Arizona State University: Team 2 December 2, 2011 Sponsor: CVL -Eric Laurin, PE Ventana Verde Master Traffic Circulation Report Prepared By: Justin Cooper Fall 11

2 traffic report

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  • A r i z o n a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y : T e a m 2 D e c e m b e r 2 , 2 0 1 1 S p o n s o r : C V L - E r i c L a u r i n , P E

    Ventana Verde Master Traffic Circulation Report Prepared By: Justin Cooper

    Fall 11

    08 Fall

  • Ventana Verde Master Traffic Circulation

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    Table of Contents

    3.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................................... 3

    3.2 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 4 3.3.1 Site Location ................................................................................................... 4 3.3.2 Land Use Plan ................................................................................................. 5 3.3.3 Site Plan ......................................................................................................... 7

    3.4 STUDY AREA ................................................................................................... 7 3.4.1 Location .......................................................................................................... 7 3.4.2 Current Land Use ............................................................................................. 8 3.4.3 Future Land Use ............................................................................................... 9 3.4.4 Site Access ...................................................................................................... 9

    3.5 EXISTING CONDITIONS ...................................................................................... 9 3.5.1 Analysis .......................................................................................................... 9 3.5.2 Current Traffic Volumes .................................................................................. 10 3.5.3 Current Traffic Control Devices ........................................................................ 10

    3.6 TRAFFIC PROJECTIONS ................................................................................... 10 3.6.1 Trip Generation ............................................................................................. 10 3.6.2 Trip Distribution ............................................................................................ 11 3.6.3 Trip Assignment ............................................................................................ 13 3.6.4 Total Traffic ................................................................................................... 14

    3.7 ANALYSIS & FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS ................................................................ 14 3.7.1 Roadway Classification ................................................................................... 14 3.7.2 Future Signals & Intersection Control ................................................................ 15 3.7.4 Future Improvements and Recommendations .................................................... 16

    3.8 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................ 17

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    List of Figures Figure 3-1: Site Location ................................................................................................ 5

    Figure 3-2: Land Use Plan .............................................................................................. 6

    Figure 3-3: Existing Site Conditions ................................................................................ 8

    Figure 3-4: Trip Distribution ......................................................................................... 12

    Figure 3-5: Trip Assignment ......................................................................................... 13

    Figure 3-6: Roadway Classification and Traffic Signals .................................................. 15

    List of Tables Table 3-1: Land Use Summary ....................................................................................... 7

    Table 3-2: Trip Generation Summary ............................................................................ 11

    Table 3-3: Roadway Classification ................................................................................ 14

    Appendices Appendix A: Trip Generation Calculations ..................................................................... 18

    Appendix B: Trip Distribution Calculations ................................................................... 20

    Appendix C: Trip Assignment Calculations .................................................................... 22

    Appendix D: MCDOT Roadway Classifications, Cross-Sections & Signal Need Criteria .... 24

    Appendix E: Report Validation Form ............................................................................. 28

  • Ventana Verde Master Traffic Circulation

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    3.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Ventana Verde is a proposed community development situated in the eloquent desert of North Phoenix. The future development of approximately 640 acres is located just north of the Loop 101 Pima Freeway, at the intersection of Scottsdale Road and Thompson Peak Parkway. The square mile section runs as far north as Deer Valley Road and as far west as 64th Street. Figure 1 identifies the site location and the surrounding areas. Ventana Verde is a diversified development containing a wide variety of residential options from high-density residences all the way up to acre-sized estates. The land use plan also incorporates commercial properties, parks and recreation fields, and the communitys own water treatment facilities.

    The Ventana Verde community is predicted to generate 33,348 weekday trips. The AM and PM peak hour trips are predicted to be 3,573 and 4,929 respectively on a typical weekday. More then 70 percent of the available land has been set aside for residential development, thus the majority of the trips generated will be external offsite travel. The Loop 100 Pima Freeway to the south will be the main conveyance of site traffic heading into the valley. The existing Scottsdale Road and future 64th Street will provide a direct access to the Loop 101 and will thus carry the highest volumes of traffic.

    Increased traffic volumes will create a need for many new roads and modifications to the existing roadway network. Through extensive analysis, this traffic circulation study resulted in the following recommendations:

    The addition of three external arterial roadways and 2 internal collector streets as specified in Table 3-3.

