2001 Winner in Feature Photography

The Pulitzer Prize Winners Photography 1942-2013 (2)

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2001 Winner in Feature Photography

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2004 Winners Breaking News Photography

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1985 Spot News Photography

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2013 Winner in Breaking News Photography

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1993 Feature Photography

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2002 Winner in Breaking News Photography

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Pulitzer Prize Winning Photos 1942 – 2013

The Pulitzer Prize was named after publisher Joseph Pulitzer (1847-1911), who established the New York World and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.In his will, Pulitzer left a $2 million endowment to Columbia University to establish both a school of journalism and "prizes or scholarships for the encouragement of public service, public morals, American literature, and the advancement of education." Over the years, the specific award categories have been modified by the Board, which added a prize for photography in 1939 and was first awarded in 1942. The category was expanded to two awards in 1968, one for spot news and one for features.

For a photograph to be nominated for a Pulitzer, it must have appeared in an American daily or weekly newspaper. The prize for photography is given for a distinguished example of breaking news or feature photography in black and white or color, which may consist of a photograph or photographs, a sequence or an album. It has been presented every year except 1946 as the Pulitzer Board deemed no nomination worthy of the award.Before 1968, there was only one photography category, the Pulitzer Prize for Photography, which was divided into spot news and breaking news and the feature categories.

The Pulitzer Prize for Feature Photography has been awarded since 1968 for a distinguished example of feature photography in black and white or color, which may consist of a photograph or photographs, a sequence or an album.

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Pulitzer Prize Winning Photos 1942 – 2013 (2)

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1980 Winner in Feature Photography: Erwin H. Hagler, Dallas Times Herald, for a series on the Western cowboy.

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Winner in Feature Photography1980 Pulitzer Prize, Feature Photography, Erwin H. Hagler, Dallas Times Herald

Erwin H. Hagler graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a bachelor's degree in architecture in 1971.Hagler joined the Waco Texas Tribune photography staff after graduating from college. From 1972-1974, he was a photographer for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, in his hometown of Fort Worth. He then went to work for the Dallas Times Herald from 1974 to its closing in 1988.In addition to the Pulitzer Prize, Hagler also was honored by the National Press Photographer's Association as regional photographer of the year in 1972 and 1974.

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1980 Winner in Spot Photography: Unnamed photographer, United Press International, for "Firing Squad in Iran."

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Winner in Spot PhotographyFiring Squad in Iran1980 Pulitzer Prize, Spot News Photography, Jahangir Razmi of Ettela'at, Iran

Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini's Islamic Revolution steamrolls over Iran, imposing his Shiite Muslim beliefs on the entire country and destroying "corrupt Western influences." The country's 4 million Sunni Muslim Kurds reject Khomeni's rule-and his religion-and demand independence. Khomeni sends in his Revolutionary Guards, who slaughter thousands of Kurds, dispensing "justice" in mock trials.On Aug. 27, in Sanandaj. Nine Kurdiah rebels and two former police officers of the disposed Shah of Iran are tried and sentenced to death. Their execution by firing squad is brutal and quick, documented in startling detail by a photographer from Ettdn'at an Iranian newspaper. To protect the photographer's life, his photo ran without credit in Ettela'at. A UPI staffer in Iran acquired the picture from the newspaper, and it was transmitted worldwide.Explained the UPI staffer: "The photographer later related he was at risk of being shot himself, and smuggled the film in his trouser pocket. Those in the bureau often sat gazing at the picture, and contemplated the numbing transition from life to death that it depicts."The Pulitzer Prize was awarded to "an unnamed photographer," which is how it stayed until 2006 when The Wall Siren Journal conclusively identified the photographer as Jahangir Razmi, who now runs a photo studio in Tehran. "Theres no more reason to hide." Razmi told the JournalThe Pulitzer Prize has been given only once to an anonymous winner. It was the 1980 Spot News Photography prize, awarded to "an unnamed photographer."

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1981 Winner in Feature Photography: Taro M. Yamasaki, Detroit Free Press, for photos of Jackson State Prison in Michigan.

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1981 Winner in Spot Photography: Larry C. Price, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, for photos from Liberia.

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1982 Winner in Feature Photography: John H. White, Chicago Sun-Times, for consistently excellent work on a variety of subjects.

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Life in Chicago1982 Pulitzer Prize, Feature Photography, John White, Chicago Sun-Times

For more than 30 years, John White has been photographing Chicago. "I live in the city, I breathe the city, the city is everything. There's the lakefront, there are the parks, I can see as good a sunrise in the city as anywhere in the world.As a photographer for the Chicago Sun-Times, White covers his share of murders, political rallies, robberies and fires. But what he loves most are uplifting pictures: young dancers rehearsing at a new high school for the performing arts or children running joyfully through Cabrini Green, Chicago's most notorious housing project. "I don't really take pictures, I capture and share life. Moments come when pictures take themselves."Whites prize-winning portfolio reflects a year in the life of the city and his work. "The purpose was to share slices of life from all walks of life; to be the psalm of the life of people. The photographs were from news situations, but not hard news. To me there is a wholeness that these images, these moments, give life. Most people get a steady diet of the hard news, the pain. I like to think these give the benefit of the joy and peace that life has also."

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1982 Winner in Spot Photography: Ron Edmonds, Associated Press, for his coverage of the Reagan assassination attempt.

