Digital Graphic Narrative Development Coral Welburn

Development pro forma

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Digital Graphic Narrative


Coral Welburn

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Shape Task

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EvaluationWhat did you like about your image?There are a few things that I like with my elephant. The main outline structures a cute, cartoon elephant that fits well with the aim of this task. The outline is simple and isn’t trying to be too specific, just having a round head and ear’s. However the main part of my image that I particularly like is the outline and shaping of the head and trunk. It stands out off the rest of the body and having it made out of just one shaping gives me more space to add smaller details, such as the texture and shaping of the creases of the trunk. The little detail on the trunk is something I find cute and simple, I believe adding the different sizes of the creases etc brings out the shaping of the trunk more.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I was to do this again I would either pick a different animal that is simpler and doesn’t have as much shadowing and detail, such as a dog or a panda. However if I couldn’t choose another animal I would just choose a different position of the elephants head so you could see the full body, been able to work with more space and more shaping, making it easier to try and get across the main structure and details of the animal. This certain position of this elephant gives you a close up of the elephants head, not giving you much eye space to see the back of the body as its been clouded by shadowing and the head and trunk. The detail I would like to add it would be the shaping of the ear’s, with the curving and the general idea of the ‘flappiness’ of the ears. However on mine its showing just a rounded shaping. Another point of detail that I would of added in would be the sharpness of the tusks and the shadowing over the eyes, adding lines in to shape the eyelids.

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What do you like about your image? This is my improved image from the first version of my elephant. I have tried to add and change certain things that I didn’t like from the earlier version. I really like the elephants ear’s as there is now a different shaping to them. I used a polygonal lasso tool to erase certain parts of the ear’s, changing the fully rounded ear, to them having a flow. Another part of my image that I like would be the texture that has been added to the head and the trunk. What this has done has changed the childlike look of it and improved it. Also it has added shaping around the eye’s, making it look more like an elephant. I blurred the head of the elephant so that the shape edges weren’t as strong and it softened it down. I also blurred the shadowing so it blended into the body, again taking the sharp lines out and bringing a softer texture to it.

What would you improve?I have added the improvements I could to it, however with added knowledge I would like to improve the shadowing around the legs and the shaping of the back legs, as with the position the elephants standing in the back legs wouldn’t be seen and would blend in with the two front legs. However I would want people who would see my image be able to tell that they are legs. Another thing would be the tusks, they would need to be added in however if I were to try and not like them they aren’t really needed as they could be hidden by the trunk.


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EvaluationWhat did you like about your image?I really like the first image as it was simple, but it still has detail added in and it really reflects the structure and looks of a panda. Using the polygonal lasso tool I created the body as I really wanted to get the right structure and shaping. Using this tool really helps create better shaping, as using shapes doesn’t help when you want something specific that has different shaping and lines to it in different area’s. So using this helps you create the shaping you want as you can ‘draw’ round the shaping you want. As its such a simple animal there are a few things that were simple to do that I’m happy with, such as the patches on the panda’s face. Even though its such a small thing, it really does add to the face and bring attention to the eyes and shaping of the facial features.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I were to do this again I wouldn’t use any other tools other than the polygonal lasso tool so that you could see the different versions of the panda that can be created. So I would change the ear’s shaping as I used the shape tool for that, so using that tool would change the look to be more ‘out of the lines’. I would then do that with the rest of the head as that was done with a different tool also. I really like the smooth texture of it as it looks more cartoon like, so what I would do would be to change the colours of the ear’s, showing more of a gradient overlay, going from black to white.

