Mother’s Day 2014 – Exhibition of children’s artworks

Mother's Day 2014 - Ukrainian children's drawings

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On Mother’s Day (11 May 2014), UNICEF, UNAIDS and Hotel Intercontinental in Geneva marked the opening of an exclusive exhibition of children’s art. The exhibition features specially created drawings and paintings by young artists aged 6 to 16 from Ukraine. Proceeds of the sale of the drawings will benefit UNICEF-UNAIDS joint work for an AIDS-free generation! Here is a booklet that shows the drawings and tells you a bit about the young artists.

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  • 1.Mothers Day 2014 Exhibition of childrens artworks

2. 1. Margarita / Margarita (Rita) est ne dans une famille en crise; sa mre et son pre taient alcooliques. Le pre a quitt leur famille et est ensuite dcd quand Rita avait 10 ans. Rita a souvent fugu de chez elle jusqu ce quelle soit prise en charge par lONG The Way Home, soutenue par UNICEF. Sa mre continue de consommer de lalcool. Aujourdhui, Rita va lcole and rve de devenir chorgraphe. Margarita (Rita) was born into a family in crisis; her mother and father were dependent on alcohol. The father left the family. He died when Rita was 10 years old. Rita often ran away from home until she got to the UNICEF-supported organization The Way Home. Her mother is still abusing alcohol. Now, Rita goes to school and dreams of becoming a choreographer. : . . , 10 . , ( ). . . 3. 2. Sergey, 7 years / 7 Dans la famille de Sergey, les confilts taient frquents: sa mre le frappait trs souvent et il a t envoy dans in internat, ce quil naimait pas beaucoup. Plus tard, une personne a propos que sa grand-mre lemmne au centre The Way Home, une organisation soutenue par UNICEF. Sergey adore les contes de fes et rve de devenir crivain pour enfants. In Sergeys family, there were frequent conflicts, his mother beat him all the time and he was sent to a boarding school, which he did not like very much. Then, somebody recommended that his grandmother bring Sergey to The Way Home, organization supported by UNICEF. Sergey dreams of becoming a childrens book writer and likes fairy tales very much. , . , , ( ). . . 4. 3. Anton, 13 years / 13 La mre dAnton a disparu. Son beau-pre est dpendant lalcool et ne vient pas lui rendre visite. Anton est trs dou en sport: il joue dans les quipes de foot Chernomorets et Domovionok. Anton rve de devenir un joueur de foot clbre et plus tard, un entraneur. Antons mother has gone missing. His stepfather abuses alcohol and does not visit him. Anton is very successful in sports. He plays on the football (soccer) teams Chernomorets and Domovionok. Anton dreams of becoming a famous football player and then a football coach. . . . . , - . 5. 4. Kolia / Nikolay (Kolia) est n dans une famille en crise. Sa mre tait alcoolique et son pre a abandonn la famille la naissance de Kolia. Sa mre la plac dans un internat pendant quelle se faisait soigner pour sa dpendance lalcool. ce moment, Kolia vivait dj dans lONG soutenue par UNICEF The Way Home. Quand la situation de sa mre sest amliore, elle est venue le voir trs souvent. Kolia rve de recevoir une voiture tlcommande pour son anniversaire. Nikolay (Kolia) was born into a family in crisis. His mother was alcohol dependent. His father abandoned the family just as Kolia was born. His mother placed Kolia in a boarding school. She was treated for alcohol dependency for many years. At that time Kolia was already living at the UNICEF-supported NGO The Way Home. When his mothers situation improved she started to come to see her son frequently. Kolia dreams of receiving a radio-controlled toy car as a birthday gift. . . , . . ( ). , . , . 6. 5. Sonia, 5 years / , 5 Sonia a vcu dans un appartement de 3 chambres avec sa mre, sa grand-mre et sa tante jusqu lge de 3 ans, puis ils ont dmnag dans un centre social. Sa mre a entendu parler du Centre pour le dveloppement et la crativit des enfants Ulybka (Sourire) et a dcid de ly emmener. Sonia rve de terminer lcole secondaire et dentrer dans une cole dArt dramatique. Sonia had been living in a three-room apartment with her mother, grandmother and aunt until the age of three and then they moved to a social hostel. Her mother learned about the Childrens Creativity and Development Centre Ulybka (Smile) and brought her there. Sonia dreams of finishing secondary school and entering a drama school. 