Complete book of arts & crafts

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  • Book of

  • ....

    COI/~r iIIvrtrotio'l by

    lrtllrtroted Aloska., Moose, t ile .

    lJJtlst, oted by Mary Rojos,

    Betsy E. 511yder, Ati MoJ.. , ....ol\

    olld Bot Rodo

  • Introduction 4

    Paper Creation! 9

    Painting Projects 31

    MUiic Maken 69

    Sculpt ing & Suc" 83

    Fun Wit" Drama 105

    Homemade Toys 131

    Mixed Materiali 151

    UiefuJCrafb 191

    Holiday Projecb 21 1

    Index 255


  • -.~







    0.". ""'....to,TJ.e~"""_ ...nwtialu ., .,..~hfd-14J .... dr"l'loo, ."t 8y ...-eIN""~;."n.il "-1' f~~-""f~l"'~ "IlWsM.l< ~ r.. b.,......,~ .....,...,..,--.~".,. ,...;...etr ..........,. .... f- 0 ' 1 1 ...","f'_~_ ,-.,.C'.nooI~.~p;lhby"""""f'"_","""te,l.y""'by~ .. t-I~ ...~~'11.0)0~"" H!......"Ypr..j...tt.,(f".~,..fto,. ".,. d......Ii...... /WI(_1' .....~1""'.- '"lrl,...... UoiL/c_ ..., _IWJI,-__~E-. if no. u.h"&,( ...I,s.. ....rtiII~Lo--.l~~ IN,.....,..nol~ it YO..co>.~,..M.:~~ ...cl "Y "'" C ..ft ..,.. ..As__~I.o.> -v_........... .._~Hf_~.,...j

  • e M e, cI>oo>inC &",&11.

    Thm. Itef' howkood t!'Iey Uy. Thio pt lhm.... oftee;tlde. """" ia-'r"~ ..... fo< _ ndc' Thoo _...,l tt>e_ fince

  • Fainting 'ripsw.letWlo.", difficult to d" iftlecl.You ClIft .110 mix I"'iftl "' .... ice cube t10y or Mvff;" tio>.

    Oil' ju,1 t,,", b p 01 1,,", btv>h ift t ,,", ....ot", .",j ito the poitlt

    u.. 0 dIfk,e,e btuII\ or 0I1e...c.-,....... ........~. _ ~colon. 'o\o'heI> Wt>c the ...... colof, _ ~ ..... nente. Tud!,.......~ to keep the O'itpnc>o .. po;rc colon bI" treobo'lC the iod: pi" ; i',_~ ,.......

  • ,l(plor ing C.olor s

    Evety bec;M;ftc orti.t .hould eo.pe"ece .... kiftC hil/he' ....... d c.....pl......" tory

    """".H_ }OOUt~~ ""lh ......1_ of primoty~o po;t>b ('Cd. .,.,ol'-

    0tId bIo.oel. Tho!

  • I.

    '1'. 11.....



  • Origall1iSailboat

    ~ il the >dent .rt of folding~. AmWnc ficu~ Qn be mWewit'-'t o.rttin& or &luine'

    \Jhat YOll'll n~ed.


  • )

    'I. Fold one edte up to _ the/'y"""'.ay line (> d~go-..m onthe ricMJ.


    S. fold the bottom come" onthe ~t~k bdlind, ~ohown. Tud< them in togethe rto ~p them in ploKe.

    t:.. Decorate you' t.ail with " AyOn, or

    "", rken. and wtite the ::';'~" t~~t~"..me on one lide.

    1. Cut the conItruction~~ into .. oqu..re with4-;nch !ide..

    Z. Fold,..,..,~, in /'ylfd~~lly. thM fold it iI'lNif~lly Ipn.

  • ll0W" PeoplePaper Dolls

    M..ke M1 ~nb~ f_ly of ..,.,.,.~ jud cuttinc! U-e colotPd~. m.wid &line< to de

  • II, Unfold your p"per ..nd d,..",cloth... ..nd fx ... fo, ....ch figure.Cut out N t ..nd "",n ' Npe< fromthe colored con.b"uctio n p..per..nd glu.. th..m onto th.. ,nowpeople.

    You un e.....t .. ou""r fi1"..... .....nee" Of ,hild".n holding lund

  • W~"""'ng )OUr OM! pbce nub ;,. UI}' ..nd fun-..nd they .....k one..1timo >pi;olfor )OUr f_lyI

    ':lU " 16' ~....rtruCnp"pf" i"1di'ffi.-.t c..l..-l fhntl

    ':J .....k .':l p"~il':I f~ifl'o>rf0 91v~

  • l ij'er e's h o,", . . . )1. r,,1.e one Ihftt 01 con.tr\Jction ~pe' lind dr_ .. line

    1 ;nch from the top. Fold the K>out I 112 inct>n """rt from the 109I;ne tothe fold . .. shown.

    If. Cut the ~ond pWc~of con,ttuction ","pet into1 1/1 inc;h ,trip< M:ro

  • , ,,,,,,,------ ... -'- ---------- -,r,


    '3.:t>~"I"'~"g-Hn. ..".l"fhoor eoIorl"

    ':J .:.r"'l"f'IS Dr .....rl

  • 1:I~I'~'S ho..r , . .

    1. v..t. cin::1e ..!>out I 1/2 inchco.ocrou out of comtnlction"""..

    2. Glue dots hom ~ punch ~ color desiV' in thecenter ci the fIowe.

    ~ . Cut out 1/2;,.e, by 2 1I1;,.e,

  • C.Arcl.hoArcl.C.AterpillAr

    You Un ~k,.,..;ld..-dw~ or umple oond.- ut~l~n voinC~m;otm.k .-:l .. 'ittJf, ~tion_

    ':J pt'f"!" t ..",,.l ... to;l.t


  • SuggltStion Uoe other wNli deco

  • M..ke)'OU, own f.lI trft .. bnlJ"nt MId full .. )'OU I~, limpty by wng coIorlvl~pe

  • l ijere's "hoW" . .. )I . Uling broom con.truction POOpe1", tell' one or mote~

    trunk "'-'P'". Th;" giw< it _ Ntu.~ 1001< to tbe~.

    2.. Glue)OU' tree bunk> to the li~t blue c;omtructionpooper. To ....ke 'fOU"~ mote inkf\o:1bnc. teM Oftlimb Wpn -:t~~ to )'OU. trN

  • "Stained. Glass'Bu.tterfly

    Look! I, tNt. butt~ in )OUr houwl 'rQl,>' friend< ""ill think 00 when tIwysee )OUr colorful --"hrov&h bvtterllyl

    ... ."hat y,",'ll n

  • 1. Fold ee bbd tie on I ,tring.

    8. H..ng the butterlly {,om the ceiling or in .. window.

    Suggestions Try yout own wing de.ign

    If you lung YOU' butterfly. you tT\Iy.....nt to gfue ..notN, bI.ock cOfflbuctionpipet ft..me onto tne Nd< >0 itIoolu nice ftom both >ide!.

  • u,~ thi' ea"f trick to m.lke ~ m.1l,te'pi~. On~ tu,n of '(0'" p.ope' ~nd '(O,,'ve,,~.t~d be.utiful lefl~cti"g pooH

    ':J Ioo''''t.. f

  • \.. tfotr e.'s ho'" . . . )

    1.U..e ,j pencIl to d horizon line ~p.of.tinlthe Il f i"t pooition.

    ". Wit h O '''. color t he p.o rts identic.llly Ih,)t lO re.bove Ind be low the"O';lOn Ii"".

    7. P.int OYer the entire ,,,n,,c", be low the hO';1On line with ..co.t of blue p.>int. Uoe w~ ,troke. for ",,,tet movement.

  • SUllshilleOI'll&1pellt

    U-e pie> 01 UIyOf1 to IN~ .. " .....ndow ~mentlYou won't b.l~ howbrit"t it ....11i0oi

  • 1. urefurty 011 out the anten from the pCUt.

    2. Cut 2 ohb of "'... pllpe

  • '-. ~,...tully cove. the pi

  • 8. Apply gltH: ~'OtJnd the in'id" rim of Ong~.

    10. PIKe tt... other p1u" ..... imidethe gh....t ..... con~ining tt...pictu",~ M.kc ..,'"the~ .. brt>oEEOi the poWt....

    11. When the give .. dry. Iw>gyour OfI'\IO'N:flt in 1..m.cIow.

    Sllggc.sti on ""..t" thew other v-ut>om below 01" ,..;ok., up YOU' own!

  • Stelldls

    Cut .tencih in the~ oIlc1:kn. numOen, INti:,..,..,. or~ f,ll t:Mm inwitho~ .....rkf, 01 p.ilint to~..te Uen QI~ with .. pen en the ~tic: 1M:k.

    2. H-= .." .-dult ..... ohMp ICi

  • ;: ? aiZltillg; ?roject.s!'_--_--.!

    If )'OU QfI p;dt up , brvUl, )'OU un be ~ ~nt~lSitKO! the be!iM....Cof time, people~ been U$i,,&btuohn .lind other object> to ...... coloted dye. Ind!Onto round in orde< to coontl'lUnOte ,nd beO'e.llM. The fint .......t e rpfeceo..."..~ beenp.tintH on the "" n, of you how to u le "brv>/l,ubltituteo- like cotton _ abo, '.lIgJ .lInd ewn "",tbles!The fi.,t paint,." u~ ",..tu...r dye...nd bert'-", toc~llte thei ' own p.lint. You un cre..te your ownp.lI int, too, uling common item. from ..round thehou.., . Don't forget to prepare you' wo,k "'e

  • &yo:nd.the Bru.sh

    \ltho~ you nd II JNintbruth to p.intl &pc ' . 'lent with the... otI'>e< kindo of p.inlbtvohe.- 01' cornr up with _ djff~t onn 01your-. I


    CottOl'l S""'aps '1 .9: ~ ' "~kinl .....- de~1ed pM;b.orft tNn tho

  • -roy c as-sDip, toy Q ' in p';nt to ",.. t the ~k.Then.~ it Q\o'e" the P'pe' to INk

  • J.tarhle1?ailltillg

    You -.. know"""'l kind of donign you'll got...n.-n)lOU u.e rrwbI projectl Roll the ....tbIe>,~ ......tch the doni&", ~.arl

    ""hat j'0ll'1l need

    Clm,,'\'lff '" fm,,1l , ,,lob,,,

    b,,\l5':::l pi" f"" D' .......'Hoe. typt'

    of ",rl.,1po"':l t ..m~'" ,..i"n'.J 1"'~ p~'

    '::J 5cifsDI1

  • l1. Cut ~per 10 fit in the bottom of ~ pie ~n.

    z.~ .. '- drop< ol FYintonte> t he p.llpe'f. n-.. puI. r-rnMbIes into the PM'. You Clute diffe

  • 'Dip \71' 'Dye'DesigllS

    W"tch the o;olotl. fIooo, lind cNnge on ttoeir ownl Up..nl'noenl to ~"' colorful


    o fl",iU"e

  • Cut the dned~ into~wP'"'. Add C"'"C" COftOtJucOOn p.Jt:>ef.t....... M>d Je-n.

