XF West Herr Jaguar 10 Campbell Blvd Getzville, NY 14068 (877) 371-6316 http://www.westherr.com

2012 Jaguar XF For Sale NY | Jaguar Dealer Near Buffalo

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XFWest Herr Jaguar10 Campbell BlvdGetzville, NY 14068(877) 371-6316http://www.westherr.com


c o n n e c t i v i t y

1 2 - 1 3

c r a f t e d i n t e r i o r

8 - 1 1

e f f i c i e n t d e s i g n

6 - 7


e n g i n e s

1 6 - 1 7

c o n t r o l

1 8 - 1 9

e X p e c t t h e u n e X p e c t e d

2 2 - 2 3



S l e e k , d y n a m i c , d a r i n g , t h e X F f u s e s t h e awe - i n s p i r i n g

p owe r o f a wo r l d - c l a s s s p o r t s c a r w i t h t h e o u t s t a n d i n g

co m fo r t o f a l u x u r y se d a n . A d r i v i n g fo rce i n e n g i n e e r i n g

and innovat ion , the XF has proved i t se l f the game-changer

in the wor ld of automot ive des ign . I t combines Jaguar Cars ’

renowned s ty le and luxury wi th exper t technology, set t ing

t h e s t a n d a rd t h at o t h e r s p o r t s se d a n s c a n o n l y a s p i re to .

The Jaguar XF del ivers the future of luxury and per formance.

D e s i g n e d a n d t e s t e d i n t h e J a g u a r V i r t u a l R e a l i t y d e s i g n

studios us ing h ighly advanced automotive s imulators , model

development t ime for the XF was dramat ical ly reduced. T h i s

e n a b l e s t h e X F to i n co r p o rate t h e ve r y l a t e s t c u t t i n g - e d g e

t e c h n o l o g y a s we l l a s t h e m o s t contemporary s ty l ing and

ef f ic ient aerodynamic model l ing .

I m a ge s h ow n : X F i n U l t i m a te B l a c k w i t h S p o r t Pa c k




With i t s bo ld , b i - funct ion xenon headlamps out l ined wi th c rysta l wh i te LED s ignature runn ing lamps and i t s muscu la r bear ing

the XF makes a s tatement of formidable intent . I t s f lowing l ines and pr imed , nose-down, at t i tude a re more than an ath let ic

pose , they have been prec i s ion-honed through exhaust ive des ign test ing to per fect the a i r f low ef f ic iency of the XF. Each l ine

in the XF a rch i tecture has been re f ined to he lp i t ach ieve opt imal aerodynamic per formance , reduc ing fue l consumpt ion and

emiss ions . Beaut i fu l , in tense , power fu l ; f i r s t the XF captures your imag inat ion and then your hear t .



To s te p i n to t h e X F i s to t a ke yo u r seat i n a t h eate r o f

l u x u r y. T h e e xq u i s i t e l y c ra f t e d i n t e r i o r g re e t s yo u w i t h

fo r m h u g g i n g s u p p l e l eat h e r s , c l a s s i c rea l wo o d ve n e e r s

a n d s l e e k co n t e m p o ra r y a l u m i n u m s u r f a ce s . M i n i m a l

swe e p i n g l i n e s g i ve t h e c a b i n a n a i r y m o d e r n e l e g a n ce a s

eve r y a s p e c t i s e rgo n o m i c a l l y t a i l o re d to f i t i t s a u d i e n ce .

T h e X F g re e t s yo u w i t h a n e n t i c i n g so l i t a r y p u l s at i n g re d

‘ s t a r t ’ b u t t o n , r i n g e d i n g l i n t i n g c h ro m e . E n g a g i n g t h e

engine inst igates the drama - the XF wakes , the per formance

b e g i n s . E ve n a s yo u l i f t yo u r f i n ge r, t h e p re c i s i o n ro u n d e d

a l u m i n u m J a g u a r D r i ve S e l e c t o r T M r i s e s i n t o t h e p a l m o f

yo u r h a n d . T h e e n g i n e g row l s a s t h e X F a i r ve n t s ro l l o p e n

i n u n i so n a n d co o l P h os p h o r b l u e l i g h t i n g i g n i te s to p i c k

o u t t h e i n te r i o r co n t ro l s . We l co m e to t h e s h ow.

W i t h i t s a r ray o f m u s i c , i n fo r m at i o n a n d u p t o 1 7 s p e a ke r s ,

t h e X F c a b i n i s a n e n t i re e n te r t a i n m e n t ve n u e o n t h e m ove .

T h e 7 - i n c h To u c h - s c re e n i n t h e ce n t e r co n s o l e n o t o n l y

co n t ro l s c l i m ate a n d n av i g at i o n d at a , i t a l so o f fe r s a h os t

o f a u d i o s e l e c t i o n s , p rov i d i n g e x a c t l y w h at yo u wa n t t o

h e a r p re c i s e l y w h e n yo u wa n t t o h e a r i t . M u s i c i s s t o re d

a n d i n s t a n t l y s e r ve d by a V i r t u a l M u l t i - c h a n g e r t h at p l ays

a u d i o i n a n u n co m p re s s e d fo r m at f ro m a 3 0 G B h a rd d i s k .

U n co m p re s s e d f i l e s re s u l t i n n o l o s s o f h i g h o r l ow - e n d

f re q u e n c i e s w h i c h m e a n s t h at t h ey c a n b e re c re at e d a s

wa s i n te n d e d o n t h e o r i g i n a l re co rd i n g . T h e Po r t a b l e A u d i o

I n te r fa ce a l l ows ea sy co n n e c t i o n o f d ev i ce s s u c h a s i Po d ®

a n d M P 3 d i g i t a l m u s i c p l aye r s , a s we l l a s B l u e to o t h® a u d i o

s t rea m i n g co n n e c t i v i t y w i t h m e n u s co n ve n i e n t l y d i s p l aye d

on-screen. The Touch-screen system is designed to complement

t h e J a g u a r d e s i g n p h i l oso p h y - i n t u i t i ve a n d so p h i s t i c ate d .

For a hands-free exper ience : the system can a lso be completely

operated by an opt iona l in teract ive ‘ Say What You See’ vo ice

co n t ro l sys te m w h e re t h e sc re e n s i m p l y p ro m p t s yo u so t h at

yo u a re n eve r l os t fo r co m m a n d s .


I n c reat ing a d r iv ing exp e r ie n ce t h at su r p a s se s a l l ot h e r s ,

noth ing but the h ighest f idel i t y sou nd system wil l su f f ice .

The XF of fe r s an opt ion of th ree d i f fe rent audio sys tems

i n c l u d i n g t h e a s t o n i s h i n g , p r e c i s i o n e n g i n e e r e d ,

Bowers & Wilk ins® su r ro u n d so u n d sys te m . Aco u s t ic a l ly

des igned exclus ive ly for the un ique sou ndscape of the XF

c a b i n , i t d e l i ve r s 1 2 0 0W o f p u re s o u n d t h ro u g h n o le s s

t h a n s e v e n t e e n s t r a t e g i c a l l y p o s i t i o n e d s p e a k e r s .

Co m bin e d wi t h t h e exce pt io n a l c la r i t y o f t h e Au dys sey

M ult EQ ® au d io t u n ing sys te m , t h e c a r p rov id e s a t r u ly

outstanding soundtrack for every road , for every occasion .

B O W E R S & W I L K I N S®


5 . 0 l i t e r n at u r a l ly a s p i r at e d

p o w e r – 3 8 5 H P

ac c e l e r at i o n – 0 - 6 0 M P H S E C O N D S - 5 . 5

m a X s p e e d – 1 2 1 M P H ( l i m i t e d )

c i t y m p g – 1 6 *

h i g h way m p g – 2 3 *

E X PA N D I N GT H E R A N G ET h e X F co m e s w i t h a c h o i ce o f t h re e e n g i n e s to s at i s f y

a ra n ge o f p r i o r i t i e s . T h e se i n c l u d e t h e 5 . 0 L i te r V 8 3 8 5

HP, the 5 .0 L i ter V8 Supercharged 470 HP and the 5 .0 L i ter

V 8 S u p e rc h a rge d 5 1 0 H P e n g i n e .


