The Offically Wacky BoolProp Challenge by PetTech Part 4

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The OWBC by PetTech part four

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Page 1: The Offically Wacky BoolProp Challenge by PetTech Part 4
Page 2: The Offically Wacky BoolProp Challenge by PetTech Part 4

Ahh…college. Sharing space with obnoxious, smelly people you don’t know. Isn’t it just the life? Made even more entertaining by the use of a game mod called nouniprotect from MATY. My dormies pass out, become bored and starve just like any other sim. It makes things so much more interesting.

*This hack gave me some problems in my other project so it may be coming out soon. If you choose to use it be warned! Sims may die!

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And as you can see Brian approves. Yes, it’s the same dormie from the previous picture. Anyway, welcome back to the OWBC by PetTech. This is part four. We are getting generation one shuffled off to college and awaiting the results of the heir poll. Those results will be announced later in this update.

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If you recall, Brian left for school a whole week before the other children. He seems to have picked up some of the unique features of his father’s face. Let’s send him out for some new clothes since the blue sweater doesn’t really suit him.

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This is much better. I choose to keep the hair and beard but made him a little more scruffy. Since his current LTW is to top the architect career track he has enrolled as an art major. This could change later depending on how the voting goes.

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I knew those body points would pay eventually.

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This is Anna Buckingham with her lovely green eyes. She and Brian are residents in the same dorm. Brian has two bolts for her and has taken her out a couple of times so far. She is a romance sim and most likely will not want to get married anytime soon, but she is pretty and outgoing.

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This is Lucy Hanby. She is one of three members of the secret society that Brian has been working overtime to become friends with. As you can see she is not immune to the siren call of sleep.

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When Demi finally comes to collect Brian during his second term as a freshman, my computer locks up and crashes! Fortunately, when I rebooted everything was ok and Brian made it safely to the Society lot.

I had some better pictures but they didn’t seem to get saved.

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Brian was inducted and spent a little time visiting before heading back to the dorm as he had a final coming up and I didn’t want the money to go to the society. Don’t worry he will be back here eventually. We have a zombie to make, after all.

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Once Odell and the others arrived, Brian rented a 3x3 lot on which to build a house. This is Odell of course. The pink dress will be going away eventually.

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Olive really resembles her mother now and her clothing choice is one I can live with. Per the rules I am now able to give her 8 commands a day and view her school panel only. Everything else is off limits.

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Oscar, the youngest, also picked up Joe’s unique facial characteristics. You may recall that Brian received a magic lamp as a child and I made sure to pack it in his inventory before he left for school. We will need the money for the house and since he is in platinum there is no time like the present.

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Oscar wishes for wealth and get sprinkled with magic dust.

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Throughout the day bags of money dropped out of the sky. That plus their tuitions allowed me to build a reasonable large house that will require some more furnishing over time but will meet their needs now and in the future. I believe I will also make this a greek house as well.

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Here’s the house from the front. There are two large bedrooms, one for the boys and one for the girls, a communal bathroom, a kitchen/dining combo and two large living rooms.

As you can see the flamingos have been set out to guard the house. Nothing in the rules says I need to have a gnome here and I don’t think it would stick around very long anyway.

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The winner of the heir poll is required to become a grilled cheese sim. This actually took me a couple of sim days to achieve since I am now playing a want driven game style. She was platinum for quite a while with no fears I could easily arrange to have happen.

And who is the lucky lady?

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Odell! Here she is post make over. I love the ability to summon grilled cheese out of thin air. Just as a reminder, Odell is the oldest of twins and the second child born into the Trueheart family. She now is a Grilled Cheese/Knowledge sim and a Virgo. Her stats are 10/1/8/10/3 (see the one outgoing point? She doesn’t really seem to act shy yet, but she’s only been on one date so far). Odell was abducted by aliens as a teen which does me absoulutly no good for the MOAR aliens part of the challenge. Now to find a husband!

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Family funds were a little limited at this point so she could only afford 1010 simoleons for the date. And what did that fair sum get her?

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Thief extraordinaire Russ Bear! They had zero chemistry together and I really think that Russ was here to scope the place out rather than enjoy a date.

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Poor Oscar was having his own difficulties during their first few days in the house. The female cow whose name is Steffi seem to have zeroed in on him as an easy victim. Oscar has some very crazy eyes. I don’t think I would push his buttons too much.