    ).lfyou ....Mll cutout~on thee

  • .tyed.ropper.A:rt


    r "99 eofl" "o tooff.,r 'cks

    o "'Q~ '0 91v..

  • 'I. When the piOper to....e4 ~ dry. ",me it withcon.truetion or mount it on , ohHt of bl;ac:kcon.truction poopet".

    2 . Squee-ze the rubbf:r end 01 the eyedropper "nd dipthe ott>er end into;o cob. Seep ~ri", to let thep;aint fill the dropper.

    'S. Squeeze the eyedropper to put drop< of color on "pipet" tQoo.oel.

    IIe.re' S hO'\oJ"

    When your de.ign i deoign 'pIcture'll er paInt roUer-perfm fo, makin, bo d, en 0 . ..nti~

    )ili\\11\\ \\\\\\\\\\ \\1\ \ \\\1\\\\1\\ \\1\\\\1\\ \\1

  • l \{er e's h o...r . .. )1. Cut piece< of~m I to 11. incheo 1o

  • BlockPrirJ.ts

    U... block _':'.-------------.Jpro" t! to make h I'd0 1 ay urd. Or birthd .>y party irwi..,.... uonl .

    Q p";n~ ;..d.x!i...,"... wah S....,n.......,.k

    "'"O c:..~nP"P~'Of""", troyo te...~tO !,"inn':l po;ntJ iS~

    ':l pi"t .lisM1"Q IcisJtS"D,..., (.,....11

  • J

    1.Trim off~~ edgn on tM foam b-~ to....ke. ~t ...rf.Ke ,

    2. P,int the fQMn ~nIy witI'l ..p.llmtbnM.

    t Pbce you. PJoP'" 00- t~ fo,;,m block. nd pte\< it down unootnly .ndfirmly. (__ ... _,,...;

  • If. umully peer tM F""F-from the fwm.

    5.~ the p.oint from the fwm bIod< t.bn.nhi"C it with pI.-in ......ter .tnd Mp;n& it....ith .. F""F-~ before printinl: ..pn.

    1:.. u""C the rounded ~nd of ..p.-OntbnM. lightly d._ ..~ on the tr.-y. If ....nl:-..on:h or numben. "'- ..n ..dult~ the order....cl thedi.ection of ..1I1ett~n .tnd""...tIt". wmpre: H..ppyBirthd")' becom~~brl:hia 'lq~H

    7. Tr.>(~ Nord r;Nt:. the deoign to urve it into the fo..m. ..,...

    8. Pt.oce .. neIIo' color of p.-int on the pUw.

    '1'. eo.- the fo..m ~Iy..nthout fIll;"1: in the_.

  • 10. Plxe the f~m blkfe ' unu$"" tr..Y' It the m....t 0'p,oduce dep;ortmenb.

    U~ ink..nd .. tw'"Y"" (..n inkrorifl) irnte...:! of P'";nt ..ndp;o;"tbru.hel..

  • ,

    a fre.sJ., ky"nQ "'hit., c"nm..,.:ti"n pope.

    Collect )'OUrf~ kinch of Iie~ Then, follow the


  • l \lex-e'g Jz.o..r . . .,

    1. With your ~nc:~. trKI! tI>e outline< ofIe~ onto .....it!! cottItroetion paper.M.>ke "'~ to fill the en~ pooge.

    2 . T.e~ e.fch Ie.' Wpe .....th thid< line01 blk cror,on.

    t ~t the inoide of ud> Ie"" sn..pe .",.;thd~t f.11 colot>. Th.e bbck

  • S'I11lSetSilhouette

    A~;,. ..

  • )

    1. D.mpen~ entirt' wrl'Ke of the whitep;>pe< ....ng .II poointbnnt> lind w;oter.

    2. U..ng wmn colon from tlw .....~fCOlo< pooinbouch~ oedlond oint~ obip .. t ..b~ xrou your p;>pe< .. shewn. 8eauIe tMp;>pe< iI _to tM colon ....11fUn logrtM.

    b periment ""'-th ted and bl..e.....Uercolon to ppe

  • ~~..__...J'_'--"

    ':I"" ~'l""''''' ",,"in

  • L Fold the wn \llith tim,... ~PC' .md ,...m, ,. o/>owrl.

    8. Tie the bowl onto the kit.. u~. lind cut off thentr" )'".n.

  • M.i~ecl Ba5of Colors-f' "

    - .\Jh.At 10\1'11 nud.

    ot....p~'" plli~t0 1,vI' of l'''I''.:It',~

    l",,""'Y cofor combO....tion yoo,l ......ke.

  • Thil~ Iu

    1-1_ )IOU -. hun:! ~ oN..:hint; b.Iond? 0< ~"...,phony? H"...~~ h..........-"l" tune?Wei., those _ ~l~ of.....,;c,~ tI>ey I~,loo~of~

    ~ l.~,



  • ~r iIIf you ~" hum. you can jlre..dy plily th" ~dfy-to_m..k~ in, trumentl M"ke ..~roo for a friend. nod you u n pi..)' .. dUd togdhe.

    \.VhAt y.,,'ll n",l 1

    Oe4rdb-rd toll

    ':l '"'''''' I"'l""'3 ....bbo-. b",J. ~o e'ay"nf,",,,rk"r1,

    r!iekers'" paint'3 P"l"" hoI.. pu"d. ,,.


    ':J .... .,.dvlt

  • 1. OKoJ.t" tJ>o, ~rdt.o.rd ron lI,inga~.

    2. H_ .Iltl .adu1t puncn out or poI

  • ~




    : --1

    MusOc- Hyou "- .In empty coffft

  • 2. Cut tI>e con,trudion ~pecoHee Un.

    I..t{er-e'S ho'o/ . . .

    Sugge.stion Fill .. one-pound coffee un

    wit h water, Stre tch an inn"rtlJbe ow' the to p t ied Ontightly with ""aNy rubberb.ln

  • ,t:__----.J.

    Add little~ to)'OUt "'UKl ~ke your t.vnbourinefor. t.ttle. ....cl Up ee~ for be.ts..

    IJhat y.U'U need ),o t\otO 'l'" ,..~ pkof~'Je''"Y'' 'lf, f~til' r-l,

    ",,,",,e.,t..>f, tf'..,~ , or I

  • 1. Colo, Of PJoint dnign on ~ bottomI of~ pliot~.~ tt-n dry cQmpl..t .. /y.

    2. Punch hol~ .obout 2i~ .oPJort .1Iround It...rim , nd twilt to I\J re.

    Cut ~"'" til..... PJoP'"' 'bips(.1Ibout 1 inch by '.l i~).G ~ ..nd> of ttl,. .tripsbcto n~ pliot (~"''"f' 1) to Cf'"..t b'e.1l~.

  • Shakers:'-------'

    ~... Of ,KM. ..~ popubr imtrument> il'l .....""~ M.w... you. own~_ to k tftinp up!

  • Energeti c: ShakerDecor.t" two p.>p- cup........ r""n Up" rlwtwo CUp! togctn....

    Decor.t". urdbcYrd POOP"'" tOWC'l roll. Falthe roll with I>...m. ric" 01dnoed 1>....... s.....both "nch with ul~"" or ...... POOP"'". hddtight by rubbl>< b.onch.

    Roll SJ,AJ,.r

    GOllrd MAraca

  • Bo~

    Guitarf __---.-.J

    YOtl g n nW.e;J S"'U' witto ttUnp)lOU ,,- ..round the~l You'l' bet.tr\Jnvn;ns tune" in no timer

    ,' \, \fha' 1.,,'11 n

  • 1. P..in t the p40~' ~. roll ..nd enti.e "",",be>., .. (.,..,~ ..t .. ti_.with ...uorl< broo.o'I color. L.tt it dry.

    2. Without~, )'OU. p40intbn..,h -t. p40intow:< the ....rl< broo.o'I ..nth JitM.,,- brown p4Oint.ThO, ....kc. it look I;k., ...-d. L.tt it dry_

    ~ . Glue tke paper towel '0Il to .. lhort ertd of the....oebo>e.

    II. Stretch the rubber !>oondl ..rourtd the o~nlhoebox. Sp40U them O\It eve...ly. (,om the ",.;,jel tto the ITlOIt Nl.row !>oo rtd.

    5.~ri_ ...t by plucki g the Itri"'gJ cee ..t .. time.M _11 ..1 by Itru.......- g the Itri"'gJ ..ll ..t once.


    I , j,, ',

    I I. -I, I - .~


    !eX~~~/=:...-.< '~


  • M.u.sicalGlasses

    The gbu hmon';';'" io ~

  • l J1 . fill the I~~ with v;orying~"t> of ""..te

    Z. Gentfy rub it dun.....n /lngo.r ...."Y to M the~ iJ to wry ~tlyUp the fidet of the~

    .,..;u, .. 1poot'I .

    If you uo.e~.. botUei. you ~n ......ke .. diHe...,nt IOtIf>d byb~ KJ'OO thetop of e~h 0tM! . l,;.ten for difk~n in the oounm m.KIeby uppinc "net thooe~ by olo-..-in&.

  • ~h.Jth.ll1Sticks~

    ~ ---J

    Ut_ ",,1' ........

    ""'-l rock in .......~ oIliM'O(1Mdth,.lnc! Ien's).0- the myou lik belL The hotdw.lJe ,tooe .-y,..".,n cut them to the ..ppropria tclength (.bout I foot) .

    2. Be.lt the ,tiel., together to go ..rongwith mu,ic.

    U,,, t h"le with th" kid-,;,,, drummid" on llilge 7l .

    H_ ..n .Klult ...", &..-oow. into on" 0'both of the ltick, . Then, you Un rubthem K'9I1 eKtI other 01' be..t themtog"~.

  • Sculpti1lg&. Such

    When you o;re.ote .. sculptu.... you Mf:~~hint: tNt ir.~d~_ You'll be~ "t~ ""'pel JInd fjgu~ you UtI cn'"te """th 'fOU" 'undo!