    Reconstruction of the existing Scottsdale Road within the study area (between Deer Valley Road and Thompson Peak Parkway) in order to account for increased traffic demands.

    The addition of bicycle facilities and side walks to accommodate for the increased volume of pedestrians and cyclists in the area.

    Traffic signal changes along Scottsdale Road and street improvements at the three intersections Thompson Peak Parkway, Grayhawk Drive, and Deer Valley Road in order to admit a safe and smooth flow of traffic

    One additional signalized intersection at the intersection of 64th Street and Thompson Peak Parkway.

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    3.2 INTRODUCTION The following traffic circulation study will forecast the effect of the proposed Ventana Verde development, in Phoenix, Arizona. This report will look into the additional traffic requirements that will be needed in order to sustain the effects of this future development. The purposes of this study are to:

    1. Determine current traffic levels supported by the traffic study areas. 2. Forecast future traffic conditions generated by the proposed development. 3. Evaluate the impact of the proposed Ventana Verde development on the

    surrounding road network. 4. Determine what roadway improvements will be needed to support the increased

    traffic levels, including roadway classifications and traffic control measures.

    All performance analysis is done in accordance with Maricopa County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) guidelines.

    The conclusions of this report are listed in the final section, Conclusion. The following sections go into detail on how the conclusions were reached. All calculations can be found in the appendices at the end of the report.


    3.3.1 Site Location The Ventana Verde development is located in Phoenix, Arizona, 1 mile north of the Loop 100 Pima Freeway. The 640-acre parcel is located in Section 22 of Township 4 North, Range 4 East of the Gila and Salt River Base Meridian. The land sits just northwest of the intersection of Thompson Peak Parkway and Scottsdale Road. The development will be bounded by the future 64th Street and Deer Valley Road to the west and north. Figure 3-1 shows the location of the Ventana Verde development relative to the rest of the greater Phoenix metropolitan area.

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    Figure 3-1: Site Location

    3.3.2 Land Use Plan Ventana Verde is a mixed-use development consisting of 21 parcels spread out over 640-acres. The community will be comprised of 70 percent residential land use, totaling 1,906 dwelling units. Residential lots will range from low, medium, and high-density options topping off with 1-acre estate lots for upper class residents. A total of 33 acres has been set aside for commercial development at the south end of the Ventana Verde community summing 354,000 leasable square feet for businesses and retail shops. Other developments in the Ventana Verde community include two parks and recreation zones, water and wastewater facilities, and 94 acres of open space washes to facilitate drainage. Figure 3-2 and Table 3-1 shown below summarize the Ventana Verde land use plan in further detail.

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    Figure 3-2: Land Use Plan

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    Table 3-1: Land Use Summary

    3.3.3 Site Plan The Ventana Verde development will be bordered by four arterial roads, including the existing Scottsdale Road, as well at the proposed Deer Valley Road, Thompson Peak Parkway and 64th Street. Two collector roads will run through the community at the half-mile points of the main arterials. Grayhawk Drive will run east and west and 68th Street will run north and south. Local roadways will provide site access throughout the development, but are not shown on the Land Use Plan seen above.

    3.4 STUDY AREA

    3.4.1 Location The study area in question for the Ventana Verde development is the land just north of the Loop 101 Pima Freeway and west of Scottsdale Road. This traffic circulation study will evaluate the impact of this new development on the existing Scottsdale Road, as well as the proposed roadway network surrounding the Ventana Verde community. Through extensive analysis, this study will determine the proper roadway classifications needed for the entire roadway network, as well as the future need for traffic signals and any other transportation upgrades. As shown in Figure 3-3 the surrounding area is currently undeveloped, however future development is already underway. This increased land use will have a major impact on the existing roadway system as well as the future network of roads in the surrounding area.


    10 DOG PARK 2.4711 MEDIUM Du RES. 39.212 MEDIUM Du RES. 8.8513 WASTE WTR. TRMT. 5.2114 PARK 13.0315 MEDIUM Du RES. 21.6316 LOW DENSITY RES. 21.2817 MEDIUM Du RES. 74.3718 MEDIUM Du RES. 42.5619 COMMERCIAL 20.0620 COMMERCIAL 7.2921 COMMERCIAL 5.14


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    3.4.2 Current Land Use The proposed Ventana Verde project area is currently undeveloped desert terrain as seen in Figure 3-3 below. Scottsdale Road, which shapes the eastern boundary of the study area, is currently in use. Conversely all other arterial roadways surrounding the development are in the planning stages. There are currently no formal roads providing access throughout the property, however there is a vast network of dirt trails and desert washes running through the desert landscape. The surrounding areas are mostly residential country club style developments. Just east of Scottsdale Road there are two Scottsdale communities, Los Gatos and Grayhawk, and to the west of the study area is the Phoenix development, Desert Ridge. All three of these communities are built on golf courses and have small commercial properties spread throughout the development.