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Text Based

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EvaluationWhat did you like about your image?I like the first image as its showing the use of the different settings that can be used by the tracking and leading and also the colour range settings. The colour range example is the yellow and blue text, which is the gradient overlay effect, which includes a backing shadow of green, which was the inner glow, which then makes it stand off the page as its highlighting it but its also reflecting into the background. The tracking and leading setting helps you bring your text together and apart, changing the spacing between each letter and word. This is a useful tool as it would help in a variety of different topics, such as a book, it can help you bring together the text for the older generation but for the younger kids bringing the text apart will help them visually read it better. The clipping mask tool is the last image, which is showing my name been written with the picture of my favourite band been inserted inside the text. Once the image had been hidden behind the text I went onto using colour range where I added the stroke tool which just went round the text with black, just showing that sort of block bubble effect. I also used the drop shadow effect, which just provides that boldness around the text, which then makes the text stand out more. I really like the clipping mask tool because it helps make the text more interesting and you are able to project a two in one situation. Using this tool helps provide you with more space to insert more things in certain situations as sometimes a picture can take up a lot of room, so showing it through text helps more things be added into whatever it is that you are creating. The second image that is provided is showing the different transform settings that are on Photoshop. The 1st version of my name is showing distort, skew and perspective been shown all in one, where as the other two is only showing one setting that is been shown. I like the way all three add the effect of it been brought off the page, its showing a sense of direction and ways that text can catch the viewers attention. However this tool isn’t one that I would choose to use first over other ones that are provided, as it doesn’t provide much to work with.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I were to do it again I would look at adding a few more effects from the colour range setting, which really does add to the text that has been written out. I wouldn’t want to over do it, but just wanting to show what each one can do on different examples. Also I would use the clipping mask again but with more words, which then will show what it would look like when there is more to be read.

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Comic Book

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EvaluationWhat did you like about your image?The cut out filter has enhanced a few quality’s in the image that wouldn’t necessarily be seen if just left to be the original. What I really like about it is the enhancement on the smoke coming out of his mouth, along with the the shadowing around his facial features. What that is doing is showing the differences between light and dark and what makes things stand out. Having the shadowing around his eye’s and then his face to be lit up to be a bright white, that shows a clash which really works with some images as it makes things stand out more. The way that this has been done is by altering the threshold settings on Photoshop, to create just a slight shadowing. However adding the screen blend mode added a smoky effect over the image, edging it towards black and white, not wanting it to be a coloured image. This image really works well as black and white because of his dark clothing and his pale skin, so his leather jacket has really been made to look glossy, which ‘meshes’ well with his look altogether. The cut out effect has added lines of a lighter grey into his hair which shows the way its styled and the way it shapes when slicked back with hair products, this is nice because it shows the structure and layout of his hair.

What would you improve if you did it again?

If I was to do this again I would perhaps do 3 versions, showing what each one looks like changing the shadowing from light to dark, changing the levels so his whole body changes more into shapes than just having a comic book effect. So this is showing the different ways one image can look with just changing on effect and the settings with it.

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EvaluationWhat did you like about your image?

My four images each show four different type of emotions which are happy, sad, excitement and loneliness. What I like about each image for each different emotion is that they really do put across that emotion and you can feel the emotions coming from the images. For example with the lonely emotion he is placed far away, with his body posture down and crouched over which is showing how lonely he feels but wants to hide it but keeping his head down so his emotions cant be seen. But then with the sadness emotion the photograph was taken up close so that you can see their facial expressions and the way both friends are comforting each other through the sad time. So I like that its showing that you don’t have to be alone to be sad. However with the excitement image its taken from far away which I like as the full scene is included into the image. Even though its taken from far away I like the fact that you can still see the excitement bursting through his body causing him to jump with joy, also you can see just how happy he is with the big smile he is pulling, which is what your eye directly goes to. With the happiness image I like the way he is doing what he loves which is taking music and doesn’t mind showing that through to the camera for others to see. I also like that he really is laughing and its not faked for the camera, its showing genuine happiness to be doing something he knows he is good at and thoroughly loves. In each scene the lighting changes for each mood, but that’s just with the natural lighting which I like because it just add to the mood of each image.

What would you improve if you did it again?

