How Helpful Automated Manual Transmission Are in Current Market

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The Need Of Transmission system : Transmission

connects the engine to wheels. When we need to drive faster ,the

transmission matches the engine speed to wheel speed and give us a

fast or slow drive…………………………….

The Advantages

Simple system and easy to maintain


Give High Fuel Economy

Limitation Of Manual


Automatic Transmission System


Easy to operate

Auto selection of



More Complex system

Loss of Fuel economy

Enthusiastic driver select manual one

This new technology will automatically engages and disengages the use of clutch when necessary

it also controls the choice of changing the transmission gear : Either automatic or sequential mode for changing gear

Step -1

Step -2

Step 3

The Transmission Control unit acts as per the requirement and

operating condition of vehicle.

The transmission Control Unit manages the gear change by controlling the clutch, the gears and the engine.

Fuel Economy: AMT consumes less fuel than the manual transmission, Lower fuel consumption= lower CO2


As per Research, a reduction of 10% in fuel consumption has been recorded compared to the automatic transmission vehicles.

Researchers have calculated a flat reduction of emissions equal to 5 g/km of CO2

Comfortable for stop and go

city traffic


Freedom from Operating the clutch Lever

Less Transmission


Lower in cost than automatic transmission

1. AMT is not a clutch –less solution. It has a clutch but there is no clutch pedal.

2. It is a low-cost and convenient solution that can be used by race cars

4. The hydraulic AMT kit can only be fitted from factory.

5 . The mechanism is controlled by 2 major parts :- A Hydraulic System An Electronic Control Unit

6. Except the automatic mode it has a sports mode where the driver can use the transmission manually.

7. It’s very much convenient for manufacturer as it doesn’t replace the manual transmission rather work with it.