5 . 0 l i t e r v 8 s u p e rc h a rg e d

p o w e r – 4 7 0 H P

ac c e l e r at i o n – 0 - 6 0 M P H S E C O N D S - 4 .9

m a X s p e e d – 1 5 5 M P H ( l i m i t e d )

c i t y m p g – 1 5 *

h i g h way m p g – 2 1 *

5 . 0 l i t e r v 8 r s u p e rc h a rg e d

p o w e r – 5 1 0 H P

ac c e l e r at i o n – 0 - 6 0 M P H S E C O N D S - 4 . 7

m a X s p e e d – 1 5 5 M P H ( l i m i t e d )

c i t y m p g – 1 5 *

h i g h way m p g – 2 1 *

*Based on EPA est imates . Actual mi leage may vary.

C O N T R O LT h e p owe r a n d p e r fo r m a n ce o f t h e X F i s co n t ro l l e d by

t h e d r i ve r b u t co n s t a n t l y a s s i s t e d by t h e t e c h n o l o g i e s

o f t h e c a r i t s e l f . T h e revo l u t i o n a r y A d a p t i ve D y n a m i c s

S ys te m o f t h e X F S u p e rc h a rge d a n d t h e X F R co n t i n u o u s l y

m o n i t o r s t h e s u s p e n s i o n , va r y i n g t h e d a m p i n g t o s u i t

t h e co n d i t i o n s d u r i n g co r n e r i n g , n av i g at i n g p o t h o l e s a n d

a cce l e rat i n g o n t h e h i g h way. T h e sys t e m c a l c u l at e s t h e

a p p ro p r i ate s u s p e n s i o n re s p o n se 5 0 0 t i m e s eve r y se co n d .

A d j u s t i n g t h e d a m p e r s to h e l p ke e p t h e c a r a s f l at , s t a b l e

a n d se c u re a s p oss i b l e a l l ows co n f i d e n t h a n d l i n g w i t h o u t

l o s s o f r i d e co m fo r t . T h e ve h i c l e ’s a g i l i t y i s f u r t h e r

enhanced by A c t i ve D i f fe re n t i a l Co n t ro l w h i c h a n a l y z e s

t h e g r i p o f t h e ro a d s u r fa ce a n d a d j u s t s t h e p owe r se n t

t o e a c h w h e e l t o co n s t a n t l y o p t i m i z e t ra c t i o n , h e l p i n g

t h e ve h i c l e to s t i c k to t h e ro a d o n t h e t i g h te s t o f b e n d s

d u r i n g p e r fo r m a n ce d r i v i n g .

To i n c re a s e d r i ve r s at i s f a c t i o n a n d fe e d b a c k f ro m t h e

c a r, t h e S e r vo t ro n i c s t e e r i n g a d j u s t s t h e l eve l o f p owe r

a s s i s t a n ce t o t h e s t e e r i n g a cco rd i n g t o ro a d s p e e d .

T h e re s u l t i s re d u ce d a s s i s t a n ce a n d f i r m e r s t e e r i n g a s

s p e e d i n c re a s e s a n d m o re a s s i s t a n ce at l ow s p e e d s fo r

e a sy m a n e u ve r i n g .

I m a ge s h ow n : X F R i n I ta l i a n R a c i n g R e d


A C T I V E S A F E T YT h e X F s a fe t y sys t e m s a re a n t i c i p at o r y, u t i l i z i n g

a n a r ray o f te c h n o l o g i c a l feat u re s to b e rea d y fo r

a lmost anything and ass ist the dr iver in deal ing with

t h e u n e x p e c t e d . B i - f u n c t i o n xe n o n h e a d l a m p s *

p rov i d e a p owe r f u l p u re l i g h t . T h ey a re ava i l a b l e

w i t h A d a p t i ve F ro n t L i g h t i n g w h i c h rea c t s to t h e

c a r ’s s p e e d a n d d r i ve r i n p u t to d e f l e c t h ea d l a m p

b e a m s d e e p i n t o co r n e r s d u r i n g t u r n s fo r e x t ra

co n f i d e n ce at n i g h t . A l so ava i l a b l e i s I n te l l i ge n t

H i g h B e a m . T h i s sys t e m a u t o m at i c a l l y d e t e c t s

p re ce d i n g o r o n co m i n g t ra f f i c o r s t re e t l i g h t s to

swi tch to low beam and then swi tches back to h igh

b ea m w h e n a p p ro p r i ate .

Adapt ive Cru i se Contro l* , moni tors the sur rounding

v e h i c l e s t o a u t o m a t i c a l l y s l o w i f t h e v e h i c l e i n

f ro n t b ra ke s t h e n re s u m e s t h e p re - se t s p e e d o n ce

t h e o bs t r u c t i o n i s c l ea re d .

The Advanced Brak ing System* helps provide smooth

s to p p i n g i n w i d e ra n g i n g co n d i t i o n s . I f A d a p t i ve

C r u i s e C o n t r o l i s p a i r e d w i t h t h e I n t e l l i g e n t

E m e rge n cy B ra k i n g S ys te m , i t d e te c t s t h e seve r i t y

o f t h e s to p p i n g s i t u at i o n a n d a p p l i e s b ra k i n g

fo rce a s n e ce ss a r y.

D u r i n g p a r k i n g , s t a n d a rd re a r a n d o p t i o n a l f ro n t

p a r k i n g s e n s o r s p rov i d e a v i s u a l d i s p l ay o n t h e

To u c h - s c re e n w i t h va r i a b l e a u d i o wa r n i n g s t o

i l l u s t rat e t h e p rox i m i t y o f o t h e r ve h i c l e s .

I m a ge s h ow n : X F i n Po l a r i s W h i te

*please refer to glossary disclaimer(1) on page 67.




8 A I R B A G S ,

I N C L U D I N G D R I V E R A N D F R O N T P A S S E N G E R T H O R A X P R O T E C T I O N ,



B e n eat h t h e a e ro d y n a m i c l i n e s o f t h e X F i s a r i g i d b o d y,

e n ve l o p i n g d r i ve r a n d p a s s e n g e r a l i ke . J a g u a r C a r s h a s

u s e d t h e l a t e s t m at e r i a l t e c h n o l o g i e s t o d eve l o p t h e

X F s t r u c t u re f ro m l i g h t e r, s t ro n g e r, m o re d u ra b l e n ew

g e n e rat i o n m e t a l s i n c l u d i n g b o ro n w i t h h i g h c a r b o n

a n d h o t - fo r m e d s t e e l s .




F O R S T R E N G T H .

X F 2 6 X F P O R T F O L I O 3 0 X F S U P E R C H A R G E D 3 4 X F R 3 8

X F R A N G EA D R I v I n G F O R C E I n D E S I G n

A d r i v i n g fo rce i n d e s i g n , e n g i n e e r i n g a n d i n n ovat i o n , t h e X F h a r n e s s e s

the breathtak ing power of a spor ts ca r to the sub l ime p leasure of a wor ld

c l a s s l u x u r y se d a n . W h ateve r c h o i ce o f m o d e l o r o p t i o n s ea c h i n d i v i d u a l

c u s to m e r se l e c t s , eve r y X F e p i to m i z e s J a g u a r ’s p u r s u i t o f e xce l l e n ce a n d

at tent ion to deta i l . The fo l lowing sect ion p rov ides in -depth desc r ip t ions

and spec i f icat ions of the ent i re XF range , w i th each model ’s ma in features

a n d ava i l a b l e o p t i o n s . I t a l s o g i v e s a c o m p l e t e s e l e c t i o n o f e x c i t i n g

e x t e r i o r f i n i s h e s a n d p r e m i u m i n t e r i o r t r i m s , w h i c h o f f e r f u r t h e r

o p p o r t u n i t i e s to m a ke a n X F eve n m o re i n d i v i d u a l a n d p e r so n a l .




