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Final Article for Double Page Spread

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Headline: Introducing... Sophie Anderson

Standfirst: The lone bassist, Sophie Anderson, gives Distortion’s very own Amber Parsons a exclusive on her up coming career.

Intro: Due to have her big break very soon, Sophie Anderson catches up with our journalist Amber Parsons to discuss her early start into the mixed music genre career. Distortion found their way to Sophie’s door step to delve into the nooks and cranies of her life.

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Q&A What instrument do you play, how long have you been paying? And why did you choose it?I’ve been playing for 3 years now and originally, I started off with the bass, simply because I adore the sound that it creates, however, I learned to play the acoustic

guitar later. The reason I began was simply because my family is quite artistic and musical, my cousin and uncle both play and I’ve always admired what they were doing; just being able to create music from the top of their heads and being able to cover famous songs despite the fact that a lot of effort is needed in order to learn these things. Some people learn quickly whilst others take a little longer, but besides that, the hard work and effort pays off. Just watching and listening to my [family] do what they, kind of inspired me to explore that area of creativity, as well as enjoying it from another perspective.

So, you see your family as inspiration? Who else inspires you to create or cover music?I do see them as my inspiration, I just admire all of their hard work and what they do, it’s just amazing! Another person who inspires me to create music would be

myself really, despite the fact of that sounding really big headed! But it’s just the whole pushing yourself to learn something new as well as being able to appreciate other artists who literally put everything into their work.

Have you ever played in front of a live audience? And has anything ever gone wrong?Well I could tell you stories… But yes, we have performed for the showcase, and performed at lunchtime (which meant every single year in school could watch) I

messed up the bass riff for ‘Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds’ as I changed from the bridge a little too quickly, so I had to loop through it again before the chorus, and another performance that I can recall was for charity, it was just me and [Amber Miles] so I decided to play acoustic guitar. However, I wasn’t even meant to be playing, it was just because the original guitarist wasn’t well. We performed ‘Sleepwalking’ and ‘Sing’ but I had just learnt them the lesson before lunch and as you can imagine there was one or two slip ups, but all in all, it was great!

What is your favourite thing to see in the audience while playing?My favourite thing to see within the audience when playing is their smiles; just seeing them smile and enjoy what we’re doing is what I enjoy most, and when you

can see the odd few singing along too, that always puts a smile on my face. If you could duet with anyone, who would it be? And why?That’s a tough one, there are numerous amounts of people that I’d love to perform with, despite many critics, Demi Lovato would definitely be one, Ed Sheeran too,

and if given a chance, Chrissy Costanza, I admire each of their vocal ranges and voices a lot. I admire their passion for music, so those three would definitely be top of the list. Ed Sheeran and Demi Lovato had tough lives at the beginning and during their careers, I admire their strength and how they’re able to project what they feel through their music. I also chose Chrissy Costanza simply because she’s got the most amazing vocal range, especially since she’s a young artist, so I’d be lying if I was to say I wasn’t impressed with that!

If you could only listen to one artist for the rest of your life, who would it be and why?I want to say Naya Rivera because her vocal ranges are bloody outstanding, even though she wasn’t on the previous list. However, for my final answer, I would

have to say Pentatonix because they’re an acapella group made up of five people who bring a whole new meaning to the word acapella, as well as giving an upbeat feel to it. I’m always impressed with not only their music but their covers too!

Have you ever considered singing as well as the strings?I have, but I have always thought of myself to be really shit, I do however take pride in singing on my own when doing some tasks or humming but if I was to sing in

front of an audience, I don’t think it’d go very well! What would you do instead of being a musician?I’d become a graphic designer or an author most likely, definitely something creative that will let my imagination run wild I suppose. It’d have to be something that

I enjoy whilst working, so I could put all of my effort into it and feel proud of the outcome. How important has music been to you throughout your life?Very Important. It’s an escape yet something that can be shared with many; it creates a union, and is something that brings joy to a lot of people -if not everyone-.

Not only that, but a lot of hard work is put into music and for that I respect it.