3- , , . . . 7. 6. Dasha, 13 years / , 13 Avant de vivre au centre The Way Home, organisation soutenue par UNICEF, Dasha habitait avec sa grand-mre, qui tait alcoolique, et son pre, qui tait absent la plupart du temps puisquil tait marin. Dasha rve davoir une famille et sa propre maison. Before Dasha began living at The Way Home organization supported by UNICEF, she lived with her grandmother, who was dependent on alcohol, and her father, who spent most of his time outside their home, as he was a sailor. Dasha dreams of having a family and her own house. , - - , , , . 8. 7. Nikolay, 7 years / , 7 Nikolay (Kolia) a vcu avec sa mre et son pre jusqu lge de cinq ans. Puis il a eu envie de voyager et a fugu de chez lui, sans raison particulire. Kolia a alors vcu dans la rue o il a rencontr les employs du centre The Way Home, lONG soutenue par UNICEF. Il rve de devenir marin, partir en voyage et dcouvrir le monde. Nikolay (Kolia) lived with his mother and father till the age of five. Then he decided to travel and ran away from home. He says there were no reasons for this. Kolia began living on the street where he met social workers from The Way Home NGO supported by UNICEF. He dreams of becoming a sailor, going on voyages and seeing the world. 5 , . , . , ( ). , . 9. 8. Alisa Stepanova, 9 years / , 9 Aujourdhui, Alisa va au Centre pour le dveloppement et la crativit des enfants Ulybka (Sourire) The Way Home soutenue par UNICEF. Avant cela, elle vivait dans un orphelinat car son pre tait alcoolique et sans emploi. Sa mre vit avec un handicap, puisquelle a perdu loue lge de 2 ans. Alisa souhaite devenir une artiste et avoir beaucoup damies. Now Alisa goes to the Childrens Creativity and Development Centre Ulybka (Smile) at The Way Home supported by UNICEF. Before that, she lived in an orphanage, because her father was a heavy drinker and was unemployed. Her mother lives with a disability, having lost her hearing at the age of two. Alisa wants to become an artist and have many girl-friends. , ( ). , . - , 2 . . 10. 9. Ira, 11 years / 11 Ira est ne dans une famille en crise: son pre a dmnag dans une autre ville et ne souhaite plus tre en contact avec ses enfants. Ira rve de danser dans un ballet et de chanter dans diffrents pays. Ira was born into a family in crisis with many children. Her father moved to another city and is unwilling to communicate with his children. Ira dreams of dancing in a ballet and performing in different countries. . . .. 11. 10. Yuliya, 5 years / 5 Julia est ne dans une famille o sa mre est dpendante lalcool et o son pre essaie de lui prter un peu dattention. Julia rve de devenir matresse de dessin et souhaite avoir un grand chien. Julia was born into a family where her mother is alcohol dependent. Her father tries to give some attention to his daughter. Julia dreams of becoming a drawing teacher and wants to have a big dog. , . . . 12. 11. Andrey / Andrey est n dans une famille en crise: sa mre tait alcoolique et il ne se rappelle plus de son pre. Il avait 13 ans quand il est arriv au centre The Way Home, soutenu par UNICEF. Andrey was born into a family in crisis his mother abused alcohol and he does not remember his father. Andrey was 13 years old when he was brought to The Way Home supported by UNICEF. : . . 13 , . 13. 12. Anastasia, 10 years / 10 Anastasia (Nastia) a t leve par sa grand-mre car elle a perdu ses parents trs tt. Sa mre tait malvoyante et Anastasia a hrit de ce handicap. Elle rve de devenir coiffeuse et de voyager dans les montagnes des Carpates avec sa grand-mre. Anastasia (Nastia) is being brought up by her grandmother because she lost her parents in an early age. Her mother was a sight-disabled person and Anastasia inherited her disability. Nastia dreams of becoming a hairdresser and traveling to the Carpathian Mountains with her grandmother. , . , . .. 14. 13. Angelina, 6 years / , 6 Angelina rve de devenir mdecin. Elle est ne dans une famille o sa mre devait travailler trs dur et o son pre tait alcoolique. Angelina aime dessiner avec de la peinture et des feutres, et aime crer avec de la pte modeler. Angelina dreams of becoming a doctor. She was born into a family where her mother had to work very hard. Her father was a drug addict. Angelina likes to draw with paints and felt-pens and to make figures from plasticine. . , . . , . 