To edit the flower separate from the background, I had to select the layer with the flower only. Then, to begin editing the flower, I started off with making it more vibrant. This serves several purposes. By making it more vibrant, it will therefore be more eye catching for passer-by’s, making it more effective

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To edit the flower separate from the background, I had to select the layer with the flower only.

Then, to begin editing the flower, I started off with making it more vibrant. This serves several purposes. By making it more vibrant, it will therefore be more eye catching for passer-by’s, making it more effective in targeting my audience, and secondly, it successful represents the film as the flower is vibrant against the black and white world.

I also increased the saturation to help with the vibrancy, as it makes the colours stand out on the page.

This was the final image I ended up with, as I was happy with the results of my editing of the flower, because I think the flower here looks good when taking into account the colour of it and how good it looks against the black and white background, and the vibrancy of it, which altogether presents my film well as was the effect I was hoping to achieve with the image when I was drafting the idea.