The differences between Teaser and Main Posters is that the teaser poster gives very little information about the film itself. The information that is usually given on a teaser poster is the release year and the title of the film. Also is shows a picture which generally represents the genre and hinting at what the film is about. On the other hand a main poster usually gives information such as picture, tagline, credit block, use of star names, use of star, release date, producer/director and enigma. This gives the audience everything they need to know about the film.

Main and teaser poster comparissons

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Page 1: Main and teaser poster comparissons

The differences between Teaser and Main Posters is that the teaser poster gives very little information about the film itself. The information that is usually given on a teaser poster is the release year and the title of the film. Also is shows a picture which generally represents the genre and hinting at what the film is about.

On the other hand a main poster usually gives information such as picture, tagline, credit block, use of star names, use of star, release date, producer/director and enigma. This gives the audience everything they need to know about the film.