Publication Plan

Pulication plan

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Publication Plan

Page 2: Pulication plan

Name: Popular

I chose to call my magazine Popular because the genre I chose was pop so it was a play on words. Also Pop is a very popular genre therefore I think my magazine would be popular because there is a wide audience.

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Price: £2.50

I am going to price my magazine at £2.50 because from my research I found that most pop magazines are in that price range. I also don’t want it to be too expensive because of my target audience.

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Position Statement- World of Pop, World’s most popular

I am going to be using this position statement because my magazine is called Popular and the genre is pop therefore I have included the name of my magazine and the genre of the magazine in my position statement.

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My magazine would be sold in supermarkets and news agents because pop is a very popular genre and it is normally sold everywhere. Also because of my target audience selling it in the local shops would mean it is easy to get hold off.

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Frequency of publication

My magazine would be printed every month because from my research I found that most pop magazines are sold on a monthly basis. Also it would be quite expensive to buy it every week for the age range it is aimed at.

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The purpose of my magazine is to keep young people informed about the latest things in the pop world. Also it is a fun and easy to follow magazine where young people can enjoy reading it.

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The style of my magazine is fun and very bright so it stands out and so it is enjoyable and this is because of my target audience. The layout is easy to follow but the front cover is packed full of stories to entice the reader. The colours are appropriate for my target audience because they are girly and fun.

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Regular Content

My magazine will always include beauty tips because it is helpful for young girls and it will also include competitions to get people involved and the latest fashion so young people can keep up with the latest trends easily.

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Featured Content

My featured content will include exclusive interviews which will attract the audience and also stories the readers have sent in which will get the audience more involved and make them feel part of the magazine.