If I was to take these images again I would change the scene near the bench for sadness, perhaps taking it in a more darker setting so that the mood is reflecting in the lighting that is surrounding them. I would also perhaps include some different settings with the camera as the white balance was changed to cloudy due to the weather and then everything else was set on auto. Except for the excitement image as the shutter speed needed to be changed due to capturing the jumping.

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EvaluationWhat did you like about your image?My flower scene is simple, containing one main subject and then two simple daisy’s in the background. What I like about this is even though there is more than one flower, the daisy’s bring more attention to the lilies as they are smaller and shape around the main flower, showing the size difference well. Another thing I like is the colour details that have been added to the lilly, the contrast between the red and the yellow highlighting each other well. Also the little line effects I have added also give the petals some shape with is good, it showing the curves as it reaches the end indicated the the petals are bending over at the bottom, indicating that they are perhaps drooping or just have blossomed to fall that way. The colours that have been added onto the daisy’s shows shading as it starts out a dark pink colour on the end of the petals which soon fades out as it gets closer to the middle, I like this because it gives it a colour change and shows different techniques, instead of just using one block colour which doesn’t show much skill.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I was to do this again I would perhaps draw something that shows off a bit more skill. However if werent able to draw something that wasn’t better than I would want to change the colours that I have used on the lilly. I would change the yellow to be a light pink, having a darker pink colour used for the details that are added onto the flower. Then I would change the colour of the daisy’s to yellow, having the middle changed to a really light orange, which shows really rich colours been shown off indicating that it could perhaps be summer.

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Initial Ideas

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This font is bold and readable with the added bit of zing with the sparks at the top of the letters. This font is very specific and wouldn’t fit in with both gender’s as it has a girls touch to it with the added extra. This font is made for the front cover, rather than the main text. This font fits in well with the theme of the book as it has animal prints mixed in with it. The lettering is bold but thin, having the curl to the letters. The lettering is easy to read but wouldn’t be the best font style to pick for such a young age range as its pushed close together.

This font is bold and simple, been easy to read and has links with each letter giving the eye directions to go from each letter. This font would fit with my age range as its not over the top and is simple enough for them to read. However because of that it means that its not that exciting and gives off a bland theme.

This specific font is simple but elegant

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ProposalDimensionsWith my book I will be wanting to produce around 20-22 pages as I am wanting to place my picture scenes on the left hand side and my text on the right hand side of the book. I want to create a square book that will be big enough to have text that is big enough to read and also be able to fit a detailed picture scene. The dimension I am wanting to aim for is 21x25 cm.

Story OverviewGoldilocks was walking through the forest when she came across a house that smelled really nice. She was really hungry when she noticed three bowls of porridge on the table. So she went inside. She tried each one, not liking two of them, however she did like the third one causing her to eat it all. The first bowl was too hot for her, the second bowl was too cold where as the third bowl was just right so she ate it all. After all that eating she became tired so went looking for somewhere to sleep. She stumbled upstairs looking for somewhere to lay down. She found three beds so she tried each one, resulting in her liking the last one. The robots come home and notice that their porridge has been touched, causing the little robot to be upset as his porridge was gone. So the robots went upstairs causing them to notice someone had slept in their beds. The baby robot then noticed someone was in his bed, causing Goldilocks to wake up and run away upset. But she didn’t leave, she just wanted a friend. The moral of this story is that kids shouldn’t be wandering about alone as you don’t know where they are going to end up, or who they are going to upset.

Export Format


Advantages: A PDF file allows multiple pages to be inserted which allows you to go into detail with the book and not worry about have a small limit of pages. Also a PDF is able to be seen by many devices and software's.

Disadvantages: PDF files are set out to be around A3/4 size where most computers are set to be much smaller, so you are unable to see the full page as its much bigger than the screen.

