Noah’s First Easter Egg Hunt Creative commons copyright, Tracie Regan 2011

Noah's First Easter Hunt

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Noah’s First Easter Egg Hunt

Creative commons copyright, Tracie Regan 2011


The Easter Bunny

has hidden 6 chocolate eggs for Noah.

Mummy and Daddy can help Noah find them.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 eggs

There is a

Can you find it?

egg in the flower garden.

1 egg1 egg

Can you find it?

There is a

egg in the vegetable garden.

1 egg1 egg

2 eggs

Can you see it?

There is a

egg on the swing.

1 egg1 egg

2 eggs

3 eggs

Can you find it?

There is a

egg in the chook pen.

1 egg

2 eggs

3 eggs

4 eggs

Can you find it?

There is a

egg in the playhouse.

1 egg

2 eggs

3 eggs

4 eggs

5 eggs

Can you find it?

There is a

egg on the highchair.

1 egg

2 eggs

3 eggs

4 eggs

5 eggs

6 eggs

The End