Unit 9: Photography Techniques PHOTOGRAPHY PORTFOLIO

Photography portfolio

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Page 1: Photography portfolio

Unit 9:





Page 2: Photography portfolio

We had to take photographs around school showing dif ferent

photography techniques:

Abstract, Macro, Landscape, Portrait


Page 3: Photography portfolio


For the portrait shot I

wanted to make sure it

highlighted key features

of the person’s face all

the while being able to

focus on the person’s

expression rather than

the importance of the

background for the shot. I

achieved this by manually

focusing the lens on the

face, this helped to

almost blur out the

background. I like the left

image the most as the

lighting on his face is

really effective also the

black and white helps to

emphasise the shades of

light on his face.

Page 4: Photography portfolio


In these shots I really

focused on different

facial expressions of

people rather than the

features on their face. I

think both images

successfully highlight the

aim of the shots.

Page 5: Photography portfolio


The image to the left shows items which have been left

untouched and to decompose. It places these natural

items in an urban setting allowing people to be reminded

that we share the would with nature and sometimes many

people forget that.

The photo to the right exposes the lovely pattern

and variety of colour on the plant’s leaves. Again

the background, blurred out, shows a man made

building which is far less aesthetically pleasing

than the plant.

Page 6: Photography portfolio


The photo above has a slightly more dark ambience to it as

it shows a moth which has been caught up in a cobweb. The

use of black and white enriches the mood of the photo and

the cobwebs make the image appear really aged, which is

another nice quality.

Page 7: Photography portfolio


I used a black and white setting for these abstract

photos as it creates a gloomy but attractive quality. My

favourite one is the photo of the basketball hoop as I

think that the clouds look really moody and the different

tones within the photos are very affective.

Page 8: Photography portfolio


For these abstract shots I wanted to focus more on the

shapes in the photo rather than the subject, I think I

really achieved this in the photo on the left. The pad

lock photo still focuses on shapes but in a slightly less

abstract way than the other one.

Page 9: Photography portfolio


Both of these architectural photos have a link between a

man made structure and natural plants. I think this was a

more effective way of showing architectural structures

around the school rather than a boring, plain brick wall.

Page 10: Photography portfolio


From the abstract photos I knew the types of architecture

that I would like to photograph, the canopies are more

unique and nicer to look at. I like the photo below the most

as the colours are really vibrant and it shows the viewer of

the photo the whole structure.