Native American Mascots/Name s in Sports Sydney Richardson English 250 Section VC

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Native American Mascots: Are they racist?

Native American Mascots/Names in SportsSydney RichardsonEnglish 250 Section VC

BackgroundKids playing Indian in the 18th CenturyBoy Scout camps in the late 19th and 20th Centuries. Cleveland Indians in 1914Slider the tribe mascotAtlanta Braves Chief Noc-A-Homa from 1950s-1986Washington Redskins

Perspective 1:Its tradition.The team names/mascots have been around for almost 100 years, why change them now?They are honoring Native Americans and their culture.Its not worth the money.

Perspective 2:Its time for it to end.Stem from an era of racism and bigotry in the United States.Perpetuate negative Native American stereotypes/thoughtsNative Americans are more likely than any other group to experience violence at the hands of a different race.Native Americans dont have control of their own image.