THE ABDUCTION By Abigail and Gledis Key codes: = Work completed by Abigail = Work completed by Gledis

The abduction opening sequence analysis

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Page 1: The abduction   opening sequence analysis

THE ABDUCTION By Abigail and Gledis

Key codes:

= Work completed by Abigail

= Work completed by Gledis

Page 2: The abduction   opening sequence analysis

We watched an opening sequence entitled The Abduction.

Overall, we gave this opening sequence a Level four and an overall mark of 49-50.

This is our reasoning for the grade we gave


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We believed that for this part of the assessment, The Abduction, filled most of the criteria.

We gave this a level three, because although the content was very good, the target audience wasn’t clear so we were unable to see if they had accurately created something that would be suitable for their target audience.

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2. Using Titles Appropriately According to Institutional Conventions Level: 4

Titles similar to real films and appear professional.

The style and colour of the text work well with the black and white background.

Very clear and readable.

The text is quite plain yet sophisticated which emphasise the fact that the opening sequence is a drama.

The block capitals create a serious atmosphere.

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The Abduction used really well suited music to accompany the opening sequence. It set the pace of the film very well.

It was well suited to the genre of the opening sequence also and sounded quite current.

The sounds worked in harmony with the images and it helped to set the pace of the film for the audience.

For this part of the criteria, we gave it a level three as there was room for improvement.

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The opening sequence had good and correct use of the conventions of their chosen genre. It was also suitable for their theme and concept.

We graded this a level three, as we didn’t think they developed or challenged as well as they could have.

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Unidentified character

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4a. Including Controlled Use of The CameraLevel: 4

The camera is steady when it needs to be. Shots are always clearly viewable by the audience.

The camera shifts at appropriate times to create excitement for the audience and disorientate them to create suspense.

The shaky movements are controlled and done for a purpose.

For this reason we gave it a level 4

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We believed that The Abduction had very pleasing shots and looked good and were put together very well to create an interesting opening sequence for the audience.

We graded this a level four as it was very well put together and the creators had paid great attention to this part of the criteria.

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The press conference scene was very effective, as they had a number of people with camera’s taking pictures. They effectively used the props for this scene and it worked very well.

It was obvious that they had carefully considered the props they’d need in that scene but it would’ve worked better if they’d used more camera’s.

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4c. Variety of Shot DistanceLevel: 4

This opening sequence included multiple shot distances.

We thought their variety of different shots was a Level -4

– Long shot

– Close-up shot

– Mid shot

– Extreme close-up shot

– Over the shoulder shot

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The setting was very appropriate for the scenes they filmed. It worked well with the storyline.

The dark lighting for the mysterious parts of the opening sequence worked incredibly well, and this helped the creators gain a level three.

To improve, they could’ve used more camera’s to make the press conference more realistic and this would really push their grade upwards.

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Using Editing to Make The Meaning Apparent To The ViewerLevel: 3

We gave this a level 3 because we didn’t feel that the meaning was made clear enough through the

use of editing.

However, we thought that the quick cutting from shot to shot worked well and suited with the

Drama genre. It created a fast pace.