P E R F O R M A n C E5.0L V8 385 HP0-60 mPH SECONDS – 5.5CITY (mPG) – 16*HIGHWAY (mPG) – 23*

M A I n F E A T U R E S

I n T E R I O R :Bond grain leather seat facings

heated front seats (6/6 way) with two position memory

rosewood veneer

Jaguar smart Key systemtm with Keyless start

steering wheel mounted shift paddles

rear parking aid with touch-screen visual indicator

7-inch color touch-screen

hard-drive based navigation system

interactive voicetm with ‘say what you see’ control command

Jaguar 400w sound system with 10 speakers,

30gB hard drive for music storage, dvd, hd radio and sirius® satellite radio (subscription required)

media hub with ipod®, usB port and Bluetooth® with wireless audio streaming

Jaguarsensetm lighting control

phosphor blue halo illumination and interior mood lighting

dual zone climate control

E X T E R I O R :18 vela alloy wheels

alloy space saver spare wheel

Bi-function hid xenon headlamps with automatic leveling and led signature running lights

*Based on epa estimate. actual mileage may vary.


19 artura chrome

18 vela

20 draco dark gray (diamond turned rim)

19 artura18 lyra

20 hydra




Knurled aluminum with Burl walnut Knurled aluminum with carbon fiber


v E n E E R S

X FI n T E R I O R C H O I C E

Knurled aluminum with satin rosewood

I n T E R I O R C O M b I n A T I O n S

dove Bond grain leather seat facings with warm charcoal leather upper fascia and dove headlining

warm charcoal Bond grain leather seat facings with warm charcoal leather upper fascia and dove headlining

I n T E R I O R S H O W nBarley Bond grain leather seat facings with warm charcoal leather upper fascia and canvas headlining with satin rosewood veneer

H E A D L I n I n G



Barley Bond grain leather seat facings with warm charcoal leather upper fascia and canvas headlining





P E R F O R M A n C E5.0L V8 385 HP0-60 mPH SECONDS – 5.5CITY (mPG) – 16*HIGHWAY (mPG) – 23*

M A I n F E A T U R E SWith these features of the XF model:

I n T E R I O R :Jaguar smart Key systemtm with Keyless start

steering wheel mounted shift paddles

rear parking aid with touch-screen visual indicator

7-inch color touch-screen

hard-drive based navigation system

interactive voicetm with ‘say what you see’ control command

Jaguar 400w sound system with 10 speakers,

30gB hard drive for music storage, dvd, hd radio and sirius® satellite radio (subscription required)

media hub with ipod®, usB port and Bluetooth® with wireless audio streaming

Jaguarsensetm lighting control

phosphor blue halo illumination and interior mood lighting

dual zone climate control

E X T E R I O R :alloy space saver spare wheel

Bi-function hid xenon headlamps with automatic leveling and led signature running lights

Plus these additional features:

19 caravela alloy wheels

soft grain perforated leather seat (16/12 way) with contrast hoop and 2 position memory

active ventilated heated and cooled front seats

soft grain leather twin needle contrast stitching on instrument panel and door top rolls

suedecloth premium headlining

figured ebony veneer

deep pile carpet mats with contrast edge

Jaguar smart Key systemtm with Keyless entry

reverse park camera with guidance lines on display

front parking aid with touch-screen visual indicator

headlights with adaptive front lights

†only available with sport pack*Based on epa estimate. actual mileage may vary.




19 aquila† 19 artura chrome

19 caravela

20 draco dark gray (diamond turned rim)

19 artura

20 hydra


Knurled aluminum with figured ebony Knurled aluminum with carbon fiber Knurled aluminum with Burl walnut Knurled aluminum with piano Black

(only available with sport pack)

X F P O R T F O L I OI n T E R I O R C H O I C E

v E n E E R S


I n T E R I O R S H O W nivory with navy contrasting hoop soft grain leather seats, with navy and ivory contrast stitch leather upper fascia and canvas headlining with figured ebony veneer

I n T E R I O R C O M b I n A T I O n S

H E A D L I n I n G



ivory with navy contrasting hoop soft grain leather seats, with navy and ivory contrast stitch leather upper fascia and canvas headlining

Barley with truffle contrasting hoop soft grain leather seats, with truffle and Barley contrast stitch leather upper fascia and canvas headlining

london tan with warm charcoal contrasting hoop soft grain leather seats, with warm charcoal and london tan contrast stitch leather upper fascia and canvas headlining*

london tan with navy contrasting hoop soft grain leather seats, with navy and london tan contrast stitch leather upper fascia and canvas headlining

ivory with oyster contrasting hoop soft grain leather seats, with oyster and ivory contrast stitch leather upper fascia and canvas headlining

ivory with truffle contrasting hoop soft grain leather seats, with truffle and ivory contrast stitch leather upper fascia and canvas headlining

warm charcoal with ivory contrasting hoop soft grain leather seats, with warm charcoal and ivory contrast stitch leather upper fascia and canvas headlining*


*optional Jet suedecloth headlinings available




P E R F O R M A n C E5.0L V8 SUPERCHARGED 470 HP0-60 mPH SECONDS – 4.9CITY (mPG) – 15*HIGHWAY (mPG) – 21*

M A I n F E A T U R E SWith these features of the XF Portfolio model:

I n T E R I O R :soft grain perforated leather seat (16/12 way) with contrast hoop and 2 position memory

active ventilated heated and cooled front seats

soft grain leather twin needle contrast stitching on instrument panel and door top rolls

suedecloth premium headlining

Jaguar smart Key systemtm with Keyless entry and Keyless start

steering wheel mounted shift paddles

reverse park camera with guidance lines on display

front and rear parking aid with touch-screen visual indicator

7-inch color touch-screen

hard-drive based navigation system

interactive voicetm with ‘say what you see’ control command

30gB hard drive for music storage, dvd, hd radio and sirius® satellite radio (subscription required)

media hub with ipod®, usB port and Bluetooth® with wireless audio streaming

Jaguarsensetm lighting control

phosphor blue halo illumination and interior mood lighting

dual zone climate control

E X T E R I O R :alloy space saver spare wheel

Bi-function hid xenon headlamps with automatic leveling and led signature running lights

Plus these additional features:

20 draco silver alloy wheels

470 hp supercharged engine

adaptive dynamics

active differential

Jaguar high performance Braking system

hood louvers

Quad exhaust tailpipes

Blind spot monitor

electrochromic exterior mirrors

3-spoke leather heated steering wheel

rich oak veneer

Jaguar 600w premium sound system with 11 speakers including a sub-woofer



20 draco silver

*Based on epa estimate. actual mileage may vary.


