I have chosen to look at the daily mails front page layout to help me understand the type of language I should use when writing my double page magazine article. The large title is appealing to the audience it is eye catching and the use of an exclamation mark invites the reader to read about the story. The advertisement in the banner about flowers signifies the newspaper is about an array of different thing furthermore the newspaper includes and appeals to an array of audiences however I do not believe the newspaper is suitable to advertise my documentary as the newspaper doesn’t generally advertise films or documentaries. The main reason why I have chosen to analyse this front cover is because I like the way in which the newspaper is able to catch the audience’s eye and the titles words specifically; ‘mother’ is very formal the bold italic typography style links to the newspapers title font, the use of a black banner at the bottom with an image of a woman holding an award doesn’t have a link to the title this is illustrated by the use of contrasting

Dail mail front covers 1

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Page 1: Dail mail front covers 1

I have chosen to look at the daily mails front page layout to help me understand the type of language I should use when writing my double page magazine article. The large title is appealing to the audience it is eye catching and the use of an exclamation mark invites the reader to read about the story.

The advertisement in the banner about flowers signifies the newspaper is about an array of different thing furthermore the newspaper includes and appeals to an array of audiences however I do not believe the newspaper is suitable to advertise my documentary as the newspaper doesn’t generally advertise films or documentaries.

The main reason why I have chosen to analyse this front cover is because I like the way in which the newspaper is able to catch the audience’s eye and the titles words specifically; ‘mother’ is very formal the bold italic typography style links to the newspapers title font, the use of a black banner at the bottom with an image of a woman holding an award doesn’t have a link to the title this is illustrated by the use of contrasting colours the text has been written in white and the surrounding area has a black background. However the small columns on the left side of the page gives the reader an overview of the story. I believe the title is affective as it has a sense of mystery, I am unsure as to whether the story is actually about a good mother or whether it is a sarcastic comment toward a story about a bad mother and a person’s experience. The title links to my own media product as the theme of mothers is a continuous symbol due to my documentary being about mother and daughter relationships.

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The title in this newspaper front page has also been written in large block capital letters to appeal to the reader and catch their eye. Furthermore the subtitle has been underlined to again attract the reader’s attention and signifying the words are very important. The subtitles uses well known company names; ‘Amazon, Starbucks and Goggle’ to shock the reader and make them want to read the story. Furthermore the last word in the subtitle is the word millions therefore to make the audience question whether the brands are trustworthy. The writing style of the article is very formal and it is evident from the font style as well as the layout of the page the use of an image is centred in the centre of the page and columns of text flow down each side of the image.

From looking at this article I believe the best way to advertise my documentary would be to use a large image or a variety of images and give a summary or synopsis of the footage however I need to make sure I don’t give away the plot of key narrative plots otherwise the reader will feel as if they have already seen the documentary.

The title is very shocking and terrifying the word ; poison and victims intrigues the reader furthermore the use of a question mark at the end of the title implies that none knows the cause of the spread of death to injuries this is further reinforced in the subtitle above the title ‘hospital murder to rise’ signifies that doctor don’t know what why so many people are becoming ill. The use of the image of the girl implies that the girl is one of the victims and individuals are getting poisoned from being in environments such as clubs and concerts the woman wears a tag around her neck signifying she is in a social environment furthermore in the bottom right hand corner of the page she is holding a can presumably of alcohol therefore the image signifies the way in which victims are being poisoned could be from drinking and having their drinks spiked or buying fake alcohol which is poisoning them


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This image is from the T.V. times I like the double page spreads as the use of images gives you the opportunity to really look at the contents and planning put into the making of a doctor who episode. The variety of images engages you and the small image of two men carrying a side of the telephone box is very interesting, this double page spread would appeal to an audience who enjoy watching doctor who as it allows them to get to know the real people behind the costumes. The image of the doctor and Amy sitting in the doorway of a caravan reading their lines signifies how dedicated they are to the roles they play.

The title; ‘New Who!’ is short and non -descriptive and adds empathise that he is a new actor and we should be taken notice of.

The variety of images allows you to delve into their life and makes you feel a part of the environment, the short description at the bottom of the page symbolises that the BBC don’t want to give too much away about the new actor taking Doctor Who’s place or about the upcoming series. When I write my own double page spread I need to consider the way I want to advertise the documentary. I must also consider the most suitable layout of the page whether I use lots of images or I use a large sum of text in columns on the side of the page.

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The way the people are standing is slanted and signifies the individuals are not very confident and that can be linked to their social class which is signifies as working class the women’s jeans and the casual jumpers signify they are not highly distinguished, they’re not successful. However the fact that the third second girl has a certificate poking out of her bag therefore signifying she could have achieved something great and this symbol makes you question your judgement of the story. The title ‘Keeping it real’ signifies the programme is made in a social realistic or documentary style. The word ‘Real’ has been enlarged to emphasise the point that the programme specifically looks at these individuals lives.

The large image captures your attention and the individuals clothing’s colours has been captured very realistically. The fact that the people are standing on a road and you can see the lines on the road are vanishing behind the individuals again empathises that the editor wants you to take notice of the people. In the Columns of writing it has been written in a formal way using a large letter to start off the column however the actually writing style or voice is informal and is rather playful and informs you not only why the programme was made but also a bit about each of the characters so that you feel a connection by knowing about their personalities it engages and makes you want to watch the programme more as you now feel a part of the characters journeys.

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Florence’s Red hair reflects the colour of the flag she is sitting on the sleek fabric is elegant and signifies the article is about a song Florence has just written Florence’s posture is very provocative therefore implying the song may be about love. This point is further enforced in the title of the article ‘got the love’ which could be reflecting on her fame. However I believe the style of the page is effective I like the large image of her which communicates the article is about her. The grey and white colour scheme adds an elegant hue to the article. The shocking subtitle reflects the red colour in the photo and can be linked to blood, in the subtitle ‘lying on the floor attacking her?’ implies that she is cutting herself. The subtitle makes you want to read about what has led her to harm herself especially as at the beginning of the title ‘biggest success story’ describes her life. Therefore the binary opposite makes you question what has changed or made her feel this way.When I create my double page spread I must consider how I want to target my demographic audience, what key words will

interest them to read about my documentary furthermore what is the best colour scheme to use am I going to reflect channel fours colour pallet or am I going to reflect the colour schemes used in the documentary as black and white is a continuous colour choice due to the fact that the content of the documentary is in the past.