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18th of December


My target audience will be young children around the ages of 5-7 years old. This is the early reader stage meaning there is a certain level the language has to reach, but not wanting to include hard or detailed words with huge amounts of writing on each page. My storyline can be for both gender’s, however I wish to target young girls so that the picture details can be bright and colourful, with the feminine fonts and lettering styles. This book is targeted at English reader’s, as that’s the language it is going to be printed and written in.

Production Methods

I am wanting to use a variety of techniques so that I can create a book with a childlike effect, having my characters appear as cartoons. As there are lots of detail I am wanting to include there are a handful of things that I want to do to try create something to the best of my ability. I am wanting to use shaping and warping for the main body structure of the robots, then going on to add more human features. However for most of the picture scenes I will be using Rotoscoping as it gives you more freedom to work with the characters, been able to get the structures right and how you want them. For one of the pages I will be showing the bowls of porridge and chairs, for this I am wanting to photograph them leading to then Rotoscoping and adding the child like effect, making it fit in with the theme of the book. Doing this makes it easier to give me a structure to follow. Also for goldilocks I would like to try and attempt to photograph my little sister as she has long blonde hair and would fit the description of goldilocks. That gives me a structure to work with so that I can create a good character that has a realistic look of a human to it.

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What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

I think the proposal has a lot of detailed information in it, about the techniques that will be used, what the story line is, what this persons target audience will be and why they are undertaking these tasks.

Personally I think the story line has way too much information. As a brief it only needs to be short telling what the story is about but not in to much detail as this would give too much away. I think this would need shortening.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

The text idea generation is great due to the amount of detail this person has gone in to. This person has taken in to consideration what the text needs to look like for the children to be able to read the book easily e.g. There has been examples of having the letters too close together which isn’t too good as children would struggle with this. I thought this was a great analysis.

The idea generation of the mood board could have had a little more information on it as there were only pictures taken from the internet of different styles of the Goldilocks characters. I think this person needs to go in to more detail about why they have chosen these certain images and what they have in mind to do with them.

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What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

Very detailed on the dimensions so it is easy to understand what you want for your size of your book. A lot of detail used for the advantages and disadvantages of PDF too, very good.

A lot of good reasons used for the target audience being girls and what age you are making your book for.

A lot of production methods used too, very good

The story is very much the same as the original, with very little of your own ideas and own take on it. This needs to be changed as the story needs to have some of your own ideas and interpretations in it.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

A lot of analysing on the text which is very good as a lot of effort has gone into that as many fonts are annotated.

There needs to be more detail on the mood board as there is no text analysing the images on it. So there is no explanation as to where your inspiration came from.

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What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

Multiple advantages and disadvantages of the PDF exporter is cracking, as well as the detail used throughout the rest of the proposal, too be fair to you, you have produced a quality proposal, especially the detail in the audience section, you’ve also chosen a variety of fonts which could be used so you can evaluate which one would be best, good on you .

Explain why you wanted to use a certain page size!Don’t get slack now, but apart from that no other quarrels with your proposal, that’s some legit decent work you got there.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

A range of versions of this story are on show and the idea to annotate the advantages and disadvantages of the fonts was legit a cracking idea.

Not as structured as some ive seen but I suppose I can let you off as the proposal is top notch, try and sort it next time, also annotations on the photos you chose would've been greatly appreciated.

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Feedback Summary

Sum up your feedback.My feedback is helpful and provides enough explanation to help me improve my work to bring it up to a great quality and achieve the best grade possible in this section.

Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why?I agree with the notes made about how I need to write annotations for my mood board going in to describe why I chose the images I did. I agree with this because I didn’t get round to writing the annotations as I was focusing on looking for different images to put into the mood board. I also agree with the notes made about my mind map as I didn’t insert it due to complications with it loading.

Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why?

I disagree with what was said about my story description as I wrote what the story was about and if things were to be taken out then there might be a slight confusion with what the main storyline would be.