20 draco dark gray (diamond turned rim)


X F S U P E R C H A R G E DI n T E R I O R C H O I C E

v E n E E R S


I n T E R I O R S H O W nlondon tan with warm charcoal contrasting hoop soft grain leather seats, with warm charcoal and london tan contrast stitch leather upper fascia and canvas headlining with rich oak veneer

I n T E R I O R C O M b I n A T I O n S

H E A D L I n I n G



ivory with navy contrasting hoop soft grain leather seats, with navy and ivory contrast stitch leather upper fascia and canvas headlining

Barley with truffle contrasting hoop soft grain leather seats, with truffle and Barley contrast stitch leather upper fascia and canvas headlining

london tan with warm charcoal contrasting hoop soft grain leather seats, with warm charcoal and london tan contrast stitch leather upper fascia and canvas headlining*

london tan with navy contrasting hoop soft grain leather seats, with navy and london tan contrast stitch leather upper fascia and canvas headlining

ivory with oyster contrasting hoop soft grain leather seats, with oyster and ivory contrast stitch leather upper fascia and canvas headlining

ivory with truffle contrasting hoop soft grain leather seats, with truffle and ivory contrast stitch leather upper fascia and canvas headlining

warm charcoal with ivory contrasting hoop soft grain leather seats, with warm charcoal and ivory contrast stitch leather upper fascia and canvas headlining*


*optional Jet suedecloth headlinings available

Knurled aluminum with rich oak Knurled aluminum with carbon fiber Knurled aluminum with piano Black




P E R F O R M A n C E5.0L V8 SUPERCHARGED 510 HP0-60 mPH SECONDS – 4.7CITY (mPG) – 15*HIGHWAY (mPG) – 21*


20 nevis

M A I n F E A T U R E SWith these features of the XF Supercharged model:

I n T E R I O R :active ventilated heated and cooled front seatssoft grain leather twin needle contrast stitching on instrument panel and door top rolls (when specified)suedecloth premium headlining3-spoke leather heated steering wheelJaguar smart Key systemtm with Keyless entry and Keyless startsteering wheel mounted shift paddlesreverse park camera with guidance lines on display front and rear parking aid with touch-screen visual indicator Blind spot monitor7-inch color touch-screenhard-drive based navigation systeminteractive voicetm with ‘say what you see’ control command30gB hard drive for music storage, dvd, hd radio and sirius® satellite radio (subscription required)media hub with ipod®, usB port and Bluetooth® with wireless audio streamingJaguarsensetm lighting controlphosphor blue halo illumination and interior mood lightingdual zone climate control

E X T E R I O R :alloy space saver spare wheelBi-function hid xenon headlamps with automatic leveling and led signature running lightshood louversQuad exhaust tailpipeselectrochromic exterior mirrors

Plus these additional features:

r performance 20 nevis wheels 510 hp supercharged engineJaguar r styling:• unique front bumper with larger air intakes• front grille with black mesh inserts• side sill appliqués • trunk lid aero spoiler• sports seats (18/14 way) with electronically adjustable side bolsters

and r embossed on headrestdark oak veneerBowers & wilkins® 1200w premium surround sound system with 17 speakers including a sub-wooferpowered rear window sunblind split fold rear seat with ski hatch and bagheadlights with adaptive front lights and intelligent high Beam


*Based on epa estimate. actual mileage may vary. †part of Black pack


20 draco dark gray†

(diamond turned rim)


X F RI n T E R I O R C H O I C E

v E n E E R S

standard options

dark mesh aluminum with dark oak dark mesh aluminum with carbon fiber dark mesh aluminum with piano Black

I n T E R I O R S H O W nwarm charcoal soft grain leather seats with warm charcoal and ivory contrast stitch, warm charcoal leather upper fascia and dove headlining with optional carbon fiber veneer

ivory soft grain leather seats with warm charcoal and ivory contrast stitch leather upper fascia and canvas or optional Jet suedecloth premium headlining

red and warm charcoal duo tone soft grain leather seats with red contrast seat stitch, warm charcoal and red contrast stitch leather upper fascia with dove or optional Jet suedecloth premium headlining

london tan and warm charcoal duo tone soft grain leather seats with london tan contrast seat stitch, warm charcoal and london tan contrast stitch leather upper fascia with canvas or optional Jet suedecloth premium headlining

warm charcoal soft grain leather seats with warm charcoal leather upper fascia and dove or optional Jet suedecloth premium headlining

standard options

I n T E R I O R C O M b I n A T I O n S

warm charcoal soft grain leather seats with ivory contrast seat stitch, warm charcoal and ivory contrast stitch leather upper fascia with dove or optional Jet suedecloth premium headlining

H E A D L I n I n G


S E A T T R I M A n D L E A T H E R

S P O R T P A C KXf sport pacK is designed to integrate seamlessly with the Xf portfolio. it provides a number of enhancements to

the vehicle’s rear, front and sides including trunk spoiler and modified front bumper, providing a distinctive new

profile together with a unique 19 wheel style and sport interior.


this pack includes:

• restyled front bumper with sculpted lower air intake blades

• Black front upper and lower mesh grilles

• side sill extensions

• trunk lid spoiler

• unique 19 aquila wheels

• 18x14 sport soft grain perforated leather seats

• piano Black veneer

• restyled rear valance

the sport pack is only optional on the Xf portfolio



Xf sport pacK interior. enrich the interior

of the Xf portfolio by accentuating its comfort,

luxury and sporting credentials. soft grain

leather seats feature effortless electric

adjustment including side bolster with the

crafted piano Black veneer fitted as standard.

soft grain sport interior includes:

• sports seats with electric driver/passenger adjustment (18/18 way) and driver memory function

• piano Black veneer as standard

v E n E E R S

Knurled aluminum with piano Black

warm charcoal soft grain leather seats with ivory contrast seat stitch, warm charcoal and ivory contrast stitch leather upper fascia with dove or optional Jet suedecloth premium headlining

red and warm charcoal duo tone soft grain leather seats with red contrast seat stitch, warm charcoal and red contrast stitch leather upper fascia with dove or optional Jet suedecloth premium headlining

I n T E R I O R C O M b I n A T I O n S

london tan and warm charcoal duo tone soft grain leather seats with london tan contrast seat stitch, warm charcoal and london tan contrast stitch leather upper fascia with canvas or optional Jet suedecloth premium headlining

ivory soft grain leather seats with warm charcoal and ivory contrast stitch leather upper fascia and canvas or optional Jet suedecloth premium headlining

Barley soft grain leather seats with warm charcoal and Barley contrast stitch leather upper fascia and canvas or optional Jet suedecloth premium headlining

B L A C K P A C KXfr BlacK pacK. uniquely designed to complement the alluring body style of the Xfr, this pack provides distinctive enhancements

of a high gloss, black finish to the vehicle’s front and rear window and front grille surrounds, a body colored trunk lid blade and unique

20 dark gray with diamond-turned rim wheels.


this pack includes:

• gloss black window surrounds

• gloss black front grille surround

• gloss black front bumper aperture inserts

• Body colored rear trunk finisher blade

• red brake calipers

• 20 draco-style dark gray finish with diamond-turned rim wheels

the Black pack is only available on Xfr in the following color choices: polaris white, ultimate Black, lunar gray, stratus gray and rhodium silver


Jaguar designers developed the new color palette

to reflect the vitality and elegance of the vehicle.

choose from solid or metallic paint colors. Xirallic

paint is also available on select metallic colors and

contains special particles to further enhance the

sparkle of the paint. race inspired finishes evoke

the formidable sporting heritage of Jaguar.


†Xirallic paint

the following colors will be available to order until october 2011:midnight Black, azurite Blue and taiga green.

due to recent events, certain exterior paint colors may change or be in limited availability. please consult your local authorized Jaguar dealer for complete information.



polaris white ultimate Black† rhodium silverlunar graystratus gray†


British racing green† (available from January 2012)

R A C E I n S P I R E D

crystal Blue italian racing red† indigo† claret Kyanite Blue† caviar† cashmere


please consult your local Jaguar dealer for details and availability.please refer to the glossary for a more detailed description of features.