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Winner in Spot PhotographyAssassination Attempt on President Reagan1982 Pulitzer Prize, Spot News Photography, Ron Edmonds, Associated Press

On March 30, 1981, AP photographer Ron Edmonds waited for President Ronald Reagan outside the Washington Hilton Hotel. John Hinckley Jr. joined the crowd. Both men intended to shoot the president. One held a camera; the other, a gun.Reagan appeared and started to wave. "I put my finger on the button," Edmonds said. "The shots rang out. Through my lens I saw him grimace."Hinckley fired six pistol shots at the president. Secret Service agents shoved Reagan into his limo. Edmonds saw the wounded: press secretary Jim Brady, Secret Service agent Timothy McCarthy, police officer Thomas Delahanty. "When you're in those situations, it seems like an eternity because there is a lot going on," the photographer said. "It was awful. Just awful. I have always believed in keeping my guard up. You never know what is going to happen until it does. Fortunately, I pushed all the right buttons."

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1983 Winner in Feature Photography: James B. Dickman, Dallas Times Herald, for his telling photographs of life and death in El Salvador.

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1983 Winner in Spot Photography: Bill Foley, Associated Press, for his moving series of pictures of victims and survivors of the massacre in the Sabra Camp in Beirut.

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Winner in Spot PhotographyAngry Scene at Sabra1983 Pulitzer Prize, Spot News Photography, Bill Foley, Associated Press

In 1982, Israel invades Lebanon, determined to drive out the Palestine Liberation Organization and help establish a government sympathetic to Israel. But on Sept. 14, 1982, Christian president-elect Bashir Gemayel is assassinated.Associated Press photographer Bill Foley heads for the Palestinian refugee camp at Sabra, which is run by the Christian militia. "There were guys with guns at the gates — Christian militia men who said, “Take a hike if you don't want to get your head blown off.' I went back on Friday; the men were still there. There going on inside. There was shooting."On Saturday, Foley returns again, to find the guards gone and the gates open. "It's always very noisy” says Foley, "kids, cows, animals." But that day we were 50 yards into the camp and you could hear your heart beat; nothing was moving."It's not long before Foley realizes why: The streets are piled with bodies. "You'd see it was a pile people not a pile of garbage. You'd see people having dinner; they had been shot at the table. Women with their hands tied behind their backs, throats cut."For three days the Christian militia had sealed off the camp and massacred those inside, killing hundreds. "They blamed the Palestinians for killing Gemayel, even though it could have been the Syrians; it have been the Israelis," says Foley. "They blamed the Palestinians; someone had to pay." One of Foley's photographs shows an angry Palestinian woman brandishing helmets she believes were worn by the killers.

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Starvation in Ethiopia

1984 Winner in Feature Photography: Anthony Suau, The Denver Post, "for a series of photographs which depict the tragic effects of starvation in Ethiopia and for a single photograph of a woman at her husband's gravesite on Memorial Day."

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A woman at her husband's grave-site on Memorial Day

1984 Winner in Feature Photography: Anthony Suau, The Denver Post, "for a series of photographs which depict the tragic effects of starvation in Ethiopia and for a single photograph of a woman at her husband's gravesite on Memorial Day."

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1984 Winner in Spot Photography: Stan Grossfeld, The Boston Globe for his series of unusual photographs which reveal the effects of war on the people of Lebanon.

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1985 Winner in Feature Photography: Stan Grossfeld, The Boston Globe, for his series of photographs of the famine in Ethiopia and for his pictures of illegal aliens on the Mexican border.

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1985 Pulitzer Prize, Feature Photography, Stan Grossfeld, The Boston Globe, for his series of photographs of the famine in Ethiopia and for his pictures of illegal aliens on the Mexican border.

"We snuck in on a food convoy. The convoy would travel at night and during the day they'd cover it up because Ethiopian MiGs would blow it up if they saw it."It is 1984 when Stan Grossfeld and Boston Globe reporter Colin Nickerson discover the harsh reality of famine and politics in Ethiopia. The country's drought is in its fourth year. The crop has failed. The livestock are dead. Hundreds of thousands of people abandon their farms and villages and set out, looking for food.There is little to be found. Some 130,000 tons of food from the United States have been held up by the Ethiopian government, which is determined to starve the rebel-held countryside into submission. Starve the people do — half a million Ethiopians, many of them children so hungry their bodies literally consume themselves. I’ll never forget the sounds of kids dying of starvation. They sound like cats wailing." For Grossfeld, the experience is overwhelming: "You try to be a technician and look through the viewfinder; sometimes the viewfinder fills up with tears.”At a feeding station in the Tigray Province, Grossfeld photographs a child licking a flour sack. "I remember that kid," says Grossfeld. "He might have survived. He was smart enough to lick the sack." But for others, there is no hope. Grossfeld photographs this starving mother and child waiting in line for food in Wad Sharafin Camp. Hours later, the child is dead.

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1985 Winner in Feature Photography: Larry C. Price, The Philadelphia Inquirer, for his series of photographs from Angola and El Salvador depicting their war-torn inhabitants.

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1985 Winner in Spot Photography: Photography Staff The Register, Santa Ana, CA for their exceptional coverage of the Olympic games

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1985 Pulitzer Prize, Spot News Photography, The Orange County (Calif.) Register Staff, The Orange County Register

At the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles, athletes from China compete for the first time since 1952. Women from around the globe run their first Olympic marathons. And three photographers from The Orange County Register—Rick Rickman, Hal Stoelzle and Brian Smith — try to outdo news organizations that have 10 times their resources.“The L.A. Times had 40 credentials and we had three," Rickman remembers. "It was a daunting task. You realize you're so outnumbered and so outgunned... it takes over and it effects everything you do. You drive yourself."Realizing they can't go head-to-head with their competitors, the Register photographers set a different goal. "We were looking to create a striking shot," says Smith. "We wanted someone to pick up the paper and see something they hadn't seen on TV the night before. We definitely did not play it safe. Any time I could get out of the box for still photographers, I did."Each photographer shoots three or four events a day. On Aug. 12, one of Hal Stoelzle's assignments is mens freestyle swimming. "I had arrived at about 5:30 a.m. to secure a spot and the finals didn't begin until late afternoon. The still photo positions... were located under the spectators' bleachers. The heat under the bleachers was oppressive, hotter than 100 degrees. But when Rowdy Gaines was greeted by his teammates in front of the American flag after winning a gold medal in the mens 100-meter freestyle race, I knew the wait had been worth it."