    ~ ir. no "eM Of wrong~ to 1CIJ1pt. Moo..,.. Mtnbqe"te 1lSU"ft tNt look like people or objb tlwyfeb ere..!,. .....peo to ~~. r.o.,.tiwy fftol.H~ you 1Ippch it" you Ihould n- fun.~member. you un .t.Jrt oYer " t.ny time.

    You Un .....ke you' own d;ry by following t~direction. in thi, section. You un m~ke Self-H..rdeninlOily, Frozen Bread Clay Or """" Goopy Goo f Clay un bereuled for houl"l ilnd houn of fun. Pie..", note IMt there

  • ,':\ ~Q"" (~ ,,,.,.I f...,"

    9".d~" 'hoP'S \o'",.lq" \>toft)

    ':Jb"by f.-l i" " "....,tki~~~~~~~jk,;.,.Iof ,k.ss"i'"~"Ii

  • l \lcre's ho,,", . . .

    1. FIll p.ope' cUp' .bout~....rte" full of ..nd.

    2. Add. '- df09l of food coloring to eoKto C\JP~milo. well . Prep.-re .t IN.t three different colon 01

    ."""S. ure-fvlly opoon the.....d into

    the j.-t. for""", one'" 01 color.t. time.It.~n the j io lull. w:- on the

    lid tisntfy.

    Stlggc.stion Afte')'O\l fill 'fOur j.r.

    toke. toothpick . nd,Jowly poke into the ..ncr.IonS the oic:Ift. TM willoe.t~ wwy 'ineo 01d~nt eolon~complet~1ymil

  • ,

    r.J '" f~ bo>< lido~ I"",,,t'.J 1"";"tb,c.r\"1.

    ':l f"".1o ... j"iotl",,, \,t'

  • \.. ije:r e.'s h o..r . .

    2.~ ttw JUint N.~ .fdd IjXlOf'fuk ol ...ndto ~NIf of ttw lid to tom'! ~ "buch.-

    3. Add too-i".pebbldothe< ite.... to....,k.e it Iool.'ike ~ ~

  • C otkeskar).gerC!O

  • )'ije:re' s hO

  • i>laster Pictu.rePlacru.e

    ':l plarR"' fDhfIJ .:0100.~ ,

  • If. Add dry py,ter of~ Ilowty into the""..te. until the ",..te, no Ion~ "bI.oh.M..le 'lire to do it in _ opom 're".

  • "'ha t )'",,'11 n0 1 112 e,-,pd1"".':J" Iefo ""D>' I''''I'~ '0 1""I' "',,,.., \

  • 1:{e:re's he>,,", . . .

    1. M ix ee~...dfIouf in .. bowf.

    2 . If dWred.~ the food coIorif18 to the- .......w.

    S. M...l

  • If.,.ou un P;nch,.,.ou Cllft~" p;nch pot! Thk P'ojPd ....11 u~ -..,,1d;oys~ by tfw end, you ....... "- .,.our own piece of potmyl,

    \Jhat you'll need.

    a 5e\f-tl...Jei"9 CIy(1ft P"9"' 'I't)

    Qte...pe'" pi"t':J p;"t'r>rvl'Mi "..d p;nt


    ow~te rjve


  • )

    3. Tum the day in you. h.nd MIdpinch the fJP'"'i"&~ """h~thumb

  • 'DoIt'"!oursdf'Play Clays

    P"gel '1-101 ~ reOpe. fo< ~king)'OUt O\lo'ft Uly-to-\ne pby c~ to ICUlpt... 'fOU choow:. You .....&ht choow! to do one inotn d of~, ~Pffld;ng onyour own 10k> >d diol iko. Some d'- be you t to kp. T..-o of the cbysUtI,..,..,,, be ~I..nl Some cbys e very finn , 1e ot!'>en lire very 10ft.~nt...oth "II the cUyo.andd~ for younelf,.ftOch ;, the bert one fot)'CU! Tho- end of the oKtion~~ fot opeOfic thinp to K\,Ilpt withyou

  • GoopyGoo

    Goo;,. ......, ~ l;quid a.,.. It;,. &'Nt to .tretch, pull ..nd Iotm you< 0-'1 cre..bono.Be 'UI'!' to k=p it in t"" N&. ..rod it ....l1llUy wet!\. ;re,..'S hN ... }

    a 1cup li'll/l rt."do:J 1. c"ps \>d ~,..,) thc t>.og to 1M t"" inrdi

  • PlayCla,y

    You CM'l "'" Pl.y Cby Q'Ye1' .oond~-jt ,.,1/~~n. Moo~ dinowuO'l.buildOnp. ~.oond c.-tum. Then. squilh them~ >d It.>rt CMe< ..pt.,

    \lha.t you'll ncei

    :IZe"'ffsift! flowC}l GOlf saltCl l(' plastic b..,s '"


    ':J~-J .:,,10""9 ("ptio""l)" AI..".';f f"""d in n,,,

    boki n9 5edit"'.J ....If9,oce'Y rt"r~. Iteets1" p~.."",tiv".

    1. Food wlorin&..-..y be~ to ttw."';ot....~ ........&. if t;O!or iI ~fNl_

    Z. M.. ;0'1 ~~"t~ in the bowlu nbl they .Il'" omooth.

    3. The pt.y d..,.,..;11 'U'\r.oft fOf ...-k. ifyou k..., p it j",;o 1e,led pl;..tic b;og Ofconbi..e.

    See p..ge. 102 104 if you n~did".., of wh.lt to m;oke wit hyou. cJ.-y_

  • elf~ard.ellill


    l ij

  • tro::el'l BreadClay

    M........... ' you ..... e..t thiI P"':i"ctJ Be !.Ute to ""m)'OUr hionds Iond ..11 wori

  • ':11 cvp ~....,tbvtft'..J 1c"f """f.rl6? .....1..

    01 cvp ho~

    ':J ",iJ

  • d.layd.reatiollS


    Oct"!"'"~ .,our cby .... N/f Md.....ke ..~ ,..;tft one ....tf.~ other NIf io to. -Ir.in&~~gnt lone lep. You Un dothd by b

  • SnailFit'lt. roll ~ long piece of cI~y. Turnup one end to "'~~ the ,n~iI'. he~d.Then, roU up tM: other end to m~ke the,,,,",,f hell. Two ,m~1I piKe. ofuncooke

  • 8\l.l111yRoll 1>.>'11 of III .il

  • fUll With1)raJl1a

    0.__ pi. or .torie>, xted out by people.UlWlIIy in front of ..n ~ience. Actin& out.tQrift an belob of fun. ~Ily if you 1M: costume!;ond .. littlei_~""tionlTM IeCtion~ gre;ot M:\uI fot ....k;nCd ".ing the i" , truebonI inth i, ,Kte. to look ..nd t. lkand I"t your i.....gin..von go wild! Don't fo'!"t top etice "t he voice" of the puppet. You un m..ke ..puppel u d. ,illy 0' ,eriou'.ju.t by changing your voke.

    M..ny element> come together~n ""'Orking On ..pr~. The co-tum"" . I ..ge, ,tory end mu.;, ;o re ju.t .. lew.M..king. 0' " ..fting, eKh element turrn ...impl" . toryinto ..rt. PI"" you' ll be """king lOrt twice- once whenyou I'IUkoe)'OU' ".oft ..nd ..g..in when you perfofml

  • Stages&. Such.

    All the \OOtId i> .. lUge. Ir>d nQW)'O\' Qn ""'~ your 0->. Follow thew.....tnKbono 10~ .. w gc for )'OUtlelf 01' for ;0 pupprt


  • To INke. TV ICfUl\ cut out. I'e'Cbngur.r hole in the bottom of. r.rgec.Jra'J>o,.rd box. 0 ._ fe.turco oudI buttonnd decote the reot of t~ box.5tt the TVon. uble~t M been dr.ped with.1herl 0

  • 1:)rag0 11.sock Puppet

    How do you rruq .. oocl< tool..? Turn it into OJ p"~1 You un ~.....,...";rrul.pent>n 01' cre..nn ifnj&i~.

    \Jhat you'll n~ed

    O lDck;:) ,..PS0 5ci5 lO> rf

    '.J c,aft gl~ (nyt" w,11># .-d.. ~tWlly f...fob';';)

  • l )

    1.Put one hM>d in the lOCk to find whe~ the ..-.ttllhoulcI be. You. thumb "-old~~ the bottompw of the d ...SO"', mouth.

    Z.~on thc~f~OY~~ thetnOVth is fonned .

    >. Co.rt out~. eM>,nd IOles homthe f..bric ocrapo.~ tIue themon the puppet.

    Suggestion H n .Jdult h~rp you leW on th~

    d gcn'l futurfllO h~ willl,l,t

    Ionter. Pin .. p~e of f"btic whe~l'O'J ....nt it, tum thc lOCk in..o.e-out M>d _ it into pIKto.

  • Ulg ~ queenof Spoons

    ?bin wooden IpOOftI~ ~ ~t .tMt to lIOOI'e ..pecu.cu....pu~l But .. coolI ...ith lkin I1or. "I -"own.

    2. ~n the pll;nt is dry. d,_ or pllint fM:I!'< on the I>owfs",."...-

    3. Glue on yMn h,;,.-net CO

  • i'aper Bagi'u.ppet

    p~ NIP~~ pupprb thoot un _ on, ,tick~ f'\Ien ulld ~lUng~p"ppet: -ttl I~ bioI" one of the oldest tricl

  • I . Hold~ dOlOo'er rod in~ clPflter of tnt !>.og. Firl~!>.og WIlh crump~~ ..round tnt rod, ...........

    2, T~ ~ !>.og'. ~njng tiV'tty WIlhy.-m. Tum the bole upside down sotNt tnt ~..... ;, .-t tnt bottom.

    Suggestioll Put you. N.nd~ the !>.oc ..ncr

    .....ke),our pu~ ~rl

  • 'r'llrkey ill theStra...... ?'Ilppet

    U~ ..n

  • )

    ". Gl~ on.a ,on,tn.octio.. p.aper be.ak.andw~ttIc .and uoe_~ to

  • quick ~ &8y1?uPE~ts

    Gn-etms c.ard. 'P'I1ppttCut out ..~ tIt..,.;nu1frOoard Roll'People ?\lp~tFinl. d._;) f..ce on .. Uo,dboard roll.You un ~d il pooper boIkin& cup ,ki rtb)' evtting out the bottom of .. cup,then sluing it to tlw roll. Glue onyW> or cotton b.lJJ. fa< .....ir ..nodINJUng cup! 01~r salp' fot Nb..nod ot:he< limpIe fe..tuffl.