S T A n D A R D F E A T U R E SA L L M O D E L S

P O W E R T R A I n A n D D R I v I n G D Y n A M I C S

6-speed electronic automatic transmission with Jaguar sequential shifttm

Jaguardrive controltm with dynamic mode

Jaguardrive controltm with winter mode

Jaguardrive selectortm

servotronic steering

Brake pad wear indicator

cruise control with automatic speed limiter (asl)

electric parking Brake (epB) with drive-away release

vented disc Brakes, front and rear

dsc (dynamic stability control) with trac dsc mode

traction control

S A F E T Y A n D S E C U R I T Y

airbags, front and side (driver and front passenger)

side curtain airbags

anti-lock Braking system (aBs)

front seat whiplash reduction system

front seat belt pre-tensioners

lower anchors and tethers for children (latch) in rear seats

high mount rear stop lamp

cornering Brake control (cBc)

emergency Brake assist (eBa)

automatic hazard warning lights under heavy braking

remote control central locking and drive-away locking function

valet mode for trunk and glove box security

3-flash lane change indicators

tire pressure monitoring system (tpms)


alloy space saver spare wheel


Bi-function hid xenon headlights with led signature running lights

led tail lights

dual intermittent rain sensing windshield wipers

E X T E R I O R F E A T U R E S C O n T I n U E D

Bright side window surrounds

heated exterior mirrors with electric adjustment and side repeaters with dip in reverse on passenger side heated rear window with timer

automatic headlights with washers

electric glass sunroof with tilt/slide one touch operation

rear parking aid (includes touch-screen indicators)

I n T E R I O R F E A T U R E S

dual zone automatic climate control

steering column with electric adjustment for height and reach with entry and exit tilt-away

front center console storage compartment

two front and one rear auxiliary power sockets

twin front and rear cup holders

front and rear electric windows with one-touch open/close and anti-trap

auto-dimming interior rear view mirror

color tft driver information center

garage door opener

driver information center with dual function trip computer

Jaguarsensetm – overhead light console operation (front)

phosphor blue halo illumination and interior mood lighting

Jaguar smart Key systemtm with Keyless start

2 position memory for driver seat, door mirror and steering wheel column

I n T E R I O R T R I M

leather 3-spoke steering wheel with Jaguar sequential shifttm paddles and remote controls for audio, cruise control, Bluetooth® telephone connectivity and interactive voicetm


3.5mm stereo auxiliary input socket

Bluetooth® audio streaming

7-inch color touch-screen

front media interface with usB and ipod® connectivity

hard drive-based navigation system. includes traffic message channel

sirius satellite radio (subscription required)

hd radio

hard drive-based virtual cd multichanger

single slot cd/dvd player for audio and video (video plays when car is in park)

interactive voicetm control with ‘say what you see’ display on touch-screen


trunk volume with space saver – 17.7 cu.ft. trunk volume with rear seats folded and space saver – 32.6 cu.ft.

(1)Based on epa estimates. actual mileage may vary.(2)please consult your local Jaguar dealer for details of changes associated with option fitment. weight reflects vechicle to standard specification. optional extras increase weight.*top speed limited to 141 mph when fitted with all season tires.

E n G I n E S5 . 0 L I T E R v 8

A J - v 8 G E n I I I

5 . 0 L I T E R v 8 S U P E R C H A R G E D 4 7 0 H P

A J - v 8 G E n I I I

5 . 0 L I T E R v 8S U P E R C H A R G E D 5 1 0 H P

A J - v 8 G E n I I I R

cylinders/valves per cylinder 8/4 8/4 8/4

Bore/stroke in 3.64/3.66 3.64/3.66 3.64/3.66

capacity cc 5,000 5,000 5,000

maximum power. hp 385 470 510

@rev/min 6,500 6,000 - 6,500 6,000 - 6,500

maximum torque lb.ft. 380 424 461

@rev/min 3,500 2,500 - 5,500 2,500 - 5,500

compression ratio:1 11.5 9.5 9.5

transmission 6-speed automatic 6-speed automatic 6-speed automatic

P E R F O R M A n C E

0-60 mph seconds 5.5 4.9 4.7

top speed mph 121 (limited) 155 (limited)* 155 (limited)*

F U E L C O n S U M P T I O n (1 )

city mpg 16 15 15

highway mpg 23 21 21

tank capacity gals (approx.) 15.3 15.3 15.3

usable tank capacity gals (approx.) 14.1 14.1 14.1

W E I G H T (2)

weight lbs 4,067 4,306 4,306

gross vehicle weight lbs 5,071 5,225 5,225

T E C H n I C A L S P E C I F I C A T I O n S

b L I n D S P O T M O n I T O R *the Blind spot monitor uses side-mounted radar sensors to identify overtaking traffic and vehicles that cannot be seen in door mirrors or may be obscured. a bright amber warning icon illuminates in the appropriate door mirror when a hazard is detected to increase safety and driver awareness when changing lanes.

J E T S U E D E C L O T H P R E M I U M H E A D L I n I n Gthe added luxury of a Jet suedecloth premium headlining is optional on Xf portfolio, Xf supercharged and Xfr models.

O P T I O n A L F E A T U R E S


A D A P T I v E F R O n T H E A D L A M P S W I T H I n T E L L I G E n T H I G H b E A M *sensors react to the car’s speed, steering input and smoothly alter the power, direction and spread of the beams to maintain optimal coverage. adaptive front lights instill greater confidence in dark conditions. the intelligent high Beam system switches between low beams and high beams depending on oncoming traffic.

R E v E R S E P A R K C A M E R A W I T H G U I D A n C E *a real benefit when maneuvering in confined spaces where vision may be obscured, the system displays images from a discreet rear-facing camera on the touch-screen and features colored distance guides. the system includes guidance lines that move as the driver turns the wheel to indicate the area into which the car will reverse.


*please refer to glossary disclaimer on page 67.


O P T I O n SI M P R O v E O n P E R F E C T I O n

Jaguar offers enhanced specifications and customized features to make every Xf uniquely individual. the extensive array of hand-picked extras offers the very best in luxury and performance that every driver can expect in a Jaguar.


O P T I O n A L F E A T U R E S

2 standard o option p feature as part of pack – not available nco no cost option a accessory fit please consult your local Jaguar dealer for details. *contrast stitching not available if warm charcoal seats with warm charcoal interior selected. †available on selected interior trims. (1)a special charge will be added if non-standard exterior/interior combinations are chosen. (2)late availability (expected January 2012 production)































P O W E R T R A I n A n D D R I v I n G D Y n A M I C S

5.0l v8 385 hp 2 2 – –

5.0l v8 470 hp supercharged – – 2 –

5.0l v8 510 hp supercharged – – – 2

adaptive dynamics – – 2 2

active differential – – 2 2

adaptive cruise control (acc) with intelligent emergency Brake (ieB) and active seat Belts – o o o


heated front windshield p p o o

Blind spot monitor p p 2 2

auto dim exterior mirrors p p 2 2

adaptive front lights p 2 p 2

intelligent high Beam p p p 2

rear spoiler a a/p a 2

hood louvers with supercharged script – – 2 2

r exterior theme – – – 2

front parking aid with touch-screen visual indicator p 2 2 2

reverse park camera with guidance display p 2 2 2

Bright mesh grille 2 2 2 –

Black mesh grille – p – 2

red brake calipers – – – o/p

metallic paint(1) nco nco nco nco

race inspired paint o(2) o(2) o(2) o


18 alloy wheels 2 – – –

19 alloy wheels o 2 – –

20 alloy wheels o o 2 2

18 alloy space saver spare wheel 2 2 – –

19 alloy space saver spare wheel o o 2 2

I n T E R I O R F E A T U R E S

electric rear window sunblind p p o 2

Jaguar smart Key systemtm with Keyless entry o 2 2 2

folding 60/40 split rear seats with ski hatch and ski bag o o o 2

I n T E R I O R T R I M

Bond grain seats with leather seat facings (6/6 way) and memory function 2 – – –

soft grain leather seats (16/12 way) and memory function – 2 2 –

r soft grain leather seats (18/14 way) and memory function – – – 2

soft grain leather seats (18/14 way) and memory function – p p –

heated front seats 2 – – –

active, ventilated front seats - three-stage heated/cooled – 2 2 2

Bond grain stitched and tailored instrument panel and door top rolls 2 – – –

soft grain leather stitched and tailored instrument panel and door top rolls with contrast stitching

