Enterprise Output Management Automotive Industry Case Studies

Enterprise Output Management Automotive Industry Case Studies

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Enterprise Output ManagementAutomotive Industry Case Studies

Plus Technologies has extensive experience in solving print infrastructure problems that today’s automotive manufacturers and retailers face. By combining world class output management software products, strong implementation services capabilities, and highly responsive support, Plus Technologies creates and delivers robust and unique solutions. 

Output Management Challenges 












Customer Quotes andFeedback  “OM Plus solved our problem so successfully that we implemented it in all of our North American Assembly plants.” (Toyota)

“Things could not be better with OM Plus. Plus Technologies is one of the best companies I have ever dealt with in my life!” (Johnson Controls/Adient Auto Experience)

“I would highly recommend OM Plus to anyone looking for an easier way to manage documents and spool files in a high-volume printing environment. The support I received from Plus Technologies both during the install and afterwards was fantastic. They really care about getting you up and running and really go the ‘extra mile’ in providing assistance. They have a strong product that does everything as promised. I have gone from spending 4-5 hours (and more) daily to less than 10 minutes per day managing my spool files. I also get an email when one of our printers goes down so most of the time I am aware of the problem before the end-user. Thanks for making my job a lot easier!” (Johnson Controls/Adient Auto Experience)

“Plus Technologies software has been a big part of our SAP print environment for over ten years. OM Plus has shown the ability to scale to meet our high volume needs. We know we can rely on Plus Technologies’ support. They have been there for us. OM Plus has been very stable. We know we can rely on it.” (Dow Corning)

“Our lines need to keep running. Print failures cause interruptions and missed objectives. We rely on OM Plus’ reliability and automated fail-over to ensure the line keeps moving. It has been great for us.” (Whirlpool Corporation)

“Plus Technologies continues to be better than our expectations in managing our SAP output for over 5 years. You are diligent and customer focused. You have bent over backwards to help us.” (Honeywell)

“We appreciate your willingness to provide the customizations we needed to serve our dealers. You were the only company that was able to help us and you did it quickly and with quality. Thanks.” (DealerTrack Technologies) 

Related CustomerList   Customers with Common

Processes DB Schenker DHL Supply Chain Zanini Penske Logistics Autoparts Express Whirlpool Rapidparts Tech Data Migros Ingles

Automotive Related Customers Toyota Mazda Renault (Alvarez Group) Magna International Johnson Controls Leoni Faurecia Emissions Walbro

Automotive Sector Uses Overview  This document will describe situations and

solutions in two key areas within the automotive

business space including:1. Manufacturing and Logistics

2. Retail, Distribution, and Financial Services

Plus Technologies has developed solutions for

many large manufacturers, including automotive

manufacturers and retailers. 

Case Study # 1Auto Parts Manufacturer Production

Line Printing

Scenario Assembly instructions sent to printers on the line so that workers know which parts to add to auto chassis coming down the line. Printers down more than 90 seconds can impact the line. Technical support required 6 days per week and 24 hours per day from Plus Technologies.

OM Plus Features UsedBi-lateral communications to printers, real time detection of print issues, automated fail-over to backup printers, notification of detailed printer status and error codes to custom manufacturing system.

ResultsFewer line interruptions, reduced downtime, faster IT response time to issues, improved production line throughput.

Case Study # 2Auto Parts Manufacturer Unification

of Multiple Systems

ScenarioEnvironment includes numerous systems creating documents, multiple operating systems, integration with document re-purposing software, heterogeneous printer environment, just-in-time production line. Deadlines being missed with native print spooling systems reliability and scalability issues. Poor diagnostic information available to trouble shoot problems. IT had to learn and support numerous proprietary spooling systems hindering response time. Line productivity and deadlines missed.

OM Plus Features UsedSeamless ingestion of documents from multiple systems, document control from source to printer including through document re-purposing software, single interface for all documents and devices, detection of print errors, re-print, re-start in a clustered implementation.

ResultsOff-loaded application server workload increasing performance, fewer system print errors, reduced print server systems, minimize user training requirements, reduced IT staff workload, and avoided late delivery fines.

Case Study # 3


ManufacturerSAP Output

ScenarioLarge manufacturer with over 100 locations in 3 continents running SAP. Centralized document creation with delivery to over 1,400 printers worldwide. Support for several printer manufacturers needed. Need for scalable, reliable, and recoverable print system.

OM Plus Features UsedSingle scalable OM Plus install on centralized server, seamless ingestion and document composition of SAP documents, intelligent routing to printers as well as fax, email and archive systems, scalability.

ResultsSimplified support for complex system, increased print reliability and scalability, savings from routing to electronic alternatives, eased workload on SAP application servers.

Case Study # 4

Auto ManufacturerLabel Printing

ScenarioJapanese based auto manufacturer utilizing a bar-code labeling procedure for incoming parts in their European facility. Environmental conditions such as humidity and dirt causing thermal bar-code printers reliability problems. Poor quality bar-code printing causing issues with inventory and product quality tracking.

OM Plus Features UsedBi-directional communications with bar-code printer and verifier to identify rejected bar-codes, auto re-print of defective bar-codes.

ResultsFewer un-scannable bar-codes, minimize duplicate and missing labels, improved inventory control.

Case Study # 5

Leading Dealer Mgmt. System Provider

SaaS Solution

ScenarioProvider of SaaS based DMS solutions desired an easy-to-use, reliable, pull-print technology to deliver host created documents to dealers across the United States without requiring users to use expensive VPN technology.

OM Plus Features UsedIngestion of jobs from SaaS host, holding jobs until jobs requested from dealer based software agent, plug & play agent at dealer site, user authentication, compressed and encrypted delivery from host to dealer.

ResultsNo local dealer expertise needed for pull-print solution, uniform delivery process reduces workload on DMS provider IT staff, elimination of VPN costs, extensive print recovery tools, detailed print statistics and logging, enhanced print system reliability.

Plus Technologies Helps Customers With:  

Print StatisticsImproving Compliance/SecurityManaging Print ServicesSecure Print Delivery Over the InternetERP/DMS OutputConsolidating Print Servers

Document Routing and Work-flowImproving IT and Help Desk ProductivityLowering Printing CostsPull-Print SolutionsIncreasing Print Throughput and Scalability

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