15. 14. Alevtina, 5 years / , 5 Alevtina na pas de pre. Sa mre travaille trs dur et est trs souvent malade. Alevtina est une fille trs gentille. Elle souhaite devenir riche pour gurir sa mre. Alevtina does not have a father. Her mother works very hard and is often sick. Alevtina is a very kind girl. She wants to become rich and cure her mother. . . - . . 16. 15. Nika, 5 years / , 5 Nika vit avec son pre dans une vieille maison. Sa mre est dcde en la mettant en monde. Nika va au Centre pour le dveloppement et la crativit des enfants Ulybka (Sourire) et souhaite devenir professeure danglais. Nika lives with her father in an old house. Her mother died in labour. Nika goes to the Childrens Creativity and Development Centre Ulybka (Smile) and wants to become an English teacher. . . . 17. 16. Rima, 15 years / , 15 Rimma vit au centre The Way Home, soutenu par UNICEF, avec son frre an. Leur pre travaille dans la construction et loue un appartement. Leur mre les a abandonns quand ils taient petits. Depuis quelle est arrive au centre The Way Home, Rimma aime danser. Aujourdhui, elle participe tous les concours de danse. Rimma lives at The Way Home supported by UNICEF with her elder brother. Their father is a construction worker and rents an apartment. Their mother abandoned them when the children were small. After entering The Way Home, Rimma expressed a wish to dance. Now she participates in all kinds of dance contests. ( ). . , . , . . 18. 17. Veronica / Veronika vit au centre The Way Home , soutenu par UNICEF, avec ses frres et surs. Leur pre na pas de travail ou dendroit pour vivre. Leur mre vit dans une autre ville et ne veut pas tre en contact avec eux. Veronika lives at The Way Home supported by UNICEF with her sisters and brothers. Their father does not have a permanent job or place to live. Their mother lives in another city and does not communicate with her children. ( ) . . . 19. 18. Valentin / Valentin (Valik) vit au centre soutenu par UNICEF The Way Home avec ses surs. Leur pre na pas de travail ou dendroit pour vivre. Leur mre vit dans une autre ville et ne veut pas tre en contact avec eux. Valik rve de devenir joueur de foot Valentin (Valik) lives at the UNICEF-supported The Way Home with his sisters. Their father does not have a permanent job or place to live. Their mother lives in another city and does not communicate with her children. Valik dreams of becoming a football player. ( ) . . . . 20. 19. Yaroslava / Yaroslava (Yara) vit au centre The Way Home, soutenu par UNICEF, avec ses frres et surs. Leur pre na pas de travail ou dendroit pour vivre. Leur mre vit dans une autre ville et ne veut pas tre en contact avec eux. Yara rve davoir sa propre maison avec un grand jardin et une famille unie. Yaroslava (Yara) lives at The Way Home supported by UNICEF with her sisters and a brother. Their father does not have a permanent job or place to live. Their mother lives in another city and does not communicate with her children. Yara dreams of having her own house with a big garden and a united family. () ( ) . . .. , , . 21. 20. Anastasia / Anastasia (Nastia) vit au centre The Way Home, une organisation soutenue par UNICEF, avec ses frres et surs. Leur pre na pas de travail ou dendroit pour vivre. Leur mre vit dans une autre ville et ne veut pas tre en contact avec eux. Nastia rve de devenir coiffeuse et maquilleuse. Anastasia (Nastia) lives at The Way Home, organization supported by UNICEF, with her sisters and a brother. Their father does not have a permanent job or place to live. Their mother lives in another city and does not communicate with her children. Nastia dreams of becoming a hair stylist and make-up artist. ( ) . . . -. 22. 21. Oleg / Avant de venir au centre The Way Home, une organisation soutenue par UNICEF, Oleg vivait avec son grand-pre, son pre et son frre. Aprs la mort de sa mre, son pre est devenu alcoolique. Aujourdhui, Oleg habite au centre The Way Home avec son frre. Il rve de devenir marin. Before finding The Way Home, organization supported by UNICEF, Oleg was living with his grandfather, father and brother. His mother died and his father started abusing alcohol. Now Oleg is living at The Way Home with his brother. He dreams of becoming a sailor. ( ), , . , . . . 