– 2 2 2*

heated steering wheel p p 2 2

front and rear carpet mat set 2 – – –

front and rear premium carpet mat set with contrast edge binding – 2 2 2

suedecloth premium headlining – 2 2 2

Jet suedecloth premium headlining – o† o† o

Bright metal foot pedals – – p –

I n T E R I O R T H E M E S

r interior theme – – – 2


Jaguar 400w sound system 2 2 – –

Jaguar 600w premium sound system – – 2 –

Bowers & wilkins® 1200w premium surround sound system o o o 2


cold climate pack - heated steering wheel and heated front windshield o o – –

premium pack 1 - front parking aid with touch-screen visual indicator, reverse park camera with guidance and adaptive front lights

o 2 – 2

premium pack 2 - Blind spot monitor, electrochromic exterior mirrors, intelligent high Beam and electric rear sunblind

o o – 2

sport pack - unique 19 wheels, aerodynamic package, sport seats (18/14 way) and piano Black veneer

– o – –

Black pack (late availability) - unique 20 body colored wheels, black window surround, black front grille surround and bumper aperture inserts, body colored rear trunk lid blade and red brake calipers

– – – o

interior pack - sport seats (18/14 way) and bright pedals – – o –

A E R O D Y n A M I C P A C Kthis pack provides a number of enhancements to the vehicle’s rear, front and sides. includes trunk spoiler and modified front bumper, rear valance, diffuser and side sills to provide a distinctive new profile.

R E A R v A L A n C E W I T H S P O R T D I F F U S E R C H R O M E S I D E P O W E R v E n T Sadd style and visual distinction with chrome finish side power vents.

R E A R v A L A n C E W I T H X F R D I F F U S E Rstriking gloss black rear valance integrating an Xfr diffuser.

A C C E S S O R I E SE X T E R I O R S T Y L I n G


T A I L P I P E F I n I S H E R S - C H R O M Epolished exhaust finishers add further style, sportiness and refinement to your Xf. not available for supercharged derivatives.

C E n T E R W H E E L b A D G E / W H E E L n U T Sa distinctive red wheel center badge featuring the Jaguar logo that fits all available wheels. enhance the look of your Xf wheels with Jaguar branded black or chrome wheel nuts.

S T Y L E D v A L v E C A P Scomplete the look of your Xf wheels with custom valve caps. available featuring 4 iconic designs:

Black Jackunion JackJaguar logor logo



2 0 S H A D O W v O L A n S

C H R O M E M I R R O R C O v E R S chrome mirror covers accentuate the stylish design of the exterior mirrors.

A L L O Y W H E E L S a range of alloy wheels are available to purchase as accessories in addition to those listed as standard or optional.

S P L A S H G U A R D S front and rear Jaguar branded splash guards complement the lines of the Xf and provide protection to the vehicle from dirt and stone chipping.

1 8 v E n U S 1 9 C A R E L I A

2 0 S E L E n A 2 0 v O L A n S

1 8 C Y G n U S

2 0 S E n T A

A C C E S S O R I E SE X T E R I O R S T Y L I n G


R O O F C R O S S b A R S Jaguar branded cross bars required for fitting all roof carrying equipment. engineered specifically for your Xf.

S K I / S n O W b O A R D H O L D E R a safe and secure system for transporting winter sports equipment.

W A T E R S P O R T E Q U I P M E n T H O L D E R a versatile system for transporting a variety of water sports equipment including surfboard, kayak and sailboard.

C Y C L E C A R R I E R an easy to fit, lockable cycle carrier which carries one bicycle per holder. a maximum of three holders can be fitted to your Xf.

L U G G A G E F R A M E a spacious deck area with raised edges to ensure safe retention of luggage while travelling. (not shown)

R O O F b O X L U G G A G E spacious lockable roof luggage box.

R O O F b O X S P O R T spacious lockable roof box designed for sport equipment.


L U G G A G E C O M P A R T M E n T P R E M I U M C A R P E T M A T premium 2050 g/m2 pile luggage mat in Jet black with Jaguar logo inset, nubuck edging and dove contrast stitch.

I L L U M I n A T E D S I L L T R E A D P L A T E Selegantly styled aluminum sill tread plates illuminate when the driver or passenger doors are opened. highlighted by soft phosphor blue lighting.

L U G G A G E C O M P A R T M E n T F I n I S H E R this Jaguar branded finisher enhances the Xf trunk area. the finisher is made from stainless steel, has a brushed finish with bright highlights and adds aesthetic appeal as well as scuff protection.


A C C E S S O R I E SI n T E R I O R S T Y L I n G

L E A T H E R T O P P E D G E A R S E L E C T O R a specially designed gear selector with premium dark leather finished top and rubber bezel with soft touch grip.

S P O R T P E D A L C O v E R S made from stainless steel and rubber, the pedal kit fits securely over existing pedals for a contemporary, sporting appearance.

P R E M I U M C A R P E T M A T S E T luxurious, tailored front carpet mat set with embossed Jaguar leaper logo and nubuck edge binding. the premium mats provide a well appointed finishing touch to the interior.


R U b b E R F O O T W E L L M A T S hardwearing Jaguar branded rubber mats provide added protection for your Xf carpets.

L U G G A G E C O M P A R T M E n T L I n E R fitted semi-rigid rubber liner to protect the floor of the luggage compartment.

L U G G A G E C O M P A R T M E n T S I D E n E T ( P A I R ) side nets providing additional stowage in the luggage compartment to secure loose items such as small parcels.

S M O K E R ’ S P A C K premium finish ashtray and cigar lighter fit into the center cup holder space. (not shown)


A C C E S S O R I E SI n T E R I O R U T I L I T Y


C A R C A R E , T R A C T I O n A I D S & M A I n T E n A n C E

also available but not shown:

b U L b K I T

W A R n I n G T R I A n G L E

L O C K I n G W H E E L n U T S

S n O W S O C K W I n T E R T R A C T I O n A I D an innovative lightweight textile snow and ice traction aid for use on roads in winter conditions. easy and quick to attach, packs down for easy stowage. please consult your Jaguar dealer for the correct size to suit your wheels & tires. recommend fit to all four wheels.

A L L - W E A T H E R C A R C O v E R all-weather tailored cover for the Xf with the Jaguar leaper logo. protect your Xf from the elements, including rain, frost and dust. Quick and easy to fit.

S P I K E S P Y D E R W I n T E R T R A C T I O n A I Dhigh grip snow chain tractionsystem for driving in snowy, muddy or icy conditions. fits the rear wheels only.


P O W E R T R A I n A n D D R I v I n G D Y n A M I C S

A C T I v E D I F F E R E n T I A L an electronically controlled, active differential with handling functionality that limits the slip between the rear wheels to optimize traction and stability in different driving conditions, working in harmony with the traction, aBs and dsc systems.

A D A P T I v E D Y n A M I C S provides the optimum balance between low speed ride comfort and high speed handling precision, analyzing body movement, steering and road wheel inputs up to 500 times a second and continuously adjusting the suspension settings through electronically controlled dampers.

D S C ( D Y n A M I C S T A b I L I T Y C O n T R O L ) ( 1 ) intervenes in demanding driving situations by applying braking to individual wheels and reducing engine torque.

T R A C D S C M O D E provides a higher intervention threshold for the more skilled driver.

J A G U A R S E Q U E n T I A L S H I F T TM provides the choice of drive, sport automatic or sport manual gearshift modes, with one touch paddles mounted behind the steering wheel to control gear changes up and down manually.

J A G U A R D R I v E C O n T R O L TM interacts with the dsc (dynamic stability control) engine and transmission management systems to change the characteristics of engine mapping, transmission shifts and brake interventions. it offers different modes selectable by a button to optimize the vehicle response depending on driving conditions and style.

W I n T E R M O D E softens the responsiveness of the engine and modifies the gear change strategy to help maintain optimum traction in slippery or adverse conditions. when active, winter mode also selects 2nd gear for pulling away on level ground (no incline).

