Certificates in film

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Becky Wragg

The History of film Certification

From 1912 to 1932 there was only two film classifications; Universal, where everyone could watch, and Adult, where children had to be accompanied by an adult. From 1932 to 1951 the film certificate ‘Horrific’ was introduced which meant you had to be over 16 to watch the film. In 1951 the name was changed to ‘x.’ From 1970 to 1982 the four film certificates were; Universal, which meant suitable for all, Advisory, where those aged 5 and older were admitted, but not recommended for children under 14 years of age, AA, where children 14 and over could watch, and x, where people 18 and over could watch. In 1982 the film certificates changed. There was still universal however there was now a ‘PG’ which was parental guidance, a 15 for aged 15 and over and an 18 for aged 18 and over. In 1985 ‘Universal children’ was added which meant it was suitable for all but especially for young children. In 1989 a 12 was added which was for aged 12 and over. In 2002 the 12 certificate was modified and a new one was introduced called a 12A. This meant anyone under twelve had to be accompanied by an adult. Finally, in 2009, ‘universal children’ was removed and leaves us with the certification system we have in place today.

Our film certifications:

Film certificates impact on an audience:◻ Film certificates can mean targeting a certain audience. For

example, an adult who enjoys scary films would not want to watch a ‘Universal’ rated film as the storyline wouldn’t suit what they want. It can help audiences rule out what sort of films they wouldn’t want to watch and pick out a few that look appealing so they don’t waste their time or money in a cinema. It also allows parents to get an idea of what films would be suitable for their children to watch and make sure they don’t see anything inappropriate.

◻ Film certification can also isolate groups of audiences. For example, the trailer for a popular film may be released and look really good however, if it was rated as an 18 the majority of teenagers wouldn’t be able to go and see it. It could also put them off. Another example would be a ‘PG’ rated film wouldn’t be appealing to an adult and could therefore isolate children.

Film classification in different countries


Film classification in Australia

Case Study: Juno

Juno is a comedy drama about a streetwise 16 year old girl who gets pregnant and decides to give her baby up for adoption. It was submitted to the BBFC with a PG request however, the film classification now is a 12A. This is due to the use of strong language (f**k) and fairly frequent sexual references regardless of them being comical. There is one very brief and discreet sex scene. A cinema trailer for Juno, which cut together some of the film’s highlights including some comic sex references, a passing mention of hard drugs and sight of a character giving another ‘the finger’, caused some complaints during its theatrical release – as it was played before children’s film.  The DVD version was passed for a 12 in 2008.