  • n~lo1'" sltark ?uppctSe~11 bu';M' , ite (lancJ ~n'o'erQpe.Cut .. ~&le from One of the shortedges to .....k .. mouth. r..pe theINn~ to the top to boo the fin. Trimoff the edge yllrn l'uir.button~ nbbon ~browl., ..nd 10on. \lIh.M ..II .. dry. upe ..~pllint .timn! ,tick to the bKk of thepille.

  • C.raft Sticki''Ilppet s

    Theoe puppet!. _ UIY to ....ke. u.y to ,tone.>nd "'~'Y to u~. ~""'.on """Y...zoo, ..~ 0'~ your awn f.....ly! The ,loy'l the ,....it!

    !J ~....,1I eon:lboo..,j .olI':J ,",~k P"'pt'.':J lciw>11'::J .:.raft rti

  • Here'a he>....r . ..

    1. eo..e.. tIw Qtdbod' roll W'ith white pooper, Modt.ope it on.

    Z. Add f.e..ture....tth O'~ ..ndlo< ot~, dor..u-.e

    "'"So T..pe a a.it .tick turdy~ the bottom 04 the

    roll for the h...,lIe . II~ be1t if)'OU upt' it in---

    U'e, wooden pooint .limng .tick to....ke "'ge' puppcu.

    0,.... YOU' 0IIl0'n dur.octe< onto t~u.ft .tick.

    Try ....lUng.n iMtronIut'. lopKe ",it...tth ,Iun'oinum fool

  • telt lfallclPuppet

    Le..m to _ .~ ITU~" pu~ ..t !he wnc ~,Th.N, pu.ppri> ..~.oft >d~ to _ on )'OUr Iwnd.

    \Jhat yo'l1'll need.

    :J 1f~ p;oK~, ..bout 5" " T::JMt fC.Dpo; of """i'M'


    O r"m:J whiff popt',::.I n.,,,,,dJ .,.e..,Il..':1riMJ pe..ctl .:J d>tI1k or 1'"'".:;1 for f"bne


    :J IcifWl"I"

  • 1. On ~ .n.-rt of ~p". trKe ~ puppet ~ttem ~round)'OU' Nond (in the Npo!'hown below) ~nd cutit OUl

    2. TrKe the puppet p.lttem ontwo diffe'ent pHi:ce. of felt""'-th fabric ch.llk. then cutout the pieceo_

    ~. PlAce yAm for hAi, onthe bottom piece.

    II. Pin the two piece. togetherAnd .ti tch them. ~\ ,hown.

    5. Cut ou t pieceo of felt ~nd y~rn to.....ke ~ rece, ~nd clue theoe onto)'OUr""""",

  • ?aper ?latelfallcl ?'I1ppet

    With you. hdp. thil puppet -....lil

  • /\2. Cut me othe, ~pe1' pb~ in hlolf.~. Glue the rim of the hlo'-:l pbte to the ri.... of the

    folcled pb~. le~g the wt ~ge c f the~te ""clued.Ind forming a p/.Ke fot your hlond. .. oho-\. Note, Donot try to .bO::k )'OUt hlond in unbl the c'uc is cornplety dry.

    1. fold ~ 9..jnch ~IH" pt~t~ in hlo lf to form ~ brge


    'I. U~ )'OUt .....~tion ... )'OU cfue -of the~ trim> to the ~pe1'~m to ......u the fo.. 8


  • Bo~

    ?ropPeri'oon ~ pl..,- t~t iI out of thiI world 'to'Ilh your -... recUt! 0. ju.t prrtendyou'.... ckk..din&" "'Y~ c.Ml:l

    '::J I,,' ..ppIio..e~ bo"",.,d/'" .-..''''3~

    ~V-:J:J mMki"9 Dr c1....:t t ..~o utili'}' kt.ifr:J 91~

    CHeil"",1i':::J p;nt; ...oM0'5,


  • l j

    1. P\oon , type of tr" n,port.tion Of buIlding to n\ll~. PIKe the~ wf>e

  • ~ you _ ... .ll COItume. you un bt oonythinl!; you "'....t-.lld~ .llprir'o'U Of ,..,...n .ll motI1ter l

    \Jha t yotl'll need

    ':l yo'Y b4

  • 1:{eI'e's h o...r . . .

    1. Cut ~n opening fo< )'OUr~~ ~t the dosedend of the bJog.. ...

  • at;.." .,. f~' pk>~':l e"'Y~ f.lt-t;p ~tlf,

    , .. t~...I'"'''.'''Io'"te,c,""" ..oc-ylie ,..i"ts

    .......vcti.... pp~' '"':l cn,,,dif....."t colDl"l"

    ':l "ylo.. st"c:ki..., (" r ,,'l'"~jp {", ~K"";"9 tJ... m,..I..."d)

    ':.Jwloitl!'9Iv.. r---....'--...a scissoors Suggr:,ste.d ll1atr:ri.a.ls:':l p.."e;1 t>i"t, Y''',"" ",,,ft f,,-, "'9f, ,..ft..:>, ..............I..d '''P'',:J ~"pl.., "ott"", m;"!l- "",1#o.... p"i"t, pip.oJlr), b...,..,

    m"W; poPf" rthps. c/';"kO"9 m"lotJ,)"'hl " . m;..,~...J Io'iff., ,rW'Ir...~'1, ~ corn-,..~J?'I P"Pf"". , r"r1'ic: .0.,,,,,>1, craft 1Wf.. (few H.t "d.At to IM')

  • 1.~~p.o~ pbt.. in0""_

    2.~ ... ..,.,It """ er. ft .....;1., t o cut ovt o n::1e for\'OU' "'Y""'.nd. tn.ngl'" fa< your nooe. Nob!: B

    ~) . U"" t l\., tri.mgul. r cutoul piep"'rnng on thc:....,l

  • 7. From con.tf\Jetion ~~'. cut out a 6 (j0 [jno", lhip'" fot the ctu,.cte. you""ant to ~ke .lnd pue it to the............ "'" ",h< ee,n_


  • TO)'" n- bfton .l'OUnd fo< .. ionS" theoen- bftn cMdoen .H~ toy! combinethe enjoyment of Vmn .nd toy!witft the..tit c.n be u-'by one pel'1On,

  • all ~ GupGalf.l,e

    !'by tnio pmt'~ or ..ott!~ pbyer. Ud>~, ret> ten trics.. The one....nou~ the halt the molot time.. wi.,. l

  • l. lkint .. (Oetu..... hole in thebottom of the cup.

    ~. Tie .. knot a t one end of tile yam. Thread the ylmfrom the ,mide of t he cup 10 the knot i, in the cup.

    7. Finnly !qU""'" llnd ,hapc the.trip i"to .. b"lI.

    Go. rte the yilm to the Ufltertwill. This ,..;11~ thent~of the b.oll.

    S. Fold the strip 01 constn>ctioI'l~ in~ Icnt;tt i.e..dtwist it at the center.

    2.Cut off ,bout 14 inch

  • 'red.d.y's'rraill

    Choo-,hoo! Comi"l th"""gh! M~ke ~" oid-fa'hioJ'ledmi"i-tr~i" for you, ltuffed ~ "im.lh .


  • )


    rlerc's ho..l' . . .\.

    7. Put doll! ..nd .tuHed ..ni.....11 into the boxeI401 p"I,,.n~e,,. Then, pull the tr..in aroundthe room.

    Suggestion Add p"per b..lunC "'pi for

    wheell ..nd OIM' fd~rdroll. or boxeI to ke itIool< more like ..tr~ _

    1. Cut off the top< of the bue~ (or~ ..n~, ..duItOOitfQ,you).

    2. OKor..t~ ucn bo>e...itt> eQlored P"PH. P";"!.~.~tc.

    ~.l..ine up _ ...1bo>e'" with the ohort~ f.ocW>l e..en other.

    If. Punch tIO'O helie's ..1 bclth~ of eve')' bo:< (~dw one ..1 theb4Od< n>d. Thir bo:leo to..tueh the bo>ees, Tie .. knot in e...en end onc~ the

    y..m ~ thfOUgh udI hole.

    r..To .....ke .. h40ndle to pull 1M tr..in. thre.Kl.. 5-foot pie of y...n through bothhole< in tM fi"t bo>c ..nd knot both end>.

  • Bu.bblesr _

    You CMl '- )'OU< -... end~ ....ppIy of bubbln-.-nd ju....l)


  • 1. Mile .11 tho! ingf\"d~nb in. jM.

    1.Milke bubb~ ,.,..-d. out of ",,"t ties, dotted opoono, doth.nl'un~" Of~

    3. Pow >me of~ t>ubtoW """ into. b.lking ~n if)'OU~ .....king brte".-..If. YO\I CO~ the bubO/oeo. '"10& '")'OU ke.ep the j tif;htly dooed....tw..

    )'OU _ done p4yinc.

  • ........t: -JNow. )'QU'Il,,,",,.,.. "-. friend MOUnd to< comPOOny-}'OUM'tI'! ~kc .. """"Ie.et ohowing)Ol.l< ~"Y d;ffe~~r


    \lhAt )'",,'11 n

  • ......s .....Jk,s (8)

    rre~'S hO"o1

    fffl' {z)



    '->C the t.ize of. onwoll e.-lope (with it>con>en rounMd cIf) . Tho.;, the body.

    3. DtilW~ cut out 8 mote lone Q'V.k~ ..~ Ion&-n..- \" p.>rb of;otml MOd Itp.

    11. 0.- >d cut out 2 Nnd ",",peo~ Z footIIwpn. e.Kto .bout I ind'llonc_

    S. Color. d,_ 01' pot;"t)'OU, O"*fl fKe. cJott>e.)'OI.t misht _'"'~ ottw. d-.uih """"re they......

    1. Dr,... jOn ov.l t he >ire of

  • C.lotke.spillC.ritter.s





    ~-----You un ~kc pM:lu

  • \f'"-t''"-'S hO

  • ~


    ~t: J



    (o e....pty bo~ fro"" epe. ~", ki ..., cups':J 'Jl~

    3 t~

    ':J fe~oi

  • l \lc.rc',s hO~ . e..t out con,tn.oet>on 1Npe1' fa< doon ..nd ...ndowo .-nd &Iue ttoem on.