D Y n A M I C M O D E optimizes vehicle systems to deliver a more involving driving experience. when selected, trac dsc is automatically engaged, and engine torque delivery characteristics and gear shift points are modified to further improve responsiveness. when selected while the transmission is in full manual mode, transmission up-shifts are fully controlled by the driver, with no automatic up-shift when the rev limit is reached.

C R U I S E C O n T R O L W I T H A U T O M A T I C S P E E D L I M I T E R ( A S L ) ( 1 ) in tandem with cruise control, an automatic speed limiter (asl) allows the driver to select a maximum speed that should not be exceeded.

A D A P T I v E C R U I S E C O n T R O L ( A C C ) W I T H I n T E L L I G E n T E M E R G E n C Y b R A K E ( I E b ) A n D A C T I v E S E A T b E L T S ( 1 ) uses microwave radar technology to monitor for slower moving traffic and can alert the driver to potential hazards ahead. using the acc radar, the system calculates distance and speed of approach to the vehicle in front and if a collision is unavoidable, the intelligent emergency Brake reduces vehicle impact speed by initiating an emergency brake maneuver. the system incorporates active seat Belts to reduce occupant displacement from the seat during the emergency braking maneuver.




R E A R P A R K I n G A I D ( 1 ) rear parking sensors with touch-screen visual indicator.

F R O n T P A R K I n G A I D ( 1 ) front parking sensors with touch-screen visual indicator.

R E v E R S E P A R K C A M E R A W I T H G U I D A n C E ( 1 ) combines a rear facing camera with the touch-screen information, it features colored distance guides and on-screen guidance lines that move according to steering wheel angle to indicate the area into which the car will reverse.

A D A P T I v E F R O n T L I G H T I n G ( 1 ) sensors react to the car’s speed and steering input, and the system can deflect headlamp beams casting light deeper into the corners, and giving added confidence at night.

I n T E L L I G E n T H I G H b E A M ( 1 ) when sensing preceding, oncoming traffic or street lights, the headlamps will automatically switch to low beam, maximizing driver visibility and appropriate beam useage. the system automatically switches to high beam when the oncoming car or street light has passed.

b L I n D S P O T M O n I T O R ( 1 ) uses radar sensors to remotely cover areas that are difficult to see either directly or by mirror, and alerts of overtaking traffic with an amber warning icon in the external mirrors.

I n T E R I O R F E A T U R E S

J A G U A R S E n S E TM

an electronic control system that operates the front overhead console lights by touch.

J A G U A R S M A R T K E Y S Y S T E M TM W I T H K E Y L E S S E n T R Y A n D K E Y L E S S S T A R T with the Jaguar smart Key in your pocket or bag, the car automatically unlocks as you pull the door handle. simply depress the brake pedal and push the ignition button to start the engine. upon leaving, simply press a button on the door handle to lock the car or use the Jaguar smart Key.

D U A L Z O n E C L I M A T E C O n T R O L with humidity control, air filtration and dual temperature control for driver and passenger.

S E A T S ( 6 / 6 W A Y ) driver and passenger electric adjustment including fore/aft, recline and height.

S E A T S ( 1 6 / 1 2 W A Y ) driver’s electric adjustment including fore/aft, height, cushion tilt, recline, headrest height, 4-way lumbar support, cushion length and passenger’s electric adjustment including fore/aft, height, cushion tilt, recline, and 4-way lumbar support.

S E A T S ( 1 8 / 1 4 W A Y ) driver and passenger electric adjustment including fore/aft, height, recline, cushion tilt, cushion length, 4-way lumbar support driver (2-way passenger), headrest height and adjustable side bolsters.

M E M O R Y F U n C T I O n 2 settings for driver’s seat, exterior mirrors and steering column.



n A v I G A T I O n S Y S T E M W I T H H D D M A P P I n G (2 )

hard disk drive (hdd) based system, providing faster access to data with voice guidance, voice control input and traffic messaging channel (tmc)/dynamic route guidance, accessed through touch-screen control system.

W I n D O W S M E D I A ® A U D I O ( W M A ) A n D M P 3 C O M P A T I b I L I T Y enables the cd player to play cds which contain wma and mp3 files.

b L U E T O O T H ® A U D I O S T R E A M I n G (2 ) enables hands-free use of your mobile phone at any time when the phone is in the car, through the touch-screen. Bluetooth® also provides the ability to stream audio content, and full function control enables easy track selection. Bluetooth® is compatible with a selected range of mobile phones from most manufacturers, ask your local Jaguar dealer or visit Jaguarusa.com for more details.

I n T E R A C T I v E v O I C E TM (2) ( 3)

uses ‘say what you see’ technology to guide the user to the correct commands for voice control of audio, Bluetooth® and navigation. when in operation, in addition to audio prompts, all commands appear on the touch-screen.

M E D I A H U b the media hub allows various devices to be connected to the car, whether wirelessly via Bluetooth® audio streaming or through the front media interface for audio and video. located in the center console storage box, a docking panel includes a 3.5mm auxiliary jack plug socket, a 12-volt power supply, plus two usB connectors that allow connectivity with a wide range of usB devices. the dock is compatible with most ipod® devices from generation 3 to the latest ipod touch®. it will also support usB mass-storage devices such as a memory stick, and mp3 digital music player with usB connectivity. full function control of ipod® or mp3 digital music player is available through the touch-screen menus enabling easy search by artist, album title or song title, genre and playlists.

F R O n T M E D I A I n T E R F A C E allows the connection of an ipod®, mp3 player or a usB mass storage device to the in-car sound system and control via the 7-inch color touch-screen.

T R A F F I C M E S S A G E C H A n n E L ( T M C ) (2 ) a specific application of the fm radio data system (rds) used for broadcasting real-time traffic information. data messages are received silently and decoded by the tmc-enabled navigation system that can offer dynamic route guidance, alerting the driver of a problem on the planned route and calculating an alternative route to avoid the incident.

T O U C H - S C R E E n 7-inch color touch-screen display that controls major functions simply and intuitively including audio, climate control, Bluetooth® telephone connectivity, trip computer and navigation. this allows mechanical buttons to be reduced to a discreet panel below the navigation screen.

J A G U A R 4 0 0 W S O U n D S Y S T E M 400w system with 10 speakers.

J A G U A R 6 0 0 W P R E M I U M S O U n D S Y S T E M 600w system with 11 speakers including subwoofer.

b O W E R S & W I L K I n S ® 1 2 0 0 W P R E M I U M S O U n D S Y S T E M a 1200w system featuring a remote amplifier with dolby® pro logic® ii surround sound and 17 speakers including subwoofer.



W H E E L S P E C I F I C A T I O n S front r e a r

18 lyra alloy wheels 8.5J x 18 8.5J x 18

18 vela alloy wheels 8.5J x 18 8.5J x 18

19 aquila alloy wheels 8.5J x 19 8.5J x 19

19 caravela alloy wheels 8.5J x 19 8.5J x 19

19 artura alloy wheels 8.5J x 19 8.5J x 19

19 artura chrome alloy wheels 8.5J x 19 8.5J x 19

20 hydra alloy wheels 8.5J x 20 8.5J x 20

20 nevis alloy wheels 8.5J x 20 9.5J x 20

20 draco dark gray alloy wheels 8.5J x 20 8.5J x 20

20 draco dark gray (Xf supercharged and Xfr) 8.5J x 20 9.5J x 20

20 draco silver alloy wheels 8.5J x 20 9.5J x 20

(1) these features are not a substitute for driving safely with due care and attention and will not function under all circumstances, speeds, weather and road conditions. the driver should not assume that these features will correct errors of judgement in driving. please consult owner’s manual or your local authorized Jaguar dealer for more details.

