Laws of street art Connor Wake

Laws of street art

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Page 1: Laws of street art

Laws of street artConnor Wake

Page 2: Laws of street art

What is legal

Masking tape wall, this is legal because it can easily come off. This is good as it is simple to use and also can be easily took off making making it legal.

Legal graffiti wall this is legal because artists get permission off the government or the building owner.

Semi permanent graffiti this is good as it can come off the wall easily, meaning if people don’t like it or appreciate it, it can easily be taken down easily.

Art house manchester this is where people employe artists to do some graffiti on a wall or something like this, so this is legal.

Page 3: Laws of street art

What is illegal

Tagging - this is illegal as it is classed as vandalism and brings the area down.

Property damage - this is illegal as you don’t get permission for this, this causes it to be vandalism.

Offensive graffiti - this is illegal as it hurts people and offends people. This means that the graffiti would be classed as graffiti.

Page 4: Laws of street art

What you get charged for

Section 6 of the Criminal Damage Act 1971 provides for offences in relation to

graffiti. Someone caught doing graffiti will be guilty of a criminal act and can be

fined up to £5,000 if the damage they have caused is less than £5,000.

Alternatively they may be given a community service order rather than a fine which

is often the case in relation to young offenders.

If the cost of the damage is over £5,000 then the case will be referred to the

Crown Court which has the scope for tougher sentences.

Page 5: Laws of street art

Examples of legal street art