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1986 Winner in Feature Photography: Tom Gralish, The Philadelphia Inquirer, "for his series of photographs of Philadelphia's homeless." 

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Winner in Feature PhotographyPhiladelphia's Homeless1986 Pulitzer Prize, Feature Photography, Tom Gralish, The Philadelphia Enquirer

“I like any kind of food. Whatever’s there, I buy it. Hot dog one day, the next Chinese food, roast beef sandwich.” — Walter, Philadelphia, homelessIn the winter of 1985, Philadelphia Inquirer photographer Tom Gralish steps out or his life and into the lives of the city’s street people. "I didn't know much about these guys. So I decided to show what their day is like. I wanted it to be straightforward 'doc photography.’ Go out and sec what you can find."Gralish walks the streets with his camera. "I hooked up with one little group. It was like a community — enough vendors to be nice to them, enough steam grates, a liquor store nearby, a hospital, lots of commuters to panhandle — everything they needed."Some men live on fire escapes; others in alleys. Walter lives on a sidewalk heating grate. "Walter is one of the guys who is hard to reach because he talks to himself and rants to people on the street. Everyone knows him; people who live and work in the neighborhood give him change. He was one of those guys who was hot and cold to me."Eventually, Walter allows Gralish to photograph him- "People like it when you pay attention to them. These guys had disdain for society and the rules: that's why they objected to the shelters. They saw themselves as the last free men."

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1986 Winner in Spot Photography: Carol Guzy and Michel duCille, The Miami Herald for their photographs of the devastation caused by the eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano in Colombia.

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1987 Winner in Feature Photography: David C. Peterson, Des Moines Register, "for his photographs depicting the shattered dreams of American farmers." 

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1987 Winner in Spot Photography: Kim Komenich, San Francisco Examiner, for his photographic coverage of the fall of Ferdinand Marcos.

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1988 Winner in Feature Photography: Michel duCille, The Miami Herald, for photographs portraying the decay and subsequent rehabilitation of a housing project overrun by the drug crack.

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1988 Winner in Spot Photography: Scott Shaw Odessa, (TX) American, for his photograph of the child Jessica McClure being rescued from the well into which she had fallen.

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1989 Winner in Feature Photography: Manny Crisostomo, Detroit Free Press, "for his series of photographs depicting student life at Southwestern High School in Detroit." 

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1989 Winner in Spot Photography: Ron Olshwanger, free-lance photographer for a picture published in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch of a firefighter giving mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to a child pulled from a burning building.

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1990 Winner in Feature Photography: David C. Turnley, Detroit Free Press, "for photographs of the political uprisings in China and Eastern Europe." 

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1990 Winner in Spot Photography: Photo Staff The Tribune, Oakland, CA for photographs of devastation caused by the Bay Area earthquake of October 17, 1989.

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1991 Winner in Feature Photography: William Snyder, The Dallas Morning News, "for his photographs of ill and orphaned children living in subhuman conditions in Romania."

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1991 Winner in Spot Photography: Greg Marinovich, Associated Press, for a series of photographs of supporters of South Africa's African National Congress brutally murdering a man they believed to be a Zulu spy. Human Torch

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Winner in Spot PhotographyHuman Torch1991 Pulitzer Prize, Spot News Photography, Greg Marinovich, Associated Press

Soweto. South Africa: Its not yet dawn when Greg Marinovich and Associated Press reporter Tom Cohen stumble onto a gunfight between supporters of the African National Congress and the predominantly Zulu Inkatha Freedom Party. A train pulls into a nearby station; a Zulu man, Lindsaye Tshabalala, disembarks. "He could have been returning from a night shift or making an early start to visit friends," says Marinovich.ANC youths seize Tshabalaia. "They began to stone and stab him. I watched in shock as he fell to the ground." The assault intensifies; finally, "a man hauled out a massive, shiny Howie knife and stabbed hard into the victim's chest. My heart was racing and I had difficulty taking deep enough breaths. I called out 'Who is he?’ ‘What’s he done?’ A voice from the crowd replied. "He's an Inkatha spy."When Marinovich tries to argue, the attackers insist he stop taking pictures. Marinovich says, "I'll stop raking pictures when you stop killing him." The brutal attack continues. "For those crucial minutes, it was as if I lost my grasp of what was going on. The pictures I kept mechanically snapping off would later substitute for the events my memory could not recall."The Zulu now lies motionless on the ground. Marinovich is momentarily drawn away by an attack on another man. "Suddenly, I heard a hollow 'whoof’ and women began to ululate in a celebration of victory. Dread filled me. The man I thought dead was running across the field below us. His body enveloped in flames. A bare-chested, barefoot man ran into view and swung a machete into the mans blazing skull as a frantic young boy fled from this vision of hell."Marinovich makes it back to his car. "I pulled over and. closing my eyes, began to beat the steering wheel with my fists. I could finally scream."

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1992 Winner in Feature Photography: John Kaplan, Bl ock Newspapers, Toledo, Ohio, "for his photographs depicting the diverse lifestyles of seven 21-year-olds across the United States."