    Figure 3-3: Existing Site Conditions



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    3.4.3 Future Land Use The current Phoenix General Plan calls out for residential development in the study area, but has no distinct development plans as of yet. It is estimated that the surrounding areas will continue to develop because of the many attractions in the area. The areas countless golf courses, the beauty of the surrounding desert, the Desert Ridge Mall and Lake Pleasant to the north promote an active and healthy lifestyle that many Arizonas love to enjoy.

    3.4.4 Site Access There is currently only one access road, Scottsdale Road, running along the eastern boundary of the proposed Ventana Verde community. As the development progresses, there are three additional arterial access roads proposed for the site. Thompson Peak Parkway will run along the southern boundary, 64th Street will provide access along the western borderline and Deer Valley will shape the northern edge of the property. The 64th Street on and off ramps have already been constructed on the Loop 101 Pima Freeway and will eventually connect to the future 64th Street roadway leading into the proposed community. The addition of 64th Street will help to greatly relieve traffic on Scottsdale Road and will assist the flow of site traffic during AM and PM peak hours.


    3.5.1 Analysis At this time, Scottsdale Road is the only source of entry into and out of the proposed project site. Scottsdale Road delivers a high flow of traffic northbound and southbound through the development, and offers access to the Loop 101 Pima Freeway just south of the site. Currently, Scottsdale Road is a major arterial 4-lane roadway, providing two travel lanes in each direction. The speed limit on Scottsdale Road is set at 45 mph in both directions. There are currently no left hand turn lanes north of Grayhawk Road other then at the intersections of Scottsdale Road and Grayhawk Road and Scottsdale Road and Deer Valley Road, but there is a left hand turn lane south of Grayhawk Road to the intersection of Scottsdale Road and Thompson Peak Parkway. There are right hand turn lanes in the northbound direction providing access to the current developments, but there is no curb and gutter on either side of the roadway. The remaining three arterial access roads bounding the site are not yet under construction.

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    3.5.2 Current Traffic Volumes Currently, Scottsdale Road is the only existing road within this study. Scottsdale Road is a major arterial, which provides access to the Loop 101 Pima Freeway. According to the most recent City of Phoenix traffic count conducted on April 5, 2010, the stretch of Scottsdale Road between Deer Valley Road and Thompson Peak Parkway supports a weekday average daily traffic count of 28,503 vehicles per day.

    3.5.3 Current Traffic Control Devices There are a total of three signalized intersections on Scottsdale Road along the boundary of the proposed project site. These traffic signals are placed at the intersections of Scottsdale Road and the following east/west roadways:

    1. Deer Valley Road 2. Grayhawk Road 3. Thompson Peak Parkway

    Since the current roads do no extend west of Scottsdale Road, there is no current through-traffic at these intersections, and all three intersections will need to be adjusted for future roadway development into the study area.

    3.6 TRAFFIC PROJECTIONS The proposed Ventana Verde development will generate larger traffic volumes for the surrounding roadway network. In order to determine the affect of this new community, future traffic levels must be determined by considering the total weekday trips generated by each of the proposed parcels. Through analysis of the estimated traffic levels and the existing traffic counts, this study will classify future roadways and consider any future modifications that must me made to assure a smooth flow of traffic.

    3.6.1 Trip Generation The trip generation rates for the Ventana Verde community were taken from the Trip Generation Handbook, 8th Edition, published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). The ITE has researched existing developments throughout the United States, and compiled extensive data on AM and PM peak traffic and average daily traffic (ADT) levels generated for various land uses.

    Trip generations were calculated for all residential and commercial parcels in the proposed Ventana Verde community. The trips generated by open space, parks and water treatment facilities were disregarded in this report. Table 3-2 below summarizes the total AM peak hour, PM peak hour and ADT generated by the proposed development on any weekday. If was estimated that the Ventana Verde community would generate

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    3,573 AM peak hour trips, 4,929 PM peak our trips, and a total of 33,348 trips daily. All generation rates, values and calculations used in determining the trip generations can be found in Appendix A.

