WHAT I HAVE FOUND DIFFICULT RULE OF THIRDS CAMERA INFORMATION What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

What have you learnt about technologies from the

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Page 1: What have you learnt about technologies from the



What have you learnt about technologies from the process of

constructing this product?

Page 2: What have you learnt about technologies from the

What I found difficult

Page layout is something that I found difficult when producing this product. I found myself trying to produce a design I had made and then it not looking correct on the page. This happened a lot when I was producing my contents page. I found it hard to make the page look like a contents page and it was not until I placed the house style of white arrows under the page titles and an inner shadow on the numbers that I was happy with the page. The contents page was the hardest page for me just because of how unconventional the design was. Because of its unconventional style I found myself struggling to get it to fit into the magazine type. I feel that other than this the whole production of the magazine went smoothly and I am happy with its outcome

Page 3: What have you learnt about technologies from the

What I found difficult

The double page spread was a page that needed a lot of planning before hand. I ended up only changing one aspect of this page and that was the pull out quote. It was originally meant to go on top of the image of Congi however I changed this and had it increased in size and I put it on the left hand side of the double page. This worked well and took away that empty feel that I found tricky to get rid of before.

Page 4: What have you learnt about technologies from the

What I found difficult

For the front page i found getting spacing between cover lines, mastheads and aspects on the main image hard to sort out. Because the background of my image was bright the white writing became hard to read and the overall page began to feel a little bit flat. I over came this problem by once again taking the image into Photoshop and blurred the background out and then darkened the face. I then added white arrows under the cover lines and drop shadows behind the masthead and main cover line.

Page 5: What have you learnt about technologies from the

Rule of thirds

The rule of thirds is the basic rule of how to compose visual images. Throughout my design I made sure that I stuck to the rule of thirds to get the best out of my product.

The rule of thirds states that the most important parts of an image should lie on the intersections of the grid. I do not feel as though I have stuck to this rule as much as I should have, this is because of difficulties I had with placement of my masthead and main cover line. I chose to make most things in the image central to the page including Alex, I thought that this would give the page a nice visual effect and give the page a cleaner look however by doing this I have effected the rule of thirds theory.

Page 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the

Camera information

Cannon 5d mark 3 I was fortunate enough to be able to get hold of the cannon 5d

while on the photo shoot with Congi. The 5d mark III is a full frame 22.3 MP DSLR with a 61-point auto

focus and 6fps continuous shooting. 14-bit DIGIC 5+ processor Weather sealing 8.11cm (3.2-inch) 1,040,000-dot screen HDR mode This was a very good camera for the Congi shoot and resulted in

me getting some very good photos of Congi for the front cover and the contents page. Its ease of use and my familiarity with cannon cameras made the process a lot easier. I was able to quickly change IOS and aperture and new what each default setting on the camera did Eg. Close ups, Landscape

Page 7: What have you learnt about technologies from the


As a whole I feel that my production of the magazine has gone well however it is not perfect and there are many things that I would change. The software's I used where indesign and Photoshop.

On my front cover I had to ensure that my masthead and cover lines where clear on the page. I did this through Indesigns text editing tools, it worked well with the smaller cover lines but unfortunately I was not able to get the level of stroke on the masthead large enough for the masthead to stand out as much as I wanted it too.

On the front cover I could have used the editing software on Photoshop to try and darken the image a little more to make the cover lines on the left hand side of the page stand out more against the white background of the graffiti wall.

The triangles that hold the image the bottom of the contents page i believe could have been presented better. I had to create the triangles myself with the indesign programme and resulted in the triangles not fitting together perfectly. If i were to do the magazine again I would find a triangle off of the internet to use a template to make sure I get the angles correct so they all fit together correctly.