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1992 Winner in Spot Photography: Staff Associated Press, photographs of the attempted coup in Russia and the subsequent collapse of the Communist regime.

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1993 Winner in Feature Photography: Staff of Associated Press, for its portfolio of images drawn from the 1992 presidential campaign.

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1994 Winner in Feature Photography: Kevin Carter, a free-lance photographer, "for a picture 'Sudane Famine', first published in The New York Times of a starving Sudanese girl who collapsed on her way to a feeding center while a vulture waited nearby."

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Olympics in Barcelona1993 Pulitzer Prize, Spot News Photography, Ken Geiger and William Snyder, The Dallas Morning News

In July 1992, 600 photojournalists arrive in Barcelona, Spain, to cover the summer Olympic Games. Some news organizations field dozens of photographers. The Dallas Morning News sends two: William Snyder and Ken Geiger.For Geiger, photographing the Olympics is "one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. Its a marathon for a journalist." Snyder agrees: "Our goal was to be the lead photo on Page One every day.... I remember what it felt like to score a goal or win a race. That's what I was after, to capture what it felt like and bring it home to the people who look at our pictures. " Geigers finds his first event, mens soccer, "kind of intimidating.... When I edited the film, I was real pleased. I thought "Man I hope I can keep up this pace.'"The photographers divvy up the events. Snyder gets basketball and diving. "We did what we wanted to do," he says. “We went out there with the idea that not only would we get the moments, but we would also try to shoot things differently."Geiger covers track and field. He has just finished photographing the U.S. women's team winning the 4 x 100 relay when he notices the Nigerian women watching the scoreboard. "When it became official that they had third place (a Bronze medal), they broke into celebration. I had to change cameras to one with a shorter lens. Then I took the photo."River Rescue in Downtown Des Moines

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1994 Winner in Feature Photography: Kevin Carter, a free-lance photographer, "for a picture 'Sudane Famine', first published in The New York Times of a starving Sudanese girl who collapsed on her way to a feeding center while a vulture waited nearby."

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Winner in Feature PhotographySudane Famine1994 Pulitzer Prize, Feature Photography, Kevin Carter, The New York Times

By February 1993, South African photojournalist Kevin Carter has spent a decade photographing the political strife roiling his homeland. He describes lying in the middle of a gunfight. "wondering about which millisecond next I was going to die, about putting something on film they could use as my last picture."Needing a change, Carter travels to the Sudan to cover the relentless East African famine. At a feeding station at Ayod. He finds people so weakened by hunger that they are dying at the rate of 20 an hour. As he photographs their hollow eyes and bloated bellies, Carter hears a soft whimpering in the bush. Investigating, he finds a tiny girl trying to make her way to the feeding center. Carter crouches, readying his camera. Suddenly, a vulture lands nearby. Carter waits. The vulture waits. Carter takes his photographs, then chases the bird away. Afterward, he sits under a tree and cries.The photograph runs in newspapers worldwide. Carter receives outraged letters and angry midnight phone calls. Everyone wants to know: Why didn't he pick up the child?Journalists in the Sudan had been told not to touch famine victims, because of the risk of transmitting disease. This is no comfort to Carter, who tells a friend. "I'm really, really sorry I didn’t pick the child up." The controversy and other personal problems overwhelm him. On July 26, 1994, police find Kevin Carter dead, an apparent suicide. He is 33 years old.

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1994 Winner in Spot Photography: Paul Watson, Toronto Star, 'Dead U.S. Soldier in Mogadishu',

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Dead U.S. Soldier in Mogadishu1994 Pulitzer Prize, Spot News Photography, Paul Watson, Toronto Star

In the early 1990s, clan warfare ravages Somalia. Famine spreads. A United States-led multinational force restores supply lines, but its presence creates new tensions. In July 1993, four journalists are beaten to death by an angry mob. Most Western journalists flee. Paul Watson of The Toronto Star stays behind. The press corps is down to just a few journalists, says Watson, when Somali gunmen shoot down an American helicopter in late September. "Witnesses said people dragged part of an American corpse away in a sack to put it on display," says the photographer. "The Pentagon flatly denied that American body parts were being paraded through the streets of Mogadishu."On Oct. 3, a U.S. Army unit engages in a fierce fight with Somali warlord Mohammed Farah Aidid. In the aftermath, Watson hears that an American serviceman has been captured. Out on the street, he discovers a mob dragging the body of a U.S. soldier. "I approached with a bodyguard on either side. The mob parted long enough for me to shoot about seven frames. My bodyguard forced me back into the car because he had heard threats from the crowd."Watson’s first photographs show the filthy body of the dead soldier, clad only in underwear, partially exposing his genitalia. "1 jumped out to get just a few frames more. They were all half-body pictures. I didn't want to give any editor an excuse not to use the picture."Hundreds of newspapers publish the photograph. The public reacts with horror. In March 1994, the United States withdraws entire military force from Somalia

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1995 Winner in Feature Photography: Staff of Associated Press, "for its portfolio of photographs chronicling the horror and devastation in Rwanda."

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1995 Winner in Spot Photography: 'Crisis in Haiti', Spot News Photography, Carol Guzy, Washington Post.