    1. Commercial Parcels: Floor to Area Ratio (FAR) 0.25. 2. Refer to appendix A for all generation rates used in the calculations

    Table 3-2: Trip Generation Summary

    3.6.2 Trip Distribution The total trip generation for the proposed Ventana Verde community is 33,348 ADT as denoted in Table 3-2 above. Many factors can go into the trip generations for a particular site. In highly residential mixed-use developments, such as Ventana Verde, many trips will be considered internal or, in other instances, just pass-by trips. Trip reductions can be used to manipulate the amount the traffic volume in order to account for the internal and pass-by traffic. For the purposes of this report, internal and pass-by trips were neglected and trip reduction factors were not used to help present a worse-case scenario.

    Seahom District TIATrip Generation Calcs

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    ITELand Use ADT

    Parcel # Land Use Intensity Units Code Total In Out Total In Out Total1 MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENCE 290 DU 210 218 55 163 293 185 108 2,7752 LOW DENSTIY RESIDENCE 60 DU 210 45 11 34 61 38 23 5743 LOW DENSTIY RESIDENCE 40 DU 210 70 18 52 80 50 30 4234 ESTATE LOTS 62 DU 210 47 12 35 63 40 23 5939 HIGH DENSITY RESIDENCE 698 DU 220 356 71 285 433 281 152 4,64211 MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENCE 154 DU 210 116 29 87 156 98 58 1,47412 MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENCE 27 DU 210 20 5 15 27 17 10 25815 MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENCE 65 DU 210 114 29 85 131 83 48 68716 LOW DENSTIY RESIDENCE 42 DU 210 116 29 87 126 79 47 48617 MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENCE 298 DU 210 1,118 280 838 1,195 753 442 3,74618 MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENCE 170 DU 210 808 202 606 852 537 315 2,307

    3,028 741 2,287 3,417 2,161 1,256 17,96519 COMMERCIAL 218 1000 SF 820 218 133 85 815 399 416 9,38020 COMMERCIAL 79 1000 SF 820 159 97 62 376 184 192 3,48821 COMMERCIAL 56 1000 SF 820 168 102 66 321 157 164 2,515

    545 332 213 1,512 740 772 15,3835 WATER TREATMENT PT. - - - - - - - - - -6 PARKING LOT - - - - - - - - - -7 PARK - - - - - - - - - -8 PARKING LOT - - - - - - - - - -10 DOG PARK - - - - - - - - - -13 WASTE WATER TREATMENT PT. - - - - - - - - - -14 PARK - - - - - - - - - -

    3,573 1,073 2,500 4,929 2,901 2,028 33,348Total


    Total Residential

    Total Commerical

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    Trip distributions are used to break down the flow of traffic throughout the development. This study will assume that there are eight points of access into and out of the Ventana Verde community, 2 at each corner of the development. For the simplification of this report, the 2 access sites off the collector road, Grayhawk Drive will be neglected. Grayhawk Drive, a half-mile collector, provides access into other residential developments and it is assumed that the arterial roads, Thompson Peak Parkway and Deer Valley, provide better site access. The final assumption is that all traffic leaving the site will return using the same route through the same entry point.

    The percentage of inbound and outbound traffic at each access point was based off the location of the proposed development and the surrounding attractions. The Loop 101 Pima Freeway just south of Ventana Verde provides commuters with access to the entire Phoenix Metropolitan area and thus 60 percent of traffic was predicted to flow southbound. The remaining 40 percent off traffic flow was distributed north, east, and west of the development, which can be seen in Figure 3-4. A detailed trip distribution spreadsheet can be found in Appendix B.

    Figure 3-4: Trip Distribution

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    3.6.3 Trip Assignment The trip assignment of the proposed Ventana Verde community was determined using the above mentioned trip generation and trip distribution values. The trip assignment allows us to understand how the traffic flows throughout the roadway network, and tells us the average daily traffic volumes for each stretch of road in the network. Figure 3-5 shows the traffic volumes generated by the proposed development. Appendix C summarizes the trip assignment for every parcel in the Ventana Verde community.