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Oscar was saved the effort of kicking the Cow’s fanny by the Llama who seems to be showing up everyday to play chess and sit on the couch.

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Poor Olive got jumped by the gym coach the second night in the house. She was on the exercise bike and he ordered her off to do jumping jacks. I had to use one of her commands to get her to stop after he left.

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Brian was the one to make to call to request Greek house status. I’m hoping that the influx of pizza will keep Olive from cooking too much. So far there haven’t been any mishaps…which means I’m due.

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Brian, for the moment is still dating Anna. However he doesn’t roll any wants for her when they aren’t on a date, which tells me that she’s not really the one for him. We will have to keep looking. This was a dream date of course because Brian does nothing half way.

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This was the gift she came back the next night with. I found it incredibly appropriate given the nature of this challenge. I am a little disappointed that he doesn’t like her more.

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This is why I thought Russ got dropped on purpose. The same night Anna left the telescope Mr. King decided he was going to rob the place and I hadn’t yet installed an alarm. He took the scope and the Re-Nu-U orb off the back porch. He then got away clean because I couldn’t get Odell to hurry to the phone to call the police. She kept freaking out about there being a burglar in the house.

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Let’s try this again. Ok lady, here’s 2000 simoleons. Work your magic and give me someone who will talk to her!

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And this is why I hate the Gypsy Matchmaking service! To be fair, Mister Trimble here was a far better date that Russ Bear. But he is way too old to give me alien babies. Since the gypsy date is out of the way now, we will just have to find Odell a hubby the old fashioned way.

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And to take care of one more of the mandatory university requirements, here is Odell performing the xylophone trick. She can do it. It took five tries for me to get the picture.

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Brian finally found a girl he would occasionally roll wants for. If you don’t recognize her this is Lucy Hanby again. He only has one bolt for her but they do make a cute couple. She may be a keeper.

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First toga party at the house and everyone starts smustling on the front porch. Just how many sims can you fit on a 2x4 area? In this picture it’s six. On the left is the kids father Joe Carr. The party was started in the afternoon so Tess couldn’t attend.

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See what I mean about Oscar’s crazy eyes? He doesn’t act crazy, he just looks the part.

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Only Brian was smart enough to smustle inside by the stereo.

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Odell finally located someone to take an interest in down at the coffee shop. She spotted him after scoping the room and went over to introduce herself. After shaking her hand he promptly walked out of the building! This is date number two I believe with Jerry Turner, knowledge sim. She has two bolts for him and being a knowledge guy he won’t mind so much about being probulated! So, I think he’s a keeper too. That leaves Brain and Olive to find some romance.

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Olive spends a great deal of time either playing chess, playing the drums or sitting in front of the bubble blower. She made friends with the llama and I did direct her to check him out to set her gender preference, but it didn’t appear to be any real chemistry there. I can’t check her panels so I have no idea how she feels about the mascot.

As far as her classes, I left her as undecided on a major and I only make sure she has the skill points required to pass. So far that has worked, but I suspect that junior and senior year will change that.

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Oscar has developed a romance with this Romance sim named Rebeka Chun. He has two bolts for her and just like his brother and his romance sim girlfriend, rolls zero wants for her. I haven’t yet found anyone else he likes.

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Lucy got the surprise of her life at the end of dream date number six or seven (I’ve lost count) when Brian asked her to marry him. She agreed and he promptly stopped rolling wants for her except when they are on a date. Brian is fortune to the bone! I hoped he would lighten up a little when he rolled pleasure as a secondary. Nope! He wants to paint or write masterpieces, buy expensive stuff and go on a dream date with a third sim. That’s it!

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His pleasure side crept out for a bit when he brought this home. I’ve never had anyone bring a toy back from a campus raid and have to wonder what little boy is crying his eyes out right now. Brian followed this up with a bar-b-que. A bright green one!

Oh! See the horrible mismatched rug behind him? That was Jerry’s date gift. I kept it because it was a gift but it clashes horribly with the décor.

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I decided it was time to find a pledge for the house that might make a good place holder. Oscar was friends with this guy here named Geoffrey Walter and I figured he was a good choice. Boy was I right! You see I’m currently playing the prelude section of another legacy and I had seen Olive traipsing around campus during my play time in that household. I didn’t realize that she had already made friends with Geoffrey until he came in and started talking/flirting with her.