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Winner in Spot PhotographyCrisis in Haiti1995 Pulitzer Prize, Spot News Photography, Carol Guzy, Washington Post

"Some say I became obsessed, but I’d rather call it a mission." Carol Guzy has covered Haiti since the early 1980s, returning on her own when she cannot convince an editor to send her. "I felt like I had to make people see what was going on there." says Guzy. "The country is so small no one in the U.S. is aware of it."On Dec. 16, 1990, Jean-Bertrand Aristide wins Haiti's first free presidential elections. Less than a year later, he is deposed and sent into exile. The United States imposes a trade embargo; thousands of Haitians flee. "I had gotten to the point that even I had lost all hope," says Guzy. "I thought nothing would get better. The military government was entrenched." In September 1994, U.S. troops land in Haiti to help return Aristide to power. "There were still a lot of problems," says Guzy. "But for the first time in a long time I saw hope and even jubilation in people's eyes."In Port-au-Prince, Guzy photographs a "very- joyous democracy march." Then someone throws a grenade into the crowd. "People were killed and wounded. There was shooting, nobody could figure out where it was coming from. I hit the ground with everybody else. I turned and saw the (U.S.) soldier. The guy- on the ground with his arm raised up, the crowd thought he had thrown the grenade and they were trying to tear him apart. The U.S. troops were trying to protect him."

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1996 Winner in Feature Photography: Stephanie Welsh, "a free-lancer, for her shocking sequence of photos, published by Newhouse News Service, of a female genital cutting rite inKenya."

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1996 Winner in Spot Photography: Charles Porter IV, a freelancer for his haunting photographs, taken after the Oklahoma City bombing and distributed by the Associated Press, showing a one-year-old victim handed to and then cradled by a local fireman.

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Winner in Spot PhotographyOklahoma City Bombing1996 Pulitzer Prize, Spot News Photography, Charles Porter IV, Associated Press

On April 19, 1995, Charles Porter is working in the loan department at Liberty Bank in downtown Oklahoma City. Suddenly "there was just a huge, huge explosion ... a loud boom, like a sonic boom. The whole building shook, the windows were bowing back and forth. We looked out the window and saw debris fluttering up in the air, this light-brown cloud rising up."Thinking someone is demolishing a building downtown, Porter, an aspiring photojournalism hurries to his car, grabs his camera and runs toward the explosion. "There is glass all over the street. I see people lying on the ground. A guy walks by without his shirt and blood is streaming from his head."When Porter reaches the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, "its like they shaved off the front of the building and then they took an ice cream scoop and scooped right down the center. You could see through the building."Porter photographs a church with its stained-glass windows blown out, rescue workers aiding the wounded. Then "I see something run toward the left corner of my eye. I turn with my camera: Its a policeman carrying something. I snap the frame just as the policeman hands it to a fireman. The fireman turns, and he's holding this infant. He just holds it there for a couple of seconds. I take one shot."The explosion injures more than 500 people. It kills 168, including the child in Porter's picture, Baylee Almon, just 1 year old.

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1997 Winner in Feature Photography: Alexander Zemlianichenko, Associated Press, "for his photograph of Russian President Boris Yeltsin dancing at a rock concert during his campaign for re-election. This was originally nominated in the Spot News Photography section, but was moved by the board to Feature Photography."

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1997 Winner in Spot Photography: Annie Wells, The Press Democrat, Santa Rosa, CA for her dramatic photograph of a local firefighter rescuing a teenager from raging flood waters.

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1998 Winner in Feature Photography: Clarence Williams, Los Angeles Times, "for his powerful images documenting the plight of young children with parents addicted to alcohol and drugs."

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1998 Winner in Spot Photography: Martha Rial, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, for her life-affirming portraits of survivors of the conflicts in Rwanda and Burundi.

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Winner in Spot PhotographyTrek of Tears: An African Journey1998 Pulitzer Prize, Spot News Photography, Martha Rial, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

The line of refugees reaches to the horizon, victims of the centuries-old warfare between Africa's Hutu and Tutsi tribes. Most are women and children. Many are hungry."The people would flee together as a village," says Martha Rial. "Many children were separated from their families." It is January 1997, and Rial is in Tanzania, photographing the refugees for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. The story has a personal angle for Rial: Her sister. Amy, is a nurse with the International Rescue Committee in Tanzania."I did photographs of her because of the Pittsburgh connection; I worked it into the whole scope of the project." Rials pictures show her sister caring for malnourished children, refugees lining up for food, a Hutu woman who was raped and stabbed by Tutsi soldiers, a Tutsi woman who adopts an orphaned Hutu child.Most of what she finds reeks of displacement and despair. "The stream (of refugees) you see here had been walking almost 24 hours. The previous evening they heard word that the Tanzanian government was going to force them to leave. They were trying to flee, to go deeper into the bush. They were forced back by the troops into Rwanda. The group is led by a handful of militia guys. Men who are the leaders in the communities. They may or may not be wanted for genocide."

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1999 Winner in Feature Photography: Staff of Associated Press, "for its striking collection of photographs of the key players and events stemming from President Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky and the ensuing impeachment hearings."

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1999 Winner in Spot Photography: Photo Staff Associated Press, for its portfolio of images following the embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania that illustrates both the horror and the humanity triggered by the event.

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2000 Winner in Feature Photography: Carol Guzy, Michael Williamson and Lucian Perkins, Washington Post, "for their intimate and poignant images depicting the plight of the Kosovo refugees."

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Fleeing Kosovo2000 Pulitzer Prize, Feature Photography, Carol Guzy, Lucian Perkins and Michael WilliamsonBy the thousands, they come. Ragged, weary, fleeing the Serbs. A tidal wave of ethnic Albanians trying to cross from Kosovo into Macedonia and Albania. But there are no welcome signs.