    Figure 3-5: Trip Assignment

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    3.6.4 Total Traffic Total traffic levels can be determined by adding the existing traffic volumes to the project values shown above. Scottsdale Road is the only arterial that will have a total traffic change. By simply adding 28,503 trips, the current ADT volume on Scottsdale Road, we get a governing ADT of 34,771 trips.

    Total traffic levels account only for the trips generated by the proposed Ventana Verde community. Any other developments in the area will have an impact on the traffic volumes experienced by the surrounding roadway network. An additional traffic circulation study will have to be conducted to determine the impact of the other underlining factors.


    3.7.1 Roadway Classification Roadway classifications for the streets surrounding the proposed Ventana Verde community were based on the Maricopa County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) standard roadway classification criteria. Appendix D summarizes the MCDOT roadway classification criteria and provides the MCDOT standard typical sections for each classification. Table 3-3 explains the classifications for all streets within the Ventana Verde community and states the number of thru traffic lanes on each road. The governing ADT values were taken from the total traffic volumes as shown above. A roadway classification map is displayed in Figure 3-6, shown in the following section of this report.

    Road Governing ADT Classification Number of Lanes

    Scottsdale Road 34,771 Principal Arterial 6

    Thompson Peak Parkway 10,787 Minor Arterial 4

    64th Street 6,095 Minor Arterial 4

    Deer Valley Road 1,839 Minor Arterial 4

    Grayhawk Drive 6,275 Major Collector 2

    68th Street 4,878 Major Collector 2

    Table 3-3: Roadway Classification

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    3.7.2 Future Signals & Intersection Control The future need for signalized intersection control was based on the MCDOT signal needs criteria, which can be found in Appendix D. MCDOT has determined a need for the use of traffic signals based upon the number of travel lanes and the estimated ADT levels for both the major and minor streets at an intersection. The above calculated total traffic volumes and the number of travel lanes (Table 3-3) for each road were used to analyze the need for traffic signals in the Ventana Verde roadway network. Figure 3-5 below illustrates the three existing traffic signals as well as the location of the one additional future signalized intersection. The three existing signals along Scottsdale Road will have to be adjusted for four-way traffic. The only new traffic signal will be placed at the intersection of 64th Street and Thompson Peak Parkway. The remaining intersections within the study area will be controlled with the use of stop signs. The intersection of Deer Valley Road and 64th Street will not require a signal for the traffic volumes generated by Ventana Verde, however as the surrounding experiences more development, the need for a signalized intersection will arise.

    Figure 3-6: Roadway Classification and Traffic Signals

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    3.7.4 Future Improvements and Recommendations Based upon the results of this traffic circulation study the following roadway improvements should be made in order to assure acceptable site access and traffic circulation throughout the proposed Ventana Verde community.

    1. Scottsdale Road: As mentioned earlier, Scottsdale Road is currently a 4-lane arterial roadway. With the projected increases in traffic volumes generated by the proposed Ventana Verde community, it is recommended that Scottsdale Road be widen to a 6-lane travel way with a dividing median. There should be left turn openings in order to allow for residential access between intersections, but there is no demand for right hand turn lanes in between intersections. Sidewalks and bike lanes should be installed according to the principal arterial cross-section in Figure D-1 of Appendix D, in order to account for pedestrian and bike traffic along the busy roadway.

    2. Thompson Peak Parkway: In order to support the traffic levels generated from the proposed development, it is suggested that Thompson Peak Parkway be constructed as a 4-lane minor arterial roadway, with a left hand turn lane separating the opposing travel directions. Figure D-2 shown in Appendix D illustrates the typical street cross-section and the break down of lanes. Bike lanes and sidewalks are recommended in order to separate pedestrian traffic from the roadway.

    3. 64th Street: With the Loop 101 on ramp already constructed at 64th Street, traffic volumes are projected to be high along the future roadway. It is recommended that 64th Street be constructed as 4-lane minor arterial roadway, in order to provide commuters with a smooth transition to the Loop 101 Pima Freeway. Sidewalks and bike lanes shall be installed in order to accommodate for pedestrians and cyclists.