    II. Glue~ t..k.ins .....p' to the top< of the tOII~" .-l"1on& the top ofthe ustle.

    Sl1s s:u tions Cut .. wo;tion out of the

    u ,ll.......n 10 m"k,. .. doorthit .wi,,1' ou t.

    Paint the paper to look like.. u, tl., ",.U.

    MIoke fbI' out of con,truction~ -' toothpidu. Attad>the n.p to the~ of theUlu.. !0'I0'\'f\.

    H_ .\1'1 -'

  • f -.J

    With ~ littW ......p from.on.dult,.)'OU un m;okt this bo.t th.t "'.oIly rJo.b! If.pm"ed to. the ~thtub. 01'~ ,....... .. pond.

    "'h~ yoQ'l1 nud )\

    ':JHt~. , 1Qftie sod bot1\.'J eraft fti

  • 1. H~ ~n ~ult cut off the bottom third ofthe >0

  • 'rr.lh..el'ric:.'rae-'rDe


    ~ke ~ lone trip _ fun by btin~ng you. own pone. Don't..-ry~ ......rp"S, ~tt\~ efS" "'.

    "tJ.,.., s",,,I1, ",,,n

    ':) eo'dboo'c1 or port...


    ':l tin"" p"p'"Q ~s.."I"bl.. pl"~G '10"9


    ':l 91~

    '::J ,vi."0"" "dult'

  • l l:{e.re.'s hOdutdbo.ard into il Kju.~ with 4 111 inchoidft. Pft.l off tIw ..... it..~ lind ,belc "'-t to the urdbNrd.

    2. Decohowl.. Thio i> the bottom 01 )'OU

  • c.X'eepJc.X'A

  • 1.Cut tt>e rim off~ bowl. ~, Ihown. to ~k.e~_.

    s. Bend the end! of tI>e ,...;", up"'~rdto hold it in pl'"Ce. '" ,hown.

    2.H_ ~n .adult help you UIl!~ widl~ of,...;", fromthe~.

    3. PundI. ho* on e.Kh s;de of thebowl~ I II incto from~ top.

    !f. lmett ClI'W end of the ....... intclone of tI>e holn in~ bowl.tIve.ad on tIo'C> '9001I for~.-l pu.h the .......re out tI>e hole ontbe oppoIite,;de.

    Go. For I"p, punch three . ......11 hole. on each >id" of the bowl ~nd ,tick ~ pipede~net throut h e'"Ch hole. ~hown.

    7, T~pe Or glue the leg! in pl~ce imide tI>e bowl .

    8. Sh. pe e"h pipe de.ner to _~~--::::;;;form . leg. induding theknee . no:! foot.(, ontHt_ .... ned _)

  • '1. Turn the bowl upUlk down ..nd &I....... 6rde of=ft rur _ the bowl.

    10. Gl..... on the~

    II. Roll you. u-py Cr~.down .. do~ (like.n ~rnptydr.ww~J0. give him l;ttJ~pu,h to ,tort him rolling.

    >a-Suggestions H..- .... .adult uoe hot r!'"'" to

    ",..kc it _ d....>ble.

    Atuch .. IonS ,trins 0< p;e 01y..rn to the ....~. Now, you unpull )'OU r Crffpy Cr.wler be hind


  • Mi~ed


    n.c, cr"fts in thio 0Kti0n u

  • Rai%1.bow"!arll ?icture

    G;,." oomcono: ...,it>bow on , raoiny Ny! This ""bow ~k.e1 .II~w~.~ or 'I""',t~ utdl

    \that J",,'1I n

  • \leN'S hlXl . .

    1. Cut~l ~ngth, of ud' colo. of y""'.Z. Dip .. pOe of ylltft in ee lUrch (.- glue if

    )'OIl do I'>Ot hllve ,tllrCh). Wipe off tt>e ertr"ltiquid. ... on-n. Do tt>e _ fat elld> color.

    3. Plxe tlw y"'" on ligM blue~ to form "'llM>bow.

    II. When "II tlw Y"'" .. in pIKe. glue on tIwcotton to form " do...c!.

    Sug-g-u tion. If )'011< ....nt-- full Mdl.

    the pOn of y"'" 11 '-to be d;ffe~nt ~ngtl\l_The top color ...11 be......ct. long" thllon eebottom colo.. L.ioyout the ,,,inbo'"bd"OIe cuttinglInd gluing the


  • Rock?aper

  • \f~'s hcx.r . . .

    1. Scrub tM rock de~ ""'th ....p ~nd",,~t..... Let it dr')'.

    2. P~jnt ~ portu... on it. 1f)lOU do not___ tne colon to run into uch

    od>et, let tne p.;m dr')' in bet>oun~.

    3. Sftell.c: )lOUt rod

  • &eryone~ worlUng witft Ucing urd,!~ke~~tf 0' ~;on~It"",ke~ for yo to u

  • ......r-:.' . .

    :: '.. ..' .. ." . .:: . '" . : :" . . . . ..". : : .: :

    .... ' . ." " -.. :


    2.1-1_ .... ~It pvndl~~lon the outline of thedeoi",. ......cthe d-..inCcompasl.

    3. w...p 1-1 icheo of IN,king upe ~nd the y;l>m to fonn ~I~. Tie I> knot in the otne< end.

    ~. Lx.. the yl>m througn the ho~ to INke your pfctuf\! .

    5. You Un SO b.Kk .round the card to INke I> wlidline, Or ju,t step /Ofte' one time .round fo'the dotted Ii"".

  • >reddyBear

  • l:{ere',s ho2. T'Khawn.


    ; . Color ~ f;> onto one Do- .....p"'.0.- ~ u.l on th

  • II you're into collectin, leolVel, thil p,oject is for you! If you me frelh, not dty, leave.1



    '.J tiiwe y'-:J

  • \.1. Cut~ t"we pooper.lInd CQ'''truction peper

    __to Sinch IQ~~.


    I3. Ple .. lui on)'O\', wort< lopKl'

    ,..;u, ttw~~ "P.

    II. Put .1Qu.a~ 01 tiI_ iP""~the Ie..f~ tub ccntly Wllh the.ode of ..cr~ ....D1.Ic... ~in""'ttem~.

    5. Cut out the Npe of the Ie"'.

    c,. r.ke .. wmtruction pooper "'l....... and bn,,;h jtwith liquid 'Utd>.

    7. Pbce the ti..~ p.aper with the le,)f print en topof the con.truction p.per ilnd bruih the p. p'".g.lin with the lurch. Then, le i you. rubbing dry.

    8. Do the ""me to e.eh of your collected le~,.

    Sllggestion Cut out the Ie"f .Nope. .lind nukc ..

    itp",aw coil. with It>nn .

  • ~"" )'OUf own ~ncl Goordenl~tc il...rtt. u.........r .tonet. Of~ objecbinto~~ for ~ ouM e-ffcet.

    '::I 1""do lo, b"ki..., PO":J~~..lbo..lo",,,t~f

    ':! IC;S1/>1"l

  • )

    'i. Cut ~ in~ti"& lee on orw WOeol~.Kh~ . V~ry the Igeo byuoint; .tt~snt C1J~ 0< ziguggedrub

    1. nil tt>e ~n ~Imo

  • 'rulip'Pot

    "'hat )',",'11 need

    Clf""", ~",po t

  • -l . Glue the tulip on the top of tonp~. ... .t.o-.

    )ije:re.'.s h.~ . . .l1. Dr~ the oud itl

  • a .....~ of ~5,c1,~~5,l~.M95,

    p~I>\f'5.oeo",S, b...cl5,

    "vt5, ete.o e}.;pb""'c1o, p\yo-'o".lCl"" .,,;5j, 0 ' sJ,.. II"e

    0 91""':l ""' ,Cl tJ,,, btoek ", ",,;1

    ':) j,k fo, ""'9;"9':l "lei pi"tbn/Sioa"" ".lvlt

  • 1. H_ ,n 'dull ~Ip you ~mmeftM hool

  • .~--~."--

    M~ke you. own ,,,,.. tivity ,hil'l" "";th thi, one-of ..-kind project!

    ::J ..1.,...,;_ f..~OC"JI>,onlO~r ......*"t~ti~

    ...... .1

  • -)

    3. U-e slue to d._ .. de>ir on the~_.

    \iere's ho...r . . .\..

    5. U>e the 1Nrk

    1. Cui the- urdoo..rd into, I

  • U,e thil "~'e for dried Or p.oper f1o_rl. Decorate it "";th brightly colored p.perto m.ke it look ju,t likl! 't.ined gl.,,1

    0'''"''''''' corrd 1>

  • 'ijeN'S ho< bo, c'u*nc pic

  • lep1z.a:rJ.t

    The citcuI is comin&' Th.t'.~ pl'opH. ...111 thmk ....t-. \"OU~ this~eleph>t.

    C)..,.....d e

  • \leN'S how- . . . )

    5. P..int your ..I..p....nt gr;oy ~nd ..ddeyes ..nd otM r I'e..tu~.

    ~ . To>pe ~ pie 01y.om to the top ofthe bcn< fat .. Uil. ... ohown.

    2. Cut out the trunk ~tId ..... from

  • GUl21d.r op'rree


    You l>'Otl 't find ttl.. eee~ng in the fote.tl It .....~ '''''~ ubi

  • l )

    If. M.o~ the b

  • SugOut

    lolhat y",,'11 n

  • ,l 'l.r's J,~ . ..

    1. Sort thfOOlh)'OU, collection of ""'tur~1ol:>jh. .......Inv them in diff~",nt wto ~k.e diff,.",nt kind!. of bugs.

    2. 00-_ the~ on o;on

  • Thi' pidu'e fe..tu,~ le,ture

  • )

    1. Lightly d._ .. dnign or picture On tM ~rdoo..rd.2. O"b ~II g1~ dot> on the delign. Do not~ _

    tN.n ... to ~"'" dot> .It time or the clue .....11dry.

    3.~ the ..--i Of! top of the &Iuc dotIto outIine)OU"~. Tr.c;e your dc.icnuoingthe~, if dc>ired.

    If. Put glue in>id~ the MUS"-

    5. n il in the d"'ign with other dryfood item. to crc.te texture .


