Planes of Nature and Principles in a Human Being

2 Planes of Nature And Principles In A Human

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This is the basic study lesson in Theosophy: The Theosophical Society was officially formed in New York City, United States, in November 1875 by Helena Blavatsky, Henry Steel Olcott, William Quan Judge and others. * To form a nucleus of the universal brotherhood of humanity without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste, or colour. * To encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy, and science. * To investigate the unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in man. Theosophical Society in the Philippines No. 1 Iba St. corner P. Florentino St. Quezon City (near Welcome Rotonda) Tel. No: (02) 741 -5740 Mobile: 0927.403.49.83 Please LIKE our PAGE https://www.facebook.com/Students.of.Theosophy Follow-us on TWITTER https://twitter.com/theosophy101

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Page 1: 2 Planes of Nature And Principles In A Human

Planes of Nature and Principles in a Human Being

Page 2: 2 Planes of Nature And Principles In A Human

This knowledge enables us to . . .

• Understand our own nature• Know the principles of self-mastery• Know the difference between personality

and spirituality• Become familiar with the hidden side of

things• Understand the phenomena of healing,

psychic phenomena, qigong, etc.

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Levels of ConsciousnessVehicle Function

Higher Self (Spirit; Atma)

Spark of the Divine; True Self within

Spiritual Consciousness (Buddhi)

Seat of spirituality and true intuition; where illumination and enlightenment occurs

Higher Mental Abstract thinking; formless

Lower Mental Concrete thinking; with forms

Emotion Seat of feelings

Physical Etheric Dense

The double; vehicle of prana or ch’i Physical, liquid and gaseous

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Vehicle Function Christian equivalent

Spirit Spirit

Spiritual Conscious-ness

Contemplative Consciousness

Higher Mental

Individuality RationalSoul

Lower Mental

Emotion Desire-Body Kama-rupa

Animal Soul

Physical Etheric Dense

Etheric Double (Linga Sarira)

Dense body

Vegetable Soul

Physical Body

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The Etheric DoubleShaped exactly like the physical body, except larger by a few inches.

Generally not separable from the physical body, but when it does, it does not go far from the body.

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Etheric Double

• Carrier of energy called ch’I or prana, used in healing and acupuncture

• The matrix that forms the shape of the physical body

• Link between the physical body and the inner bodies

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Kirlian Photography

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Kirlian photographs taken of Geller. At left he is sending energy to a key.

Right top picture, his finger is at rest. Bottom photo: he is sending energy toward a watch.

Geller was trying to form the shape of the “5” which he felt he was receiving telepathically.

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Healing and its Effects

  Experiment by J.L Hickman with Rev. Scudder. Top finger is a

normal finger. Below,  Rev. Scudder sending energy

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Effects on Aura of Thoughts and Feelings

Couple instructed to

think unpleasant thoughts toward

each other 

Same couple thinking loving thoughts

Same couple kissing

www.kirlian.org/ kirlian2.htm

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Phantom Leaf Phenomenon

shadowboxent.brinkster.net/ lemurkirlian.html

Kirlian photograph of Kirlian photograph of the same leaf but the same leaf but almost completely torn almost completely torn away, leaving only the away, leaving only the stem. The emanation of stem. The emanation of the whole life remains the whole life remains for some time.for some time.

Kirlian photograph of Kirlian photograph of normal leafnormal leaf

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Minnie Harrison Eva Carriere

The etheric material can at times be solidified to be visible and tangible and can produce various phenomena such as the production of sounds.

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Sir William Crookes photographed beside the materialized body of Katie King

March 29, 1874

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The Chakras

• The chakras are energy vortices between one plane and another.

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Controlling the Ch’i through Acupuncture

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Pranic Healing, Mesmerism, Healing by Hand, Qigong,

Orgone Therapy, etc.

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The Inner Bodies

Astral body of savage

Causal body of average person

Intense anger

Causal body of developed individual

The Scientific Type

Normal health aura

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The Causal Body of an

Arhat or Perfected


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Astral Projection

The Astral Body can be projected outside of the physical body.