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Original Scripthttp://www.dltk-teach.com/rhymes/goldilocks_story.htm

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Goldilocks.  She  went for a walk in the forest.  Pretty soon, she came upon a house.  She knocked and, when no one answered, she walked right in.

At the table in the kitchen, there were three bowls of porridge.  Goldilocks was hungry.  She tasted the porridge from the first bowl."This porridge is too hot!" she exclaimed.

So, she tasted the porridge from the second bowl."This porridge is too cold," she said

So, she tasted the last bowl of porridge."Ahhh, this porridge is just right," she said happily and she ate it all up.

After she'd eaten the three bears' breakfasts she decided she was feeling a little tired.  So, she walked into the living room where she saw three chairs.  Goldilocks sat in the first chair to rest her feet.  

"This chair is too big!" she exclaimed.So she sat in the second chair.

"This chair is too big, too!"  she whined.So she tried the last and smallest chair.

"Ahhh, this chair is just right," she sighed.  But just as she settled down into the chair to rest, it broke into pieces!

Goldilocks was very tired by this time, so she went upstairs to the bedroom.  She lay down in the first bed, but it was too hard.  Then she lay in the second bed, but it was too soft.  Then she lay down in the third bed and it was just right.  Goldilocks fell asleep.

As she was sleeping, the three bears came home."Someone's been eating my porridge," growled the Papa bear.

"Someone's been eating my porridge," said the Mama bear."Someone's been eating my porridge and they ate it all up!" cried the Baby bear.

"Someone's been sitting in my chair," growled the Papa bear.Someone's been sitting in my chair," said the Mama bear.

"Someone's been sitting in my chair and they've broken it all to pieces," cried the Baby bear.

They decided to look around some more and when they got upstairs to the bedroom, Papa bear growled, "Someone's been sleeping in my bed,""Someone's been sleeping in my bed, too" said the Mama bear

"Someone's been sleeping in my bed and she's still there!" exclaimed Baby bear.Just then, Goldilocks woke up and saw the three bears. She screamed, "Help!" And she jumped up and ran out of the room. Goldilocks ran down

the stairs, opened the door, and ran away into the forest. And she never returned to the home of the three bears.

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1st Script

Once upon a time there was a little girl named Goldilocks. She lived in the forest with her mummy and daddy. One day she was happily skipping along in the forest.

As she was skipping around, Goldilocks found a house. “Mmmm this house smells so nice” Goldilocks said.

Goldilocks was very hungry and wanted to go inside. She knocked on the gigantic door but nobody answered her. She tried the door handle. “Its open” said Goldilocks to herself. She walked in and went looking for food.

Goldilocks went into the kitchen. On the table she found 3 bowls of sweet, steamy porridge.“I will just try 1 bit of each” said Goldilocks.

She ate a spoonful of the big bowl. “OWWW, that’s too hot” said Goldilocks. She then tried a spoonful of the medium sized bowl. “Brrrr, too cold” she said.

But then she tried a spoonful of the small bowl. “Yummy, that’s so nice” she said. She liked it that much, she ate it ALL up!

After all that eating, Goldilocks became really tired and wanted to go to sleep. She went looking in the house for somewhere to have a nap. She found 3 beds. She tried the first one. “Too hard” huffed Goldilocks.

Then she tried the second one. “Too soft” she whined. But then she found another bed. “Ahhh sleepy.” it was just right.

Goldilocks fell asleep dreaming of ice cream.

Meanwhile, the robots came home to a shock!Daddy robot shouted “Who’s been eating my porridge?”

“And mine?” mummy robot asked “Who’s eaten ALL MINE?” baby robot cried.

The robots walked through the house to find a girl in baby robots bed! “She is in MY bed” Baby robot cried

Goldilocks suddenly woke up to find three robots staring at her with angry faces. She ran out of the room crying leaving the robots confused. Goldilocks ran out of the house to find her way back home.