  • 'ij'0l11e11UlcleScraphook

    - ,

    'J"~'.::J lciJ1r5a""'" (1)pti 1)a dlPGorotiv b~tl,~

    "I btiltcnf, nekrek,

    ' ibbctl, 5~";"S, flame910..,5, 91ith'., etc.

    a bl..k fe,,,p-bok. ,~toon..,.., Dr J-m41

    C)SDIid, l;rt-e..~ fobric

    [)f"b~ pi"tI, f"bric:...." .....,.Ii ," p.., ..." ........t


    o "e;d-fnoe p"pe, Dre"..l'trvd'i.... p"pf"

    Cre~ t,. you, own 1C.~pbool< of memo'iel! Put photo!, ticket .tuln, u,dndrna... in thi ' ttr~ book designed by you.

  • l 'ij"e:re'S h.~ . . . )

    1 .~...u,e out ee f..bric to fit u.....-Ole ofyout book. Cut it out 2-3~ bigger ..11

    '~"'.M_ ~

    2. e.--. tne front of 'fOUl book vMtosfuoe Uottin& the ntr.. f..bnc hang off tneedge>. pIKe tne f..one: on the frot. Smooththe f..one: _ tne CO'o'et" to P rid of ....,. ..it podteob.

    ~ . e.--. the Mth sfuoe.Smooththe fhM; _ the spit>..n cut off only the ntr.. f..l:>ric from the sp;n.._ao... the booI

  • S'I111, M.oo11 ~Stars M.ohile

    Q c,,~"I""'~ ".~.P"'~' ;., I'll'"......... ""d ~"l"I c:..Io1i

    a yo,no wi~ e~h.o"9"'!J c",.lboo.d P"~' to...."l

    ,oilCl "'''Yo'll ", ............rfo I"hit" 91""':l9old ,lim.':I si"'''' ,liftp,Opr'" hoi.. pllnc,",

    '.J SciOoi:l pi..n ..".J !",i"t'oMh


    M.~ this m0b01e. ~nd ......w. the Iky tw;rl ..~)'OUt~ 1

  • 8. Slid., th" roll onto the dothe'hange. and twill it '0 til..hoi". are ..t th" bottom.

    )'ije:re'S ho~ . . .

    ~1. Cut the p.ilper into two"ach of sur" moon.lInd .Ur Npe-o .

    1. Cover~

  • The~ i'lOmeth,ng "fi,~ . bout thi> p rjcct-youf (fiend,"';11 think it',. ~.I.qu.fiuml

    \llta; yoU'll need

    r:s" "U ;.Ick c""rtn>

  • tIe.J"'-'S h0qu".ium.

    ) . M'>en.,.,.. pM>t driel. pIKe tIOoO 1{2-inc:hpiccn~ dol bl, Iicltd l.lIpe.lt t:he CIDfT"Cn.-l in t:he OMt,.. ~~ bottom edgto ofthe bKl

  • aper PlateParade


    !J, popf'< flam ...d;ff...,..,..t

    Silei ...d c:..ItHi:J Crl'Y''''f, f.lt-tip~

    ",,,t..colorr, t...,p"'" ,,.aerylic p"i"tr

    :J r..If-..dh~",," PiCh.o,~-::'7~~;::..,,,,,nn or yD'" {..,ho"9'''9 (

    o ,..,." \.~>,J .....,:.HPsSOrfO ..hin.,I......J fir" ek~1i,d.i"ki"9

    rt't".....s t,. y...., (oyli..""I)o pl,,~ic Io'i991y f, CT

  • u.e ond lllitW Of ~It (Oft ~ge 131).

    lhe one Ite ~te .and two ""'ilk< pI.;otes. Cut.. 11..., of .. moon from both the b'!e pbte ;ond_ ......11 pi,,!... Cut .. notch fQt the mouth (..IITYII triAngle) in the other """,rr pl"t... Glue thepiK.... together, ....hown.

  • TurtleUoe two pl"W . Cut tI\e rim of one pl"te into f;,.,epieces. Dr_, colo< 01 cut them to look like feetlInd " uil. Colo< "tid cut out " he~ from themdelle of the _ pIlOte. Add tectu", to the otherpilote to ke it Iool< lilw: the turtle', ohelL Glue it

    "II totet'- """""'-

    PiggyUoeone IlOrge pbU. one ......11 plllte "tidconotruction pipet lC"'P'- Uoe the lClIpI to .....Iw:the pO!:'. fed. no

  • Suggcts tions Cut, tIoil. !u,k,; Ie!'. e.....ntenNe. wh;.kerI 'lid othe.".11> from p.oper

    pbte rim>; 0< "'" pipe cl."ne... drinking .tt..... Or y......tiffened with ~ue fOf"k>

    When dry. p.tint 0< colo< youn;m,J. .odi"f; .tripe lind othe< ~,ture>.-P,ont on~ 0< glue on pb.tic ,..;ggIy eye..

    Atudl p;ctu~ rnounb 0< p y.am looped to the c.ek oi the pbleo to hMlg.,our~.

    Tty _ oi the othef M>irNk >hown bdow.

  • orh:u'l21hpriZltAZlil21als

    These ~.an! ~11incc)'OU uoe you. 0'0II't fi''f:Cip' t> to .....kc !hem!1ft how II\'d~1~k you UtI cre4lteJ

    I.. '1. ,..'3 h"" . . . )

    I . Roll you< fi"rftip Of thumb 0YeI' the.tMr>p~.

    Z. Preu it onto the~_

    ~. Add .ani...... dcUih (e'(e', no>c, """;,.ken.t~th, etc.) with the criyOt'>l.

    05,.........1~" ...p I"'

  • UsefulCrafts

    The U""", ".1ft, )Ol.lan

  • ?ille COlleBirel t eeeler~~r.... ~

    f un to m~k.. .ond fun to w~tch, thO, n.wr.1 bird f~d..t moly become . ('""Ont..h.ngout for you, f... the'ed friend. right QlJuide you. window '

    ClpiMeoM:J pNnutb~r':1 bi..,lsl!'f'd ", 'o,,.,,d c:ru"'\>s fo bvtte, k"rfe .,. Sf0""':)rtri"9

  • 'ijere's hOde _ .. window.

    S. W..tch to.-"""'" ....11 ~..t from it.



  • Barrette~old.er

    You'll~~..+.ere)OUl ~~ lOre llfteryou ..uke this fun~"" dorl

    '.J t\ooCl ""I""~ pkoUi'Q G'''Y'''If, f~ti!'~

    lo'ot.-e:oIDrf. t....~.'" O'

    aerylie ,..i~tJQ W

  • l I{er e's h o'" )

    2. To~ the heoJd.~ the rimo oi thepbtel totethet wrth the utine~f~eKh other, ~.no-. Gh.oe the~bet.cel. the two pbtfl.-t the _ bme_

    3. Color .. fKe on oc oJ the ~teo.

    If. """-' dry, st- .. b Itranck of YMn to the fomw.d to m.ke bM>so-5. Fo< br"idI, cut 18 ,tranck of y"",, uch I 31"~ ton"(;, . About S inche\ from on.. end, oea;~ the yoom with ..

    rubber bM>d.

    7. o;...oc the y

  • ~

    :_----j'~~mil Wind Sock out of)'OUf f~" colon! Hi '" itoubide. or lite it .... decor..bon for.,.,.,.. room.

    '\."'hat y.u'll n

  • ( tfe.r e.'s no"'" .. . )

    1. Cut the window INdc to be 6 jnc/>e1. by18 inchft. Thi.....11 b

    2. Color the top Imp ,...;u, bright bold Wpeo.

    3. Cut fft.c .trip. from the~ to be 3 inc/>e1.by 18 incl'wo, .-l &,ue the,..nd 1)~ from the k-ft ~~ of the top.trip.

    8. Glue the end. of the top . trip together.

    't Gather the ya,n end. Ind tie one la.ge loop o.


  • B'I111etillBoard



    :_-----'Bulletin boArd....e perfect for di'pl"yin& your favo,it.. photo>, ochool P-"P"'''..nd p",t,," 1

    :J f....... bo

  • l P

    \ie.re.'s how . . . )$ 4

    1. e:c-:. tM l'o.m ~rd with ~ pie of bbric: b,&e enouc!' to CC/'oI'e' the front..nd b.

  • ,;;.,r.... _

    s...ong..-...y iI fun....toen you un~ .. twppy pi in tI'>e p

  • .- 'IIl )

    1. MAke ;o dr,"";ng of the pig', he~ on u rdbo.lord,including tt>e ~bs.;o'!ho'wn. Then, cut it...

    2. Cut 1I 1 11lit III t he o>cIe of one boooA_

    3. Sf~ hull into the "it~ bendout tt.e Ubo Id~ them to theinode 01 the bowf, .to >hawn.

    ~. Punch ...........11hole in the bowl on the Ude opposi~ the hull "nd ;n~ ..curled pipe cle;one' lI... b .l . Glue~ Up

  • Hffe .. one butterfly thiot """"'t fl)o -..y! Use ttl.. ~r:nd to hold '9..1~p

  • )r{er-e'S ho- . . l

    2.Goother 0I'>e~'" in the middle~ clip thecIothnpir> _nd it. H ono-..

    3.~.t .t~ 2...-ith the ott- two pOe< of ti

  • o...ig... you. own lp~ciotr box that Ope,,,,nd d~. U... it to hold you. f....o,itetr~~lurel!

    a l.lisfof"bl.. Sf>

  • c. ifere's ho", ... )1. To ~l

  • LidPillCu..s4ioll

    ~ tt>i> plcl )OUt pim. M.J~ .tn e>:.t:r~ one to roe ....tift!

    \JhAt Y01l'U nud

    ~CQtt_ .':J 1i.! f ...... Q ~owt\x..tkf')D

    :I f..bric.'::J nMoo..D r '/"'"Q p;"f " ,..! I'IH

    Q ."b~' b",J.o 91~ (oph"....1)

  • -

    3. Wroop the rubber ~rod ilrourod the lid tooccv~ the filbric. c:e-.. the rubt>cr blindby g/uint: Of t)oOns the nbOotl 0YCf it-

    'I. Stid< )OU< pin> M>d "ftdlco in to thecuWon fa~ M>d C'"Y finding.

    1. f o1 1tI'> cotton.

    2. Cow, the lid -:I cotton witt> il cirde of fmric-

    S'llggu ti on For ilnothe-r~ of thi> ~il. ~ the

    jil, .. _II. c:e-.. tI'>cotton. then follow .tc,," 2-4, F.l1 thejllr......-th dccoriltM jtc...... 1UCh .. dnedbeilm. ...,...nell. button>. etc. Then.'CIPW the lid~k on to the jil'.

  • ?l.ateM.irror

    C)l ~.,.,..~. pI

  • if&I'e' S ho..... . . ..l1.G~ the miffot to the ..too. of the p;>p"r plolt..

