Gravity trailer analysis

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Page 1: Gravity trailer analysis


Page 2: Gravity trailer analysis
Page 3: Gravity trailer analysis

The first frame of this trailer displays simple white text on black background, this is particularly interesting research for my trailer specifically as I hope to use a similar effect to display text.

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There is no music and hardly any sound in these frames, instead we hear a slight build in sound. This makes a watcher focus only on the text the lack of visual stimuli building suspence.

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There is a sharp crashing sound here which contrasts massively from the silence that proceeded it. All sound in this moment is diegetic almost transporting the audience immediately into the setting.

CGI is immediately used to create a setting we are unable to film in reality.

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Diegetic sound continues, now we can hear the screaming of a woman, in this frame we glimpse her for the first time. Just as many science fiction trailers it opens with immediate action pulling in a watcher.

The setting is clearly that of space a feature of many science fiction movies.

Costume is used here to assert the genre as we see the space suit.

CGI is used to create all of the visuals.

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The iconic use of the space shuttle is used here, space has always been a interest of the world and to see the shuttle in such a condition is an interesting draw for viewers.

Flawless CGI is used to create this image, such a level of visual effects is a pull to any movie.

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Here we hear the dialogue of “No! No!” In this way the character is first introduced to the audience, interestingly this trailer appears to be more of a scene than a combination of shots pushing you straight into the action.

Green screen used to transport the actor.

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In this shot we catch another glimpse of the lead actor Sandra bullock, again we can see the fear on her face. The intensity of the moment portrayed through her reaction.

Blurred shot in order to portray movement.

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Here we can see a CGI earth behind the actor, the beauty contrasting with the fear and emotions of the scene.

Again it’s hard for the watcher to properly see what is happening this pushes them to watch further to understand.

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In the last shot here we see the contrast of the white space suit to the black nothingness of space, this works well as we see just how perilous the situation truly is.

Interestingly this shot is shown last as before we see the producing companies, in this way we are drawn to watch the movie.

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A convention of all movie trailers is to show the production company and this is down immediately following action. As Warner Bros. is a prestigious company this solidifies the films status in the audience’s eyes. Furthermore it is also interesting that it was left until after the action for maximum impact.

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For this shot the camera remains still in one angle while the action happens around it. This allows the audience to feel as they would in this situation as Bullock states “I can’t see anything” and we too due to the type of shot are trapped in a singular perspective.

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Here another perspective is used this time from inside the helmet of the astronaut. In this way the audience is again absorbed into the frantic and terrifying nature of the scenario. CGI again is used here to create a

setting so well known to us now that of earth. The fear of space is somehow increased by this as the watcher realises just how terrifying the scenario truly is.

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These action shots are broken up by black space, this gives the feeling passing consciousness. All of the shots and angles are used to thrust the watcher into the setting.

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The camera pulls slowly in on Bullocks face as the panic rises within her, in this way it is more personal.

Here we can see the reflection of Earth in her helmet. In this way the audience is made aware of her situation without having to use a shot to display it.

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Here the director is referenced this is not always a convention however, as Alfonso Cuaron is known for creating beautiful visuals this gives a pull to the movie.

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Following the reference to the director the trailer begins to follow more usual conventions, fast action sequences cut up quickly.

An perspective shot is used here in order to again transport the watcher from an observer to someone experiencing the event. This emphasises what the movie will be like to the audience a spectacle meant to be experienced rather than enjoyed.

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Here we can see two big name actors beside one another in a space setting, the names of Sandra Bullock and George Clooney are well known and to see them in such a visual spectacle only increases the draw of the movie.

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The dialogue here is: “Is there someone down there looking up at you” The female protagonist responds “I had a daughter” In this way just as the shot above is her very physically reaching for survival, she must emotionally battle too. In this way the watcher is made aware that this movie will be that of one woman's will to live.

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Another shot is shown quickly here of a family picture, it’s easy for the reader to quickly establish that this is what the protagonist is fighting for. This is her drive to live.

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As the music builds so too does the action, escalating in intensity. This keeps the watchers attention and builds on the theme of fighting for survival.

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As the intensity of shots build we hear the phrase “Tell her I didn’t stop fighting” Again the storyline of the movie is asserted without explicitly forcing it upon audience. Survival at all costs for her daughter.

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A big Hollywood star used here to bring in viewers to the movie.

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The last shot of the trailer is that of fear and near death, in this way the audience is left on the edge of their seats. The only possible way to know what happens is to pay to view the movie themselves.

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The movie title immediately follows the intensity meaning it will stick in the watchers mind.

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The movie release date follows this meaning the watcher can prepare to watch it. This is a regular convention of trailer making.