Driving Tips for New College Students

Driving tips for new college students

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Driving Tips for New College Students

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As a college student that lives near campus I have never really had to worry about safety

when driving to campus other than just general driving safety.

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I consider this to be a great benefit and stress reducer.

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Although I do realize that most college students do not live so close to campus.

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This means that they will be driving from long distances to their new housing

arrangement, whether it is a dorm or an apartment.

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By informing your child of these tips you can worry less about them while they are at


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The first tip to help ensure a safe trip for your college student is to check their vehicle.

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This includes checking tire pressure, fluids, lights, and general areas of interest.

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This can reduce the chance that your child gets stranded in an unknown location

without a functioning vehicle.

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Another important tip is to make sure that there is an accident kit in the vehicle.

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Heaven forbid that anything should happen that would require your college student to

need to use this kit.

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However, having the kit and not needing it is safer than needing the kit and not having it.

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Drive to the campus location with your college student before classes start and

everything gets crazy.

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This will help you and your child know that area that they will be living in for the next

four years a lot better.

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This is also beneficial to parents when they come to their student’s campus for Parents


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Tip number four is to remind your student of general driving safety.

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This includes remembering pedestrians.

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You may want to drill this into their head, especially if you come from an area with few

or no pedestrians.

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Also, remind your child to check local conditions.

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Driving to college includes a lot of the same driving techniques they use while driving in a

local area.

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One of the most important tips is to remind them not to drink and drive.

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Sadly, as parents you know that your child will be attending parties during their time at


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This means that they will be tempted to drink.

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However, even if you can’t stop your college student from drinking you can always

remind them to find a safe way back to their dorm or apartment.

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This could include calling a cab or having a friend of their drive them home.

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The final tip that as parents you should make sure your child knows is that good grades

usually equal a discount on their car insurance.

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This signals your college student to do well especially if they are paying for their own
