Costume choices

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For some of the initial BEX photo shoots she is wearing a denim jacket, black and white t shirt and black jeans. These clothes optimise the style of the modern so called ‘tweenager’ and therefore as BEX is the ultimate symbol of such a age were the perfect fit for the photo shoot. The denim jacket is purposefully to large to fit the baggy style.

Page 3: Costume choices

A red jumper and black jeans are chosen here, simple colours that fitted the colours of the room well. They’re calm and easy to look at and again extremely trendy. The jumper will be tucked into the black jeans and to finish the set a beige hat will be wore. Again these clothes are while mainstream popular and will appeal to a younger audience looking for a idol.

Page 4: Costume choices

In order to emphasise the age of the new rise to stardom the final costume is that of school uniform. The untucked and loose shirt with the collar turned up produces a rebellious look. She appears the cool student dismissive of work and focussed on her stardom. Furthermore BEX is wearing glasses in these shots to give her a geeky look to suit that of being at school.

Page 5: Costume choices

Hair and Makeup:BEX’s hair is down in this particular outfit to give a more casual feel to the clothes. She is wearing no makeup other than that on her eyes and lips. This is used to emphasise her youth.

BEX’s hair is up in this is stereotypically nerdy fashion. This is to make her appear young and as if she were at school. She is wearing no makeup as it would not be allowed in a school setting.