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My case study is on my aunt who is a graphic designer, specifically web design. Amongst other websites she is best known for designing Wise pay website which is used by schools throughout the county. Below is a copy of the interview I conducted for the project:

How do you clarify and negotiate a brief, and interpret the requirements of the brief and the needs of the client?First I ask who the target audience is (typically its either a business or consumer website) , for example adults, children, etc, and what it is going to be for. I also need to know if this will be a long term or short term website design, to know whether content will be added in the future. All content for website needs to be provided also. What kind of look do they want, business or consumer base and the product that they are trying to sell. Look? Modern and flashy look, very simple, advertising product or service. I need to know the timings of how long I have to design the website ,and if there are going to be any printed marketing to accompany the website.

How they organize and manage a project plan • Stage 1: ideas and concepts• Stages2: liaising with the client to see if they like the idea and concept, two three

ideas are needed. Once the client is happy with the concept move onto the design of it, checking with the client after the design. Work out how pages link (stag one)


• Stage 3: Make up flat deigns then go back to client and ask if they are happy with design, client then gives content. Put through to the programming department where designs are then sends designs to the programmers and makes them live

• Stage 4: testing stage before putting website onto the internet.

What is your attitude and approach to your? specialismClients sometimes don’t know what they want until they see it, may say they want a certain style or look but until they say it. sometimes random design is included and the client likes it. #2 design is different, every one has there own opinion and style, unique, differs from what the designers can give them. Client sometimes like designs that are garish and don’t always work online but if this is what the client wants them sometimes this is what they get, after all they are the ones paying for it. Advice to client is given as how best their product or service would sell best online, however sometimes client conflicts occur and a client has a strong opinion as to how their product should be portrayed.

How do you modify and develop initial ideas to produce a final outcome?Initial ideas come from client brief, all you need to find out is “what is it they are trying to sell” from this you can see if the clients ideas best portrays the service or product they are trying to sell, and offer to make suggestions from there. Then you have to go through stages, stage 1:concept and ideas, stage 2: go to clients with the design of what the website will look like, and ex-plain how it will work, if they are happy work can continue and move onto stage 3: building the website and then testing it. Once this is all done you can make the website live.

How do you liaise with clients, customers and the general public? Normally there is a project manager or account manager who liaises with the client on your behalf. Otherwise phone or email is used.

How do you choose materials, techniques, technology and the processes to produce the work?I choose what I think will be best for their brief, for example for branding ,such as logo deign, illustrator would be used. If they want a brochure, desktop publishing would be used. Build work is done by the technical department. This includes movement, flash and animation. I only create the flat designs.

How is the commercial viability of the work considered?Sometimes Market research is needed, to see if the product will be viable, i.e “The Online Takeaway” (an old project). It also comes down to cost, if the work will be cost effective and make money in the long run. Cost is always a factor to consider.

How do you respond to constraints that affect your work ?Time is a big constraint as sometimes clients tend to go back and forth on design then they still want to meet the project deadline. If client changes a design or the way a website works that can also put pressure to meet a deadline. Resources are also a consideration when a third party such as a printers are involved as printing time and logistics can be an issue.



These are two of the many pages that my aunt has designed for wise pay, the company that she works for designs all the material for wise pay. She designs the web pages and also

designed the wise pay logo seen at the top of both pages.


I have always wanted to study architecture which is a design based course ,I think that a design course would be more useful as a career move as opposed to doing a fine art degree. However this case study has taught me that when you are working in a design based job the client and their tastes always come first. I am quite a headstrong person and like to do things a certain way as I have my own particular tastes when it comes to architecture, however there will be times when I must put the needs of the client first. I still want to study architecture and plan to do so after finishing college. I am prepared to work with other people and input ideas and guidance when needed, however this

case study has taught me that when given a brief I must not derail in order not to waste time and to meet the target. This year I will try and time manage

more as practise for professional life.