    "nd let it dry.

    2. ~ke .II colorlu'~ .......00 the pbu by cluingyMn to the rim.~ .. toothpOck to~ .and CU.the yMn. eo..t the yMn~ the end. mH1: .and~them~t.

    So In the """'" """I ....tlOp 2.~ yMn .......nd the edp 01the.......,..10 tN! the nWror', edges.an:~. M Ihown.

    ~. Dr_ bold. Vmple ~S"" with .. penal,.t.Jyln& wfthin the bottle...

  • (... Fill in the ......11 "re,ill. one "t" time, by wind ing "..-ngle pie' of y"'" inw"rd /Torn the border t o thecente. U~ .. ""r~ty of colon to fill it in. Applyglue .., you nd it. U~ .. cle..n doomp IpOf'lge tore_ ..fIy extr" glue. Continue doing thio untJlthe .mte io completely COWfed with y;om.

    Sllggu ti on H_ "n lldult uoe hot glue to

    ......ke it b,t Ionse

  • II


    ~t_Id the hoIM:bys be~ coIorlvldecor..tionl7 Think ol .. plump TIwonk-eMncturky. .. thou1il.h H.l l~ mon.ter Of ..bn'sM f\"d V..~tine'l o~ net. The Holid"yProjecb~n fe..tutel project> fot ""'1"')' ....,jorArnetiun hol~.And by crn.ng;nc colo />e,t'"nd m..~ there. you can I1\lIke .....ny of thel.eo ..ks '0. diffe rent celeb,,,tionl.

    ; l'-_ - - ....J~





    ~t ;:..- J



    For eumple, the H"rro_ en Pumpkinu ntern a n be changed to look lik e ~br..h..mlincoln O' F"the' Time. And you can m.1lke tl>eF"the,', Day PllInte. into .. gift for a C'ilndpoo.entOr" friend. let your imagination go .,..;Idl Andh.we 1I ....ppy holid~. too.

    ,. t?


  • itt ~rappillg'DecoratiollS

    M~ke ttl ...", deco,.ticn , in.te.d of. bow when wr.pping .. gift. 0, rn.lk theminto orrumen tl t o lungl

    1Jhat yo'll'll need.

    o e..~;"" port" '".liffe~tcololi

    :J ,;10", Y'" I,. stri...,Q rtople.

    o gIve '" top"O,uler

    o fc Fssrf

  • 1. Cut comtru

  • Pop-UpCard..s

    \Jha t Y0\1'11 need..

    Q th.~ or ....,... I'-"'tl" .,f

    'f' " u

  • l ,ig=< ?op.Up ,L fold two l~!s of ,on.truction por.per in N/.~.mown .

    2. Write Of colo< .. ~se Of dnil" for the frontof the urd with the open IM6e~ on thebottom. This;' the~ of 'fOU' pt' r and pu.h t h...trip from theoubide Kl tll..t it fold. into th., c..d. ill ,ho,",,,,,.

    3. On the ~..k~ P'O''-. cut two I 1/2-indl"ib 'lbout I indo ilP'O'rt ill'OUnd the m;dpoint" .Mohown. Mike SUte the u;tJ ..... the urne length.

    ~ ,\

    'l. \

    s. CoIo< ..ncr cut out .. (i",re up to 5 incheot.Jll from the ~t .~ of constructionp.>pe.- (_ .... ' --,.J

  • ~. Glue the figure only to the front f.King p.>rt of theimide ,trip. If the figure ~ taller u.;.n t he . trip, gl.... thebottom p.>rt lUll up to the fold of the ,trip.

    7. On the inoide of the p.:oper, 110< .. ICe....., on the top....If .-.ound the figu.... ..nd ....me .............ge on thebottom hoolf. Tho; ;, the imide of your U of corntruetion p.>per in hoolf. i. Jh.owrl.

    to ... ;.r;;:::::::~

    ...2. Write or color i me'>ige Or dwgn for the

    front of the urd with the open wide .ideon the right. Th~ iI the oub.ide of )'OUrGIld.

    3. On the olM lhefl. put .. dol on theanter of the folded e'dge, ~ """"".

  • Co. Fold' b;odr. both fbpocre..ted to form tv.o~ ... ohown.

    If. Dr..w .. 2-inch linoe from the dottow..r

  • Bubhle PrintGift Wrap

    ~t....~.. p"i"t (1/2. '''1'of ,..00 c"k d~i.f'd) (

    ':::l ~q..,;d difMota1"hi~,M~,"t(1/'2. '''1' fo.ud> GO"" d~ind)

    ':l rT't"WS (".,tfl,."ibl..)Q ,o"rtr"ef\"", tllfW ":

    f,,,g,"r;>i,,t P"p#' tn "1B" or l"""'l"orkfb~),DT pI",.. p"p.' b091

    o".."te-':) q""rt-si:.d ,o"t "iMI'f

    CJ s"..II.:o.... p" "1'::l op'" '' or old~


    ,1\......,..- 1.1 \ \ \

  • 1. For eKh color)'OU .....nt to __. INke the fol!owin& mixtu~ the nit!'ttw:foint detergent in qu1: conuinoet. Add.bout 1/-4 cup .....te then .ti. Let the mD.tu"" into .n.lloot 1".

    S.PIKe the~ on the I" "'-- the miI

  • ,~. -..J


    -- -

  • 1. eo.....)IOU' woriUnS ",rV P"9"" .

    2. Cut out ~ bu.. .Npc from the brown COttltruc:tion ~p".

    ~ . Giue the ~..t ~pe to the urdbooord.ond cut it out.-


    , . P..in t II~~ge to you.V..~tine. Add .. fx.e \Io'Il:h~ p.Ilpel' M>d yoom.

    8. Cut out .. btge red hurt,nd &,ue t~ be.., on top oftIw he..rt.

    'I . Cut b

  • 1?a.tterlleclSka.Jl1roc:k s~

    :' --JGood luck will be .,...;th you when vev cut ;,nd do,. te til ...." ,ham,ock, onS.int P"trid: , Dayl

  • [{er e's h o'" ... )

    1. M~ke u r"",t tIo'O copOei of the sIwntod< ~twmlMlow on urdbord lind cut tnem out.

    z. On the d.--;n& ~pn. overll,p the,hamrocknd tr;oce lIround theiroutli~ ""';th the per>ciL

    3. Coto. differentde.ig... ",,;thin nehdumrock.

  • -;: ?Ap~r RAdle:: JU:t~r 55f"_--~'--1

    ~ ....11 ......nt to know hooot )'OU~ tM fNg;u1 It Ioolu~ better twnCi"C in the ...nl

    \Jhat yo1J.'l1 nud.


    a~d ..kin9p""o "~P" Pt",:!"p""n Dr "Id dctJ,.e1D pi.... ,..~r dip"""n~;'" fhcl'1' to '!>.H K

    1'W "0\100..

    -... ,...".~-~."..-----

  • ...

    1. e:e..-)'OUr wori

  • ggshellMosaic:




    r~. --.J

    Mo.tre pidl,rtel "'Ide "p of ........1thing< like tileJ Of gt..u. Tty thiI mow;cu~'

    o ~Iu,.'::l pt'n

  • 1. eo....,)'OUr worl~pe.

    2. Crve .....1110..:0100 tolightly ~nt the ohrll, .. freT.,-"- complned )OUr desit" .

  • Continue tM fun tr~itionl ~ this pn:tty~ fo1l;f: with~ 00'und'n~~ it on _', doorI

    .. ...,thO'< iWGt (optio.,..l)

    ':l~"pkr (optio""-cl)__~


  • lfere' s ho"" ...

    1. P~int the front and bKk of one pooper pbt,..Let it dry.

    2. u.,. the "'encil to fi&t>dy trKe ~ citde in thecenter of the~Ied pbte . This ....11 be thebottom of the~

    3. On the in...,.. circle vou ju,t drew. l~ oul ninepoint> '""lu~11y ,~ed ~round the circle. Then,lightfy dr~", lin,.. from t"," cent ..... of the circr,.through th ,. point> to ee oubid,. ,.dge of theplat,.., ,hO\lfll . You m~y ",~ ..t . .. dult to helpYOll ",ith th i, It,.p.

    II. u.,. t"," ,t,.", ,1 to trxe ~ circle onto the pl~,ticlid.

    S. Cut out ~nd ~..... t "," pl", tic circle over thedr,..." circle on thoe p/

  • 7. Trim the top of eAch .ection into AroundedpetAl ,I\,)~.

    Go. Cut Along the ~nciled linel from the outeredge of the plAte to the inner plA'tiC circleforming _dge-.hAped secticru.

    8. Punch two hole. in eAch '~tAl ' About l iZ in.:hApArt And 1 1/3 inche. up from the bottomof the bA,ket.

    'I. Gently bend eAch .~t.:o l" up And CreA,e eAchone Around the plA,tiC circle, AI ,h",n.

  • 10. We

  • other's DaJBo~C.arcl~

    ~ --J

    0 '1"" U"li,y,t CO"rttv

  • )

    ' ~' '\JD' ' . . , . .,-- ''1!k' ,:' ,' : : :) , ' . .: ':. -. _ ~- : ; :

    l \1.

  • atker's DayPla.:nter

    GM [nd _ criMI he doet.n't I.-. to mow for F~tt-. ~_ ~be< toIUrt this in ~I

    ':J I"hM f....... .loi,.Jci"'j

  • l1. fm the cup 1.13 full with pottin, 1OiI.

    2. Sprinkle gr~"~ On to p o f the bnw_Surt the ptoject 2-3 Wftk,befcte hthe-r',lny to ,,11ow_rtime for the gr.... to ,tOW.

    ~. The day before you g.... til;,pl,)nte, ... a gift, color lind cutout f loCpe

  • ourth of Sulyfire....orksf' _

    Q U}l. t8' 't>lock

    eonltrvc.ti"" p"ptto li9I.t , ..d,whia " tid li9ht

    bl~ ~...pl''''' , ,,illt[J1o'"t..,

    O f"tt':l p1.>rt'ic .1,;,,10"9 rtt1001o p";,,tdif~0 ...."



  • )\litre's h,o..r .. .l

    Z. Uoe JI .poon to pIKe dtOpl of the pooint on the,.,...3. Hold the

  • ~alloweell

    t.allterll~r _

    ,:) '1" . IT ....."9"' , ,GO~"po~'

    ':) l,.loekt;~",..~.