23. 22. Roman, 12 years / , 12 Avant de venir au centre soutenu par UNICEF The Way Home, Roman vivait avec son grand-pre, son pre et son frre. Aprs la mort de sa mre, son pre est devenu alcoolique. Aujourdhui, Roman habite au centre The Way Home avec son frre. Il rve de devenir vtrinaire et davoir deux chiens. Before finding the UNICEF-supported NGO The Way Home, Roman was living with his grandfather, father and brother. His mother died and his father started abusing alcohol. Now Roman is living at The Way Home with his brother. He dreams of becoming a veterinarian and having two dogs. ( ), , . , . . . 24. 23. Alexander / Alexander (Sasha) est n dans une famille en crise et na jamais connu son pre. Sa mre tait dpendante lalcool et navait pas dargent pour lever son fils. Aujourdhui, Sasha vit au centre The Way Home, une organisation soutenue par UNICEF, et rve dentrer lUniversit. Alexander (Sasha) was born into a family in crisis and has never known his father. His mother abused alcohol and did not have money to bring up her son. Now Sasha is living at The Way Home organization supported by UNICEF, and dreams of entering a university. . . ( ). . 25. 24. Daniel, 12 years / , 12 Daniel est n dans une famille nombreuse. Il aime jouer au foot, dessiner et jouer au piano. Aujourdhui, Daniel rve dapprendre jouer de la guitare et de voyager Paris. Daniel was born into a family with many children. He likes to play football (soccer,) draw pictures and play the piano. Now Daniel dreams of learning how to play the guitar and traveling to Paris. . , . . 26. 25. Maxim, 9 years / , 9 Maxim est n dans une famille en crise: il na jamais connu son pre et sa mre est alcoolique. Maxim a deux surs. Il rve de construire une maison et dy vivre avec ses surs, comme une famille unie. Maxim was born into a family in crisis and has never known his father. His mother abuses alcohol. Maxim has two sisters. He dreams of building a house and living there with his sisters as one family. . . , . 27. 26. Orkhan / Orkhan habite au centre The Way Home, organisation soutenue par UNICEF. Il aime le sport et est intress par les ordinateurs. Il voit sa mre trs rarement. Orkhan rve de devenir informaticien et aime dessiner. Orkhan lives at The Way Home, organization supported by UNICEF, he likes sports and is interested in computers. He sees his mother very rarely. Orkhan dreams of becoming a computer engineer and likes to draw. ( ). . . . . 28. 27. Al-Zaim Ziyad, 12 years / - . 12 Le pre de Ziyad a abandonn sa famille pour retourner en Syrie. Sa mre na pas assez dargent pour soccuper de toute la famille. Ziyad aime jouer au foot et aller lcole. Il rve de devenir professeur lcole primaire. Ziyads father abandoned the family and moved back to Syria. His mother does not have money to support the family. Ziyad likes to play football and go to school. He dreams of becoming a teacher at a primary school. . . . . 29. 28. Sonia, 16 years / , 16 Sonia a une relation difficile avec sa mre. Elles sont souvent en conflit et Sonia fugue rgulirement. Aujourdhui, elle vit au centre The Way Home, un centre soutenu par UNICEF. Elle tudie journalisme et cinmatographie et crit des articles pour des journaux. Elle rve de devenir journaliste photographe. Sonia has a difficult relationship with her mother. They quarrel often and she frequently runs away from home. Now Sonia lives at The Way Home, supported by UNICEF. She goes to journalism and cinematography classes and writes articles for newspapers. She dreams of becoming a photo journalist. . , . ( ). , . . 30. 29. Svetlana, 15 years / , 15 La mre de Sveta vit dans un village. Son pre est mort quand elle tait petite. La mre de Sveta est souvent malade et ne peut pas soccuper de sa fille. Aujourdhui, Sveta vit au centre The Way Home, un centre soutenu par UNICEF, et rve de devenir cuisinire. Elle adore dessiner et danser. Svetas mother lives in a village. Her father died when she was small. Svetas mother is frequently sick and cannot care for her daughter. Sveta lives at The Way Home, supported by UNICEF, and dreams of becoming a cook. She likes to draw and dance very much. . , . . ( ) . . 