Aid workers set up primitive tent camps. There is little food, water and few medical supplies. The refugees, mostly women, children and the elderly, wait in limbo.Washington Post photographers Carol Guzy, Michael Williamson and Lucian Perkins spend two months in the camps. Interpreters help them understand the plight and despair. "No still picture," Guzy says, "could possibly convey their tears and pain or the hell from which they had come." Yet the photographers capture it as best they can. Guzy crosses the border at Morina with refugees headed for a transit camp in Kukcs, Albania. Stripped of their possessions, they wait to get in. On either side of the camp fence, members of the Shala family unite. They pass 2-year-old Akim Shala through the fence. Guzys camera captures the baby sliding through the barbed wire into the hands of his loving grandparents.Perkins and an estimated 70,000 refugees are near Macedonia in a no mans land called Blace. There is no shelter. Disease is spreading. Families try to get out. But border guards allow only a trickle of refugees to leave. Cameras swinging from his neck, Perkins hides behind a truck and slips past camp guards. He photographs sorrow and desperation.Williamson is in Velika Krusa, Kosovo, covering the havoc wrought by Serbs. In a burned-out house, Qamil Duraku sits on a bucket, looks up and says, "You’re here. You finally came." The man thinks the photographer is a war crimes investigator there to document the deaths of his cousins. In each hand he holds pieces of his relatives, body parts the Serbs had torched. He cries, "Why did they do this? Why?" Williamson tries to comfort Duraku. He can’t. He takes his photograph.

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2000 Winner in Breaking News Photography: Denver Rocky Mountain News Photo Staff, for its powerful collection of emotional images taken after the student shootings at Columbine High School.

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2001 Winner in Feature Photography: Matt Rainey, Star-Ledger (New Jersey), "for his emotional photographs that illustrate the care and recovery of two students critically burned in a dormitory fire at Seton Hall University."

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2001 Winner in Breaking News Photography: Alan Diaz Associated Press, for his photograph of armed U.S. federal agents seizing the Cuban boy Elián Gonzalez from his relatives' Miami home.

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Winner in Breaking News PhotographyElián2001 Pulitzer Prize, Breaking News Photography, Alan Diaz, Associated PressIt's dawn in Miami's Little Havana. Photographers and reporters doze on lawn chairs. Demonstrators mill about after in all-night vigil. Inside the house, a family lawyer negotiates by phone with U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno. On the sofa sleeps 6-year-old Elian Gonzalez.Associated Press photographer Alan Diaz stands at the backyard fence. For five months from this spot. Diaz has covered the international custody war between the child's cousins in Miami and father in Cuba. Diaz has lived in Cuba and speaks Spanish. The relatives let him take pictures. But he must stay outside the fence. And he must never, ever speak to Elian.At 5 a.m. on April 22. 2000, rumors swirl: a temporary accord may allow a visit with the boys lather. The rumors prove untrue. All at once Diaz hears heavy boots stampede the backyard. He grabs his camera, jumps the fence. A family friend lets him in the front door and locks it. Federal agents smash through the house. Diaz sees the relatives scream, mouths moving but bodies frozen."Where's the boy?" Diaz shouts. Someone shoves him into the bedroom. Donato Dalrymple, who plucked Elian from the sea, is trying to hide the boy. "What's happening?" Elian asks. "What's happening?" For the first time, Diaz speaks to Elian, tries to calm him down. Then agents kick open the door. One points a 9 mm submachine gun. Diaz takes the picture: a terrified child being seized by the federal government. The lightning move by federal agents takes just 154 seconds.Even today, long after the court rulings have sent Elian back to Cuba with his father, one thing remains a mystery to photographer Diaz. He can’t figure out how he jumped the fence. "It may have been my pulsing adrenaline." he says. "But then again, I guess it was part of what I always do—I shoot pictures."

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2002 Winner in Feature Photography: The New York Times staff, "for its photographs chronicling the pain and the perseverance of people enduring protracted conflict in Afghanistan and Pakistan."

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2002 Winner in Breaking News Photography: Staff The New York Times, for its consistently outstanding photographic coverage of the terrorist attack on New York City and its aftermath.

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Winner in Breaking News PhotographyWorld Trade Center Attack2002 Pulitzer Prize, Breaking News Photography, Steve Ludlum, New York Times

Sept. 11. 2001, dawns dear, a great day for a morning walk. At 8:30 a.m., as artist and freelance photographer Steve Ludlum strolls the Brooklyn waterfront, he sees black smoke pouring from the North Tower of the World Trade Center across the river. Sprinting, Ludlum runs home for his camera and finds a friend to drive him to the Manhattan Bridge to locate a good view of the World Trade Center.Ludlum rests his zoom lens on a fence's iron railing. He adjusts his camera, unaware that United Airlines Flight 175 is headed straight for the South Tower. He doesn't see the plane hit, but a ball of fire appeared in his viewfinder. "Bomb." he thinks, releasing the shutter.His regular photo lab is too busy. Reluctantly he opts for a one-hour drugstore service. Ninety anxious minutes later, he opens the envelope. The negative is sharp. His next stop is The New York Times.Ludlum reacts emotionally to the disaster that killed so many that day. He says, "An artist has one shot at greatness and this was mine.Note: The New York Times staff photographers were among the first to arrive at the World Trade Center disaster scene. Because communications were disrupted, the Times photo editors had no way of knowing if their photographers were alive. After risking their lives to record the destruction of the World Trade Center, they fought through blinding smoke and falling debris to deliver their film to the Times. Steve Ludlum’s photograph was submitted as part of the Times' portfolio.

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2003 Winner in Feature Photography: Don Bartletti, Los Angeles Times, "for his memorable portrayal of how undocumented Central American youths, often facing deadly danger, travel north to the United States."

