25 RULES FOR PRODUCT MANAGERS © 2014 Steven R. MacLaughlin. All rights reserved. Steve MacLaughlin Director, Idea Lab Blackbaud, Inc. www.blackbaud.com www.npengage.com @smaclaughlin

25 Rules for Product Managers

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25 Rules for Product Managers based on years of building products and learning from the masters like Marty Cagan, Jana Eggers, Seth Godin, Jeff Patton, Steve Blank, Eric Ries, Mark Hurst, Phil Terry, Steve Johnson, and my peers and colleagues along the way. Influenced and inspired by Pragmatic Marketing, Customer Driven Development, Minimum Viable Product, Lean Startup, and the School of Hard Knocks.

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© 2014 Steven R. MacLaughlin. All rights reserved.

Steve MacLaughlin Director, Idea Lab Blackbaud, Inc.




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© 2014 Steven R. MacLaughlin. All rights reserved.

25 Rules for Product Managers  

Rule #01  

The answers to most questions can only be found outside of the building.  

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© 2014 Steven R. MacLaughlin. All rights reserved.

25 Rules for Product Managers  

Rule #02  

When in doubt, see Rule #1.  

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© 2014 Steven R. MacLaughlin. All rights reserved.

25 Rules for Product Managers  

Rule #03  

Know your priorities and make them clear to others.  

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© 2014 Steven R. MacLaughlin. All rights reserved.

25 Rules for Product Managers  

Rule #04  

Strategy always comes before technology. Just like in the dictionary.  

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© 2014 Steven R. MacLaughlin. All rights reserved.

25 Rules for Product Managers  

Rule #05  

Clarity and brevity equals mastery.  

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© 2014 Steven R. MacLaughlin. All rights reserved.

25 Rules for Product Managers  

Rule #06  

Success = Deliverables - Expectations. Don't ever go negative.  

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© 2014 Steven R. MacLaughlin. All rights reserved.

25 Rules for Product Managers  

Rule #07  

If you're irreplaceable, then you can't get promoted.  

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© 2014 Steven R. MacLaughlin. All rights reserved.

25 Rules for Product Managers  

Rule #08  

Aim for the Moon, but first focus on getting off the launch pad.  

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© 2014 Steven R. MacLaughlin. All rights reserved.

25 Rules for Product Managers  

Rule #09  

If you have to explain it, then you are losing.  

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© 2014 Steven R. MacLaughlin. All rights reserved.

25 Rules for Product Managers  

Rule #10  

You don't have to understand all the details, but you do have to understand

the importance of the details.  

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© 2014 Steven R. MacLaughlin. All rights reserved.

25 Rules for Product Managers  

Rule #11  

Don’t build a product to solve a problem people don't value

enough to pay to fix.  

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© 2014 Steven R. MacLaughlin. All rights reserved.

25 Rules for Product Managers  

Rule #12  

The roadmap is a path to the product vision not a long list

of features or promises.  

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© 2014 Steven R. MacLaughlin. All rights reserved.

25 Rules for Product Managers  

Rule #13  

You have two ears and one mouth for a reason.  

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© 2014 Steven R. MacLaughlin. All rights reserved.

25 Rules for Product Managers  

Rule #14  

Customer development is inextricably linked to product development.  

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© 2014 Steven R. MacLaughlin. All rights reserved.

25 Rules for Product Managers  

Rule #15  

Don't deal in absolutes. Statements with “always”, “all”, “none”, “any”, and

“every” in them are fraught with peril.  

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© 2014 Steven R. MacLaughlin. All rights reserved.

25 Rules for Product Managers  

Rule #16  

A list of decisions should include things you decided not to do.  

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© 2014 Steven R. MacLaughlin. All rights reserved.

25 Rules for Product Managers  

Rule #17  

The more free something is the more it ends up costing you.  

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© 2014 Steven R. MacLaughlin. All rights reserved.

25 Rules for Product Managers  

Rule #18  

All project dates are arbitrary. Know what you want before

you mandate when you need it.  

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© 2014 Steven R. MacLaughlin. All rights reserved.

25 Rules for Product Managers  

Rule #19  

If you have to ask permission to innovate, then you're not innovating.  

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© 2014 Steven R. MacLaughlin. All rights reserved.

25 Rules for Product Managers  

Rule #20  

Marketing and communication are not the same thing.

Don’t mistake one for the other.  

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© 2014 Steven R. MacLaughlin. All rights reserved.

25 Rules for Product Managers  

Rule #21  

No one ever changed the world by creating a great feature matrix.  

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© 2014 Steven R. MacLaughlin. All rights reserved.

25 Rules for Product Managers  

Rule #22  

If you don't have an outside perspective, then you don't really have a perspective.  

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© 2014 Steven R. MacLaughlin. All rights reserved.

25 Rules for Product Managers  

Rule #23  

Given the choice, it's better to play banker than gambler.  

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© 2014 Steven R. MacLaughlin. All rights reserved.

25 Rules for Product Managers  

Rule #24  

Every product must pass the valuable, usable, and feasible test.  

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© 2014 Steven R. MacLaughlin. All rights reserved.

25 Rules for Product Managers  

Rule #25  

Don't make a decision based solely on one person's wants. We're all day-to-day.

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Thank You

© 2014 Steven R. MacLaughlin. All rights reserved.

Steve MacLaughlin Director, Idea Lab Blackbaud, Inc.


