Ulla Reimer 㤎⧒⩞㧊Ⲏ www.ullareimer.com a r c h i t e c t u r e S e o u l - I n s p i r a t i o n

Architecture_ Seoul Imagination by Ulla Reimer

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서울은 전통과 현대가 함께 살아 숨쉬는 도시라고 생각합니다. 따라서 서울이라는 도시 안에서 는 한국 고유만의 역사, 문화, 전통 그리고 미래를 발견할 수 있습니다. 특히 건축물이라는 테두리안에서 서울을 바라보면 한국고유만의 전통인 아름다운 과거와 세계를 선도하는 미래의 모습을 볼 수 있습니다. 제 작품은 바로 이러한 전통과 현대의 혼합속에서 보여지는 저만의 서울, 프랑스작가가 본 서울을 표현하는 것입니다. 저는 건축물과 선을 모티브로 한국의 아름다움을 발견하는데 초점을 둡니다. 30년 이상 흑백으로만 사진작업을 했던 제가 경우에 따라서는 컬러를 사용해 작업을 하기도 했습니다. 전체적 건축물에서 시작해 색감을 분석하고 이를 저만의 추상으로 표현하는 것입니다.저만의 시각을 통해 대상을 재해석하고 보는 사람으로 하여금 끝없는 상상을 일으키게 합니다. 서울 사람들은 서울에 살고 있지만 서울이 얼마나 아름다운 곳인지 쉽게 망각하곤 합니다. 제 작품들을 통해 서울의 아름다움을 재창조하고 이를 함께 나누고 싶습니다.

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Page 1: Architecture_ Seoul Imagination by Ulla Reimer

Ulla Reimer

w w w . u l l a r e i m e r . c o m

a r c h i t e c t u r e

S e o u l - I n s p i r a t i o n

Page 2: Architecture_ Seoul Imagination by Ulla Reimer

From Color to Black and White

From Realistic to Abstract

From Construction to Structures

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1956 Born in Francfort : French Nationality

1973 – 1986 Photo journaliste ,Free lanceEntertainment Photographer : Rock and Jazz photography : New Orleans blues Festival, et Jazz Festivals, Ella Fitzgerald, Count Basie… Special Tourney photographer : Rolling Stones, Charles Aznavour, Pink Floyd,Dire Straits,Chick Coréa, Franck Zappa, , Bruce SprinsteenSpecial photographer : Musicians : Tina Turner, Bette Middler, Shirley Mac Laine, Frank Zappa… Film compa-nies: United Artists, Paramount, 20th Century Fox, Canon " lm…) Travel Photographer : Voyages : USA, Sri Lanka , India, JapanCreation of the press agency (agence CINETEXTE) specialized in entertainment Photography and journalismPortraits of Film stars, directors and celebrities; Cannes Film FestivalPersonal work on new series « ON OFF » : J.L Godard, Harrison Ford, John Huston, Jane Fonda, Michael Doug-las, Gérard Depardieu, Michel Piccoli, Mickey Rourke, Patrick Dewaere, Nastasia Kinski … exhibition produced by the German Film Museum

From 1986 Fine Art Photography (CV des expositions).63 solo exhibitions in TOKYO,FUKUOKA,OSAKA,NARA,YOKOHAMA,(Japon) ,JINAN QUFU(China),PAR-IS, MARSEILLE, ARLES, NEMOURS, MONTROUGE, AIX-EN- PROVENCE, BONNIEUX, AVIGNON (France), FANCFORT, HAMBURG (Allemagne), SEOUL (South Korea) .

1993-1995 creation of the Series “ ECLAIRS”, 160 limited edition ,original , analogical photographs, spon-sored by LUFTHANSA and Edited in a Photobook by EDITION CANTZ

1994 Special limited edition of Post card book «Paris Sépia» IF, Japan

1995 Birth of my daughter LOU

From 1998 to 2009.

Artistic education programs for Children’s from 3 to 17 years in France and VietnamArtistic director for all projects co produced by : l’Education Nationale, MJC, la Fondation de France, le Con-seil Général, Mayors o# ces and NPOPortfolio Franco - vietnamien «Carnet Tranche de Vie». « TRACES » « Chantier interdit au Public »

From 2009 to 2011 video, clip production company URCC (conception, réalisation et montage) , collabora-tion with Caroline Carles , visual artist.

2012 First trip to South Korea, fascinated and inspired by the Country and Korean Culture Followed by 3 Solo exhibitions 2012/13, the decision to work in South Korea was made.