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2003 Winner in Breaking News Photography: Photography Staff, Rocky Mountain News, for its powerful, imaginative coverage of Colorado's raging forest fires.

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2004 Winner in Feature Photography: Carolyn Cole, Los Angeles Times, for her cohesive, behind-the-scenes look at the effects of civil war in Liberia, with special attention to innocent citizens caught in the conflict.

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2004 Winner in Breaking News Photography: David Leeson and Cheryl Diaz Meyer, The Dallas Morning News, for their eloquent photographs depicting both the violence and poignancy of the war with Iraq.

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2005 Winner in Feature Photography: Deanne Fitzmaurice, San Francisco Chronicle, "for her sensitive photo essay on an Oakland hospital's effort to mend an Iraqi boy nearly killed by an explosion."

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Winner in Feature Photography2005 Pulitzer Prize, Feature Photography, Deanne Fitzmaurice, San Francisco Chronicle

Though usually upbeat, Saleh was sensitive about his appearance. One afternoon, when he saw other children staring at him, Saleh became angry and upset. Nurses sought to soothe him by taping a felt tip pen to this arm so he could draw pictures. Saleh drew an airplane dropping bombs.

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2005 Winner in Breaking News Photography: Staff Associated Press for its stunning series of photographs of bloody yearlong combat inside Iraqi cities.

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2006 Winner in Feature Photography: Todd Heisler, of Rocky Mountain News, "for his haunting, behind-the-scenes look at funerals for Colorado Marines who return from Iraq in caskets."

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Winner in Feature Photography2006 Pulitzer Prize, Feature Photography, Todd Heisler, of Rocky Mountain News

Marine Major Steve Beck prepares for the final inspection of 2nd Lt. James J. Cathey's body, only days after notifying Cathey's wife of the Marine's death in Iraq. The knock at the door begins a ritual steeped in tradition more than two centuries old; a tradition based on the same tenet: "Never leave a Marine behind." When the wars began in Afghanistan and Iraq, Maj. Steve Beck expected to find himself overseas, in the heat of battle. He never thought he would be the one arranging funerals for his fallen comrades.

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2006 Winner in Breaking News Photography: Staff, The Dallas Morning News, for its vivid photographs depicting the chaos and pain after Hurricane Katrina engulfed New Orleans.

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2007 Winner in Feature Photography: Renée C. Byer, The Sacramento Bee, "for her intimate portrayal of a single mother and her young son as he loses his battle with cancer

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2007 Winner in Breaking News Photography: Oded Balilty, Associated Press, for his powerful photograph of a lone Jewish woman defying Israeli security forces as they remove illegal settlers in the West Bank.

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Winner in Breaking News Photography2007 Pulitzer Prize, Breaking News Photography, Oded Balilty Associated Press

A lone Jewish settler challenges Israeli security officers during clashes that erupted as authorities cleared the West Bank settlement of Amona, east of the Palestinian town of Ramallah. Thousands of troops in riot gear and on horseback clashed with hundreds of stone-throwing Jewish settlers holed up in this illegal West Bank outpost after Israel's Supreme Court cleared the way of demolition of nine homes at the site. (February 1, 2006)

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2008 Feature Photography: Preston Gannaway, the Concord (N.H.) Monitor, for her intimate chronicle of a family coping with a parent's terminal illness.

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2008 Breaking News Photography: Adrees Latifof Reuters, for his dramatic photograph of a Japanese videographer [Kenji Nagai —MJ], sprawled on the pavement, fatally wounded during a street demonstration in Myanmar.

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Winner in Breaking News PhotographyA wounded Japanese photographer, Kenji Nagai, as he lay before a Burmese soldier in Yangon,Myanmar, as troops attacked protesters2008 Pulitzer Prize, Breaking News Photography, Adrees Latif

This photograph that won him this honor is of “a wounded Japanese photographer, Kenji Nagai, as he lay before a Burmese soldier in Yangon,Myanmar, as troops attacked protesters.” Mr. Nagai later dies. The photograph was published by Reuters on September 28, 2007.According to the Pulitzer Prize website, the category in which Adrees Latif has won is for “a distinguished example of breaking news photography in black and white or color, which may consist of a photograph or photographs, a sequence or an album, in print or online or both, Ten thousand dollars ($10,000).” His citation reads:Awarded to Adrees Latif of Reuters for his dramatic photograph of a Japanese videographer, sprawled on the pavement, fatally wounded during a street demonstration in Myanmar.

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2009 Winner in Feature Photography: Damon Winter of The New York Times, "for his memorable array of pictures deftly capturing multiple facets of Barack Obama’s presidential campaign." - Damon Winter The New York Times

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2009 Winner in Breaking News Photography: Patrick Farrell, Miami Herald, "After the Storm"

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Winner in Breaking News PhotographyAfter the Storm2009 Pulitzer Prize, Breaking News Photography, Patrick Farrell, Miami Herald

Patrick Farrell of the 'The Miami Herald' received the Pulitzer Prize, Breaking News Photography, for his provocative, impeccably composed images of despair after Hurricane Ike and other lethal storms caused a humanitarian disaster in Haiti.

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2010 Winner in Feature Photography: Craig F. Walker, The Denver Post, "for his intimate portrait of a teenager who joins the Army at the height of insurgent violence in Iraq, poignantly searching for meaning and manhood." Feature Photography Images

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Winner in Feature PhotographyPortrait of a Teenager Who Joins the Army2010 Pulitzer Prize, Feature Photography, Craig F. Walker, Denver Post

Ian Fisher cradles his injured elbow during his processing into the Army in Ft. Benning, Ga. On June 20, 2007. Though he later had a change of heart after speaking with a commander, he saw a possibility to escape his enlistment only two days in. From his first day in fatigues through his days driving a Humvee in Iraq, military life often didn’t mesh with his expectations. Sometimes the structure of the Army and the demands of training for war clashed with the freedom he shared with his outside friends.