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Post makeover, Geoffrey isn’t too bad looking. It turns out that he has two bolts for her and I had him do the appropriate actions to get them to fall in love.

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Who says you can’t control a sim you can’t control? Not me. Having played an apocalypse (granted a lighter version without pets rules) this is kind easy. Hopefully I will be able to get her to graduate.

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Brian had become a senior and the rest of the kids hit their junior year and I felt it was time to lock our future spouse in. Jerry is a great choice despite the big honker and bad hair.

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Olive did begin to show some signs of cracking at one point. Uncontrollable sobbing and frequent worry hands had me thinking that she was close to a breakdown but then she would go get 500 points for playing the drums and be all right for a while. She was carrying a B average despite only attending class.

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Between Brian and Odell the family portraits got done and displayed in the game room. Olive’s is quite indicative of how she spent her time but I like Oscar’s the best.

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The kids finally choose a different place holder since Geoffrey was so smitten with Olive. This is Jihoon Barrett who gets a makeover later and is nicely removed from the dormie gene pool for future legacies in this neighborhood.

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After a fantastic party Brian graduated with top honors in Art. As I was trying to decide if him clothing suited him or not it hit me. I had forgot to send him back to the Landgrabb Society to get the cow plant and bone phone! Arrgh!

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Fortunately, Oscar knew three members but hadn’t gotten around to making friends with them. A couple of days of phone calls and we’re all good. There’s those crazy eyes again. See Olive in her formal dress and in the zone? I think this might be what’s keeping her sane and healthy.

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A quick chat with his future brother in law and last sponsor and we get what we need to make a zombie!

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At last graduation day is here! Odell passed with a 3.9 in History despite never wanting to go to class or study. The purple kind of suits her skin tone.

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Olive did surprisingly well for not doing any assignments or studying. A 3.4 GPA in Philosophy (the college assigned the program). Now she gets to move on with her life. Since she can’t give me an alien baby it’s off to mother lode land for her and Geoffrey who I had drop out so I didn’t have to play anymore uni.

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Oscar, who I failed to get a grow up picture of, graduated with top honors in Drama. I was never happy with the little romance sim he found chemistry with and the night of the graduation party I had him check out the cheerleader and found he had two bolts for her too but they didn’t show up until then. Generally, I don’t like to marry them in because of the whole llama suit thing, but he’s a spare and will only be on the lot until we get an alien baby so maybe I will hook them up.

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And that’s the end of part four. Thanks for reading and feel free to leave a comment if you like. They are fun to read and if you are currently writing a story too I try to return the favor when I get a chance. My comments are never that great, but hey!

Don’t leave just yet! There are baby pictures ahead…

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Back in Pleasant View, three roommates were dealing with two very delicate issues.

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First was this, a natural two bolt relationship sans ACR. After conferring with the simmers who created these two I have been given the okey dokey to publish their romance. Just in case you don’t know who they are tlhs0 (AKA: Lea) is the lovely lady and BlueBerryPie360 (AKA:BBP) is the handsome gent.

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The other issue is an issue of issue. BBP rolled wants for alien abduction right away and I planned to do the shift-click telescope abduction thing, but couldn’t get it to work. So, out came the Tombstone of L&D and we are now expecting an alien baby in the house. This I hadn’t discussed with BBP prior to doing because I assumed he would be fine with it (he was). If fact I have been informed that this will be alien child number six for BBP.

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And with the approval of the simmers, I happily announce the impending wedding of BBP and tlhs0! Sometime after BBP has that baby.

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Which is now! Interestingly, neither of the female family sims bothered to get up during his labor pains.

“What’s he yelling about now?”

“Maybe he ate some bad eggs.”

“Hello?! A little help! Man having a baby over here!” BBP seem to have trouble getting people to notice him here at home as well.

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Oh! He’s gorgeous! This ladies and gentlemen is Titus Pie. Named after the title character in one of my favorite plays by Shakespeare- Titus Andronicus. If it had been a girl she would have been named Portia, another of my favorite characters created by The Bard.

And here is where I will leave you. Part five will be out soon and will include wedding and toddler pics of the happy couple.