    4. Deer Valley: Deer Valley will not experience high traffic volumes from the proposed community. A 2-lane major collector with a left hand turn lane will suffice for the projected traffic volumes generated by the Ventana Verde development. However, the surrounding area is developing rapidly and Deer Valley will continue to see increased traffic volumes. Additionally, the City of Phoenix likes to have 4-lane arterial roadways in mile increments in order to facilitate the flow of traffic, and Deer Valley is currently running as a four-lane travel way just west of the study area. Therefore it is recommended that Deer Valley be constructed as a minor arterial roadway with 4-thru lanes and a center left hand turn lane, rather then coming back to reconstruct the street in the future. In either case, bike lanes and sidewalks shall be implemented alongside the roadway.

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    5. Grayhawk Drive: Grayhawk Drive shall be constructed as a major collector street with one lane of travel in each direction, separated by a left hand turn lane. Figure D-3 in Appendix D, calls out the typical lane widths, bike lanes and sidewalk dimensions.

    6. 68th Street: In order to provide the projected traffic volumes with efficient access throughout the future development, 68th Street should be constructed as a 2-lane major collector with a left hand turn lane. Bike lanes and sidewalks are highly recommended because of the high percentage of residential development in the area.

    3.8 CONCLUSION The Ventana Verde master traffic report analyzed the impacts of this proposed development on the surrounding roadway network. Through the combined usage of established traffic engineering techniques and educated assumptions, this study was able to forecast the future traffic volumes produced by the Ventana Verde community. It is estimated that the proposed development will generate an ADT of 33,348 total trips comprising of AM and PM peak traffic levels of 3,573 and 4,929 respectively. With the Loop 101 Pima Freeway just south of the site, the majority of site traffic will flow south away from the site. The arterials, 64th Street and Scottsdale Road, provide commuters with access to the Valley freeway system, and will thus endure the highest volumes of traffic within the roadway network. The increased traffic levels generated by the proposed Ventana Verde community will require a series of roadway improvements in order to efficiently circulate traffic throughout the area. Scottsdale Road will need to be reconstructed into a 6-lane travel way separated by a center island. The three existing traffic signals will need to be adjusted so that the intersections are suitable for 4-way traffic flow. The three proposed arterial streets, Deer Valley Road, Thompson Peak Parkway and 64th, which border the proposed site need to be constructed and tied in to the existing roadway network outside the study area. One new signalized intersection will need to be placed at the intersection of Thompson Peak Parkway and 64th Street in order to facilitate the flow of traffic. Finally it is recommended that bike lanes and sidewalks be constructed in order to account for increases in both cycle and pedestrian traffic. Ventana Verde is a mixed-use development that attracts an active style of living and it is important to have a safe and reliable roadway network that affectively circulates the flow of traffic.

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    Appendix A: Trip Generation Calculations

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    1. Trip Generations were determine by using the ITE Trip Generations Handbook 8th edition, also listed in the table above and the land use plan as shown in the report

    Floor to Area Ratio 0.25

    Table A-1: Trip Generation Calculations

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    ITELand Use ADT ADT

    Parcel # Land Use Intensity Units Code Rate In % Out % Rate In % Out % Rate Total In Out Total In Out Total1 MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENCE 290 DU 210 0.75 25% 75% 1.01 63% 37% 9.57 218 55 163 293 185 108 2,7752 LOW DENSTIY RESIDENCE 60 DU 210 0.75 25% 75% 1.01 63% 37% 9.57 45 11 34 61 38 23 5743 LOW DENSTIY RESIDENCE 40 DU 210 0.75 25% 75% 1.01 63% 37% 9.57 70 18 52 80 50 30 4234 ESTATE LOTS 62 DU 210 0.75 25% 75% 1.01 63% 37% 9.57 47 12 35 63 40 23 5939 HIGH DENSITY RESIDENCE 698 DU 220 0.51 20% 80% 0.62 65% 35% 6.65 356 71 285 433 281 152 4,64211 MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENCE 154 DU 210 0.75 25% 75% 1.01 63% 37% 9.57 116 29 87 156 98 58 1,47412 MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENCE 27 DU 210 0.75 25% 75% 1.01 63% 37% 9.57 20 5 15 27 17 10 25815 MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENCE 65 DU 210 1.75 25% 75% 2.01 63% 37% 10.57 114 29 85 131 83 48 68716 LOW DENSTIY RESIDENCE 42 DU 210 2.75 25% 75% 3.01 63% 37% 11.57 116 29 87 126 79 47 48617 MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENCE 298 DU 210 3.75 25% 75% 4.01 63% 37% 12.57 1,118 280 838 1,195 753 442 3,74618 MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENCE 170 DU 210 4.75 25% 75% 5.01 63% 37% 13.57 808 202 606 852 537 315 2,307

