Movie Poster Analysis Daniyaal Hussain

Film poster analysis

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Movie Poster AnalysisDaniyaal Hussain

The tagline gives the viewer an idea of the plotline and how the film differs from the previous two in the trilogy. There is a

contrast in the background which represents conflict within the image

The traditional and original Spider-Man can be seen from the previous films however it is alienated by the introduction of a new costume. These dark colours represent a more sinister Spider-Man and contrasts with the red and blue Spider-Man as one represents light and the other represents a dark side. This further hints the plot of the actual film by giving the viewers a hint of what type of battle the hero must face.

The body language is also a major factor in this poster. It shows the two holding upon their web lines as they are in a mid punch formation. This represents the conflict between the two and that connects with the tag line of the film.

New character is the main attraction in the poster and it shows that the film resolves around the character

Information of the release is given at the bottom of the poster, text is as small as possible to allow the viewer to focus on the characters

Background reveals that the location of the film is a city and based on where most Marvel stories are set this obviously states that the city is New York.

The title is shown in a brand font and colour to represent a band identity.