17 Universal Principles of Success and Achievement By Napoleon Hill

17 Universal Principles Of Success And Achievement

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17 Universal Principles Of Success And Achievement

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  • 1. 17Universal Principlesof Success andAchievementBy Napoleon Hill

2. Napoleon Hill was born in 1883 and is best known for his writing, teaching, and lecturing about the principles of success. His work stands as a monumentto individual achievement and is the cornerstone of modern motivation. Fromhis many works, the 17 Universal Principles of Success and Achievement provides an insight into this great mans work and findings. 3. Principle 1: Definiteness of Purpose Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement. Without a purpose and a plan, people drift aimlessly through life. You need to know precisely what you want from life. If you dont know where you are going, youll most likely end up nowhere. No wonder it comes the very first in the list of principles. 4. Principle 2: Mastermind Alliance The Mastermind principle consists of an alliance of two or more minds working in perfect harmony for the attainment of a common definite objective. Success does not come without the cooperation of others. This principle is important because it is the principle through which you may borrow and use the education, experience, influence and, perhaps, the capital of other people. 5. Principle 3: Use Applied Faith This principle means doing more than what you are expected to do and doing it in a positive mental attitude. Napoleon Hill puts this habit in the QQMA formula: Quality of service you render, Quantity of service you render, Mental Attitude in which you render the service = your success in your chosen occupation. 6. Principle 4: Go the Extra Mile Going the extra mile is the action of rendering more and better service than that for which you are presently paid. Doing it all the time and doing it with a pleasing, positive attitude. We have to have the faith and believe that we can and will succeed, no matter how daunting our goals might be. 7. Principle 5: Create a Pleasing Personality Personality is the sum total of ones mental, spiritual and physical traits and habits that distinguish one from all others. It is the factor that determines whether one is liked or disliked by others. A pleasing personality helps you master the major cause of failure the inability to get along with people harmoniously. 8. Principle 6: Create Personal Initiative Personal initiative is the power that inspires the completion of that which one begins. No person is free until he learns to do his own thinking and gains the courage to act on his own. Personal Initiative is the inner power that starts all action; the power that inspires the completion of all that one begins. 9. Principle 7: Build a Positive Mental Attitude Positive mental attitude is the right mental attitude in all circumstances. Success attracts more success while failure attracts more failure. Positive mental attitude can clear out all obstacles which stand between you and your major purpose in life. To govern your life, you must be able to govern your mind, and that is the starting point of all riches. 10. Principle 8: Control Your Enthusiasm It is the intense emotion known as burning desire. It comes from within, although it radiates outwardly in the expression of ones voice and countenance. Enthusiasm is a contagious state of mind that not only helps you gain the cooperation of others but, more importantly, inspires you to draw upon and use the power of your imagination. 11. Principle 9: Self-Discipline Self-discipline begins with the mastery of thought. If you do not control your thoughts, you cannot control your needs. Self-discipline calls for a balancing of the emotions of your heart with the reasoning faculty of your head. It is the only thing in life over which you have complete, unchallenged and unchallengeable control. Taking possession of your own mind and directing it toward whatever ends you may desire. 12. Principle 10: Accurate Thinking The power of thought is the most dangerous or the most beneficial power available to man, depending on how it is used. The accurate thinker recognizes all the facts of life, both good and bad, and assumes the responsibility of separating and organizing the two, choosing those which serve his needs and rejecting all others. 13. Principle 11: Controlled Attention Controlled attention leads to mastery in any type of human endeavor, because it enables one to focus the powers of his mind upon the attainment of a definite objective and tokeep it so directed at will. The highest form of self-discipline, the act of coordinating all your minds faculties and directing their combined power to a given end. 14. Principle 12: Inspire Teamwork Teamwork is harmonious cooperation that is willing, voluntary and free. Harmony based on a definite motive, teamwork is the medium through which great personal power may be attained; the willing cooperation and coordination of effort to achieve a specific objective. 15. Principle 13: Learn from Adversity & Defeat Individual success usually is in exact proportion of the scope of the defeat the individual has experienced and mastered. Hard-ship and adversity are a common language of nature in which she speaks to all living creatures and teaches them many things they would not learn in any other way. 16. Principle 14: Cultivate Creative Vision Creative vision is developed by the free and fearless use of ones imagination. It is not a miraculous quality with which one is gifted or is not gifted at birth. 17. Principle 15: Maintain Sound Health Sound health begins with a sound health consciousness, just as financial success begins with a prosperity consciousness. The key that coordinates all other principles and sets all ideas into motion, sound health provides the flavor to the good things in life. 18. Principle 16: Budgeting Time & Money Time and money are precious resources, and few people striving for success ever believe they possess either one in excess. Successful people know themselves, not as they think they are, but as their habits have made them the use of time and money are the most vital of these habits. 19. Principle 17: Cosmic Habit Force Developing and establishing positive habits leads to peace of mind, health and financial security. You are where you are because of your established habits and thoughts and deeds. 20. Thank You Very Much Sompong Yusoontorn