    3,028 741 2,287 3,417 2,161 1,256 17,96519 COMMERCIAL 218 1000 SF 820 1.00 61% 39% 3.73 49% 51% 42.94 218 133 85 815 399 416 9,38020 COMMERCIAL 79 1000 SF 820 2.00 61% 39% 4.73 49% 51% 43.94 159 97 62 376 184 192 3,48821 COMMERCIAL 56 1000 SF 820 3.00 61% 39% 5.73 49% 51% 44.94 168 102 66 321 157 164 2,515

    545 332 213 1,512 740 772 15,3835 WATER TREATMENT PT. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -6 PARKING LOT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -7 PARK - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -8 PARKING LOT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -10 DOG PARK - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -13 WASTE WATER TREATMENT PT. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -14 PARK - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    3,573 1,073 2,500 4,929 2,901 2,028 33,348Total


    Total Residential

    Total Commerical

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    Appendix B: Trip Distribution Calculations

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    1. The numbers in the table above, represent the percentage of traffic, generated for each parcel, that travel on a

    particular street segment within the surrounding roadway network. (Street segments are labeled in appendix C) 2. Trip Distributions were determine by estimating the percentage of traffic flow based on location of the parcel

    Factors considered o Site Circulation o Access Points o Route: Shortest/Fastest Path

    Table B-1: Trip Assignment Calculations

    Trip Distribution

    Sparky's Desert OasisOctober 14, 2011

    Segement # Street Segment 1 2 3 4 9 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 211 Deer Valley Road West of 64th Street 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 72 64th Street North of Deer Valley 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 73 Scottsdale Road North of Deer Valley 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 84 Deer Valley Road East of Scottsdale Road 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 65 Thompson Peak Parkway West of 64th Street 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 86 64th Street South of Thompson Peak 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 307 Scottsdale Road South of Thompson Peak 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 308 Thompson Peak Parkway East of Scottsdale Road 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 41 Deer Valley Road East of 68th Street 7 7 51 52 4 1 4 4 4 2 4 7 - -2 Deer Valley Road West of 68th Street 8 10 21 48 4 4 4 4 7 - 2 7 - -3 64th Street South of Deer Valley Road 7 7 37 38 10 13 10 10 10 12 10 7 14 144 68th Street South of Deer Valley Road 85 83 72 - - 5 8 8 11 2 6 - - -5 Scottsdale Road South of Deer Valley Road 6 4 7 34 18 10 10 10 7 14 12 21 14 146 Grayhawk Drive East of 64th Street 64 41 20 - 33 51 33 30 16 18 22 - - -7 Grayhawk Drive East of 68th Street (North) 21 42 8 - 33 44 59 62 27 20 28 - - -8 Grayhawk Drive East of 68th Street (South) 21 19 8 - 55 40 29 19 14 16 56 - 4 49 64th Street South of Grayhawk Drive 57 34 57 38 23 38 23 20 6 6 12 7 14 1410 68th Street South of Grayhawk Drive - 23 - - 22 4 30 43 59 64 16 - 4 411 Scottsdale Road South of Grayhawk Drive 15 15 15 34 27 30 19 9 7 2 44 21 10 1012 Thompson Peak Parkway East of 64th Street 19 4 19 - 15 - 15 18 32 32 26 45 52 5213 Thompson Peak Parkway East of 68th Street 19 19 19 - 7 4 15 25 27 32 10 45 44 44

    Access Points Within Study Area

    Percent of Site Traffic (per parcel)

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    Appendix C: Trip Assignment Calculations