    Cl sc;rsol"l

    ':J 9'~':lt"p~ Drstopk-a 5ffl"'l ,>t y'"''':l",I~r

    o pf!",j\o p"pf!' hole punch0,,":0"9"' and block ' "1'''

    pop'" m-....n'IC'l1"(0""" .....1)

    'You un~ thiI ~'-" Unte

  • , '


    5. Cut out the~ note~ mouth fo< thepumpkin from bbd< COf>ItJuction~r. then &Ive~ to the bntern.

    (;, . Gl~ on crepe jUope1' .tre.men, if~~_

    7. To ""ng )'OUr bntetn. punc:h kolei in the top.no::!....ng it ....th" .tting. ... shown.

    .l----.:::=~_......1. Fold~ O

  • St&llclillgMOllster

    ,,,,t --J

    look. jt', Fr"~Wnr Vie thft projKt to ....~ ~ mummy. Count DrKuI.f or;ogroup of &'-t>1

    \lhAt you'll need..

    '.J Z\>row" ",~~ b'.J~~r

    o sh'i"i ", yo....'.Jpi..t; _.k~r'I or e ''''Y'''''1O ,ci t1

    '3 91.....ot,,1'"''.JdltC..t"~ it......I,~ "5

    f"bnc, tiff..... pDp""Co"m ucti"" pop""bvtton5, , ;e kt

  • L 1:{e.l"e's h oW" .

    ) . U.e .....terifk to oe..te It>c ba. Nil,cJotha,~ ..tmI ....c:l fH.t fa. you.mon,t~r.




    z.Fit~~ C"o'ft It>c ot'-. Tie it looselyone-th;fd of tI'M! WlIy down uoing otring._.-..

    1. Fill It>c ....nch Ngl with Ioo

  • ".....0 1..~ ......"........110'"':) f ......nc:.,L:.nJ

    ....."........11010'1" ,,, ,,,.... d~ps

    ':J Zelo>Jt$ I,. .,,;sil'll

    ':J t ethl'ic:kfo"~,rt,,l>l.. J>Hl..,

    O e"".,ta ic:.. """t.,O"""d"lt

  • l )

    1. Have i .. lldult help}'OU u. Put them in .. g1.au of i

    If. Atbch the unll~llowl tothe body with toothpOckl to formthe k"the

  • ':turkeyfeathers

    f' -- ~

    ~~ f-..ly.-y ..._ to r-e)'O

  • 1. 0._ ~~ tu~ o/'upoIM'l.

    Z. Cut out the tu~jh~pe.

    l \fe~'S hO

  • aint-Spray: Designs,'__-=_ ----4

    You un ..... l'O'" f~ c:ool

  • 1. M;ole p;ott..,n. from the hol~IN!>,", Of! grdt>o;ord ;oncl cut tt>em out.

    2. eo.-)OU' woOOn& ..,rtKe ,..;u,--.~ . P;n the~rd p;ott...... in ;o o...ign

    Of! COttItfuCt:iotI p,llper.

    If. Pou';o

  • ;: Cookie Cutter~ Or1l4121elltsr ..!

    ~~u .....1. be popul l'*t>-M>d tlVy.~ lots of fun to _kel They~.., p!ml)':J ,,,lli"9 pi" (..ytio""l)':ld~r plrtic !'p' 0)',

    """,Ioblot j .. art ~rPlyrt',.~ ("ptio""l)

    0"" ..d..1t

  • l tfe.r e.'s h e'" . .. )

    1. The night b

  • u.e dift'~t ~.-nd oilft of p.a>b to _I.e interestinl tntura 10< you.omoomenc.. Wt you< friend! t~.fnd hwe .f P.f1b OO

  • 1.Cut the con,truction poopet into ~ citc~ ~bout the ,;",01 ~ eeeese. Puneh ~ hole ne the edge of the citc~~nd be ~ loop of Y"'" thtough the hole forhlgins-

    2. U"-ncd~t P""t. oNpO!'. INk ~~ttr~_u.cemc"t on theCt>ltructJon P"'PO!"-

    ~ . Glue eKh pie onto YOU' citde.

    If. Let;j: dry, then hoonC;j: up.

    Suggestions Dry cere~ l, be~n,. ,hell" etc. would~ho INk ...ice textu'ed o,n,omenb.

    Try ,,,inc ~ toothpick to m(PYO! ~noodle ;"10 plxc Of to c">e it-

    H_ ;on~lt uoe hot clue to INk ;j:b,t longer.

  • 'faceM.ohile


    ~r ~nw: I~t btffle ...11 bri"l your et-Kter to lifelIt'l fun to ""lte ..nd futl to ""..tc:h l

    ':) .,.,.,., '" I""~~':l ~~

    ':J c~"I"'p

    . ..inf",c..",....t

    o plortic curt"i.. ";"9o fiberf,ll, y'''''' ctt"n,

    craft f... , o' c"rl~gi!t nbwn for hoi ,

  • 1. urefully o;ut the ~"ten frOtl'\ the paper pl.te. . 1J-6fvn w.tof.n.._" S6~.f Door ~ .

    t.e.I _ , 1I>tMlolo F......... .. J1 01 Colon. '" ,, " P",*Sp-.,.- 0..0,.. .. , l

  • ..~Aq'-;'m _.. 134

    ""'''' T_ 20 80>."' 142 .c.o:IOo.ol "'''?O'!>' 18 Co..."", Mol..., _ 128 EIeph.'" ... . ... 112 .

    ~ 0.,.;1" . 16a I.xi "f, c."", 116 0","",; ~dbo>l . . 10 P'"...1l>J: ""Pf>rl . . . . . . ... 112 Po.... PI.~ Ii....,. ""_ __...122 RoIt.e"f, Pool . . 24 ~ PcopI< P.pe< DoI~ ... , 12 SpC>n . ...... .. 14 .

    Pu""*,,, & e:.:..tv_80, Polu . 118 eo.tu.." ... . 116 . C.,I, Stid 0.,- 100 . Goopy Goo , . .. .. " Lo.oIP,;n~ 91 ."".""'~ttb'.. . 136 CJot"e

  • tarry NightScelle

    ':l \o'

  • 2.. U... a.,..,.... to triKe)OW.un.Inddr_ .I ni&ht

  • Your ItIOWf sceee look. ;olmcot~r .".;th thio plojert~..te~ .....w..oc:ene fa< .. completely diffi1!,~nt pOcture!


  • 1. Cut colored con.tn.oetion ~per into v ..rioo.t> ,iusof trillncleo. oq....reo ..nd ~nglco.. Uoe them toc.....te .. nichttime city sceee of buIlding> lindI'>ott>n on blKk 0< dl'.

    1. When )'OU .- uti>fied wM )'OUr~. ""'" the plOpe>'~ in, lKper to"e..te ,now.

    Go. Stretch cotto" b..II, ..eroo, the bottom of the p..per to m..ke mO re ."ow.Glue them in pl.ee.

  • 1'Ull With.1'i1l5erpaillts

    \lItUch ilmore fu-.....k.inc the pictu", Of Iookins ~t it when if. done~Wrth~b. if. bottIllMp, slouY fin~ntin& ~;,. b.->t, but you CM1 UK"other~ Of C'Ve1'I M>otI'- wnooth. ~.Hy-to-cle.>n ....rf.-c:e. He

  • flour and Salt f inge.rpa.i.nt1M fingetpOOint~ ~ cr.i")' q....Jity, p

  • ?u.ffy ?a.i7lt?ictu.res

    r-,.,.~' .-J

    Follow this recipe. M>d )OU'1I "- thfft-d~l~;"tI W~ unul if. dry-if... much fun to touch ... it;, to~.

    ':J t1l c"!' IohIff floo,tQ 1/2 c"l' IQIto "bout 1'''I' ",,,t~tQ I'l",rtic 'q,,~..t .. \>ottte

    (0 el.."n j,o...ry ,jilp..nl'"lo'"rkl ",..11)

    [1 ~ ,,,S ~"5po"nl t ....,~ r..



    :J P"f>'"o ..,""", \>(,10'1':I fvn..t'l ("pti".....l)


  • 1.~, toge~ the flour...It " nd ibout Nif the """te' in the bowl.

    2. Add the tem.pe'" p.oint-

    ~. SIowfy ;odd ..-.. ""i ter unbl the mixtu~ an be poured but io not run".,.

    1./. Uoe the funnel to pout the mixture into" iQUe'eze bottlin. g'ocery INg . nd identify;ng eKh letterby touch ("TM fee l. ' ike the letter B )...:-

  • Dec:OfMe your oom dotheo ...otn mil opecW' ptOject ..;u. your~'."",,,,,i,,ion'

    Hv~ .." ..,l,,1tlo'''lh th~ pjec~ ofd"thi"9 ~""~d..i"9 thi~ p.,jectDe ""t vse f..bric ~oft.""/'f ...dty". IhftfJ.

    A.y ki,J loOUd... l:ovt ....,~ swe t ......,d~ 1o~1 ~..... b colo.

    0 1..~~ pl..~c b"9 " , pi~

    of pl"rtic

    o ."b~. 91""f'l"o ."bb~. b..",lf ("pti"nl)!:I "')'..Jt

  • 1 . H_ ." .......It .....ke tI>e . folao..,.;"g tI>e difKtiom on tbe~ge. Anyone wortung Mth tI>e thlOUghout tbeproject ~Id -... rubber gloveo. eo;"g tI>e~oubide i< ~I.

    2. Toe off ee _ d'wt. You o< .. .".;j put ""bbe< blond> onthem.~ pore 62 fatd~t~ to be it off.Whict>c: _ .....,. )'OU choooe, .....ke ..."" to do ittid>tfy. '0 thn .uy. out of tno.e4I~

    t H_ .... .Ildult ~)'OUr ohirt.~ poge 63 fat d~ent .... to it.Wh~ .....,. )'OU choooe. ---..t- tNt tn. Iongoer you Ie_ tI>e f.bricin thoe dye. thoe w.rIric.

  • Ways to "'rap the Skirt:Exh !hirt iI it> own ongiNI ptiono into the d)oe,"""tching colon ... )'0" cftoooc,.

    ,.Sunburrt.,Pinch the f.-bric ~.... the unte< of theIhitt. lift up.-l~ it into .. tight op;r,",,_~, tOll it into the .....~ 01 .. donut.Keep it in pbce with rvbbt'< bJond\.. Dripd)oe on the top, then turn it over ..nd dripdre on top "g.>in or dip it into one coloe fM! pl~ on the !hirt to be thepoint> of your .Ur. Bring the edge< ofthemto the cent.,r of the Ihirt. Put rubber band