Frontcoverprogress Emily Kennedy

Front cover progress

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Front cover progressEmily Kennedy

experimenting with the splash

I like this front cover as it’s simple and therefore

similar to that of Dazed or The Wire magazine.

It’s appealing that the future is more spaced out on this cover, however it

obstructs the models face and therefore detracts from

the image. I also added tried articles at the bottom

of the page which show featured artists.

The idea behind this cover is that an echo is a

repeated sound and so I tried to emulate this with the typography of “echo”

being repeated and getting smaller in size.

experimenting with the masthead

I decided to change the masthead so that the

colour was more obscure. I believe that

the holographic snakeskin texture is

much more fitting to my genre. I was able to fix the models lip from the

last cover, and add a barcode. I also

brightened the image and took aware the glare from the eyes.

For this cover I have put a stroke on the masthead,

which i believe makes it stand out more. I have also

made the masthead larger

which is a generic convention of most


This masthead has a loose

tracking which I don't think suits the style of the

magazine; making it look too juvenile.

I like the thick weight point of the stroke on this masthead. Also the fact that it isn’t in

italics makes it more bold and eye catching. I have also

rearranged the splash, making the “echo” stand out against

the hair. This is so that it doesn't obstruct the models face, same with the “future”. The “reveal” is more visible now and the “&” fits much

better with the masthead. The barcode has been changed to fit the colour scheme and I’ve added the volume, price and

web address.

complete front cover

original complete