2013 Art Project “ V I s I o n___ U l l a R e i m e r”, artistic director and visual artist. Produced by Chateauneuf du pape tourism and CCPRO , South of France Moved to South Korea by September 2013, for new art projects in « Yin and Yan » « Structures », « Korean Buddhism »


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2011 PARIS, Galerie Arsyne «Duality» avec Caroline CarlesPARIS, Artfi nderLYON, Espace Paul Ricard «Etre ou ne pas paraitre»

2010 PARIS, Galerie Oberkampf, < (IN)ORGANIQUE > avec Caroline CarlesLYON, Espace Kozac, mois de la photo, exposition avec Caroline CarlesGORDES, La chapelle, Exposition comune avec Caroline CarlesTOKYO, ISJ <WINGS OF FANTASY>

2009 AIX EN PROVENCE <FOOD for SOUL> Exposition «festival du fi lm sur l’environnement»JINAN-QUFU (Chine) Contemporary International Photography Biennale <WINGS OF FANTASY> et <ETRE OU NE PAS RARAITRE> Prix de l’Académie Supérieur


AIX EN PROVENCE REGARDS CROISES <ETRE OU NE PAS RARAITRE> rétrospective Musée de Tapisserie ARLES, Maison des Associations Création Vidéo dans le cadre des Rencontre de la PhotographiePORT DE BOUC Création Vidéo et Photo, invitée d’honneur


APT, MJC Résidence d’Artiste (Oct.2003 à Juin2004) < Les 40 ans de la MJC> Installation, Exposition, Projection GORDES, Château <JALEO>



ARLES, Espace MPT <ECLAIRS>, dans le cadre des Rencontre de la PhotographieALLAUCH, Invitée d’honneur, PHOCAL le vieux bassin <ECLAIRS-Ailes>

1998 TOKYO, Pentax Gallery <ECLAIRS-Nocturne> <JALEO OU LE REEL TRANSFIGURE>GORDES, Aumônerie St.Jacques <ECLAIRS>, <ETRE OU NE PAS RARAITRE>LYON, Palais de Bondy, Journée de la photographie <ECLAIRS>

1996 Festival d’AVIGNON, Théâtre de l’Escalier <ECLAIRS - TOKYO-TO>NEMOURS, Mois de la Photo Invitée d’honneur <ECLAIRS - SYMBIOSE >LYON, Journée de l’Image Photographique <FRAGMENTS>LOURMARIN, Espace Karas <ECLAIRS>MARSEILLE, Espace Ecureuil <ECLAIRS >1995

1994 YOKOHAMA, Festival du Film Français <ON-OFF>OSAKA, Galerie AF, Festival de Film International <ON-OFF>FRANCFORT, Atelier Nr.695 rétrospective YOKOHAMA, Galerie Institut Franco-Japonais <PARIS - SEPIA>


1992 AIX-EN-PROVENCE, Espace Sextus <ETRE OU NE PAS PARAITRE>TOKYO, Galerie Institut Franco-Japonais <SERIE NOIRE>YOKOHAMA, Galerie Institut Franco-Japonais <SERIE NOIRE>ISTRES, MPT invitée d’honneur <ETRE OU NE PAS PARAITRE>

1991 ARLES, Espace MPT <ETRE OU NE PAS PARAITRE> dans le cadre des Rencontre de la PhotographieOSAKA, Pentax Gallery <ETRE OU NE PAS PARAITRE> <OMBRE ET LUMIERE>AIX-EN-PROVENCE, Espace Méjane <ON-OFF>OSAKA, Pentax Gallery <ETRE OU NE PAS PARAITRE> <OMBRE ET LUMIERE>

1990 PARIS, ESEC <SERIE NOIRE> dans le cadre du mois de la photoMONTROUGE, 35.Salon d’Art Contemporain <ETRE OU NE PAS PARAITRE>NEMOURS, invitée d’Honneur, Festival de Photo <SERIE NOIRE>



PARIS, Lucernaire - Centre d’Art et d’Essai <SERIE NOIRE>AIX-EN-PROVENCE, Galerie Fontaine Obscure <OMBRE ET LUMIERE>BONNIEUX, Galerie St. Dieu <SERIE NOIRE>AIX-EN-PROVENCE, Offi ce Départementale de la Culture <SERIE NOIRE>FRANCFORT, Musée de Cinéma <ON-OFF> 10 ans de portaits dans le monde du cinéma

2012 SEOUL, Gallery Now «Evolution ,from Hollywood to Eden »

SEOUL, Gallery Jireh, Woman Foundation « Yin and Yang »

SEOUL, Gallery IMAZOO « 2013 Ulla Reimer »


e x h i b i t i o n

SEOUL, Geumcheon Arts Hall

SEOUL, Seoul Arts Center; «All Artists», groupe exhibition


CHATEAUNEUF DU PAPE TOURISM, V i s i o n___U l l a R e i m e r 2013-2015

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WEBSITE : http://www.ullareimer.com/fr/accueil.html

PDF-FOLDERS_CV : http://fr.slideshare.net/URCCHumanitarian Project : http://fr.slideshare.net/UllaReimer

LINKEDIN: http://www.linkedin.com/pro" le/view?id=70349897&trk=nav_responsive_tab_pro" le_picBEHANCE: https://www.behance.net/gallery/Seoul-Fabric-Cooperative-photographed-by-UllaRe-imer/12782771 FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/ulla.reimer

VIDEOS : http://www.dailymotion.com/URCC#video=x12tfc0

phone :

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phone : France 0033 (0)6 83 59 50 77 - South Korea 00 82 (0)10 3144 7488

e mail: ullareimer @yahoo.fr

skype ID: Ulla Reimer2 kakaotalk ID: ur0317

w w w . u l l a r e i m e r . c o m