“Wait” baby robot shouted“Would you like to come inside and play with my toys?” baby robot asked

Goldilocks loved toy’s. “Yes Please” said Goldilocks

Baby Robot and Goldilocks became the best of friends.“

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Final Script

Once upon a time there was an Astronaut named Goldilocks. She had gone on a big adventure and landed on the moon.

Goldilocks was so hungry, when she smelt something yummy. So she followed the smell. She found a giant spaceship, but there were big scary tree’s In the way!

She slipped and slided through the tree’s, finally getting to the spaceship!The door was open and there was a ladder. So Goldilocks started climbing through the ladder.

Goldilocks followed the smell into the kitchen, where she found 3 hot bowls of porridge“I will just try one tiny bit of each” said Goldilocks.

She ate a spoonful of the big bowl. “Owwww, too hot” Goldilocks said.

She then ate a spoonful of the medium bowl. “Brr, too cold” she said.

Then she tried a spoonful of the little bowl. “Mmmm that is so yummy” said Goldilocks.

She ate it ALL up!

After all that walking and eating, Goldilocks was very tired.So she went looking for somewhere to go to sleep.

She found 3 different beds. Goldilocks tried the big bed first. “Too hard” said Goldilocks.

She then tried the next one. “Too soft” she said.

So then she tried the third bed. “Ahhh sleepy” smiled Goldilocks.

The aliens come home ready to eat their porridge. “Someone’s tried my porridge” shouted daddy alien.

“And mine” said mummy alien.

“Someone has eaten all of mine” cried baby alien.

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They all go looking around their house. “Someone has slept in my bed” said daddy alien

“And mine” said mummy alien.

The aliens go looking for the thief, when they find a shock in the baby’s room. “She is sleeping in my bed” cried baby alien.

Goldilocks woke up from the shouting. She found three angry aliens staring at her.

So she ran…

Goldilocks ran out of the spaceship and away from the aliens. The aliens were left confused watching Goldilocks run away.

She never returned to the moon again.

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Digital Flat Plans

Once upon a time there was an astronaut named Goldilocks.

She had gone on a big adventure and landed on the moon.

Goldilocks was hungry, when she suddenly smelt something.

She followed the smell. She found a big spaceship but it was covered

by big scary trees.

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She slipped and slided through the scary plants.

She knocked on the big black door.

But no one answered

When suddenly the door creaked open

So she ran in, following the yummy smell.

Goldilocks found her way into the kitchen. On the table she found 3 bowls of sweet, steamy porridge.

“I will just try one bit of each” said Goldilocks.

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She ate a spoonful of the big bowl. “OWWWW, that’s too hot” said


She then tried a spoonful of the medium sized bowl. “Brrrrr, that’s

too cold” said Goldilocks.

But then she tried a spoonful of the small bowl. “Mmmmm, that’s so

yummy” said Goldilocks.

She liked it that much, she ate it ALL up!

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After all that eating and walking, Goldilocks was very sleepy.

She went looking in the house for somewhere to have a nap.

Goldilocks found 3 beds.She tried the first one. “Too hard”

she sighed.

Then she tried the second one. “Too soft” she said.

She was just so sleepy.

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But she found another bed. “Ahhh sleepy.” It was just right.

Goldilocks fell asleep dreaming of yummy ice cream.

Meanwhile, the aliens came home to a shock!

Daddy alien shouted “Who’s been eating my porridge?”

Mummy alien said “And mine?”

Baby alien cried “Who’s eaten ALL MINE?”

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The aliens walked through their house to find another shock.

Daddy Alien said “Who’s slept in my bed?”

Mummy Robot said “And mine?”

Baby Alien cried and pointed “SHE IS IN MY BED”

Goldilocks suddenly woke up to find three aliens staring at her.

She ran out of the room crying, leaving the aliens confused.

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Goldilocks ran out the spaceship leaving the aliens confused.

She never returned to the moon again.