(2) the navigation system must always be used in conditions that will not affect the driver’s ability to drive safely or affect the safety of other road users.(3) interactive voice - please consult your local Jaguar dealer for language availability.


R E X T E R I O R T H E M E unique deeper section front bumper with larger lower air intakes, black mesh grille, side sill extensions, aerodynamic trunk lid spoiler, gloss black sculpted rear valance with three vanes and quad exhaust tailpipes. ‘supercharged’ embossed hood louvers for additional cooling. silver-gray brake calipers with Jaguar script and r badge on trunk lid and front grille.


the sport pack provides a number of enhancements to the vehicles rear, front and sides including trunk spoiler and modified front bumper, with 19 aquila wheels and sport interior. (pack avaliable on Xf portfolio only).

b L A C K P A C K the Black pack consists of a high gloss black finish to the window surrounds, front grille and surround, bumper aperture inserts, body colored rear signature blade and a painted rear bumper lower valance (pack available on the Xfr only).

I n T E R I O R T H E M E S

R I n T E R I O R T H E M E unique sport themed interior incorporating a dark mesh aluminum finish on instrument panel and doors, dark oak veneer, warm charcoal upper fascia and lower environment with contrast stitching and carpet mat edge binding (color dependent on seat color). sports seats with embossed r logo (front and rear); r badging on steering wheel and instrument panel; instrument cluster dials with red pointers.


J A G U A R P L A T I n U M C O v E R A G E *the passion we put into building our vehicles continues long after you drive away in one with an ownership program called Jaguar platinum coverage. for 4 years/50,000 miles on all 2012 Jaguar cars, Jaguar platinum coverage includes complimentary schedule maintenance, 4/50 new vehicle limited warranty and 24/7 roadside assistance. the only thing that surpasses the beauty of driving a 2012 Jaguar car is the beauty of owning one.

T O T A L C A R Eseamless support for your new Jaguar car, so you can relax and drive. a combination of vehicle warranty, paint and corrosion protection and Jaguar assistance.

W A R R A n T Y (1)

Jaguar cars offers a comprehensive, 4 year/50,000 mile new vehicle limited warranty as well as a 6-year/unlmited mileage corrosion protectionlimited warranty.

J A G U A R A S S I S T A n C E (2)

handled by Jaguar-trained specialists, this incident management program provides complimentary towing service, jump-starts, lockout assistance, gasoline delivery, tire changes and trip routing help, 24/7. Just call 1.800.4.Jaguar.

J A G U A R F I n A n C I A L G R O U Pavailable both for individuals and businesses, Jaguar financial group offers leasing and financing packages that can meet most needs. ask your local authorized Jaguar dealer for details.

A W A R D W I n n I n G J A G U A R D E A L E R SJaguar ownership begins with an award-winning dealership experience. it continues with the outstanding support from dealership service teams dedicated to maintaining your vehicle’s condition and performance. you will find only the best factory-trained technicians at authorized Jaguar dealers.

J A G U A R M E R C H A n D I S E to extend Jaguar luxury to other facets of your life, we offer the Jaguar collection, a beautiful range of products that carry the Jaguar name and logo. the collection features exclusive leisure and sporting wear, travel accessories, scale models and much more. visit www.Jaguarusa.com/collection or contact your local authorized Jaguar dealer for a merchandise collection catalog.

J A G U A R v E H I C L E A C C E S S O R I E S * *Jaguar vehicle accessories enable you to personalize your car, to create a driving experience that is even more individually rewarding. all Jaguar accessories are tested rigorously for safety and durability in the most arduous of climates and conditions. with a comprehensive range of styling options and interior and exterior accessories, you can tailor your Jaguar vehicle to suit your personal style. what’s more, every accessory is covered for 12 months unlimited mileage or the balance of the new vehicle limited warranty, whichever is greater.

any genuine Jaguar accessories (excluding gift items and luggage from Jaguar collection) supplied and fitted by an authorized Jaguar dealer within one month or 1,000 miles (whichever occurs first) of a new vehicle being put into service will benefit from the same warranty terms and duration as the new vehicle limited warranty. accessories purchased outside of this period will be subject to 12 month unlimited mileage warranty.

J A G U A R M A G A Z I n EJaguar magazine is the official magazine of Jaguar cars. it features the new Jaguar XJ, XK and Xf, and the worlds of luxury, style, design and travel. also available, a fully interactive ipad® app takes the very best of the print edition of the magazine and adds extra images and exclusive information, allowing you to explore the world of Jaguar in a whole new way.

J A G U A R U S A . C O Mvisit the official web site to access the dealer locator, car configurator, price lists, model comparisons and more. sign up for “Keep me informed” to receive all the latest news and special offers.

S E R v I C E , A S S U R A n C E , A n D P E A C E O F M I n D A R E A L L PA RT O F T H E P R I D E

O F O W n I n G YO U R n E W J A G U A R .

X F O W n E R S H I P E X P E R I E n C E

*Jaguar platinum coverage includes all factory scheduled maintenance for four years or 50,000 miles, whichever occurs first. all work must be performed by an authorized Jaguar dealer. for complete details on Jaguar platinum coverage, including warranty and maintenance coverage and exclusions, please vist your local Jaguar dealer or Jaguar usa.com.

**all Jaguar approved accessories are rigorously tested to the same exacting standards as those applied to our vehicles. performance in extreme hot and cold temperatures, corrosion resistance, impact and airbag deployment highlight some of the exhaustive product testing carried out so that accessories are both durable and importantly, continue to comply with current legalization.(1)see your local authorized Jaguar dealer for complete terms and conditions of limited warranty coverage.(2)all elements of Jaguar assistance are available only while your Jaguar new vehicle limited warranty is in effect.

Jaguar cars555 macarthur Boulevard,mahwah, nJ 07430-2327Jaguarusa.com

the Bluetooth® word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth sig, inc. and any use of such marks by Jaguar cars limited is under license.

ipod®, ipod touch® and ipad® are trademarks of apple inc., registered in the u.s. and other countries.

dolby® and pro logic® are registered trademarks of dolby laboratories.

dtstm and neo: 6® are registered trademarks of dts inc.

audyssey multeQ® is a registered trademark of audyssey laboratories, inc.

whitefire® is a registered trademark of unwired technology llc and any use of such marks by Jaguar cars limited is under license.

Bowers & wilkins® is a registered trademark of B&w group limited.

i m p o rta n t n ot i c e Jaguar cars limited is constantly seeking ways to improve the specification, design and production of its vehicles and alterations take place continually. whilst every effort is made to produce up-to-date literature, this brochure should not be regarded as an infallible guide to current specifications, nor does it constitute an offer for the sale of any particular vehicle.distributors and dealers are not agents of Jaguar cars limited and have absolutely no authority to bind Jaguar cars limited by any express or implied undertaking or representation. illustrations in this brochure may include optional extras.

e n v i ro n m e n ta l n ot i c e Jaguar cars limited has a vision of being amongst the world’s leading companies in demonstrating progress towards sustainability. we aim to do this by contributing to a better quality of life, with corporate citizenship at the very heart of our company, and by reducing our environmental footprint through innovative design and manufacturing, minimizing resource and energy use. environmental responsibility is a core value in Jaguar, and it is our policy to continually improve our environmental standards in all areas of business activity.

this brochure is produced using certified fsc® mixed sources material from well managed forests and is manufactured under a strict iso 14001 environment system. 10% of this material is recovered fiber, diverting waste from landfill.

the innovative use of aluminum construction is one tangible example of the commitment by Jaguar cars limited continually to pursue technologies that support efficiency and sustainability. in addition to its engineering and dynamic benefits, lightweight aluminum construction contributes to fuel efficiency, and therefore helps create fewer emissions – supporting Jaguar cars limited’s policy of responsible design and manufacture.

J a g u a r u s a . c o m8 0 0 . 4 . J a g u a r ( 8 0 0 . 4 5 2 . 4 8 2 7 )