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Questionaire for my exhabition

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question Answer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Which photo do you like the most and why?

The skateboard image because I like what the photo represents

The skateboard one because I like the way you did that thing with the cross I think it brings more effect to the picture.

The one with multiple models because I like the camera angles and the black and white effect

The skateboard, because its different

The tree because I like the editing

How can I improve on my editing?

On the motorway image check that the clarity of the sky fits the clarity of the image

Nothing is bad about your pictures.

You cant All of your images have been edited amazingly.

They all look fine

Strength and weaknesses of my photos

You used the editing to black and white effectively on the photo looking up through the leaves and on the photo of the model sat on the tree. I think that the motorway picture has a good concept in the sky being a different colour to the rest of it, but I’m not sure about the effect on it

What I think went well on these images that I believe that they are very creative and I believe I think you have improved your skills on Photoshop. There are no weaknesses.

Your strengths are your editing and angles because it makes the images stand out, I can’t find any weaknesses to comment on

Your editing was really good and your images are really good quality. There are no weaknesses.

The editing was good but could be better.