eli Smith, President and Chief Operating Officer, Shaw Power Group

Section 1: Pre-Project Planning

Selecting the Best Supply Chain Model for Cost Efficiency• Discussthefactorswhichformpartofasupply

chain model in order to develop the most effective strategy for your future project

• Gainanunderstandingofthevarioussupplychainmodels and challenges which you can be faced with if you do not select the most appropriate one for your project

• ListentoTVA’sexperienceswithvarioussupplychain models and learn lessons to ensure successful planning for your project

DuaneOlcsvary,Supply Chain Manager, TVA

Strategic Sourcing for Capital Projects• Discussthechallengesofconductingstrategic

sourcingforlargeNuclearProjectstoidentifysolutions which you can implement during your project

• Learnhowtomanageyoursupplychainincludingsupplier base, early Identification and specification of long lead items to ensure that your contracting strategies are more effective

• Identifychallengesofmanagingmultiplelargenuclear projects including managing multiple subcontractors and maintaining procurement schedules to ensure consistent contracting processes

Katrina Shuman, Head of Procurement, URS

Construction Perspective: Planning for the MOX project• GainanoverviewoftheMOXProjectincludingthe

timeline for completion to understand the work which remains to be done and the supply chain opportunities available to your business

• Understandtheirsupplychainmodelandsupplierrequirements to ensure you meet their minimum requirements and secure contracts on their future projects

• Hearabouttheirabilitytokeeptoitstimelines,avoiding unnecessary wasted costs to learn lessons and develop a best practice strategy which will ensure you mitigate delays

SamGlenn,Deputy Federal Project Director - MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility, U.S. Department of Energy

Eric Chassard, Deputy Project Manager for Shaw AREVA ,MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility MOX Services

Section 2: Ensuring Quality from the Go

Regulatory Update: Raising the Bar on the NRC Vendor Inspection Program• Listentothisexclusivepresentationfocusingonthe

importance of assuring the integrity of your supply chain to understand the NRC’s involvement and how they can help you with this process

• HearabouttherecentimprovementstotheNRC’sVendorInspectionProgramincludingextensiveoutreach efforts which will ensure quality is met continuously

• DiscusstheNRC’seffortsregardingPart21andCFSI regulations to understand how this will enable you to select and develop the best workforce for your project

LauraDudes,Director of the Division of Construction Inspection and Operational Programs, U.S. NRC

Effectively Monitoring the Supply Chain across a Fleet• Understandwhyvendorsurveillanceisnecessary

for utilities to fulfil to make sure that your products and services match the required standard

• Discussthechallengesfacedwhilstensuringconformity across a fleet and the ways in which the supply chain can help you save time during this process

• Identifytheearlywarningsignswhichleadtovendorsurveillance and discuss how to deal with these promptly to avoid any future inspections which will push your timeline forward

Construction Case Study: VC Summer - What is expected from the Supply Chain to Ensure Quality? • HearabouttheprogressbeingmadeontheVC

Summer project to understand the long-term timelines in place to ensure project completion

• Learnabouttheexpectationsfornucleargradecomponent and material suppliers in order to ensure quality

• Understandthequalificationrequirementsneededfrom suppliers in order to work on nuclear projects

BillFox,Project Director for VC Summer, Shaw Power Group


New Suppliers: What do you do to Prepare Yourself to Play in the Nuclear Commercial Game?• UnderstandthereasonsforestablishinganNQA-1

Programandidentifyhowyourcompanycandothisefficiently to ensure you secure lucrative commercial contracts

• Learnhowtonavigateyourwayaround10CFR50,NQA-1,10CFR830andISO-900toensurethatyourbusiness can meet all requirements expected from your future customers

• Discoverwhethertherearemid-levelprogramswhich you can use to maximize your commercial opportunitieswhilstwaitingforyourNQA-1approval

Robert Shepard, Senior Project Manager, Commercial Nuclear Projects, Longenecker & Associates

Section 3: Procurement Engineering

Uprates perspective: Full Initiatives for Reverse Engineering and Moving to Alternative Suppliers• Understandwhytheindustryisstartingtoapply

reverse engineering and identify the opportunities this opens to the supply chain

• Understandtheadvantagesofusingreverseengineering to ensure that you save maximum costs and time during your project as well as maintain a competitive supply chain

• ListentothebenefitsExelonhasreceivedfrompracticing reverse engineering throughout its projects to learn lessons and make sure you capitalize on your existing resources

JosephDonaghy,Director for Strategic Sourcing, Exelon

Managing Equipment Obsolescence • Reviewthecurrentstateoftheobsolescence

problem and factors which can help to mitigate the cost involved during your future projects

• Getthelatestoutlineofthecurrentobsolescenceprocess and direction of evolution which will ensure you mitigate unnecessary delays

• HearaboutthewayaheadfortheGA-ESIObsolescence management program to understand how to ensure you manage your obsolescence issues in a cost effective manner

