The History Of Photography By Josh Blakemore

The History Of Photography

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The History Of Photography

By Josh Blakemore

Camera obscura

At its most basic, light rays pass through a tiny hole and recreate themselves upside down on a wall that is parallel to the hole. As camera obscura technology improved in the 16th century, camera obscuras became portable boxes.

CyanotypesJohn Herschel invented the cyanotype. The cyanotype is, now a days paper that has been treated, white paper that when exposed to light turns blue. If the paper has something resting on it, the objects stop the light from hitting the paper. Causing there to be a void on the paper leaving a outline of the object.


The daguerreotype was the first commercially successful photographic process. Daguerre was partnered with a guy called Niépce, who was on of the leaders in photochemistry, and together continued there research and improved there technology.

Nicéphore Niépce Louis Daguerre