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2010 Winner in Breaking News Photography: Mary Chind, The Des Moines Register for her photograph of the heart-stopping moment when a rescuer dangling in a makeshift harness tries to save a woman trapped in the foaming water beneath a dam.

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Winner in Breaking News Photography 2010 Pulitzer Prize, Breaking News Photography, Mary Child of Des Moines Register

River rescue in downtown Des Moines: A woman is pulled from near the Center Street dam by construction worker Jason Oglesbee on Tuesday. A man who was with the unidentified woman died in the Des Moines River. A rescue team from the Des Moines Fire Department tried several times to rescue the woman but could not get close enough to her.

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Winner in Feature Photography2011 Pulitzer Prize, Feature Photography, Barbara Davidson, Los Angeles Times

Josue Hercules’ mother, Wendoly Andrade, says, ‘I do not know what will happen to my son’s life.’ Six months after the shooting, Josue’s father moved out, leaving his mother to balance Josue’s increased needs with those of her other four children. In this photo, from left, Josue, Katherine, Kevin, Kimberlin and Oscar share a one-bedroom apartment with their mother.

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2011 Winner in Breaking News Photography: Carol Guzy, Nikki Kahn and Ricky Carioti, The Washington Post, for their up-close portrait of grief and desperation after a catastrophic earthquake struck Haiti.

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2012 Winner in Feature Photography: Craig F. Walker,The Denver Post, story about an Iraq war veteran."Welcome Home, The Story of Scott Ostrom"

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Winner in Feature Photography2012 Pulitzer Prize, Feature Photography, Craig F. Walker,The Denver Post

In today's community of Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans, one in five suffer from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or major depression. Brian Scott Ostrom is one of them. After serving four years as a reconnaissance marine and deploying twice to Iraq, Scott, now 27, returned home to the U.S. with a severe case of PTSD. 'The most important part of my life already happened. The most devastating. The chance to come home in a box. Nothing is ever going to compare to what I've done, so I'm struggling to be at peace with that,' Scott said. He attributes his PTSD to his second deployment to Iraq, where he served seven months in Fallujah with the 2nd Reconnaissance Battalion. 'It was the most brutal time of my life,' he said. 'I didn't realize it because I was living it. It was a part of me.' Since his discharge, Scott has struggled with daily life, from finding and keeping employment to maintaining healthy relationships. But most of all, he's struggled to overcome his brutal and haunting memories of Iraq. Nearly five years later, Scott remains conflicted by the war. Though he is proud of his service and cares greatly for his fellow Marines, he still carries guilt for things he did and didn't do fighting a war he no longer believes in.

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2012 Winner in Breaking News Photography: Massoud Hossaini, AFP / Getty Images Tarana Akbari, 12, screams after a suicide bombing at Abul Fazel Shrine in Kabul on Dec. 6, 2011

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Winner in Breaking News Photography2012 Pulitzer Prize, Breaking News Photography,Massoud Hossaini, AFP / Getty Images

Tarana Akbari, 12, screams in fear moments after a suicide bomber detonated a bomb in a crowd at the Abul Fazel Shrine in Kabul on December 06, 2011. 'When I could stand up, I saw that everybody was around me on the ground, really bloody. I was really, really scared,' said the Tarana, whose name means 'melody' in English. Out of 17 women and children from her family who went to a riverside shrine in Kabul that day to mark the Shiite holy day of Ashura, seven died including her seven-year-old brother Shoaib. More than 70 people lost their lives in all, and at least nine other members of Tarana's family were wounded. The blasts has prompted fears that Afghanistan could see the sort of sectarian violence that has pitched Shiite against Sunni Muslims in Iraq and Pakistan. The attack was the deadliest strike on the capital in three years. President Hamid Karzai said this was the first time insurgents had struck on such an important religious day. The Taliban condemned the attack, which some official viewed as sectarian. On the same day, a second bomber attacked in the northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif. Karzai said on December 11 that a total of 80 people were killed in both attacks. Published December 7, 2011

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2013 Winner in Feature Photography: Javier Manzano, freelance for Agence France-Presse,was recognized with the Pulitzer Prize for Feature Photography from his work in Syria.

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Winner in Feature Photography2013 Pulitzer Prize, Feature Photography,Javier Manzano, freelance for Agence France-Presse

Two rebel soldiers in Syria guard their position in the Karmel Jabl neighborhood of Aleppo as light streams through more than a dozen holes made by bullets and shrapnel in the tin wall behind them. The dust from more than one hundred days of shelling, bombing and firefights hung in the air. Karmel Jabl is strategically important because of its proximity to the main road that separates several of the main battlegrounds in the city.

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2013 Winner in Breaking News Photography: A five-photographer team from the Associated Press was recognized in the Breaking News photography category for their photographic coverage of the ongoing Syrian civil war. Rodrigo Abd, Manu Brabo, Khalil Hamra, Muhammed Muheisen and Narciso Contreras were members of the team that contributed to the agency’s coverage of the two-year-old conflict.

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2013 Winner in Breaking News Photography

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1999 Spot News Photography

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1982 Winner in Spot Photography

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2004 Winner in Feature Photography

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1986 Spot News Photography

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1984 Winner in Feature Photography

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cast Pulitzer Prize Winning Photos 1942 – 2013 (2)

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1982 Feature Photography