BristolHartlage,Senior Mechanical Engineer, General Atomics


Recent Counterfeit Material and Commercial Grade Dedication Issues you need to Prepare for during your Project • Gainanoverviewoftherecentcounterfeitand

fraudulent activities within the nuclear industry to enable you to identify this activity early throughout your project

• Understandtherecentcommercialgradededication issues and discuss the effect this will have on the selection process for suppliers on future projects

• Sharelessonslearnedamongstyoursuppliersand utility representatives to ensure you leave with solid action points which will help you mitigate further counterfeit activities

DeborahBorland,VP of Business Development, Global Quality Assurance Inc

Page 6: 3rd Annual Nuclear Supply Chain USA

Register today at www.nuclearenergyinsider.com/supplychain or phone 1800 814 3459 ext 7575

Make new partnerships and secure contracts for 2012 and beyondHow can New Suppliers Break into the Nuclear Industry?• Understandhowtoassessyourcorecompetencies

and what adaptations you need to make to successfully secure business in the nuclear industry

• Listentofirst-handchallengesfacedbysmallbusinesses working within the nuclear industry and apply lessons learned to ensure a smooth entrance into the market

• DiscusshowEPCstendtousetheirexperienceandcapacity during projects to understand how they support the wider supply chain

ModeratedbyDeborahBorland,VP for Business Development, Global Quality Assurance Inc

SherrieDuncan,Supplier Diversity Manager, Progress Energy

FrankBarilla,Procurement Manager, Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility, AREVA

DonaldOwen,UPF Acquisition Services Manager, Contractor for NNSA, B&W Y-12

Tim Cutshaw, Executive Vice President, Mesa Associates, Inc

Section 4 - breaking into the Global Nuclear Industry

Nuclear EPC - Global Supply Chain Engagement• GainanunderstandingoftheglobalEPCdelivery

model to develop an effective business strategy which will fit into your customer’s needs

• Discussthelogisticalchallengesofaninternationaldeployment and the solutions which will ensure project success

• Hearaboutwaysinwhichyoucanoptimizeyourglobal supply chain as well as effectively utilize local, regional and global contractors to ensure the highest quality and project execution

DavidBoone,Director of International Operations for Nuclear, Fluor

FTZ Role in Construction Projects• Understand the need for “borderless” supply chains

during construction projects to ensure schedule and cost

• HearabouthowForeignTradeZonescanbeutilized to effectively remove one border during the construction process

• LearnhowForeignTradeZonescancontributetoschedule enhancement and cost savings

JeffreyL.Neubert,P.E.,MBA,President, Supply Management Group Inc

Skills Transition from Nuclear to Renewables – Maximize Business Opportunities as a Supplier • Receive exclusive updates on U.S. and international

nuclear projects to identify current and future commercial opportunities for your business

• Discussthecross-overofskillsfromnucleartothe renewable energy market to understand the technologies and services you company needs to enter this booming market

• Discoverthebestpracticecriteriayourcompanyshould strive for in order to expand your business on a global scale

Section 2: Selecting your Workforce

New Development Initiatives to Replace the Current Workforce Retirement • Gainanoverviewofthecurrentworkforce

shortages and growing need for training initiatives to meet the supply chain demands for your current and future projects

• Discusshowsupplierscanworkpro-activelywith utilities to develop a skilled workforce which will ensure work is completed on time and on budget

• HearaboutConstellationEnergy’ssuccessfulpartnershipwithMarylandCommunityCollegesto understand how you can get involved in such initiatives to secure an efficient workforce

Larry Weckbaugh, Executive Director of Supply Chain, Constellation Energy LLC

Richard Flemming, Vice President, Maryland Community Colleges

Short Term vs. Long Term Workforce Availability• Discussthechallengesfacingutilitieswhen

tryingtomaintainlaboursupportfor25dayrefuelling outages and how your business can spread its resources to meet this supply chain demand

• Identifywaysofmotivatingthesupplychainto carry out short term work and apply these to your business strategy to ensure you avoid unnecessary delays on your projects

• Analyzeworkforceavailabilityinanemergencysituation with reference to the latest clean-up efforts at Fukushima to understand what is expected from the supply chain in this scenario

Chuck Lepisto, Vice President Nuclear, Day & Zimmermann

O&M Perspective: Supply Chain Needs During Day to Day Nuclear Operations• Gainanoverviewofthedaytodayrunningofa

nuclear plant to understand all the supply chain requirements during this process

• Learnaboutthebusinessrelationshipsownershave with their day to day suppliers and develop a business strategy which will allow you to work directly with owners in the future

• Discusswaysinwhichthesupplychaincanhelp to save costs and increase efficiency during nuclear operations to identify cutting edge technologies and services which your company can provide