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Group Soul

Group Soul

Rupert Sheldrake:

Morphic Fields & Morphic Resonance

Carl Jung:

Collective Unconscious

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Thought Forms and Thought Power

Every thought we make has two effects:

1. Thought forms – with shapes and colors in accordance with the thought

2. Thought radiation – that affect the surroundings

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Lower and Higher Mental

Concrete Abstract

Red triangle Triangleness

Outer space and Galaxies

Pure space without objects

Yellow Color

Good act Goodness

Beautiful flower Beauty

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Higher Mental


Adepts and Initiates

Evolved Souls

Average Souls

First Elemental Essence

Arupa devas

Lower Mental

Human beings Second Elemental Essence

Rupa devas

Emotional Men; Animals (asleep and after death)


Third Elemental Essence;

Thought forms;




Etheric Atomic




Ghosts Lower elementals

Nature spirits

Dense Physical




Human; animals; plants; minerals

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The Quest for Transcendence

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Levels of ConsciousnessVehicle Function

Higher Self (Spirit; Atma)

Spark of the Divine; True Self within

Spiritual Consciousness (Buddhi)

Seat of spirituality and true intuition; where illumination and enlightenment occurs

Higher Mental Abstract thinking; formless

Lower Mental Concrete thinking; with forms

Emotion Seat of feelings

Physical Etheric Dense

The double; vehicle of prana or ch’i Physical, liquid and gaseous

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Spiritual Meditation

Preparatory practices – concentration, purification, health

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Mastery of PrinciplesAbstract Thought


Concrete Thought


Emotion Emotional Processing; awareness of sensation

Etheric Breathing; pranayama; thought; scanning

Physical Habit; health; diet; exercise

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Spiritual and Psychical (or Personal)


Love Com-passion



Psychic-al faculty

Desire Sympa-thy


Personal motiva-tion

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• Intuition is to see things – in their essential nature– not just understanding things conceptually or from


• It incorporates conceptual understanding, but at the same time, transcends it. It is integrative. It includes, without analysis, priorities, values or principles.

• It entails awareness of a level of consciousness subtler than thinking.

• True intuition is identical with spiritual awareness and the mystical meaning of “faith.”

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The Intuitive Person• Intuitive persons have judgments that are ultimately

sound and in accord with objective reality.• Hence, because their view or judgment

encompasses a wider and deeper scope, they are aptly called wise (not merely being intelligent, cunning or smart).

• “All great men are endowed with intuition. They know without reasoning or analysis, what they need to know.” (Alexis Carrel)

• They are some of the most influential people in history: Plato, Confucius, Jesus, Buddha, Gandhi, Einstein, etc.

• They are self-actualizing people

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1. Understand what intuition is – and not confuse it with ESP, emotions, and whims

2. Be clear about your deepest values – your principles in life and your most important personal values

3. Learn how to enter into inner silence – practice meditation and daily awareness

4. Check inner response when a decision has to be made – learn to recognize the inner seeing vs. emotional reactions

Exploring Intuition

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Exercise• Think of a present life situation that is not trivial – something that

you are concerned about and which is not yet clear yet to you what you should do. (E.g., to sell or not to sell the house; to reside in another place; to buy a new piano or not; to go back to school or not; to enter into a relationship; etc.)

• Enter into inner silence. Drop the thought about the situation entirely from your mind (if you feel discomfort while thinking about it then process it first).

• When mind and feelings are calm, indifferent about things, and there is inward silence, turn your attention to the situation:– not deliberate or evaluate it, – just look at it without analysis; – allow the consciousness to “dwell” on the situation, – no attempt to understand or do anything about it, just look

• Stay with this state for five minutes

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The existence of the Mahatmas, their power to travel in the inner, or astral body at will, to preserve full command of all their intelligence, and to condense their “phantom” form into visibility or dissolve it into invisibility at their own pleasure, are now facts too well established to permit us to regard it as an open question. (CW 5:290-1)

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Peace, Love and Light to All!