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Islam developed in the 7th century middle east.

Muslims believed that Muhammad was the finder of Islam.

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Dry, hardly any water Mostly desert Located Between AsiaAnd Africa

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The five pillars are just five simple acts, that are considered mandatory by their believers.

The believers have to contribute to these five acts.

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The first pillar was that their was no god except god. And that Muhammad was his messenger.

The second pillar was daily prayer this meant that they had to pray 5 or more times a day.

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The third Pillar is fasting and self-control during Ramadan.

The fourth pillar is that you have to give to the homeless or needy.

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The fifth pillar is that you have to visit Ramadan at least once in a lifetime.

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Married to Khadija Received message from Gabriel Born in Mecca 570 A.D Raised by uncle Worked as caravan manger

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Main symbol is crescent and star Used after spread of Islam Used to evoke feelings

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Inside theRed is theMajor IslamicStates.

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MedinaMedina is a modern

city in the Hejaz region of western Saudi Arabia.


The capital of providence in Saudi Arabia. Birth place of Muhammad.

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One of the 5 pillars Means journey to Mecca

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The main source of their beliefs is the Qu’ran. It is like a bible for Muslims. It includes the five pillars in it.

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Wife of Muhammad Manger of caravans Born 555 A.D in Saudi Arabia

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I found most of my information on wiki.

I also found information in my medieval text book.

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