ModeratedbyGaryGilmartin,Vice President, Longenecker and Associates

LarryDavenport,Supply Chain Manager for Watts Bar, TVA

MarcTannenbaum,Project Manager for Plant Engineering, EPRI

GaryL.Wolski,Vice President, Nuclear Group, Curtiss-Wright Flow Control Company


MattMiles,Sr. Market Manager - Global Nuclear Markets, Edgen Murray Corporation

Section 3: Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain update from Energy Solutions• Gainanoverviewofthecurrentprojectsbeing

carried out by Energy Solutions to understand the supply chain opportunities available to your business

• ListentohowEnergySolutions’procurementstrategy diversifies throughout their various nuclear projects and how your company has to review its strategy to successfully win contracts

• Understandhowtoworkwithyoursupplychaineffectively to ensure successful completion of projects

JamesMiller,Director of Commercial Services and Shipyard Operations, Energy Solutions

URENCO’s Approach towards Supply Chain Management• Listentothelatestupdatesandmilestonesfrom

URENCO’s USA’s facility to identify work which remains to be done and contractual opportunities available to your business

• UnderstandURENCO’ssupplierselectionstrategyto ensure you meet the expected criteria which will place your company in the best position to secure contracts

• Hearthechallengesfacedduringitscurrentprojectsto identify gaps where your business can help URENCO move forward in the most cost effective and efficient way

Ronald Rosenberry, Director,Procurement,URENCO USA

Decommissioning Case Study: Latest Project Update from CH2M Hill Plateau Remediation • Understandtheworkwhichiscurrentlybeing

carried out at the Hanford Site to identify the technologies and services which are required to complete the various projects

• Getthelatestontheiracquisitionplanningprocessand the next evolution of their progress to ensure your company does not miss out on future commercial opportunities

• Discusshowtheyworkeffectivelywithsub-contractors to learn lessons which will ensure you establish long standing relationships with your supply chain

VickiBogenberger,CFO, CH2M Hill Plateau Remediation

Uranium Processing Facility Case Study: Supply Chain Management during a UPF Project• GainahighleveldescriptionofaUranium

ProcessingFacilitytoidentifytheskillsandservicedneeded throughout the project

• UnderstandhowaUraniumProcessingFacilityimpacts the supply base specifically the bulk commodities required

• HearaboutthetimeframesputinplacefortheUraniumProcessingFacilityandtheexpectationsrequired from the supply chain to ensure timely completion

DonaldOwen,UPF Acquisition Services Manager, B&W Y-12 Contractor for NNSA

Page 7: 3rd Annual Nuclear Supply Chain USA

date & venueApril 18-19 2012, Hilton Executive Park Hotel, Charlotte, NC

accomodationNuclear Energy Insider has negotiated a discounted rate for all confirmed attendees. On registration you will be given exclusive discounted accommodation access and details outlining how to reserve your room

Cancellation policyPlaces are transferable without any charge. Cancellations before March 16th, 2012 incur an administrative charge of 25%. If you cancel your registration on or after March 16th, 2012 we will be obliged to charge you the full fee. Please note – you must notify Nuclear Energy Insider (division of FC Business Intelligence, Ltd) in writing, of a cancellation, or we will be obliged to charge you the full fee. The organisers reserve the right to make changes to the program without

notice. All prices displayed are exclusive of VAT unless otherwise stated but, VAT will be charged, where applicable, at the prevailing rate on the invoice date and the relevant details will appear on the invoice. FC Business Intelligence, Ltd takes every care to ensure that prices quoted are correct at time of publishing however, bookings will only be accepted if there is no material error in the price advertised on the website. Designed by www.thecreativetree.co.uk


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4 Reasons Why Your Company Needs You Here1. You will enter the $100bn+ nuclear industry bydoingbusinesswith20+keynuclear

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April 18-19, 2012, Hilton Executive Park Hotel, Charlotte, NC

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Look Inside NOW for your full agenda and speaker line-up!

• Listen to exclusive utility case studies including uprates, refurbishment, and new build projects to develop a cost effective supply chain strategy ensuring project success

• Learn howtostreamlineyourNQA1listandbuildsustainablerelationships with international suppliers to mitigate counterfeiting and guarantee product quality every time

• Establish pro-active relationships with your suppliers to ensure on-time delivery, successful sub-contracting and effective equipment obsolescence management during your project

• Develop the best supply chain model for your project and understand the importance of establishing business continuity plans with your suppliers to mitigate your project risks

• Understand howtofullycomplytoPart21andCommercialDedicationregulationstoensureyouhirethebestsupplierswith the highest quality products and services

April 18-19, 2012, Hilton Executive Park Hotel, Charlotte, NC

SAvE $400

register before February 17

industry partners:

The only supply chain focused conference of 2012 bringing together key experts from across the nuclear life cycle to tell you how you can tap into this

$100 billion market!

Researched & Organized by:

utility representatives from :

epC ContraCtor speakers from:

expert speakers from:

Global Gold sponsor :

reGulator :