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    1. The numbers in the table above, represent the total daily trips experienced by each roadway segment. 2. Calculations were preformed by multiplying total ADT generated from Appendix A and trip distribution

    percentages from Appendix B

    Table C-1: Trip Assignment Calculations

    Figure C-1: Roadway Segment Breakdown

    Trip Asignment Calcualtions

    Sparky's Desert OasisOctober 14, 2011

    Segement # Street Segment 1 2 3 4 9 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 211 Deer Valley Road West of 64th Street 194 40 30 42 325 103 18 48 34 262 161 657 244 1762 64th Street North of Deer Valley 194 40 30 42 325 103 18 48 34 262 161 657 244 1763 Scottsdale Road North of Deer Valley 222 46 34 47 371 118 21 55 39 300 185 750 279 2014 Deer Valley Road East of Scottsdale Road 167 34 25 36 279 88 15 41 29 225 138 563 209 1515 Thompson Peak Parkway West of 64th Street 222 46 34 47 371 118 21 55 39 300 185 750 279 2016 64th Street South of Thompson Peak 833 172 127 178 1,393 442 77 206 146 1,124 692 2,814 1,046 7557 Scottsdale Road South of Thompson Peak 833 172 127 178 1,393 442 77 206 146 1,124 692 2,814 1,046 7558 Thompson Peak Parkway East of Scottsdale Road 111 23 17 24 186 59 10 27 19 150 92 375 140 1019 Deer Valley Road East of 68th Street 194 40 216 308 186 15 10 27 19 75 92 657 - -10 Deer Valley Road West of 68th Street 222 57 89 285 186 59 10 27 34 - 46 657 - -11 64th Street South of Deer Valley Road 194 40 157 225 464 192 26 69 49 450 231 657 488 35212 68th Street South of Deer Valley Road 2,359 476 305 - - 74 21 55 53 75 138 - - -13 Scottsdale Road South of Deer Valley Road 167 23 30 202 836 147 26 69 34 524 277 1,970 488 35214 Grayhawk Drive East of 64th Street 1,776 235 85 - 1,532 752 85 206 78 674 508 - - -15 Grayhawk Drive East of 68th Street (North) 583 241 34 - 1,532 649 152 426 131 749 646 - - -16 Grayhawk Drive East of 68th Street (South) 583 109 34 - 2,553 590 75 131 68 599 1,292 - 140 10117 64th Street South of Grayhawk Drive 1,582 195 241 225 1,068 560 59 137 29 225 277 657 488 35218 68th Street South of Grayhawk Drive - 132 - - 1,021 59 77 295 287 2,397 369 - 140 10119 Scottsdale Road South of Grayhawk Drive 416 86 63 202 1,253 442 49 62 34 75 1,015 1,970 349 25220 Thompson Peak Parkway East of 64th Street 527 23 80 - 696 - 39 124 156 1,199 600 4,221 1,814 1,30821 Thompson Peak Parkway East of 68th Street 527 109 80 - 325 59 39 172 131 1,199 231 4,221 1,535 1,107

    Leaving Study AreaWithin Study Area

    Total Site Traffic (per parcel)

    10,787 9,735

    2,334 2,668 2,000 2,668

    10,005 10,005 1,334

    5,931 5,143 6,275 6,095 4,878 6,268


    TOTAL Site Traffic

    1,839 1,672 3,594 3,556


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    Appendix D: MCDOT Roadway Classification, Cross-Sections and

    Signal Need Criteria

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    MCDOT Roadway Classification Criteria

    Road Classification


    No. Thru Lanes

    2-Way ADT Range

    Peak Hr ADT% (K)

    Max Rdwy. Length*

    Local 350 2 50 1,500 15 1,000 ft

    Minor Collector 2,500 2 500 5,000 12 mile

    Major Collector 3,500 2 600 8,500 10 2 mile

    Minor Arterial 5,500 4 5,000 35,000 8 -

    Principal Arterial

    7,500 6 30,000 60,000

    8 -

    * Length may be variable as a function of degree of home frontage on the road.

    Table D-1: Roadway Classification Criteria

    MCDOT Standard Typical Cross-Section

    Figure D-1: Urban Principal Arterial Cross-Section




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    Figure D-2: Urban Minor Arterial Cross-Section

    Figure D-3: Urban Major Collector Cross-Section







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    Figure D-4: Urban Minor Collector Cross-Section

    MCDOT Signal Need Criteria

    Lanes for Moving Traffic on Each Approach

    Estimated ADT

    Major Street Minor Street Major Street Minor Street

    1 1 10,000 3,000

    2 or more 1 12,000 3,000

    2 or more 2 or more 12,000 4,000

    1 2 or more 10,000 4,000

    1 1 15,000 1,500

    2 or more 1 18,000 1,500

    2 or more 2 or more 18,000 2,000

    1 2 or more 15,000 2,000

    Table D-2: Signalized Intersection Criteria




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    Appendix E: Report Validation Form