31. 30. Ira, 6 years / , 6 Ira est ne dans une famille nombreuse et na jamais vu son pre. Aujourdhui elle va au Centre pour le dveloppement et la crativit des enfants Ulybka (Sourire). Elle adore les maths et rve de devenir une scientifique. Ira was born into a family with many children and has never seen her father. Now she goes to the Childrens Creativity and Development Centre Ulybka (Smile.) She loves mathematics and dreams of becoming a scientist. . . 32. 31. Anastasia, 5 years / , 5 Nastia va au Centre pour le dveloppement et la crativit des enfants Ulybka (Sourire). Son pre est mort, sa mre est au chmage et il y a encore deux autres enfants dans la famille. Nastia rve de devenir chanteuse ou vtrinaire. Nastia goes to the Childrens Creativity and Development Centre Ulybka, (Smile.) Her father died, her mother is unemployed and there are two more children in the family. Nastia dreams of becoming a singer or a veterinarian. . , , . . 33. 32. Fedia. 15 years / , 15 Fedia est n dans une famille nombreuse faibles revenus. Sa mre est balayeuse de rue et essaie de subvenir aux besoins de sa famille. Son pre est camionneur et ne prte pas beaucoup dattention ses enfants. Fedia adore les voitures et rve de devenir pilote de course. Fedia was born into a low income family with many children. His mother is a street cleaner and tries to support her children. His father is a truck driver and does not pay much attention to his children. Fedia loves cars and dreams of becoming a race car driver. . . . . , . 34. 33. Antonina, 12 years / , 12 La mre et le pre dAntonina (Tonia) ladorait. Aprs leur mort, Tonia a vcu avec sa grand-mre qui a fait de son mieux pour sen occuper. Antonina rve davoir une grande famille et des enfants. Antoninas (Tonias) mother and father loved her. After their death Tonia began living with her grandmother, who tries her best to provide for her. Antonina dreams of having a big family and children. . , . . 35. 34. Valeriya, 15 years / , 15 Valeria (Lera) rve dapprendre jouer de la guitare. Elle suit des cours de musique et va dans un club de couture. Sa mre lui rend visite trs rarement parce quelle vit dans une autre ville. Par contre, elle lappelle trs souvent. Valeria (Lera) dreams of learning to play the guitar. She goes to a music school and a sewing club. Leras mother visits her rarely because she lives in another city, but she calls her rather often. . . , , . 36. 35. Zhanna, 14 years / , 14 Zhanna est ne dans une famille nombreuse faibles revenus. Sa mre levait quatre filles toute seule tout en essayant de subvenir aux besoins de toute la famille. Aujourdhui, Zhanna habite au centre The Way Home, une organisation soutenue par UNICEF. Elle rve daider un jour les enfants en situation difficile, comme elle-mme a t aide. Zhanna was born into a low income family with many children. Her mother was raising four daughters alone and trying to provide for the family at the same time. Now, Zhanna is living at The Way Home, organization supported by UNICEF. She dreams of one day helping children in difficult situations like she was helped. . , . ( ). , , - , . 37. 36. Sergey / Le pre de Sergey est clibataire. Sa mre les a abandonns et communique trs rarement avec eux. Aujourdhui, Sergey rencontre des difficults communiquer avec ses pairs. Sergeys father is a single father. His mother abandoned him and hardly ever communicates with him. Now, Sergey has problems communicating with his peers. -. . . 38. 37. Sasha / Cette famille faibles revenus sest tourn vers le centre The Way Home, un centre soutenu par UNICEF, il y a un an, car, comme les deux parents de Sasha sont au chmage et que son pre est alcoolique, ils navaient pas les moyens de le placer dans une crche. Sasha a t plac dans le centre Rassvet. Il est trs rserv et trs mfiant envers les autres personnes. This low income family turned to The Way Home, supported by UNICEF, one year ago as they did not have an opportunity to place their child in a state kindergarten because both parents are unemployed and the father is alcohol dependent. The child was placed in the Rassvet Centre. The boy is withdrawn and has a distrust of other people. ( ), .. , . . . .